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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 8, 8322-8330

Explanatory Analysis Of Gomal University Contributions

To Research Innovation And Commercialization
Dr. Mazhar Gul1 , Dr. Allah Noor Khan2 , Dr. Faiz ul Hassan Shah3 , Dr. Aslam Khan4

Institute of Education and Research Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan, [email protected]
Assistant Professor Institute of Education and Research, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan ,
[email protected]
Assistant Professor Department of Education Mir Chakar Khan Rind University, Sibi, Baluchistan, Pakistan,
[email protected]
Department of Pakistan Studies, Gomal University, Dera, Ismail Khan, Pakistan


Higher education institutions are assigned to carry on research innovation practices and expedite
commercialization process of its products as part of their mission. This advancement provides new
insight to universities in contributing to the commercialization of university knowledge in the literature.
The study investigated Gomal University's contribution to research innovation and commercialization.
The explanatory design was used to collect quantitative data from supervisors and scholars and
qualitative data from directors of ORIC, GSR, and QEC, faculty deans, and heads of departments.
Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used for sample selection. Descriptive and
thematic analysis was done to determine the results of the study. The study concluded that Gomal
University is not contributing like other universities which are doing practices in research innovation.
The innovation status is in the initial stage; the university is trying to build relations with industries,
government, foreign universities, and research funding agencies to boost the innovation culture per
standards of excellence. Similarly, stakeholders believe commercialization is weak and needs to be
strengthened further in the university. It is recommended that the vice-chancellor, faculty deans, and
heads of departments sit down to ponder and review the innovation and commercialization process,
especially in the agriculture and pharmacy faculties of the university.

Keywords: Explanatory, Innovation, Commercialization, and Gomal University

Introduction Through university-industry partnerships

(UIPs), university-centered clusters, and
Higher education institutions (HEI)
university-industry research centers,
strategically enhance entrepreneurship,
universities make significant contributions to
economics, innovation, commercialization, and
the technical development and innovation of
structural change. The country's economy is
the companies with whom they work.
highly dependent on higher education
Additionally, through knowledge spillover
institutions' performance in research innovation
loops, these collaborations often have an effect
and commercialization. The 21st is one of the
well beyond the initial academic and company
challenging centuries that demands to
partners group.
contribute efforts in innovation and
entrepreneurship for sustainable growth and In recent years, more and more academics have
development. (Perkmann & Walsh, 2007; taken an active role in the commercialization of
Ankrah & Al-Tabbaa, 2016). their research by founding companies or
patenting/licensing technological solutions and
8323 Journal of Positive School Psychology

technology platforms. The value of academic biotechnology, and agriculture; two (2)
entrepreneurship to the economy is still up for thematic research grants; one (1) grant from a
debate. The scientific literature from various non-governmental organization; and one (1)
countries and places suggests that ASOs' direct grant from the Foundation Plants for Health;
impacts are quite minor. However, even with and thirteen (13) startup research grants earned
unsuccessful ASOs, or academic patenting, by faculty members in 2018–19; not to mention
there are broader effects. A growing body of numerous startup research grants by newly
evidence suggests that even unsuccessful spin- appointed Ph.D. faculty members serving as
offs can serve as a vehicle for sharing and Intern Placement for Foreign Students (IPFP).
capitalizing on knowledge that can help other Some of the accomplishments of the Gomal
startups grow, existing businesses thrive, and University ORIC under the direction of Prof.
enable actors and industries to build their Dr. Muhammad Niamat Ullah Babar
expertise. ((http://nematagriculture.yolasite.com).

