Prospectus 2017 18
Prospectus 2017 18
Prospectus 2017 18
Pro spectus
Think. Learn.
Maharishi Markandeshwar University Trust (MMUT) since its inceptio n 1 9 9 3 ,
has been kno wn to bring inno vatio n in the field o f educatio n. MMU with its
three campuses is widely reco g nized as the co untry s mo st vibrant and
inno vative Institutio n. In the current educatio n enviro nment o f India, MMU
has g o ne o ut o f its way to bring the best practices in the field o f educatio n. As
a pro g ressive educatio nal Institutio n MMU has been at the fo refro nt o f
(NAAC Accredited Grade 'A' University)
inno vating its co urse co ntent and pedag o g y. With its 'good to Great...'
Mullana - Ambala philo so phy MMU pro g rams have helped students career start fro m where
o ther want to be.
SECTION 3 OF THE UGC ACT, 1956 'good to Great...' philo so phy is co rnersto ne o f o ur thinking fro m
academics to extra curricular activities to infrastructure and every o ther
aspect impo rtant in the g ro wth o f each and every student. MMU o ffers
state - o f-the -art infrastructure fo r every aspect o f intellectual, physical and
emo tio nal g ro wth. O ur Labs, ho stels, libraries, spo rts g ro unds and every
co rner o f the universities has been desig ned to bring the best o ut o f yo u.
MMU has been at the fo refro nt o f industry- institute eng ag ement. Apart fro m
reg ular lectures, we are the o nly o ne ho sting Campus Business Park, where
co mpanies are running their o ffices fro m within the campus and hiring o ur
students in cutting edg e wo rk. Cro ss department learning, g lo bal thinking
and rig o r in the pro g rams prepare MMU students to handle new variables
put into play by techno lo g y, eco no my and po litics o f the g lo be.
It is no t just a deg ree but co mplete learning experience with stro ng mento ring
netwo rk with to p executives fro m the reg io n. As a member o f o ur vibrant,
inno vative and so cially eng ag ed g lo bal co mmunity, yo u'll disco ver the
richness o f diversity in all its fo rms. Yo u'll find a culture defined by a passio n
Kumarhatti-Solan (HP) fo r co llabo ratio n and co urag e to challeng e the status quo . Yo u'll have
o ppo rtunities fo r academic, career and perso nal advancement acro ss every
aspect o f the Full-Time Pro g ram, including so me o f the unique pro g rams and
initiatives available o nly in MMU.
DATED 20.9.2010 AND ESTABLISHED UNDER SECTION2 (F) . MMU, Mullana is appro ved by UG C, NAAC Accredited G rade 'A' and
OF THE UGC ACT 1956) reco g nized by DSIR, accredited by ASIC, UK as Premier Institutio n ,
appro ved by Reg ulato ry Bo dies like AICTE, MCI, DCI, INC, BCI, PCI etc and a
Member o f Internatio nal Asso ciatio n o f Universities.
MMU Sado pur, Ambala is NAAC Accredited and appro ved by UG C & the
State o f Haryana.
MMU So lan (HP) is appro ved by UG C and the State o f Himachal Pradesh.
Ta rsem Kum a r Ga rg
Chancello r, MM Universities
Fro m the Desk o f
Vice Chancello r
Dear Admissio n Seeker,
To day, when yo u are flipping thro ug h the Admissio n Bro chure o f Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana-Ambala, yo u have definitely do ne
yo ur ho mewo rk. It is very difficult to decide to day which co urse/ university to cho o se fro m amo ng st many o ptio ns which are available. W hen yo u
cho o se a new co urse and university fo r seeking admissio n, yo u are pulling yo ur future pro spects o f the entire life career in its hand.
I welco me yo u to this university and assure yo u that yo u are making a rig ht cho ice to seek admissio n here. The University is spread o ver an area o f 1 8 0
acres o ffering serene, lush g reen and scenic surro unding s and co nducive academic enviro nment. MMU is truly a research and inno vatio n driven
university with seven research jo urnals being published here o ut o f which o ne is SCO PUS Indexed. MMU has a SCO PUS h-Index o f 2 5 , i1 0 index o f
1 0 7 with cumulative citatio ns at 4 5 4 2 . MMU has impeccable track reco rd o f campus placement and has written 3 0 0 0 0 + such success sto ries as o n
date. Yo u will find advantag es and streng ths o f the university o n the pag e 4 8 in this bro chure titled The MM Advantag es.
I wo uld like to stress at this stag e that yo u sho uld be aware abo ut the take away fro m the university when yo u o r yo ur ward passes o ut. Alo ng with
University Deg ree which yo u g et, there must be appreciable chang e in yo ur kno wledg e, skills, attitude and behavio ur as co mpared to the same
parameters, when yo u had entered. At MMU, we will ensure that yo u g ain o n all these parameters in a structured manner but yo u need to fo cus and
co mmit yo urself fo r such o bjectives.
University life is different and much mo re enchanting than scho o l life which is mo re co ntro lled. At University, yo u will have o ptio ns to pursue yo ur
passio n and ho bbies by participating in activities o f vario us clubs and so cieties apart fro m yo ur no rmal studies. Yo ur o bjective sho uld be to co me o ut as
a co mplete human being and a g lo bally co mpetent pro fessio nal. MMU shall ensure that yo u meet these o bjectives if yo u sho w yo ur co mmitment. There
is no alternative to smart wo rk. If yo u wo rk smartly, yo u can achieve all wo rldly success. Swami Tulsi Dass has written in Ram Charit Manas mo re than
5 0 0 years ag o , l d y i n kFkZg St x e kg h d e Zg hu u j i ko r u kg h. This is true even to day.
W elco me to MMU. Co me and co nquer the wo rld.
Messag e fro m
VC, MM University
Sado pur, Ambala
Dear Aspirant
I welco me yo u to this university and co ng ratulate yo u o n making a rig ht cho ice to seek admissio n here.
W e, at this University are dedicated to the acco mplishment o f so cial and mo ral respo nsibility o f transfo rming yo ung buds into frag rant, g lo rio us flo wers
by inculcating in them, the seeds o f academic and technical pro ficiency. G reat emphasis is laid o n bequeathing practical/ research wo rk alo ng with the
theo retical kno wledg e with the ability to develo p future leaders co ntributing to the g lo bal so ciety. W e disseminate advanced studying techniques to the
students, striving hard to keep pace with the g lo bal market. A habitat is pro vided to students to enrich their co ncepts in different fields. Equal emphasis is
being laid o n develo ping o verall perso nality o f students by pro viding o ppo rtunities fo r ho ning their lateral talents and creativity.
The University o ffers a co ng enial wo rking enviro nment. O ur team appro ach bring s to g ether co llabo rative and multidisciplinary research pro jects
undertaken by the dedicated and experienced faculty. O ur well-equipped campus, with its Library enriched with pletho ra o f E-learning repo sito ry
allo ws students to keep pace with the rapid chang e in this techno lo g ical ag e. The University bo asts o f co rdial acquaintance amo ng the students and
teachers thro ug h mento ring system to endo w individual attentio n to every student.
To inculcate skills amo ng its staff members and students a myriad o f activities are also o rg anized by the University.
O ur underlying belief is that, its the peo ple who make a difference, but it is quality that g ives an edg e.
Vice - Chancello r
To prepare students with an integ rated and
techno lo g y o riented educatio n fo r a better
career and to be wo rthy citizens o f a g lo bal
so ciety
To develo p better than the best
pro fessio nals fo r the eco no mic develo pment
o f the co untry
To excel in vario us disciplines o f educatio n
To enco urag e research and develo pment in
vario us departments in thrust areas
identified by vario us natio nal ag encies
Co mmitted to pro duce trained and
pro fessio nal manpo wer co mpetent and
respo nsive to the challeng es o f a dynamic
and vibrant so ciety
Students fro m nearly 3 0 co untries
1 3 0 0 + Dedicated Faculty
3 0 0 + Prime Recruiters
Emphasis o n Pro ject Based Learning where students g ain FILED , O UT O F WHICH
kno wledg e and skills by wo rking o n live pro jects, actively explo re ARO UND 3 5 HAVE BEEN
real-wo rld pro blems and challeng es and acquire a deeper PUBLISHED/ G RANTED.
kno wledg e to investig ate and respo nd to a pro blem o r challeng e.
Teaching Learning Infrastructure
Spacio us & Ventilated Building s with o pen spaces.
3 2 0 Hi-Tech Labs.
Mo re than 2 3 0 Lecture Theaters.
2 0 0 (1 :1 ) Mbps Internet Bandwidth.
Wi-Fi campus
MMU Campus Business Park
MMU Incubatio n Centre
Ho spital.
G astro entero lo g y
All kinds of surg ery including Lapa ro sco pic surg eries,
Chemo therapy, Radio therapy & O nco surg ery
GLOBAL Recognised by
'Medical Board of
RECOGN ITION California'
'Medical Council of
The Indian Association of Physiotherapists. Pharmacy Council of India Indian Nursing Council
Ministry of Tourism
Campus Business Park at MMU, Mullana is a unique initiative first of its kind in the country with most innovative
ideas to improve employability of students. It offers an opportunity to our students to rub shoulders with the
experienced professionals at the campus.
More than ten companies have chosen MMU campus Business Park as way to grow in todays environment. It
helps them to reduce operational risk and find the best talent.
Business Incubation Centre (BIC) at MMU Mullana is a miniature corporate identity to provide business services
amongst its students, faculty and alumni. MMU BIC focuses on honing the entrepreneur skills, product
development and manufacturing that fall in line with the initiative of Govt. of India to encourage the programs like
Make in India & Startup India with an objective to encourage entrepreneurship that creates self-employment.
