LessonPlan Electrical Circuit

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School Matanos NHS Grade Level Grade 8

Teacher GRACE L. RODILLA Learning Area Science
Teaching Date and Time October 20, 2023 Quarter First
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum ANNOTATIONS/
standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and REMARKS
if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for
developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using
Formative Assessment Strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of
content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in
learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding current- voltage-
resistance relationship, electric power, electric energy, and
home circuitry.
B. Performance Standard

C. Learning Learning Competency: Explain the advantages and

Competencies/Objectives disadvantages of series and parallel connections in homes.
Learning Objectives:
a. differentiate series and parallel circuit. (Knowledge)
b. explain the advantages and disadvantages of series
and parallel connections. (Skill)
c. appreciate the importance of responsible use of
electrical appliances in home (Attitude)
III. LEARNING Self- Learning Modules Quarter 1 Module 8: Electric
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities
appropriately so that pupils/students will learn well. Always be guided by
demonstration of learning by the pupils/students which you can infer from
formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing
pupils/students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice the learning,
question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they
learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate
the time allotment for each step.
Indicator No. 5:
- Prayer Established safe and
- Greetings secure learning
-Classroom Management environments to
enhance learning
(Instruct students to pick up some pieces of paper and through the consistent
arrange your chairs) implementation of
-Checking of Attendance policies, guidelines
and procedures.
- Classroom Rules Indicator No. 6:
Maintained learning
(Impose the rules during classes) environments that
1. Listen and follow instructions. promote fairness,
2. Raise your hand if you want to speak. respect and care to
encourage learning.
3. Listen when others are talking.
4. Work quietly and avoid unnecessary noise.
5. Enjoy learning and participate in the class.

A. Review previous B. DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITY Indicator No. 1

lesson or presenting the Applied knowledge of
content within and
new lesson *REVIEW across curriculum are.
Ask the students about the topic last meeting. (LC: Infer the
-What is current, voltage and resistance? relationship between
current and voltage)

Activity 1
The teacher will divide the class into five groups. The
first group to finish the task will be given a prize.


Direction: Arrange the puzzle pieces below and label the
parts of a basic electrical circuit.

-A closed loop through which current can flow is called an Indicator No. 2 Used a
electric circuit. range of teaching
strategies that enhance
Components of Electric Circuit: learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy
-Voltage source is a device that maintains a constant skills. (By giving
amount of voltage. definitions of series
B. Activity -Conducting wires are special kind of conductors where and parallel circuit)
current can pass through easily. LITERACY
-Electrical switch is a device that can control the entrance
of current.
- Electrical load is an electrical device that converts
electrical energy to heat like in the case of electric iron, and to
light and heat like in the case of a light bulb.

Activity 2
Applied a range of
HOME” teaching strategies to
Direction: The pictures below show common circuit develop critical and
connection at home. Describe how these appliances and creative thinking, as
well as other higher-
light bulbs are connected at home. order thinking skills.

Picture No. 1

Picture No. 2

The teacher will ask the students: Indicator No. 3:

Applied a range of
1. Which picture illustrates a series circuit? Which teaching strategies to
picture illustrate parallel circuit? develop critical and
C. Analysis 2. What is series circuit? Parallel circuit? creative thinking, as
well as other higher-
3. What are the advantages of series circuit? Parallel order thinking skills.
4. What are the disadvantages of series circuit? Parallel

We are all using electrical appliances in home. Thus, we Indicator No. 4:

Displayed proficient
must be aware of what circuit we are using in our homes. use of Mother
D. Abstraction What are the two type of circuit class? Differentiate them Tongue, Filipino and
from one another. English to facilitate
teaching and learning.
-A circuit that consists of one
loop is called a series circuit.
Indicator No. 2 Used a
range of teaching
strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy
skills. (By giving
definitions of series
-A circuit that has two or more loops is called a parallel and parallel circuit)
circuit. LITERACY
(By getting the total
resistance of series
circuit) NUMERACY

What are the advantages of series circuit?

