I) Under Secretary (Level-11) Ii) Deputy Secretary (Level-12)
I) Under Secretary (Level-11) Ii) Deputy Secretary (Level-12)
I) Under Secretary (Level-11) Ii) Deputy Secretary (Level-12)
(.) Reqst forward nomination of willing and eligible of the rank of 2-IC for the post of Deputy Secretary
(Level-12) and Dy.Comdt for the post of Under Secretary (Level-11) in the enclosed prescribed format
duly signed and scanned along with details of minor/major penalty imposed on the nominated officer
by the competent authority for the last 10 years so as to reach this Dte by 03/12/2018 through E-
mail [email protected] followed by hard copy (.) It may ensured that the nominated officer is free
from vigilance angle (.) Officers who have completed MFS and meets the eligibility criteria are only
nominated for the subject deputation (.) Nomination received after target date will not be entertained
(.) Info addressees only (.) Ensure submission of nomination of willing and eligible officers through
concerned Sectors/Zones (.)Nomination received directly will summarily be rejected////
Encl : Proforma
sd/- 27/11/2018
Digcent (Pers)