Centres of Excellence
Knowledge Partners
MMU, Mullana has been M.M. University has been M.M. University has been MMU Sado pur Ranked
rated as O ne of the Top ranked rated 3 rd a mongst Top 1 0
University as per Four Sta r Four Sta r Emerg ing Universities in
Educatio n W o rld by Pio neer Survey by Career Co nnect India by
mag azine, 2 0 1 6 March 2 0 1 6 Mag azine, 2 0 1 6 Hig her Educatio n Review
Mag azine - 2 0 1 6
M.M. Institute o f Medical MMU, Mullana has been MMEC Ranked amo ng st the M.M. University has
Sciences & Research has rated as one of the Top Top 2 5 Engineering been ranked AAA+
been rated Best College 2 5 Priva te/ Deemed Colleges in India fo r Faculty, by Careers3 6 0 .
o ffering Pro fessio nal University by Research, Co nsultancy, EDP
Co urses in India by Career Hig her Educatio n Review & o ther pro g rams by
Co nnect Mag azine, 2 0 1 6 Mag azine, 2 0 1 6 CSR - G HRDC - Eng ineering
Co lleg e Survey - 2 0 1 6
MMEC Ranked amo ng st MMU, Mullana has been MMEC Ranked a mongst MMU Department o f Law
the Top Three rated as O ne of the Top the Top 1 0 awarded 7 Ra nk in
Engineering Colleges 1 0 Universities fo r Engineering Colleges categ o ry o f Excellence,
in the State o f Haryana by Placement by o f eminence in India by 4 th Ra nk in N o rthern
CSR-G HRDC Eng ineering Hig her Educatio n Review CSR-G HRDC-Eng ineering Reg io n by G HRDC Law
Co lleg e Survey-2 0 1 6 Mag azine, 2 0 1 6 Co lleg e Survey-2 0 1 6 Scho o l Survey 2 0 1 6 .
MM Institute o f MM Eng ineering Co lleg e, MM Eng ineering Co lleg e MMEC Ranked amo ng st the
Manag ement, Mullana has Mullana has been rated as has been ranked Top 2 5 Engineering
been rated as O ne of the one of the Top Four Sta r Colleges in India fo r
Top M BA Colleges by Engineering College by by Pio neer Survey Placements, USP, So cial
The W eek Mag azine, The W eek Mag azine, March 2 0 1 6 Respo nsibility, N etwo rking
2016. 2016 & Industry Interface by
CSR - G HRDC - Eng ineering
Co lleg e Survey - 2 0 1 6
16 ...a nd m a ny more.
Under Graduate Courses
Computer Engineering
(with an option of specialisation in in Nursing
Internet in Things.)
Mechanical Engineering -
(with an option of specialisation B.Com - LL.B.
in Automobile.) BBA - LL.B.
Electronics & Communication Engineering. B.Sc (Medical) + M.Sc. (Integrated)-Chemistry,
Electrical Engineering Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biotechnology,
Civil Engineering Microbiology, Botany Airlines, Tourism & Hospitality Management
Computer Science & Engineering B.Sc (Non Medical) + M.Sc. (Integrated in the subjects-
Electrical & Electronics Engineering - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics.)
(Radiography & Imaging Technology)
Industrial Engineering
MBA Dual Specialisation:
Speech Therapy Botany
Forensic Science
Master of Optometry (M.Optom.) Agriculture & Business Mgmt.
Credit transfers from recognized Education Boards/Universities shall be considered as per norms.
Offered in all Faculties
Credit transfers from recognized Education Boards/Universities shall be considered as per norms.
Co urses@
MMU Mullana
Eng ineering
The Candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r an equivalent
Computer Engg.
Examinatio n in five subjects taken to g ether including co mpulso ry subjects o f
(with an option of specialisation in Physics, Mathematics and o ne subject if chemistry/ Bio techno lo g y/ Bio lo g y/
Internet of Things.) Co mputer Science & Eng lish with 6 0 % marks in ag g reg ate (4 0 % marks in case o f
Electronics & Com m . Engg. SC/ ST Categ o ry).
M echa nica l Engg.
Ho wever, fo r admissio n to B.Tech(Bio techno lo g y) the candidates with the subjects
(with an option of specialisation o f Physics, Chemistry & Bio lo g y/ Bio techno lo g y shall also be elig ible.
in Automobile.) OR
Civil Engg.
Sho uld have passed with minimum 6 0 % marks (4 0 % in the case o f SC/ ST
Computer Sc. & Engg.
categ o ry.) in Diplo ma in Eng g ./ Tech., o f three years o r mo re duratio n fro m any
Electrica l Engg.
reco g nized Bo ard o f Technical Educatio n/ University o r its equivalent Diplo ma
examinatio n.
M echa tronics
Electrica l & Electronics Engineering
Dura tion : 4 yea rs
B.Tech a) The candidate sho uld have passed three year Diplo ma examinatio n fro m any
(Lateral Entry to 2 nd Year) reco g nized Bo ard/ University; with at least 6 0 % marks (4 0 % in the case o f
Co mputer Eng g . SC/ ST categ o ry) in appro priate branch o f Eng ineering / Techno lo g y.
Electro nics & Co mm. Eng g . OR
Mechanical Eng g .
b) B.Sc. Deg ree fro m a reco g nized University with at least 6 0 % marks (4 0 % in
Co mputer Sc. & Eng g .
the case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) and passed XII standard with Mathematics as a
Civil Eng g . subject.
Electrical Eng g .
Bio techno lo g y
Mechatro nics
Progra m m es of Studies Eligibility Criteria
M .Tech
The Candidates sho uld have passed with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f
(Co mputer Sc. & Eng g .)
SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate in B.Tech/ B.E. in Co mputer Eng g / Co mputer Sc. &
Eng g ./ Co mputer Techno lo g y/ Info rmatio n Techno lo g y/ Electro nics Eng g /
Electrical Eng g . o r M.Sc. in Co mputer Science/ Electro nics/ IT/ So ftware Eng g ./
Maths/ Physics/ Statistics o r MCA o r its equivalent examinatio n fro m any
reco g nized University.
M .Tech The Candidates sho uld have passed with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case
(Elect. & Co mm. Eng g .) o f SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate in B.Tech/ B.E. in Electro nics & Co mmunicatio n
Eng g ./ Electro nics & Teleco mmunicatio n Eng g ./ Electro nics Eng g / Electrical
Eng g / Electrical & Electro nics Eng g ./ Applied Electro nics & Instrumentatio n
Eng g ./ Electro nics Instrumentatio n & Co ntro l Eng g / Instrumentatio n & Co ntro l
Eng g / Instrumentatio n Eng g ./ Co ntro l Eng g ./ Mechatro nics/ Bio -Electro nics
Eng g ./ Bio -Medical Eng g . o r M.Sc. in Electro nic Science/ Physics o r its
equivalent examinatio n fro m any reco g nized University.
M .Tech The Candidates sho uld have passed with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case
(Manufacturing Systems) o f SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate in B.Tech/ B.E. in Mechanical Eng g ./
Pro ductio n Eng g ./ Auto mo bile Eng g ./ Industrial Eng g . & Manag ement/
Aero nautics Eng g ./ Mechatro nics/ Mining Eng g ./ Pro duct Desig n/ Pro duct
Desig n & Develo pment/ Metallurg y Eng g . o r its equivalent examinatio n fro m any
reco g nized University.
M .Tech The Candidates sho uld have passed with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the
(Enviro nmental Eng g .) case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate in M.Sc. Enviro nmental Sciences o r
M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry/ Chemistry o r B.E./ B.Tech o r equivalent deg ree in
Bio -Techno lo g y/ Chemical/ Civil/ Ag ricultural Eng ineering fro m any
reco g nized University
Progra m m es of Studies Eligibility Criteria
M .Tech
The Candidates sho uld have passed with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f
(Electrical Eng g .)
SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate in B.Tech/ B.E. in Electrical Eng g ./ Electrical &
Electro nics Eng g ./ Instrumentatio n & Co ntro l Eng g . o r its equivalent examinatio n
fro m any reco g nized University.
M .Tech The Candidates sho uld have passed with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f
(Structural Eng g .) SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate in B.Tech/ B.E. in Civil Eng g . o r its equivalent
examinatio n fro m any reco g nized University.
M .Tech The Candidates sho uld have passed with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f
(Bio -Techno lo g y) SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate in B.Tech o r its equivalent examinatio n in the
discipline o f Eng g ./ Medical/ Dental/ Pharmacy o r M.Sc. in all branches o f
Science o r equivalent examinatio n fro m any reco g nized University. Preference will
be g iven to the candidates with B.Tech Bio Tech, Chemical Eng g ., M.Sc. Chemistry
& Bio lo g ical Science. N o n-Medical students will also be required to underg o a pre-
requisite co urse in the discipline to be arrang ed by the University.
M .Tech The Candidates sho uld have passed with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case
(Industrial Eng ineering ) o f SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate in B.Tech/ B.E. in Mechanical Eng g ./
Pro ductio n Eng g ./ Auto mo bile Eng g ./ Industrial Eng g . & Manag ement/
Aero nautics Eng g ./ Mechatro nics/ Mining Eng g ./ Pro duct Desig n/ Pro duct
Desig n & Develo pment/ Metallurg y Eng g . o r its equivalent examinatio n fro m any
reco g nized University.
The Science o f to day is the techno lo g y o f to mo rro w
Progra mm es of Studies Eligibility Criteria
Ba chelor of Science
(Medical) The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r an equivalent
Examinatio n fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University with at least five subjects
M .Sc. (Integra ted) including Eng lish, Physics, Chemistry & Bio lo g y as co mpulso ry subjects. Streams
(integrated in the subject o f o ffered: Physics + Chemistry + Bo tany + Zo o lo g y.
Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/
Bio techno lo gy/ Micro bio lo gy, Bo tany)
Dura tion : 3 yea rs + 2 yea rs
Ba chelor of Science The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r an equivalent
(N o n-Medical) Examinatio n fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University with at least five subjects
including Eng lish, Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics as co mpulso ry subjects.
M .Sc. (Integra ted) Streams o ffered: Physics + Chemistry + Maths
(integrated in the subject o f
Physics, Chemistry &
Dura tion : 3 yea rs + 2 yea rs
Ba chelor of Science The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r its equivalent
Examinatio n with minimum 5 0 % marks in ag g reg ate (4 5 % in the case o f reserve
(Bio techno lo g y)
categ o ry) at least in five subjects o f N o n-Medical/ Medical stream with Eng lish as
o ne o f the Subjects fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University.
Ba chelor of Science The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r equivalent
(Hons.) Examinatio n with at least five subjects including Eng lish, Physics, Chemistry,
Ag ri Business & Manag ement Bio lo g y/ Mathematics o r Ag riculture stream with 5 0 % marks (4 5 % fo r SC/ ST
candidates) fro m a reco g nized Bo ard/ University
B.Sc. The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) Exams with at least
(Co mputer Science with Specialisatio n in five subjects including Mathematics & Eng lish subject fro m any reco g nized
N etwo rking , Cyber Security, Multimedia Bo ard/ University.
Progra m m es of Studies Eligibility Criteria
M .Sc. The Candidates sho uld have passed: B.Sc. (Ho ns)/ B.Sc. in full subjects with
(Physics) (Ho ns.) in co ncerned subject/ B.Sc. with co ncerned subject/ BA with Mathematics
as o ne o f the main subjects (fo r M.Sc. Mathematics) fro m any reco g nized
M .Sc.
University, securing at least 5 0 % marks in ag g reg ate (4 5 % marks in case o f SC/ ST
M .Sc. N o te: Fo r admissio n to M.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), Chemistry will be
(Mathematics) co nsidered as the co ncerned subject.
M .Sc.
Chemistry) Dura tion : 2 yea rs
M .Sc. B.Sc. o r equivalent exams with Bio lo g y as o ne o f the subject with atleast 5 0 %
(Bo tany) marks (4 5 % marks in case o f SC/ ST candidates)
M .Sc. 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate in B.Sc.-
(Bio -Techno lo g y) Bio techno lo g y Dental/ pharmacy/ N ursing . o r B.Sc. in any Branch o f Sciences.
Preference will be g iven to the candidates with B.Sc.-Bio techno lo g y, o r equivalent
deg ree in the discipline o f Eng g / Medical/ Chemistry, Bio lo g ical Sciences fro m any
reco g nized University. N o n-Medical students will also have to underg o a pre-
requisite co urse in the discipline to be arrang ed by the University.
5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate in Bachelo r' s
M .Sc. deg ree with any o f the subjects o f Micro bio lo g y, Bio -techno lo g y, Zo o lo g y, Bo tany,
(Micro bio lo g y) Fo o d Techno lo g y, Bio -Chemistry, Medical o r Pharmacy fro m any reco g nized
Co mputer Applicatio n
M CA The candidates sho uld have passed Bachelo r' s Deg ree o f minimum 3 -years
duratio n with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) in any
discipline with Mathematics/ Statistics as o ne o f the subjects at 1 0 +2 level fro m
any reco g nized University.
BCA Deg ree o f minimum 3 years duratio n with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the
case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) fro m any reco g nized University.
M CA Bachelo r' s Deg ree o f minimum 3 years duratio n in BCA/ B.Sc. (IT/ Co mputer
(Lateral Entry to IInd year) Science) with Mathematics/ Statistics as a subject at 1 0 +2 level o r at g raduatio n
level with atleast 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f SC/ ST Categ o ry) in the
qualifying examinatio n fro m any reco g nized University.
BCA The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) Examinatio n with at
least five subject including Eng lish subjects fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University.
BCA-M CA (5 Years Integ rated) N o te: The candidates o f BCA-MCA (5 years integ rated co urse) will have the o ptio n
to mo ve o ut with a deg ree o f BCA after passing 3 years o f the co urse.
Manag ement
M BA Dual Specialisatio n:
The candidates sho uld have passed with at least 6 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f
Finance Mg t.
SC/ ST categ o ry and 5 0 % in case o f N RI Seat) in ag g reg ate in Bachelo r' s deg ree
Marketing Mg t.
examinatio n o f at least 3 years duratio n in any discipline fro m any reco g nized
Internatio nal Business
HR Manag ement
Ho spital Mg t.
Ho spitality Mg t. Sho uld have passed in final examinatio n co nducted by the Institute o f Chartered
Info rmatio n Tech. Acco untants o f India/ Institute o f Co st & W o rks Acco untants o f India/ Institute o f
Co mpany Secretaries o f India.
Retail Manag ement
M BA + +
Dura tion : 2 yea rs
The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) Examinatio n fro m
any reco g nized Bo ard/ University with at least five subjects including Eng lish as
BBA-M BA (5 Years Integ rated) o ne o f the main subjects.
M .Sc. The candidates sho uld have passed B.Sc (Ho ns.) Ag ri Business + Manag ement o r
(Ag riculture & Business Manag ement) equivalent allied subject o f Ag riculture fro m any reco g nized University with 5 0 %
marks (4 5 % marks in case o f SC/ ST candidates)
B.Com . (Ho ns.) The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) Examinatio n o f any
reco g nized Bo ard/ University with at least five subjects including Eng lish as o ne o f
the subjects o btaining at least 4 0 % marks in Co mmerce G ro up o r N o n-Co mmerce
B.Com -M BA (5 Years Integ rated) G ro ups with Eco no mics/ Maths/ Statistics as o ne o f the subjects.
The candidate sho uld have passed Diplo ma in Manag ement o r Co mmerce o r
Eco no mics o f 3 years duratio n after Matric Examinatio n.
The candidates sho uld have passed Seco ndary Scho o l (1 0 th) o r an equivalent
Diplom a in Business examinatio n with Eng lish as o ne o f the subjects fro m any reco g nized
M a na gem ent Bo ard/ University.
Ho tel Manag ement
The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) Examinatio n with
BHM & CT minimum 4 5 % marks (4 0 % in the case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) with at least five
subjects including Eng lish as o ne o f the Subjects fro m any reco g nized
Bo ard/ University.
B.Sc. The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r its equivalent
(Ho spitality & Catering Manag ement) examinatio n with Eng lish as o ne o f the subjects fro m a reco g nized
Bo ard/ University.
(Ho me Science including specialisatio n in
Fo o d Science & Techno lo g y)
Dura tion : 3 yea rs
M .Sc. A Bachelo r' s deg ree in Science o r Ho me Science with no t less than 5 0 % marks in
(Dietetics) ag g reg ate fro m any reco g nized University. 5 % weig htag e will be g iven fo r merit to
the candidates passing Bachelo r' s deg ree in Ho tel Manag ement.
Diploma Courses The candidate sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) Examinatio n with
- Airlines, To urism & Ho spitality Manag ement atleast five subjects including Eng lish as a co mpulso ry subject fro m any reco g nized
- Bakery and Co nfectio nery Bo ard/ University.
- Fo o d Pro ductio n
- Ro o m Divisio n Manag ement
- Health & Fitness N utritio n
1 yea r including 6 months Industria l Tra ining
B. Pha rm The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r an equivalent exams
fro m any reco g nized Bo ard o r University with minimum 4 5 % marks (4 0 % marks in case
o f ST/ SC) with atleast five subjects including co mpulso ry subjects o f Eng lish, Physics and
Chemistry alo ng with o ne o f the subject o f Mathematics/ Bio techno lo g y / Bio lo g y.
The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r an equivalent
Pha rm . D.
examinatio n fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University including co mpulso ry subjects
o f Physics, Eng lish and Chemistry alo ng with o ne o f the subjects o f Mathematics o r
Bio lo g y. O r passed in D. Pharmacy co urse fro m PCI appro ved institutio n.
Candidates sho uld co mplete the ag e o f 1 7 years o n o r befo re the 3 1 st December
o f the year o f admissio n to the co urse.
The candidates sho uld have passed in B.Pharma fro m any Institute appro ved by the
Pha rm . D. (Post Ba cca la urea te) Pharmacy Co uncil o f India under sectio n 1 2 o f the Pharmacy Act.
M . Pha rm The candidates sho uld have Bachelo r Deg ree in Pharmacy o r equivalent
Pharmaco lo g y examinatio n fro m any reco g nized University with atleast 5 5 % marks (5 0 % in the
case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Q uality Assurance
Dura tion : 2 yea rs
M BBS/ M D/ M S & PG Diplom a N ote: A sepa ra te prospectus is issued for a dm ission to these
Diplo ma in Dental
The candidates sho uld have passed 1 0 +1 & 1 0 +2 examinatio n with Science subjects
Hyg ienists
viz Eng lish, Physics, Chemistry & Bio lo g y fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University.
Diplo ma in Dental The candidates sho uld be 1 7 years o f ag e at the time o f admissio n o r within three
Mechanics mo nths o f it and sho uld be medically fit.
Certificate in Aesthetic Pass in BDS fro m any institutio n reco g nized by the Dental Co uncil o f India.