Graduates from colleges and universities have Dalmarco, Hulsink, and Blois (2018) revealed
great potential to spur innovation and that all public and private sector universities are
entrepreneurship, either by starting their own emphasized by organizing all research activities
businesses or by working for established ones. through ORIC in order to commercialize and
Universities have a responsibility that is just innovate the research and other activities that
now being fully recognized: preparing students are helpful in the progress of HEIs. Rao (2019)
for employment in increasingly innovative asserted that the linkage between industries and
working contexts and helping them develop universities is vital for promoting and
skills strengthening their entrepreneurial and strengthening higher institutions or
intrapreneurial capacities. universities. The key purpose of the
entrepreneurial institutions is to facilitate the
The full-fledged ORIC was established in 2014
disciples and other interested faculty members,
in Gomal University, keeping in view the
scientists, and scholars with practical,
direction of the Higher Education Commission
innovative knowledge so that economic
of Pakistan. The office aimed at liking and
progress may occur. High Education
commercializing the research activities with
Commission (2018) found that the ORIC in
emerging firms across the country and
each university should be properly functioning
worldwide. ORIC will create a
in a true spirit to ensure quality research
Business/Technology Incubator to foster
programs by giving positive and supportive
innovation and entrepreneurship through the
feedback to faculty and students in research
organization's own internal mechanisms for
perspectives, to practically implement research
research commercialization. In September of
for economic enhancement and progress of the
2014, Gomal University established the
groundwork for what is now known as ORIC.
Niccum et al. (2017) stated that the first and
Since the organization's founding, ORIC's
foremost priority of HEIs is to facilitate and
operations have always been conducted under
motivate HIEs for their economic stability and
HEC standards. The mission of the ORIC is to
other developmental activities. Other
ensure that the university's researchers have the
technological resources may be utilized
resources and opportunities they need to
properly through talented pupils, faculty
produce high-quality research. The 2019
members, researchers, philosophes, and
Annual Report of Gomal University includes a
scientists. Ashwin (2012) and Altbach (2013)
summary of this office's accomplishments.
described that the ORIC office in each
There were ten (10) research projects in the
university plays an effective role in taking
National Research Program for Universities
commercial and innovative steps for every
(NRPU) in the fields of pharmacy,
Dr. Mazhar Gul 8324

department in the university, including the betterment of university, economy, science,

different sectors like the finance section, QEC industrial relation, innovation, and
section, Academic section, sports and commercialization are possible merely with the
university-industry association for economic help of ORIC.
purposes and development along with research
linkage with abroad or foreign countries, etc.
Baron (2017) and RehUllah and Dost (2017) To know the status of research innovation at
illustrated that any university/higher education Gomal University.
institution could make international fame via
well-established ORIC and QEC offices and To see the status of research commercialization
sections. Commercial, innovative, and at Gomal University.
industrial linkage can be successfully promoted Research Questions
with the help of the QEC and ORIC in the
university in a true spirit. What is the status of research innovation at
Gomal University?
Bastalich (2010); and Ravi and Janodia (2021) What is the status of research
said that technological commercialization, commercialization at Gomal University?
curriculum development, research-based
progress, and other mandatory developmental Research Methodology
pieces of training in all universities/HEIs are
Mixed-method research is used in numerous
easily achieved through ORIC or QEC sections.
fields of social sciences such as psychology,
HEC, Pakistan, issued a policy in 2010 advising
political science, physical education and sports,
all universities to establish ORIC that is fully
education, and public health (Creswell et al.,
functional for everyone in the university.
2009). It enables researchers to use both the
Bracio and Szarucki (2019); and Wathanakom,
research approaches, i.e., quantitative and
Khlaisang, and Songkram (2020) demonstrated
qualitative, and reach to depth conclusion of the
that entrepreneurship along with technological
study. The study aimed at "Explanatory
transformation, commercialization, and
Analysis of Gomal University Contributes to
innovation are all satisfactorily supported and
Research Innovation and Commercialization."
promoted by the ORIC office, including multi-
Therefore, the researcher used a mixed-method
disciplinary initiatives pertaining to research so
(explanatory sequential design) to conclude the
that quality education may be ensured and
study results efficiently. The central part of this
study was quantitative; therefore, in this phase
researcher used a valid and reliable
Das (2020) and Issa and Tesfaye (2020)
questionnaire to obtain data from stakeholders
highlighted that all research grant opportunities
of Gomal University. The qualitative part was
and financial assistance are provided by ORIC
also important not only to interview in-depth
and QEC sections which innovation in all
but also to evaluate and verify the results of
activities may ensure. Academic-industry
quantitative data. The population of the
coordination and cooperation are very
quantitative phase consisted of 130 supervisors
important for the country's economic
and 1202 M.Phil. and Ph.D. scholars.
development. Hülsbeck, Lehmann, and
Starnecker (2013); and Jung and Horta (2013) In contrast, the qualitative population
asserted that without a well-established ORIC comprised 42 stakeholders, including heads of
and QEC section, no university or HEI could departments, faculty deans, ORIC, QEC, and
claim its' innovation, commercialization, and GSR directors. The researcher took 98
economic stability at all. Muborakshoeva supervisors and 202 scholars as a quantitative
(2015) pointed out that the progressive steps for phase sample using the Raosoft (2020) online
8325 Journal of Positive School Psychology

