Vacancy Notice For Publication On Website Word
Vacancy Notice For Publication On Website Word
Vacancy Notice For Publication On Website Word
File no TDB/16/2018- Admin Dated: 13 Jul 18
Applications are invited for filling up of one Vacancy for the post of Secretary, in Technology
Development Board. The details of the post are as follows: -
Additional requirements:
a) Five years’ experience in responsible position on technology financing / technology
b) A Scientist / technology developer / technology transfer /technology promoter preferable.
1)Scientist ‘G’ having one-year experience in the Board may also be considered for the post.
2)Period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/ Department of
the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years.
7. AGE LIMIT: The maximum age limit shall be not exceeding fifty six years, as on the closing
date of receipt of applications.
1. TDB, reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process without assigning any reason.
2. The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum and the mere possession of the same
does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. If the number of applications received
in response to Advertisement is large, the TDB may restrict the number of candidates to be
called for interview to a reasonable limit through a shortlisting process based on a well-
defined criterion which may include possessing of desirable qualifications and / or
experience prescribed in the advertisement and/or qualifications / experience in a particular
field as per the specific requirement of the organization. A panel of candidates may be
prepared from the candidates called for interview which will remain valid for '06' months
from the date of interview.
3. The panel can be used to fill up vacancy arising as notified in this advertisement as well as
vacancy arising subsequently due to non-joining of the selected candidates for any reason
till the date of validity of the panel. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates
who are not called for interview / selected for appointment. CANVASSING IN ANY
4. The selected candidates are liable to serve anywhere in India and outside.
HOW TO APPLY: Applications should be neatly typed on thick plain paper (A-4 size 210 x 297
mm) in the prescribed format given below.
b) Applications received after the closing date or received incomplete in any respect are liable
to be summarily rejected. TDB shall not be responsible for any delay on the part of postal
department for delivery of application even if posted before the last date. No representation
against such rejection will be entertained.
Under Secretary,
1. Manager / Executive
2. Officers of Central Government or State
3. Scientist /Technologist
6. Educational Qualifications:
(In chronological order from matriculation onwards. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by
your signature, if the space below is insufficient. Copies of educational qualifications must be
attached with the application form)
7. Employment Record:
(Details in chronological order, starting with the first job, enclose a separate sheet, duly
authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient. Copies of work experience must
be attached with the application form)
SL. Name & Post / Fellow Ad-hoc / Period Total period Scale Nature
NO Address ship / regular/ of each of pay of
of Associateship temp. / employment duties
Employer held permanent FROM TO in years,
/ Instt. months &
10. Specialisation :
(With reference to experience desired for the post)
I certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and
belief and nothing has been concealed / distorted. If at any time I am found to have concealed /
distorted any material information, my appointment shall be liable to be summarily terminated
without notice / compensation.
Place :
Date : Signature of the candidate
(Applicable for candidates already working in Government Departments / Ministries / Public Sector
Undertaking / Autonomous Institutions)
Place :
Date :
Signature of the Head of the
/ Office with Office Seal