Certificate in O ral
Implanto lo g y Dura tion : 1 yea rs
M .Sc. (M edica l) The candidates sho uld have passed B.Sc. with at least o ne subject o f Bio lo g ical
Anato my Sciences o r BAMS o r MBBS o r BDS o r BHMS o r B.Sc.(N ) o r B.Pharm o r BPT o r
Bio -chemistry B.Sc.(MLT) fro m a reco g nized University. B.Sc. g raduates with Physics and
Pharmaco lo g y Chemistry/ Bio Chemist o ptio ns co uld be co nsidered fo r admissio n to M.Sc. in Bio
Physio lo g y
Micro bio lo g y
O pto metry
Dura tion : 2 yea rs
The candidates sho uld have passed B.Sc. Medical Radio g raphy & Imag ing
M .Sc. (M edica l)
Techno lo g y fro m any reco g nized University.
Radio Imag ing (Radio g raphy)
Progra m mes of Studies Eligibility Criteria
The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary Certificate Examinatio n
B.(O ptom)
(1 0 +2 ) in Five subjects including Chemistry, Bio lo g y and Eng lish fro m any
B.Sc. (O TT) reco g nized University/ Bo ard.
B.Sc. (M LT)
B.Sc. (M LT) Pro vided that the candidate who has passed 3 year diplo ma after Matric and two
(La tera l Entry to year diplo ma after 1 0 +2 shall be elig ible fo r admissio n to the relevant branch o f
IInd Yea r) B.Sc. (O T) & (MLT) in 2 nd year thro ug h lateral entry.
B.Sc. The candidate sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary Exams. (1 0 +2 ) in five subjects
(Ra diogra phy & including Eng lish, Chemistry & Bio lo g y fro m the any reco g nized Bo ard/ University.
Ima ging Technology)
DM LT The candidates sho uld have passed 1 0 th o r its equivalent examinatio n fro m any
reco g nized Bo ard.
The candidate sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary Certificate Exams. (1 0 +2 ) in five
subjects with ag g reg ate 5 0 % marks (4 5 % marks in case o f SC/ ST candidate)
including Eng lish, Physics, Chemistry & Bio lo g y fro m the any reco g nized
Bo ard/ University.
The candidates sho uld attain the ag e o f 1 7 years o n o r befo re 3 1 -1 2 -2 0 1 7 which
shall be determined as per entry in the Certificate o f Matriculatio n/ Hig her
Seco ndary o r its equivalent examinatio n fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University.
A perso n who has passed B.Sc. O .T.T. examinatio n with at least 5 0 % marks in
M .Sc. (O TT) ag g reg ate fro m a reco g nized University, shall be elig ible to jo in First year o f M.Sc.
O .T.T. Co urse.
The candidates sho uld have passed B.Sc.(MLT)/ BMLT examinatio n with minimum
M .Sc. (M LT) o f 5 0 % marks in ag g reg ate fro m any reco g nized University.
M PT: The candidates sho uld have passed Bachelo r o f Physio therapy o n full time basis
O rtho fro m any reco g nized University.
N euro
Spo rts
Cardio pulmo nary Dura tion : 2 yea rs
Progra m mes of Studies Eligibility Criteria
B.Sc. The candidate sho uld have passed the Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) Examinatio ns in the
(N URSIN G) subjects o f Physics, Chemistry, Bio lo g y and Eng lish individually & with minimum o f
4 5 % marks taken to g ether in PCB (4 0 % marks in case SC/ ST/ O BC). The candidates
are also required to have passed in 5 th subject o f 1 0 +2 examinatio ns.
A candidate with co mpartment in 1 0 +2 examinatio n will be co nsidered fo r
admissio n in case he/ she pro duces the pro o f o f passing the examinatio n o n the
day o f co unseling .
The candidates sho uld attain the ag e o f 1 7 years o n o r befo re
3 1 -1 2 -2 0 1 7 which shall be determined as per entry in the Certificate o f
Matriculatio n/ Hig her Seco ndary o r its equivalent examinatio n fro m any
reco g nized Bo ard/ University.
N ote: Married candidates are also elig ible fo r admissio n.
The candidates sho uld have passed Diplo ma in G eneral N ursing and Midwifery
Post Ba sic
fro m an Institute reco g nized by the Indian N ursing Co uncil. The candidates sho uld
B.Sc. (N URSIN G) be reg istered N urse and reg istered Midwifery (o r alternative reg istratio n in lieu o f
midwifery fo r male nurses) with any State N ursing Co uncil.
Progra m mes of Studies Eligibility Criteria
The candidates sho uld have passed Diplo ma in G eneral N ursing and Midwifery
Post Ba sic Diploma in N ursing
fro m an Institute reco g nized by the Indian N ursing Co uncil.
Critical Care N ursing
The candidates sho uld be reg istered N urse and reg istered Midwifery (o r
O peratio n Ro o m N ursing
alternative reg istratio n in lieu o f midwifery fo r male nurses) with any State
O rtho & Rehabilitatio n N ursing
N ursing Co uncil.
Emerg ency & Disaster N ursing
N urse Practitio ner in Midwifery Po ssess a minimum o f o ne year experience as a Staff N urse.
N urses fro m o ther co untries must o btain an equivalence Certificate fro m IN C
befo re admissio n.
Be physically fit.
M .Sc. (N ursing) The candidates sho uld have passed B.Sc. (N ursing )/ Po st Basic B.Sc. N ursing with
Medical Surg ical N ursing atleast 5 5 % marks and have atleast o ne year wo rk experience.
Co mmunity Health N ursing N ote: Married candidates are also elig ible fo r admissio n.
Paediatrics N ursing
Psychiatric N ursing
O bstetrics & G ynaeco lo g y N ursing
Dura tion : 2 yea rs
Fellow ship M.D. Pediatrics/ D.N .B. Pediatrics/ D.Ch with o ne year experience in Pediatrics.
in Pediatric N euro lo g y
and N euro develo pment
BA-LLB The candidates sho uld have passed 1 0 +2 examinatio ns (in co mmerce g ro up fo r
B.Co m LLB) fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University with at least five subjects
B.Com-LLB including Eng lish securing no t less than 4 5 % marks (4 0 % fo r SC & ST candidates)
in ag g reg ate and sho uld no t be mo re than 2 0 years o f ag e 3 1 .1 2 .2 0 1 7 in case o f
G eneral Categ o ry and 2 2 years fo r the candidates belo ng s to SC/ ST/ O BC
Categ o ry
N ote: Candidates having witho ut basic qualificatio n passed 1 0 +2 Examinatio n fro m O pen
Scho o l are no t elig ible
LLM The candidate sho uld have passed BA-LL.B. o r LL.B. with at least 5 0 % marks fro m the
any reco g nized Bo ard/ University.
The candidate sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r an equivalent
examinatio n with at least five subjects including Eng lish as o ne o f the subject fro m
any reco g nized Bo ard/ University o btaining at least 5 0 % marks (4 0 % in the case
o f SC/ ST categ o ry & 5 0 % in case o f N RI Seat) in Physics, Mathematics and o ne
subject o f Chemistry/ Bio -techno lo g y/ Bio lo g y/ Co mputer Science taken to g ether.
sho uld have passed with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 0 % in the case o f SC/ ST
categ o ry) in Diplo ma in Eng g ./ Tech., o f three years o r mo re duratio n fro m any
reco g nized Bo ard o f Technical Educatio n/ University o r its equivalent Diplo ma
Examinatio n
(a). Sho uld have passed Diplo ma examinatio n fro m a reco g nized
Bo ard/ University; with at least 5 0 % marks (4 0 % in the case o f SC/ ST & 5 0 % in
case o f N RI Seat) in appro priate branch o f Eng ineering / Techno lo g y.
(b). Sho uld have passed B.Sc. Deg ree fro m a reco g nized University with at least
5 0 % marks (4 0 % in the case SC/ ST & 5 0 % in case o f N RI Seat) and passed XII
standard with Mathematics as a subject.
Ba chelor of Science The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r its equivalent
(N on M edica l) examinatio n with at least 5 subjects o f N o n-Medical and with Eng lish as o ne o f
the subject fro m any reco g nized bo ard/ university.
Progra m mes of Studies Eligibility Criteria
B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) examinatio n fro m
reco g nized Bo ard/ University with 5 subjects including Eng lish as o ne o f the
subjects o r equivalent examinatio n with Physics, Chemistry, Bio lo g y/ Mathematics
o r Ag riculture stream with 5 0 % marks (4 5 % fo r SC/ ST categ o ries).
M . Tech (Computer Sc. & Engg.) The candidates sho uld have passed B.Tech/ B.E. in Co mputer Eng g ./ Co mputer Sc.
& Eng g ./ Co mputer Techno lo g y/ Info rmatio n Techno lo g y/ Electro nics
Eng g / Electrical Eng g . o r M.Sc. in Co mputer Science/ Electro nics/ IT/ So ftware
Eng g ./ Maths/ Physics/ Statistics o r MCA o r its equivalent examinatio n fro m any
reco g nized University with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f SC/ ST
categ o ry) in ag g reg ate.
The candidates sho uld have passed B.Tech/ B.E. in Electro nics & Co mmunicatio n
Eng g ./ Electro nics & Teleco mmunicatio n Eng g ./ Electro nics Eng g / Electrical Eng g /
Electrical & Electro nics Eng g ./ Applied Electro nics & Instrumentatio n Eng g ./
Electro nics Instrumentatio n & Co ntro l Eng g / Instrumentatio n & Co ntro l Eng g /
Instrumentatio n Eng g ./ Co ntro l Eng g ./ Mechatro nics/ Bio -Electro nics Eng g ./ Bio -
Medical Eng g . o r M.Sc. in Electro nic Science/ Physics o r its equivalent
examinatio n fro m any reco g nized University with minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the
case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate.