sample size calculator. Similarly, the research instrument and semi-structured interview
interviewed 15 respondents, including three protocol. The researcher administered 390
ORIC, QEC, and GSR directors, five faculty questionnaires to research supervisors and
deans, and seven heads of departments. scholars, whereas 373 received filled-in
According to Emmel (2015), 12 participants are questionnaires duly. The researcher analyzed
sufficient for the generalizability of the results. the quantitative collected data by using
The research used simple random and descriptive and inferential statistics. Similarly,
purposive sampling techniques for sample the researcher did a thematic analysis covering
selection. The researcher personally gathered the study's qualitative portion.
the primary data by using a valid research

Figure 1 Mixed Method (Explanatory Sequential Model) Creswell and Plano (2007)

Results Table 2 shows the interest of research

supervisors and scholars in research
Table 1 shows the interest of research
commercialization practices in vogue at Gomal
supervisors and scholars in innovative research
University. The cumulative percentage and
practices in vogue at Gomal University. The
mean of all the statements were intended. The
cumulative percentage and mean of all the
scale-wise average percentages and means of
statements were intended. The scale-wise
all the items were also measured. The average
average percentages and means of all the items
percentage of strongly disagree, disagree,
were also measured. The average percentage of
uncertain, agree, and strongly agree were 48.6,
strongly disagree, disagree, uncertain, agree,
14.1, 3.6, 22.7, and 11.0, respectively.
and strongly agree were 34.3, 18.8, 3.5, 28.7,
Similarly, the average mean of all the items was
and 14.7, respectively. Similarly, the average
2.3, which indicates both supervisors and
mean of all the items was 2.87, which indicates
scholars believed that commercialization
both supervisors and scholars believed that
practices were not in vogue up to the mark at
innovative practices were moderately in vogue
the University. The figure also presents the
at the University. The figure also presents the
graphical view of the analysis.
graphical view of the analysis.

Table 1 Research Innovation Practices as Perceived by Research Supervisors and Scholars.

Statements Mean
% % % % %
University introduces innovative practices to boost
34.3 18.8 3.5 28.7 14.7 2.71
research culture.
Offices work best in research entrepreneurship. 16.6 24.4 4.8 36.5 17.7 3.14
ORIC promotes academics. 21.7 24.4 4.3 32.2 17.4 2.99
University assists quality research activities. 26.0 24.1 8.0 30.3 11.5 2.77
Research offices ensure quality science laboratories. 15.3 29.2 3.5 34.0 18.0 3.10
Dr. Mazhar Gul 8326

ORIC plays a vital role in the advancement of

25.5 12.1 1.6 42.1 18.8 3.17
Research offices expedite the process of innovative
26.8 13.7 6.2 42.4 11.0 2.97
Offices secure funds for innovative practices. 24.7 20.4 4.8 33.2 16.9 2.96
ORIC secures developmental funds. 26.3 22.3 3.2 30.6 17.7 2.91
Offices timely strengthen the university economy. 28.4 20.9 2.1 32.7 15.8 2.87
Research offices ensure policies and priorities for
31.1 22.8 7.5 26.3 12.3 2.66
research innovation.
ORIC timely communicate to the government and
35.9 20.6 4.0 25.7 13.7 2.61
other centers for innovation.
University plays a vital role in technological
29.5 22.5 4.0 30.3 13.7 2.76
University tries to maintain the best financial standard. 41.6 10.2 4.8 24.7 18.8 2.69
Average 34.3 18.8 3.5 28.7 14.7 2.87

