I) Under Secretary (Level-11) Ii) Deputy Secretary (Level-12)

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From : Digcent (Pers)

No. D.I.4/2018-Pers-DA-8 Dtd 27 /11/2018

U/C (.)Filling up of post of Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary on deputation basis in Ministry of

External Affairs(.) Director(ADP), MEA vide Circular No.Q/PA.III/578/5/2018 dtd 24/10/2018
requested nomination of willing and eligible officers for subject deputation (.) Details of the posts are
as under :-

1. Name of the post i) Under Secretary (Level-11)

with Pay Level
ii)Deputy Secretary (Level-12)
of the Pay Matrix.
2 Period of Initially for 03 years; could be extended as per
deputation extant rules prescribed by DoPT on the subject.
3 Job Description a) To work in specialized Division at the MEA
Headquarters, New Delhi.
b) Framing of ‘scope of work’ for hiring of
consultants by Missions/Posts abroad
pertaining to procurement and installation of
technology solutions as mentioned in Column-5
c) Vetting of security clauses in a variety of
service agreements.
d) Testing technology solutions during and
after procurement by crosschecking it against
technical specifications and BOQ decided in the
tender/competitive bidding documents.
4 Eligibility/Essential Officers holding analogous posts in Central
Criteria Government Ministries/Central Armed Police
Forces having knowledge and experience in
latest security technology.
5 Desirable Criteria Demonstrable knowledge and experience of
latest security technology such as in the area of
CCTC , anti-intrusion electronic surveillance
cum alarm systems, access control related
RFID technology, sensor based access control
measures, technology to check and scan bags
and vehicles without opening it, perimeter
security related hardware, AI and its usages’ for
perimeter security and access control and
ballistics and blast proof security material
including BR/BP vehicles.
6 How to apply Completed application should be sent through
proper channel in the prescribed proforma to
Joint Secretary(Administration), Ministry of
External Affairs, Room No. 149C, South Block,
New Delhi. The duly completed application
should be sent along with :

a)Up-dated copies of ACRS/APARs for the last

five years duly attested on each page by a
Group A Officer.
b)Cadre clearance
c)Vigilance Clearance
d)Details of minor/major penalty imposed on
the officer by the competent authority for the
last 10 years.
e) Statement of Bio-Data in the prescribed
proforma ( as per Annexure ) in duplicate copy
signed by the volunteering officer and
forwarded through proper channel
7 Pay and Admissible as per guidelines of DoPT OM No.
Allowance 6/8/2009-Estt(Pay-II) dated 17/06/2010
amended from time to time.
8 Accommodation Residences will be allotted strictly according to
availability/vacancy in accordance with extant
Rules/Guidelines in the Ministry.
9 Last Date 20/12/2018

(.) Reqst forward nomination of willing and eligible of the rank of 2-IC for the post of Deputy Secretary
(Level-12) and Dy.Comdt for the post of Under Secretary (Level-11) in the enclosed prescribed format
duly signed and scanned along with details of minor/major penalty imposed on the nominated officer
by the competent authority for the last 10 years so as to reach this Dte by 03/12/2018 through E-
mail [email protected] followed by hard copy (.) It may ensured that the nominated officer is free
from vigilance angle (.) Officers who have completed MFS and meets the eligibility criteria are only
nominated for the subject deputation (.) Nomination received after target date will not be entertained
(.) Info addressees only (.) Ensure submission of nomination of willing and eligible officers through
concerned Sectors/Zones (.)Nomination received directly will summarily be rejected////

Encl : Proforma

sd/- 27/11/2018
Digcent (Pers)



1. Name & Designation

2. Date of Birth
3. Gender
4. Educational Qualification
5. Mobile No.
6. E-Mail ID
7. Service/Batch
8. Details of employment in the chronological order. Enclose a separate
sheet duly authenticated by the Department, if space below is
Department/ Post Held From To Scale of pay and Nature
Institution/ basic therein of
Organization duties

9. Details of current employment

10. Basic pay, Pay Scale & Grade pay
11. Details of course/training programme attended, if any
12. Details of publication, if any
13. Language known
14. Details of previous ex-cadre deputation, if any
15. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support
of your suitability for the post. Enclose a separate, if need be;
16. Remarks

Signature of the candidate


It is certified that particulars furnished are correct and no

disciplinary case is either pending or contemplated against the officer and no
penalty, major or minor, was imposed on the officer during the last 10 years and
his integrity is beyond doubt.

Signature of Head of Department

with stamp.

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