The candidates sho uld have passed B.Tech/ B.E. in Mechanical Eng g ./ Pro ductio n
Eng g ./ Auto mo bile Eng g ./ Industrial Eng g . & Manag ement/ Aero nautics Eng g ./
Mechatro nics/ Mining Eng g ./ Pro duct Desig n/ Pro duct Desig n & Develo pment/
Metallurg y Eng g . o r its equivalent examinatio n fro m any reco g nized University with
minimum 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) in ag g reg ate.
Progra m mes of Studies Eligibility Criteria
The candidate sho uld have passed B.Sc. (Ho ns) in co ncerned subject fro m any
reco g nized University with at least 5 0 % marks (4 5 % in the case o f SC/ ST
categ o ry) ag g reg ate.
M.Sc. (Mathematics)
B.Sc. in full subjects with (Ho ns) in co ncerned subject fro m any reco g nized
University o btaining at least 5 0 % (4 5 % in the case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) marks in
ag g reg ate o f Ho ns examinatio n.
B.Sc. with co ncerned subject fro m any reco g nized University securing at least 5 0 %
marks in ag g reg ate.
M BA Dual Specialisatio n: The candidates sho uld have passed Bachelo r' s deg ree examinatio n o f at least 3 -yr
Finance Manag ement duratio n in any discipline fro m any reco g nized University with at least 5 0 % marks
Internatio nal Manag ement (4 5 % in the case o f SC/ ST categ o ry & 5 0 % in case o f N RI Seat) in ag g reg ate.
Marketing Manag ement Or
HR Manag ement Pass in final examinatio n co nducted by the Institute o f Chartered Acco untants o f
Info rmatio n Techno lo g y India/ Institute o f Co st & W o rks Acco untants o f India/ Institute o f Co mpany
Retail Manag ement Secretaries o f India.
The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) Examinatio n fro m
any reco g nized Bo ard/ University with at least five subjects including Eng lish as
o ne o f the main subjects.
The candidates sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) Examinatio n fro m
any reco g nized Bo ard/ University with at least five subject, including Eng lish as
co mpulso ry subject, in Co mmerce/ N o n-Co mmerce G ro ups having
Eco no mics/ Maths/ Statistics as o ne o f the subjects.
B.Pha rma cy The candidate sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r an equivalent
examinatio n fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University o btaining at least 4 5 % marks
(4 0 % in the case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) with at least five subjects including
co mpulso ry subject o f Eng lish, Physics and Chemistry alo ng with o n o f the subjects
o f Mathematics, Bio -Techno lo g y, Bio lo g y.
Progra m mes of Studies Eligibility Criteria
The candidate sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) Examinatio ns in the
B.Sc. (N ursing)
subjects o f Physics, Chemistry, Bio lo g y and Eng lish individually with minimum o f
4 5 % marks taken to g ether in PCB (4 0 % marks in case SC/ ST/ O BC). The
candidates are also required to have passed in 5 th subject o f 1 0 +2 examinatio n.
A candidate with co mpartment in 1 0 +2 examinatio n will be co nsidered fo r
admissio n in case he/ she pro duces the pro o f o f passing the examinatio n o n the
day o f co unselling . The candidate sho uld attain the ag e o f 1 7 years o n o r befo re
3 1 .1 2 .2 0 1 7 which shall be determined as per entry in the Certificate o f
Matriculatio n/ Hig her Seco ndary o r its equivalent examinatio n fro m any
reco g nized Bo ard/ University.
N ote: Married candidates are also elig ible fo r admissio n.
The candidate sho uld have passed Senio r Seco ndary (1 0 +2 ) o r its equivalent
Physiothera py (BPT)
examinatio n fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University having Eng lish as a subject
and minimum 5 0 % (4 5 % in case o f SC/ ST categ o ry) marks in Science with
Physics, Chemistry and Bio lo g y as mandato ry subjects.
The candidate sho uld attain the ag e o f 1 7 years o n o r befo re 3 1 .1 2 .2 0 1 7 which
shall be determined as per entry in the Certificate o f Matriculatio n/ Hig her
Seco ndary o r its equivalent examinatio n fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University.
BAMS The candidate sho uld have passed 1 0 +2 examinatio n in five subjects including
Physics, Chemistry & Bio lo g y and Eng lish fro m any reco g nized Bo ard/ University
Credit tra nsfers from recognised Educa tion Boa rds/ Universities sha ll be considered a s per norms.
Events @ MMU
Spo rts @ MMU
'Yuvraj Sing h
C enter o f Excellence'
C ricket Academy at
Mullana & Sado pur Ambala C ampus
with state o f the art facilities
MMU in association with the renowned cricketer Mr. Yuvraj Singh has
established Yuvraj Singh Center Of Excellence cricket academies at
MMU, Mullana Campus and MMU Sadopur Ambala Campus with
the-state-of-the-art infrastructure. Apart from YSCE, MMU is an
active member of Association of Indian Universities and different
sports associations. The University teams participate in many local as
well as inter University tournaments. Competitions with local clubs
and other institutions are frequently organized to encourage vibrant
sports culture promoted by the Sports Club which maintains various
outdoor and indoor sports facilities. A well-equipped Gymnasium is
also available.
Fo o tball
Vo lleyball
Lawn Tennis
Basket Ball
Kho Kho
Ro ller Spo rts
Badminto n
Standard Track (4 0 0 m)
Table Tennis
G ym
Po o l
Adventure Spo rts
Trekking & Camping
Yo g a & Meditatio n
To day this divisio n is called the Central Placement Cell (CPC) which wo rks in clo se
co o rdinatio n with different co nstituent institutes & g ro up campuses.
Campus Placements
Industry internship
So ft skills training s
Liaiso ning with MM G ro up Academic Divisio ns fo r training wo rking pro fessio nals
3 0 0 + Prime Recruiters
MMU has inspired me to excel in I am pro ud to say that I belo ng I think my decisio n to jo in MMU
life. After a decade o f experience to MMU. Students can never find fo r my hig her studies is the best
in the USA with G o o g le, IBM, themselves lo st in a co ncept decisio n I have taken in my Life.
Institute pro vides easy access to
Iappz etc., to day I am a fro m which the faculty at MMU is
the Wo rld Class Faculty &
successful Entrepreneur no t able to rescue them. vario us reno wned perso ns fro m
the Industries.
MMU has g iven flig ht to my O ne o f the prime part o f MMU is MMU o ffers a blend o f learning,
career by inviting MNC g iants discipline, which teaches amusement and integ ratio n o f
fo r campus placements. It pro fessio nalism to everyo ne. I enduring principles. As a
helped me o ut achieve what I am pro ud that I had been a part Co mputer Eng ineering student it
never wo uld have dreamed o f. o f MMU, Mullana. pro vided a wide arena o f the
field and thus I g o t placed in o ne
o f the to p co rpo rates.
Manoj Bansal
N ripender Kamboj
Tata Consultancy Services,
JW Aerocity India
New Jersey, USA
New Delhi
Every Student aspires o f g etting MMU has instig ated a spark into The enviro nment at MMU
place in a reputed co mpany and my Career. After o ver 7 year o f pro vides us an o ppo rtunity to
it beco mes a reality at MMU. wo rking expo sure with O bero i, develo p o urselves uniquely and
to beco me an expert in hig hly
Starwo o d & Carlso n Rezido r, to day
co mpetitive wo rld.
I m a successful pro fessio nal in
Ho spitality Industry
The MMU has pro vided me a My experience at MMU has Determinatio n o f MMU to
multi cultural enviro nment, meant career advancement to a elevate the standard o f
where students with varied hig hly respo nsible and pro fessio nal educatio n is what
cultural and pro fessio nal technically challeng ing po sitio n has made peo ple like me g o
backg ro unds are valued and in a leading edg e so ftware places. MMU indeed is the
pampered. co mpany. Educatio nal Pride o f India. I o we
my success to MMU.
Being at MM University has i am pro ud to have MM University The enviro nment at MMU
a l w a y s to u c h e d m y l i f e as my alma mater. It has made me a pro vides us an o ppo rtunity to
pro fessio nally as well as with a pro fessio nal alo ng with a g o o d develo p o urselves uniquely and
feeling o f being an asset to the human being. to beco me an expert in hig hly
so ciety. co mpetitive wo rld.
MM University s stro ng academic MMU in Ind ia is the m o st M.M University g ave me the
p ro g ra m s, re a d ily a c c e ssib le happening place where in quality o p p o r tu n i ty to l e a r n i n
faculty, and a variety o f student educatio n thrives, I have learnt cha lle ng ing e nviro nme nt tha t
reso urces create an excellent everything here. Thanks to MMU pushed me to wo rk hard. The
learning enviro nment fo r me to fo r where I am standing in my expo sure adequately prepared
g ain practical skills and mo st career rig ht no w and empo wered me to be an
impo rtantly, co nfidence in the achiever
wo rkplace!
Faculty, staff & g uest acco mmo datio ns o n campus Free internet co nnectivity thro ug h Wi-Fi system
1 3 ho stels with o ptio n o f A/ C ro o ms and fiber o ptics.
Ho stel fo r internatio nal students Hyg ienic mess facility with who leso me veg etarian
& no n-veg etarian meals.
Attached washro o ms
2 4 X7 Security
Furnished with Sto rag e facilities
G ymnasium
2 4 X7 Po wer backup.
2 4 x7 Medical facilities
2 4 X7 Po table Water
Spiritual Co mplex
Ho t water in winters in ho stels
Facilities fo r indo o r and o utdo o r g ames
MMU in its pursuit of honing the entrepreneur skills, product
development and manufacturing in line with the initiative of
Sh. Narendra Modi, Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, to encourage the
programs like MAKE IN INDIA & Startup India with an objective to
START GURUS cultivate entrepreneurship that creates self- employment.
