File No - LABR-11099/14/2018-ESTT SEC-Dept. of LABOUR-Part (L) : Buildings - LZ"
File No - LABR-11099/14/2018-ESTT SEC-Dept. of LABOUR-Part (L) : Buildings - LZ"
File No - LABR-11099/14/2018-ESTT SEC-Dept. of LABOUR-Part (L) : Buildings - LZ"
of LABOUR-Part(l)
1/ 52614/2019
Establishment Section
New Secretariat Buildings.Lz" Floor
1, No K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata-700001
Applications are invited from suitable Candidates for engagement of One Senior Software
Developer (SSD), Three Software Developers (SO) and nine Software Support Personnel for the e-Office
Project and other projects under e-Governance mission for the Labour Department, Government of West
Bengal & its Directorates on purely temporary and contractual basis. The engagement may further be
renewed, depending on the requirement and receiving approval from the Government, if necessary. The
engagement may be terminated at the completion of the job or at the end of project whichever is earlier.
The Selection, remuneration and other procedures would be made as per Finance Department's
Memorandum No. 5859-F(Y) Dated: 22.07.2013 read with 1032-F(P2) dated 08.02.2019. The qualification
Cont -> P2
File No.LABR-ll099/14/2018-ESTT SEC-Dept. of LABOUR-Part(l}
1/ 52614/2019
Interested candidates must send their detailed resume mentioning Name, Father's Name, DOB,
Present & Permanent Address, Contact Number, E-mail, Self-Attested copy of Educational Qualification,
Gender, Technical Skills, Professional Summary (Experience) etc. along with a recent photograph and
copy of EPIC (Voter-ID Card)/Aadhar Card with strictly through E-mail at the E-mail address:
Floor, Kolkata 700001 by 31.07.2019 (up to 5 P.M.). No allowance for travel/stay for interview &
computer skill test is admissible.
!b_e_Can~idates shortlisted for Interview & Computer Skill Test will be intimated by E-I'TI~lLc?!1Jy.
General Information:
1. For Contractual engagement for the above-mentioned post, candidates will be called on the basis
of qualification and experience to appear for interview. Nal"!'les of such candidates, inform~!lQD
of interview date, time & venue will be intimated by E-mail onJy.
2. Candidates shall have to submit soft copies of self-attested certificates/documents along with
their application during submission of application through email. Verification of documents in
original will be done at the time of interview.
3. Candidates stating any wrong/false information during application and shall be liable for rejection
of candidate and will be debarred from applying for any Post in future. No further communication
will be made for the same from this end.
4. Decision of the selection committee shall be final, which would be binding on all applicants and
all concerned.
5. Candidates also aware that the post is purely temporary against a scheme with fixed
remuneration and on contract basis for one-year duration and does not have any possibility of
being permanent at any point of time in future.
Application received after the last date & time of application will be summarily rejected
and would not be considered for any further correspondence.
Additional 1 )~ If
Chie Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
SUPPORT PERSONNEL (Please strike out whichever is not applicable)
Contact Number :
Email :
Date of Birth :
Gender :