The following are some of the advantages of series
connection: Indicator No. 1
Applied knowledge of
1. A series connection does not overheat easily. For a content within and
given circuit of two loads, the amount of current passing across curriculum are.
through each load is constant. If you add more loads, the (By discussing the
disadvantage of series
amount of current passing through in all the loads is still and parallel circuit,
constant. However, the amount of current in a circuit the students will also
with two loads is higher than the amount of current in a be able to list down
circuit with more than two loads. Meaning, the more loads the risk and hazards in
home/workplace.) LO
connected in series circuit the amount of current reduces. 1. Identify hazards
and risks 1.1 List
2. In a series circuit, there is the only one path for the down hazards and
risks in the
current to flow from the voltage source to the different home/workplace TLE
loads. It would be easy to connect and disconnect new 8

3. Since series circuit is less likely to overheat, there is no

need to use expensive, thick wires.

What are the disadvantages of series circuit?

The following are some of the disadvantages of series
1. If one of the light bulbs is damaged or removed in a
series connection, all other light bulbs in the circuit will
not light too. This is because the point where the bulb is
damaged or removed causes the circuit to open, resulting
to discontinue the flow of current in the circuit.

2. The addition of more light bulbs in series circuit causes

a decrease in the brightness of the bulbs. Given a fixed
amount of voltage supplied by the voltage source, the more
bulbs are added would mean more bulbs will share the
available electrical energy to be converted to light energy.

3. The loads in a series circuit are difficult to control

individually. When the switch is off, all loads in the
circuit will not function anymore.

4. It is difficult to identify the damaged bulb in the circuit.

What are the advantages of parallel circuit?

The following are some of the advantages of parallel
1. All loads in parallel connection are directly connected to
the voltage source. Even the resistances vary, all light
bulbs can still have their maximum brightness.
2. In a parallel circuit, even if one of the light bulbs is
damaged, all other light bulbs will still function since the
flow of current is not entirely interrupted.

3. Individual load in a parallel circuit is easy to control.

Each load has a connecting wire for the current to flow,
and each may have its own switch. Even if you switch off
one bulb, other bulbs are not affected.

4. All light bulbs and appliances at home are connected in

parallel. Switching off some appliances does not affect
other appliances.

What are the disadvantages of parallel circuit?

The following are some of the disadvantages of parallel
1. Overloading may happen if appliances are
simultaneously used at home. With more loads, total
resistance decreases resulting to excessive, large amount of
current that would pass through the conducting wires.
Consequently, overheating of wires takes place which may
lead to fire.
2. A parallel connection is difficult to install, maintain, and
repair since large volume of conducting wires is needed.
When problem in the connection occurs, it is difficult to
identify which loop among the many loops does not work.

3. It requires the use of several conducting wires of

varying sizes.

With the same group, state the advantages and

disadvantages when the manner of using extension wires at
home is the same with what is shown in the picture below.
Write your answers on the manila paper.
E. Application

Scoring Rubrics:
Content -------------- 10 points
Organization of ideas ----------- 5 points
Grammar Structure ------------5 points
Total -------------------------- 20 points

Direction: Complete the table below. Choose your

answers inside the box. Write the letter only that
corresponds to the correct phrases.

Series Circuit Parallel Circuit

Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages


A. Switching off some appliances does not affect other


B. It would be easy to connect and disconnect new load.

C. All light bulbs can still have their maximum brightness.

D. Individual load in a parallel circuit is easy to control.

E. There is no need to use expensive, thick wires.

F. If one of the light bulbs is damaged, all other light bulbs

will still function since the flow of current is not entirely

G. It does not overheat easily.

F. Evaluation


A. If one of the light bulbs is damaged or removed in a

series connection, all other light bulbs in the circuit will not
light too.

B. The addition of more light bulbs in series circuit causes

a decrease in the brightness of the bulbs.

C. It is difficult to identify the damaged bulb in the circuit.

D. It requires the use of several conducting wires of

varying sizes.

E. It is difficult to identify which loop among the many loops

does not work.

Research on the functions of circuit breakers, fuses,

G. Assignment earthing, double insulation, and other safety devices on the
home. Create a concept map about it.

VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher.
Think about your student’s progress. What works? What
else needs to be done to help the pupils/students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can
provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them
relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these works?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
GRACE L. RODILLA Checked by:
Master Teacher I

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