The MM G ro up o f Institutio ns stands as a cyno sure o f all stakeho lders in the field o f educatio n. With a stro ng
fo cus o n teaching-learning effectiveness, student satisfactio n and R&D, the MM G ro up o ffers unparalleled
advantag es to students in terms o f skills- develo pment and emplo yability. There are also very co nscio us effo rts
to g ro o m students into respo nsible citizens o f o ur g lo bal so ciety.
(Established under the H.P. Government Act No. 22 of 2010 vide its
Notification No. L.L.R-D.(6)-20/2010-Leg dated 20.9.2010 and
Estiblished under section2 (f) of the UGC Act 1956)
This mo dern state-o f-the-art campus has emerg ed as a leading university in the reg io n catering to students
and researchers o f Medicine. The lush g reen campus spread o ver an area o f 4 7 acres with exo tic
surro unding s o f g reen hills is ideally lo cated o n Chandig arh-Shimla Natio nal Hig hway at Sultanpur Ro ad,
So lan (H.P.) in the lap o f the 'devbho o mi' o f g reat Himalayan. The University has been o peratio nal with effect
fro m the academic sessio n 2 0 1 0 -1 1 . M.M. Medical Co lleg e with 6 5 0 bedded multi-specialty ho spital having
the state-o f- the- art infrastructure has been established with the visio n to be a center o f excellence in medical
educatio n, research and healthcare services at the natio nal and internatio nal level. The institute in pursuit o f
its visio n pro vides o utstanding educatio nal experience, in all the disciplines o f Medicine and allied Health
Sciences, in a suppo rtive enviro nment o f scho larship, research, integ rity, critical thinking and clinically
o riented and pro blem based self directed learning . It pro vides co mprehensive, culturally sensitive, co mmunity
o riented Health care to individuals and families. The visio n and missio n o f the institute is acco mplished using
the values o f co ng eniality, o penness, inclusiveness and co mmunity invo lvement at a lo cal and g lo bal level.
MMU Medical Co lleg e & Ho spital being the hub o f medical educatio n runs a state o f the art teaching ho spital
well equiped with Hig hly So phisticated O peratio n Theateres. The Ho spital also is equiped with ICCU, ICU,
PICU, SICU, RICU, NICU, Burn and G ynae ICU as well as advanced Radio lo g ical facilities (Mo bile X ray ,
Static X Ray, CT(1 2 8 SLICES ) MRI(1 .5 Tesla) with USG .), lab facilities, Blo o d Bank Facility, Full day O PD,
Nursing Statio ns and Treatment Ro o ms.
Other Importa nt Instructions required to submit JEE (Main) 1 6 ) Refund of Fee a dmissible
for a dmission: / G ATE/ MAT/ CAT/ CMAT sco re under the rules will be
card fo r admissio n to B.Tech., ma de with a deduction of
1) Admissio n Fo rms which are
M.Tech. and MBA co urses fee a s under:
inco mplete o r witho ut co pies
o f the requisite do cuments o r a) In case the student info rms
received late, are liable to be 1 0 ) If a student fails to attend o f his intentio n no t to jo in
rejected. his/ her classes co ntinuo usly the institutio n at least 7
fo r seven days fro m the date days befo re the start o f the
2) All Admissio ns are made
o f co mmencement o f the academic sessio n, then
pro visio nal subject to their
classes o r fro m the date o f 1 0 0 % o f the fees co llected
Reg istratio n with the
admissio n, in case admissio n minus the pro cessing
co ncerned University
has been made after the charg es, which shall no t be
/ Examining Bo dy after
co mmencement o f the mo re then Rs. 1 0 0 0 0 / -, o r
co mpleting requirements as
classes, his/ her admissio n any o ther amo unt fixed by
per rules/ o rdinances o f the
shall be cancelled witho ut any UG C will be refunded.
respective Examining Bo dy.
further no tice.
b) In case no such
3) A candidate, who do es no t
1 1 ) All disputes relating to info rmatio n is g iven by the
repo rt fo r the Co unselling in
admissio n o f students o r student but the Institutio n is
perso n o n the date o f
refund o f fee etc. will be able to fill up the seat so
Co unselling shall fo rfeit
subject to Ambala Co urts o r vacated, then 1 0 0 % o f the
his/ her seat.
Co urts having jurisdictio n at fees co llected minus the
4) The fee is to be depo sited at Ambala. pro cessing charg es, which
the time o f Co unselling. shall no t be mo re the Rs.
1 2 ) The candidates who have
1 0 0 0 0 / -, o r any o ther
5) There will be no ro unding o f passed their examinatio ns
amo unt fixed by UG C will
percentag e o f marks fo r fro m any fake university are
be refunded. The refund
determining the elig ibility fo r no t elig ible. In case it is
shall be affected within 1 5
admissio n to vario us co urses. revealed at any subsequent
days o f request fro m the
stag e that any candidate has
6) The admissio n to student o r the expiry o f 3 0
so ug ht admissio n to any
B.Tech/ M.Tech/ MBA will be days after o pening o f
co urse o f the University o n the
made o n the basis o f merit o f academic sessio n,
basis o f the examinatio n
JEE(Main)/ G ATE/ MAT/ whichever is later.
passed by him/ her fro m any
CAT/ CMAT/ qualifying
fake University, his/ her c) In case no such
examinatio ns, as the case
admissio n shall be cancelled info rmatio n is g iven by the
may be.
witho ut any no tice. The list o f student and the Institutio n
7) In case two o r mo re fake Universities is available is no t able to fill up the
candidates in merit list have o n the website o f the UG C o r seat even by the end o f 3 0
equal percentag e o f marks, fro m the Academic Sectio n o f days after the o pening o f
the marks o btained in the the respective University. academic sessio n, then
next lo wer o f the qualifying 5 0 % o f the fees co llected
1 3 ) The Admissio n Fo rm received
examinatio n will be taken into minus the pro cessing
late will no t be co nsidered.
co nsideratio n fo r determining charg es, which shall no t be
The University/ Institute will in
the merit. In case there is still mo re than Rs. 1 0 0 0 0 / -, o r
no way be respo nsible fo r
a tie, the candidate senio r in any o ther amo unt fixed by
delay o r lo ss o f Admissio n
ag e will be g iven preference. UG C. The same shall be
Fo rm o r Co rrespo ndence
refunded within 1 5 days o f
8) The candidate po ssessing the pertaining thereto , in po stal
request o f refund fro m the
qualificatio n o f qualifying transit o r thro ug h co urier
student o r the expiry o f 3 0
examinatio n fro m any Fo reig n services.
days after o pening o f
University/ Bo ard, sho uld
1 4 ) Candidate sho uld specify the academic sessio n,
submit equivalence certificate
name o f the co urse(s) to whichever is later.
o f their qualifying
which the Admissio n is so ug ht
examinatio n fro m Asso ciatio n d) lf a student jo ins the
o n the envelo pe in which
o f Indian Universities (AIU), Institutio n, and then leaves
Admissio n Fo rm is sent.
New Delhi (www.aiuweb.o rg ) it in mid- sessio n then the
1 5 ) Admissio n Fo rm has to be entire fees co llected shall
9) NRI seats will be filled up o nly
sent/ submitted to the be fo rfeited.
fro m bo nafide NRIs and their
children/ wards, and the
respective University
candidate seeking admissio n
/ Institutio n at Mullana-
ag ainst NRI seats are no t
Ambala/ Sado pur-Ambala.
RAGGIN G is tota lly d.) Any act by a senio r student Every candidate fo r admissio n
PROHIBITED in the that prevents, disrupts, o r shall submit within o ne week
Universities/ institutio ns, and disturbs the reg ular academic fro m the date o f admissio n an
anyo ne fo und g uilty o f rag g ing activity o f any o ther students o r Undertaking, as per Annexure I,
and/ o r abetting rag g ing, a fresher; appended in the bo o klet,
whether actively o r passively, o r co ntaining Instructio ns o n
e.) Explo iting the services o f a
being a part o f a co nspiracy to Rag g ing Reg ulatio ns, which will
fresher o r any o ther student fo r
pro mo te rag g ing, is liable to be be g iven at the time o f
co mpleting the academic tasks
punished in acco rdance with admissio n to the effect that
assig ned to an individual o r a
the Reg ulatio ns framed and he/ she has no t been expelled
g ro up o f students;
no tified by the UG C and o ther and / o r debarred by any
Reg ulating Co uncils like f.) Any act o f financial exto rtio n institutio n and further ever that
MCI/ DCI/ AICTE, etc. as well as o r fo rcefully expenditure burden he/ she wo uld bo t indulg e,
under the pro visio ns o f any put o n a fresher o r any o ther actively o r pro g resively, in the
penal law fo r the time being in student by students; act o r abet the act o f rag g ing
fo rce. and if fo und g uilty o f rag g ing
g.) Any act o f physical abuse
and/ o r abetting rag g ing, is
Reg ulatio ns fo r Eliminatio n o f including all variants o f it:
liable to be pro ceeded ag ainst
Rag g ing shall be applicable no t sexual abuse, ho mo sexual
under these Reg ulatio ns o r
o nly to the University and its assaults, stripping, fo rcing
under any penal law o r any
Institutio ns o r any part thereo f, abscene and lewd acts,
o ther law fo r the time bring in
including, but no t limited to , the g estures, causing bo dily harm
fo rce and such actio n wo uld
Departments, co nstituent units, o r any o ther dang er to health
include but is no t limited to
Co lleg es, Centre o f Studies and o r perso n;
debarring o r expulsio n o r such
all its premises whether
h.) Any act o r abuse by spo ken student.
academic, residential,
wo rds, emails, po st, public
playg ro unds o r canteen, Parent/ G uardians o f the
insults which wo uld also include
whether lo cated within the candidates fo r admissio n to any
deriving perverted pleasure,
campus o r o utside, and in all co urse in any o f the Institutes o f
vicario us o r sadistic thrill fro m
means o f transpo rtatio n o f the University shall submit with
actively o r passively
students, whether public o r o ne week fro m the date o f
participating in the desco mfiture
private, accessed by students, admissio n ano ther Undertaking
to fresher o r any o ther students;
fo r the pursuit o f their studies in o n similar lines in respect o f
such institutio ns. i) Any act that effects the their wo rds, as at Annexure II in
mental health and self- the abo ve mentio ned Bo o klet.
