Web Developer Doj 202312261352266577
Web Developer Doj 202312261352266577
Web Developer Doj 202312261352266577
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for the posts of one (1)
Web GIS Professional to be engaged under the National Mission for Justice
Delivery and Legal Reforms (NMJDLR) Division of Department of Justice. The
interested candidates must submit their application in the pro-forma as given
below within 45 days of publication of this advertisement.
II. General:
The Department of Justice can cancel the engagement at any time without
providing any reason for it. However, in the normal course it will require
one month's notice to the Professionals. The Professionals will also have
to give notice of one month in case he/she proposes to leave the
V. Relaxation:
VI. Verification:
The Police Verification of the Professionals shall be done as per the latest
instructions issued by MHA.
CV Format for the position of Web GIS Professional on contractual basis
with Department of Justice, Government of India
1. Name:
2. Father’s Name/Mother’s Name:
3. Gender
4. Date of Birth:
5. Age:
6. Nationality:
7. Current Postal Address with Post Office code & name of Police Station:
8. Email ID:
9. Contact No. (Tel):…………… Mobile……………………………..
10.Permanent Address:
11.Educational Qualification (Bachelor degree and above)
15. Please state briefly the reasons why you think you are an outstanding
candidate for this job. (Maximum 1000 characters)
16. Declaration: This is to certify that I, ........................... S/O / D/O, W/O,
..................., resident of .................................., Dist.-............., State...........
have no pending administrative and /or criminal case before any
court/authorized body. I, further certify that I have never been found
guilty/convicted of any administrative offense and/or crime. I also certify
that all the information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge
and believe and if selected and appointed I will produce the original of all
the documents.
Date: ……………………..