B Explain Set Operators With Example

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b Explain set Operators with example

Set operators combine the results of two component queries into a single result. Queries

containing set operators are called as compound queries. Set operators in SQL are

represented with following special keywords as: Union, Union all, intersection & minus.

Consider data from two tables emp and employee as

Emp Employee

Ename Ename

a c

b e

) Union: The Union of two or more sets contains all elements, which are present in

either or both. Union works as or.

E.g. select ename from emp union select ename from employee;

The output considering above data is :



2) Union all: The Union of 2 or more sets contains all elements, which are present in

both, including duplicates.

E.g. select ename from emp union all select ename from employee;

The output considering above data is:



3) Intersection: The intersection of two sets includes elements which are

present in both. E.g. select ename from emp intersect select ename from


The output considering above data is:



4) Minus: The minus of two sets includes elements from set1 minus elements of set2.

E.g. select ename from emp minus select ename from employee;

The output considering above data is:


d Describe exception handling in brief.

Ans Exception Handling: Exception is nothing but an error. Exception can be raise when

DBMS encounters errors or it can be raised explicitly.

When the system throws a warning or has an error it can lead to an exception. Such
exception needs to be handled and can be defined internally or user defined.

Exception handling is nothing but a code block in memory that will attempt to resolve

current error condition.



Declaration section

…executable statement;


WHEN ex_name1 THEN ;

Error handling statements/user defined action to be carried out;


Types of Exception:

1) Predefined Exception/system defined exception/named exception: Are always

automatically raised whenever related error occurs. The most common errors that can

occur during the execution of PL/SQL. Not declared explicitly i.e. cursor already open,

invalid cursor, no data found, zero divide and too many rows etc. Programs are handled

by system defined Exceptions.

2) User defined exception: It must be declare by the user in the declaration part of the

block where the exception is used. It is raised explicitly in sequence of statements using:

Raise_application_error(Exception_Number, Error_Message);

a Describe commit and rollback with syntax and example.

Ans Commit:

The COMMIT command saves all transactions to the database since the last COMMIT

or ROLLBACK command

The syntax: SQL> COMMIT;



Example :



The ROLLBACK command is used to undo transactions that have not already been

saved to the database.

The ROLLBACK command can only be used to undo transactions since the last

COMMIT or ROLLBACK command was issued.

The syntax for ROLLBACK is:








d Explain database security with its requirements in detail.

Ans Database security

Database security refers to the collective measures used to protect and secure a database

or database management software from illegal use and malicious threats and attacks.

Requirements of Database Security:

1. For prevention of data theft such as bank account numbers, credit card

information, passwords, work related documents or sheets, etc.

2. 2. To make data remain safe and confidential.

3. To provide confidentiality which ensures that only those individuals should ever

be able to view data they are not entitled to.

4. To provide integrity which ensures that only authorized individuals should ever

be able change or modify

5. To provide availability which ensure that the data or system itself is available for

use when authorized user wants it.

6. To provide authentication which deals with the desire to ensure that an

authorized individual.

7. To provide non-repudiation which deals with the ability to verify that message

has been sent and received by an authorized user.

e Explain Transaction ACID properties.

Ans ACID properties of transaction

1. Atomicity: When one transaction takes place, many operations occur under one

transaction. Atomicity means either all operations will take place property and reflect in

the database or none of them will be reflected.

2. Consistency: Consistency keeps the database consistent. Execution of a transaction

needs to take place in isolation. It helps in reducing complications of executing multiple

transactions at a time and preserves the consistency of the database.

3. Isolation: It is necessary to maintain isolation for the transactions. This means one

transaction should not be aware of another transaction getting executed. Also their

intermediate result should be kept hidden.

4. Durability: When a transaction gets completed successfully, it is important that the

changes made by the transaction should be preserved in database in spite of system


b Consider the following database


i) Display the emp_id of employee who live in city ‘Pune’ or ‘Nagpur’.

Ans i) Display the emp_id of employee who live in city ‘Pune’ or ‘Nagpur’

select emp_id

from Employee

where emp_city=’Pune’ or emp_city=’Nagpur’

ii) Change the employee name ‘Ayush’ to ‘Ayan’

update Employee

set emp_name=’Ayan’

where emp_name=’Ayush’

iii) Display the total number of employee whose dept is 50

Select count(*)

from Employee

where emp_dept=50;

c Consider the following schema Depositor (ACC_no, Name, PAN, Balance). Create a

view on Depositor having attributes(ACC_No,PAN) where balance is greater than


Ans create view v1


select ACC_No,PAN

from Depositor

where balance > 100000;

a Create a sequence
i) Sequence name is Seq_1, Start with 1, increment by 1, minimum value 1,

maximum value 20.

ii) Use a seq_1 to insert the values into table Student( ID Number(10), Name char


iii) Change the Seq_1 max value 20 to 50.

iv) Drop the sequence.

Ans i) create sequence Seq_1 start with 1 increment by 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue


ii) insert into student values(Seq_1.nextval,’ABC’);

iii) Alter sequence Seq_1 maxvalue 50;

iv) Drop sequence Seq_1;

b Write a PL/SQL program which accepts the customer_ID from the user. If the

enters an invalid ID then the exception invalid_id is raised using exception



c_id numeric(10);

invalid_id_Exception Exception;



if(c_id<0) then

raise invalid_id_Exception;

end if;


WHEN invalid_id_Exception THEN

dbms_output.put_line('Invalid customer id');


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