RAG G ING co nstitutes o ne o r
co nfidence o f a fresher o r any
mo re o f any o f the fo llo wing Students seeking admissio n to
o ther student - with o r witho ut
acts: any o f the ho stels fo rming part
an intent to dereive a sadistic
o f the University o r its
a) Any co nduct by any student pleasure o r sho wing o ff po wer,
institutio ns, o r seeking to reside
o r students whether by wo rds autho rity o r superio rity by a
in any tempo rary permises no t
spo ken o r written o r by an act student o ver any fresher o r any
fo rming part o f the
which has the effect to lasting, o ther student.
University/ institutio n including
treating o r handling with
j) Any act o f physical o r private co mmercially manag ed
rudeness a fresher o r any o ther
mental abuse (including lo dg e o r ho stel, shall have to
bullying and exclusio n) targ eted submit an additio nal
b) Indulding in ro wdy o r at ano ther student (fresher o r undertaking, co untersig ned by
Indiscipline activities by any o therwise) o n the g ro und o f his/ her parents/ g uardians, in
student o r students which co lo ur, race, relig io n, casts, prescribed fo rmat as at
causes o r is likely to cause ethnicity, g ender (including Annexure III in the said Bo o klet
anno yance, hardship, physical transg ender), sexual within o ne week fro m the date
o r psycho lo g ical harm o r to o rientatio n, appearance, o f admissio n.
raise fear o r apprehensio n natio nality, reg io nal, o rig ins,
All the tree Undertaking s o n
thereo f in any fresher o r any ling uistic identity, place o r birth,
fo rmats at Annexure -I/ II/ III are
o ther student; place o f residence o r eco no mic
to be submitted by the students
backg ro und.
c) Asking any student to do act thro ug h o n-line pro cess as
which such student will no t in Students are advised to co llect a indicated belo w:-
the o rdinary co urse do and co py each o f the Reg ulatio ns o f
Step 1 : Lo g o n to
which has the effect o f causing the UG C and respective
www.antirag g o r
o r g enerating a sense o f Reg ulatio n Co uncils o n Curbing
www.Amanmo vement.o rg
shame, o r to rment o r the menace o f Rag g ing fro m
embarrassment so as to the o ffice o f the respective Step 2 : Fill in the info rmatio n
adversely effect the physique o r institutio n o f the University at as desired.
psyche o f such fresher o r any the time o f admissio n.
Step 3 : O n successful
o ther student;
co mpletio n, bo th the students pro vided immediately o n necessary precautio ns to avio d
and parents will receive the deciding the same; and any case o f Rag g ing with any
undertaking thro ug h email. specifically in reg ards to a student o f the University and its
Sig n them and submit the same private co mmercially manag ed institutio ns, the parents
to their co lleg e. lo dg e o r ho stel where he/ she especially o f freshers are also
has taken up residence in requested to remain in to uch
The Students in distress due to
Mullana o r Barara o r Ambala with their wards and pro mptly
rag g ing related incidents can
o r at any o ther place in the bring any instance o f rag g ing to
call the Natio nal Anti-rag g ing
surro unding area o f the the no tice o f the Head o f the
Helpline 1 8 0 0 -1 8 0 -5 5 2 2 (2 4 x7
University. respective Institutio ns o r any
To ll Free) o r e -mail the Anti
o ther functio nary o f the
Rag g ing Helpline at The student co ncerned o r any
University o r the co ncerned
helpline@ antirag g Fo r o ther perso n kno wing abo ut
Institutes to enable the
any o ther info rmatio n reg arding any act o f rag g ing having been
co ncerned autho rities to take
rag g ing, please visit the UG C co mmitted to any o f the
immediate appro priate actio n
website i.e. www. ug & students o n the institutio nal
in the matter.
www.antirag g and co ntact premises o r o utside shall
UG C mo nito ring ag ency i.e. immediately bring the matter to No leniency will be sho wn to
Aman Satya Kachro o Trust o n the no tice o f the autho rities o f any student invo lved in rag g ing.
fo llo wing No . 0 9 8 7 1 1 7 0 3 0 3 , the University o r the co ncerned All the students are advised to
0 9 8 1 8 4 0 0 1 1 6 (o nly in case o f institutes perso nally o r o n no te and co - o perate in keeping
emerg ency). pho ne as g iven in the said o ur University and its institutio ns
Bo o klet witho ut causing any free fro m rag g ing.
Every student at the time o f
delay to enable the co ncerned
his/ her reg istratio n shall info rm The students in distress due to
autho rities to take appro priate
the institutio n abo ut his/ her rag g ing related incidents may
actio n in the matter
place o r residence while call the Natio nal Anti Rag g ing
expeditio usly.
pursuing the co urse o f study, Helpline 1 8 0 0 -1 8 0 -5 5 2 2 (2 4 X7
and in case the student has no t While MM University and its To ll Free) o r e -mail the Anti
decided his/ her place o f institutio n assure to fully adhere Rag g ing Helpline o f
residence o r intends to chang e to all the relevant Reg ulatio ns helpline@ antirag g
the same, the details o f his o n curbing the menace o f
place o f residence shall be Rag g ing and to take all
and vo id. taken ag ainst the defaulting suspensio n/ rusticatio n fro m the
students. ro les o f the University may be
The students are advised to
taken ag ainst the students who
ensure that they meet the Students are also advised to
are fo und indulg ing in any o f
minimum attendance dress appro priately, while in
the abo ve mentio ned o r
requirement fo r appearing in campuses, as per demand o f
undesirable act.
the semester and examinatio n the o ccasio n.
failing which they shall no t be All Bo arders/ Ho stellers must
University has zero to lerance fo r
allo wed to sit in the fo llo w the Ho stel/ Mess Rules
indiscipline in and o utside the
examinatio n. Students are also and must no t indulg e in any
campuses by students. Drinking,
advised to maintain utmo st kind o f damag e to the
taking drug s, damag ing
expected discipline in and Ho stel/ Mess/ University pro perty
University Pro perty, indulg ing in
o utside the University failing which strict actio n per
any kind o f vio lence,
Campuses. Disturbance o f University Rules shall be taken
misbehaving with fello w
tranquility o f the campuses in ag ainst the defaulters including
students/ teachers, rag g ing etc.
particular and so ciety in suspensio n/ rusticatio n fro m
are included in the list o f
g eneral, thro ug h any means University/ Ho stel.
undesirable activities and
shall be treated as an act o f
co nstitute the mo ral turpitude.
indiscipline and suitable
Very strict actio n including
disciplinary actio n shall be
? The student wo uld be liable fo r same is co nfirmed by the manner and maintain the best
necessary actio n as deemed fit Reg istratio n Branch o f the deco rum, failing which suitable
by the MMU fo r any wro ng University. penal actio n wo uld be taken
info rmatio n filled in the ag ainst them.
? If the University Autho rities are
applicatio n fo rm. If a candidate
no t satisfied with the character, ? Canvassing in any fo rm fo r
is admitted o n the basis o f
past behavio r and antecedents influencing the admissio n by
info rmatio n submitted by
o f a candidate, they may refuse any candidate and/ o r his/ her
him/ her, which is fo und to be
to admit his/ her in the parents/ g uardians wo uld result
inco rrect o r false o n a later
University. In o rder to ensure in his/ her summary rejectio n fo r
date, his/ her admissio n shall be
academic standard, discipline admissio n.
cancelled and all fees and o ther
and co ng enial atmo sphere in
dues paid by him/ her shall be ? The admissio n pro cedure is
the University the manag ement
fo rfeited. The University may subject to mo dificatio n, witho ut
o f the University/ Dean o f the
also take further actio n as no tice, as per directio ns o f UG C
co ncerned faculty may cancel
deemed fit ag ainst such o r any co mpetent autho rity.
the admissio n o f any student
candidate and/ o r his/ her
who is fo und to be invo lved in ? The final cut o ff date fo r
parents/ g uardians as
activities which are prejudicial admissio n to all the co urses is
co nsidered suitable.
to maintaining harmo ny o n the 3 0 th September 2 0 1 7 .
? MMU presently fo llo ws the campus.
? Admissio n Calendar is o nly
reservatio n po licy as under:
? The University has a indicative and subject to chang e
NRI/ Fo reig n Natio nal/ PIO seats: streamlined metho d o f redressal by the co mpetent autho rity.
1 5 % in all pro g ram/ co urses. o f g rievances. The G rievances
? All applicants are instructed to
Redressal Co mmittee addressed
? G eneral Seats: 8 5 % fo llo w the MMU website o n a
all kinds o f g rievances including
reg ular basis fo r o ther details
? All fees thro ug h Demand Draft tho se pertaining to admissio n,
related to the admissio n
are payable in the name o f examinatio n, co nduct o n the
pro cess.
MMU o nly. campus etc. o n to p prio rity.
? The co ntents o f the Admissio n
? Mere Inclusio n o f the name o f a ? The University has a preventio n
Bro chure are subject to chang e
candidate in the admissio n list o f Sexual Harassment
witho ut prio r no tice. All disputes
wo uld no t ensure his/ her Co mmittee to deal with all
pertaining to admissio n under
admissio n. Candidate wo uld be Sexual Harassment related
the do main o f Admissio n
required to pro ve his/ her issues, which are handled o n
Bro chure are subject to the
elig ibility fo r admissio n by utmo st prio rity. The candidates
jurisdictio n o f the Co urts o f
pro vided o rig inal and g enuine who are admitted in the
Ambala (Haryana) o nly.
do cuments in suppo rt o f the University wo uld be required to
claims made. fo llo w all rules and reg ulatio ns
in letter and spirit, co nduct
? The admissio n made by MMU
themselves in an o rderly
shall be pro visio nal, till the
(NAAC Accredited Grade 'A' University)
B.Tech/ M.Tech 8 0 ,0 0 0 / - 2 0 ,0 0 0 / -
MBA 6 0 ,0 0 0 / - 2 0 ,0 0 0 / -
MBA 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 / -
MCA 4 5 ,0 0 0 / - 1 5 ,0 0 0 / -
BHM&CT/ B.Sc. (Ho spitality
4 5 ,0 0 0 / - 1 0 ,0 0 0 / -
& Catering Mg t.)
BPT/ MPT 5 2 ,0 0 0 / - 8 ,0 0 0 / -
B. Pharm 6 5 ,0 0 0 / - 1 0 ,0 0 0 / -
M. Pharm 6 0 ,0 0 0 / - per sem. 5 ,0 0 0 / - per Sem.
Pharm. D 8 2 ,0 0 0 / - 2 0 ,0 0 0 / -
Pharm. D (Po st Baccalureate) 1 ,2 2 ,0 0 0 / - 2 0 ,0 0 0 / -
B. Sc. (N )/ P.B.B. Sc. N ursing 6 0 ,0 0 0 / - 1 0 ,0 0 0 / -
M.Sc. N ursing 1 ,2 5 ,0 0 0 / - 2 5 ,0 0 0 / -
M.Sc. (Medical) 8 0 ,0 0 0 / - 1 0 ,0 0 0 / -
M.Sc/ M.Co m 3 0 ,0 0 0 / - 5 ,0 0 0 / -
BBA 4 0 ,0 0 0 / - 5 ,0 0 0 / -
MA/ B.Co m/ BCA 2 5 ,0 0 0 / - 5 ,0 0 0 / -
M.Sc. O TT/ M LT 5 0 ,0 0 0 / - 5 ,0 0 0 / -
B.Sc. (0 TT)/ B.Sc. (MLT)
4 0 ,0 0 0 / - 5 ,0 0 0 / -
B.Sc. (O pto metry)
BA-LLB/ B.Co m-LLB/ BBA-LLB 3 3 ,0 0 0 / - 7 ,0 0 0 / -
LLM 4 3 ,0 0 0 / - 7 ,0 0 0 / -
Certificate in Aesthetic
1 ,5 0 ,0 0 0 / - 1 0 ,0 0 0 / -
Dentistry/ O ral Implanto lo g y
Dip. in Dental Hyg ienists/ Dental Mechanics 4 0 ,0 0 0 / - 5 ,0 0 0 / -
PB Diplo ma in N ursing / DMLT 2 5 ,0 0 0 / - 9 ,0 0 0 / -
Diplo ma in Business Manag ement 2 4 ,5 0 0 / - per sem.
Diplo ma in Fo o d Pro ductio n/ Bakery & Co nfectio nery
3 0 ,0 0 0 / -
/ Ro o m Divisio n Manag ement/ Health & Fitness N utritio n
B.Sc. (Medical/ N o n-Medical) 2 0 ,0 0 0 / -
B.Sc. Co mputer Science/ Ho me Science/ Bio -Techno lo g y 2 5 ,0 0 0 / -
B.Sc. (Ho ns.) Ag riculture Busi. & Mg mt. 4 0 ,0 0 0 / - 5 ,0 0 0 / -
B.Sc. (Bo tany) 2 5 ,0 0 0 / - 5 ,0 0 0 / -
B.Sc. (Radio g raphy & Imag ing Techno lo g y/ Bachelo r in Audio lo g y & Speech
4 0 ,0 0 0 / - 5 ,0 0 0 / -
lang uag e Patho lo g y-BASLP)
N ote:
1 . The Fee will have to be depo sited at the time o f Co unselling .
2 . University Charg es will be extra as per University no rms.
3 . Fee o nce paid shall no t be refunded under any circumstances. Ho wever, the security will be refunded if claimed within o ne year o f the co mpletio n o f the co urse.
4 . The students jo ining integ rated pro g ram will have to pay the fee as applicable fo r the seco nd integ rated deg ree co urse at the time while mo ving into the
integ rated deg ree co urse.
5 . There will be an annual increase o f 7 % in tuitio n fee.
6 . Students Fund fo r all the students is Rs.2 ,0 0 0 / - p.a.
7 . BHM, B.Sc. (Ho spitality) & M.Sc.(Dietetics) students are also required to pay Rs. 5 ,0 0 0 / - as o peratio nal fee and Rs. 7 ,0 0 0 / - as training & Lab. material
fee per annum.
8 . Life time Alumni Membership fee @ Rs. 4 ,0 0 0 / -.
9 . Ho stel & Transpo rt Charg es will be extra.
1 0 . Students who wish to leave the Institute mid-stream, will have to depo sit the fee fo r the remaining perio d o f the co urse as per judg ement o f the Ho n' ble
Supreme Co urt in the case o f Islamic Academy o f Educatio n and o thers Vs State o f Karnataka & PA lnamdar case.
II. M M University, Sa dopur-Amba la
MBA 5 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 * 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 *
M.Sc. 3 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0
BBA 2 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0
B.Sc. (N o n-Medical) 2 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 -
BPT 5 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0
B.Pharmacy 6 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0
N ote:
1 . In additio nal to tuitio n fee and develo pment charg es, the students will have to pay the additio nal charg es as under:
a) Student Fund Rs. 2 ,0 0 0 / - per annum.
b) Life time Alumni Membership fee @ Rs. 4 ,0 0 0 / -.
c) Insurance : As per actual etc.
2 . The Fee will have to be depo sited at the time o f Co unselling .
3 . University charg es will be extra as per University no rms.
4 . Fees o nce paid shall no t be refunded under any circumstances. Ho wever, the security will be refunded if claimed within o ne year o f the co mpletio n o f
the co urse.
5 . Students who wish to leave the Institute mid-stream, will have to depo sit the fee fo r the remaining perio d o f the co urse as per judg ement o f the Ho n' ble
Supreme Co urt in the case o f Islamic Academy o f Educatio n and o thers Vs State o f Karnataka & PA lnamdar case.
6 . Ho stel & Transpo rt Charg es will be extra.
* The fee will be revised and the revised fee as such will be applicable at the time o f admissio n.
10 KM M
13 KM
Ambala Cantt
NH 1
Central Jail
7 KM
Way To 152
14 KM
Road r
6 KM
Kumarhatti oad
78 KM - From Chandigarh Airport
315 KM - From New Delhi Airport.
Chandigarh 59
NAAC Accredited G rade 'A' University
Mullana-Ambala (Haryana), 1 3 3 2 0 7
(Deemed University established under Sectio n 3 o f the UG C Act, 1 9 5 6 )
Website: www.mmumullana.o rg | E-mail. : info @ mmumullana.o rg
TO LL FREE: 1 8 0 0 2 7 4 0 2 4 0
+91 80599-30001
TO LL FREE: 1 8 0 0 2 7 4 2 2 4 0
+MaharishiMarkandeshwarUniversityMullana maharishi-markandeshwar-university
Sr. N o .
ADMISSIO N FO RM (2 0 1 7 -1 8 )
(To be filled in by the candidate in his/ her o wn handwriting in BLO CK letters)
*Tick w hichever is a pplica ble G en. Seat* N RI/ Fo reig n N atio nal Seat*
8 . Cho ice o f the Co urse (Fo r all co urses except BDS, MBBS, MDS, MD/ MS/ Diplo ma, M.Sc N ursing and Ph.D.)
9 . Please tick belo w if yo u belo ng to any o f the fo llo wing categ o ries (fo r statistical info rmatio n o r fo r g etting the
benefit o f relaxatio n in ag e o r marks in the qualifying examinatio n fo r elig ibility o r merit o r reservatio n o f seats wherever is applicable).
G ATE Sco re Ro ll N o .
(cc) Fo r MBA (Hig hest Sco re o ut o f fo ur MAT Tests o f Sept 1 6 , Dec. 1 6 , Feb. 1 7 , May 1 7 )
* Pending declaratio n o f result o f JEE (Main/ G ATE/ MAT/ CMAT. the candidates must indicate their Ro ll N o . in the relevant co lumn
1 2 . Details o f Examinatio n Passed:
N ame o f Q ualifying Scho o l/ Co lleg e Mo nth/ Year Univ./ Bo ard Maximum Marks Marks %Marks and
Examinatio n fro m which o f Passing o btained Divisio n
Passed* passed
M a tric
1 0 + 2 or
Equiva lent*
Gra dua tion*
Gra dua tion*
Any O ther
1 . Admissio n Fo rm, duly filled in, to g ether with the co pies o f the required do cuments is to be sent to the Admissio n o ffice o f the
co ncerned University/ Institutio n.
2 .Please specify the name o f the co urse(s) to which admissio n is so ug ht o n the envelo pe in which the Admissio n Fo rm is sent to the
University/ Institutio n.
3 .In case o f Admissio n to BPT/ B.Sc. (N ursing ), please g ive ag g reg ate marks o btained in Eng lish, Physics, Chemistry and Bio lo g y (Fo r
Universities o ffering these co urses).