University introduces innovative practices

Offices work best in research entrepreneurship
ORIC promotes academics
2.69, 7%
2.71, 7%
University assists quality research activities
2.76, 7% 3.14, 8%
Research offices ensure quality science laboratories
ORIC plays a vital role in the advancement of laboratories 2.61, 6%
2.99, 7%
Research offices expedite the process of innovation
2.66, 7%
Offices secure funds for innovative practices 2.77, 7%
ORIC secures developmental funds
2.87, 7%
Offices timely strengthen the university economy 3.1, 8%
Research offices ensure policies and priorities
2.91, 7%
ORIC timely communicate to the government 3.17, 8%
2.96, 7%2.97, 7%
University plays a vital role in technological innovation
University tries to maintain the best financial standard

Table 2 Research Commercialization Practices as Perceived by Research Supervisors and


Statements Mean
% % % % %
ORIC shows a positive attitude toward research
47.5 12.1 2.4 26.5 11.5 2.43
University correctly links with industries for
50.1 18.2 4.0 19.6 8.0 2.17
University appropriately communicates to the
41.6 22.8 4.0 21.7 9.9 2.36
University builds positive relations with research
50.9 3.5 4.3 28.4 12.9 2.49
agencies and offices for better commercialization.
University timely communicates with industries
48.3 17.4 4.6 19.0 10.7 2.27
for quality products.
8327 Journal of Positive School Psychology

University uses media for research work

47.7 9.4 2.4 25.7 14.7 2.50
University assists marketable-based research. 53.9 15.3 3.5 18.2 9.1 2.13
Average 48.6 14.1 3.6 22.7 11.0 2.3

ORIC shows a positive attitude toward research

University correctly links with industries for 2.13, 13% 2.43, 15%
University appropriately communicates to the
marketplace. 2.5, 15%
University builds positive relations with research 2.17, 13%
agencies and offices for better commercialization.
University timely communicates with industries for
quality products.
University uses media for research work 2.27, 14% 2.36, 15%
University assists marketable-based research. 2.49, 15%

Table 3 presents the main themes generated status is not up to the mark due to lack of funds.
from the data collected from ORIC, QEC, and 93% of administrators believed that there is less
GSR directors, five faculty deans, and seven contribution of Gomal University in research
heads of departments. The analysis shows that commercialization. 86% believed
87% of administrators believed the contribution commercialization status is weak due to a lack
of Gomal University in research innovation is of interaction with industries and other funding
in progress; similarly, 73% agreed innovation agencies.

Table 3 Qualitative themes generate from the data about research innovation and

Research Innovation
S.# Main Themes Frequency Percentage
1 In progress/Initial Stage 13 87%
2 Lack of Fund/Economy 11 73%
Research Commercialization
1 Weak 14 93%
2 Poor Relations with industries 13 86%

Discussion innovation lead to the successful economic

growth of the country. Various studies
The country's economy is highly dependent on
concluded that several countries around the
higher education institutions' performance in
globe have challenges in innovation and
research innovation and commercialization.
commercialization. The present study
The 21st is one of the challenging centuries that
conducted to see the contribution of Gomal
demands to contribute efforts in innovation and
University to research innovation and
entrepreneurship for sustainable growth and
commercialization. The study concluded that
development. The valuable contributions of
Gomal University is not contributing like other
higher education institutions in research
universities done practices in research
Dr. Mazhar Gul 8328

innovation. The innovation status is in the and heads of departments, believed that Gomal
initial stage; the university is trying to build University is not contributing like other
relations with industries, government, foreign universities done practices in research
universities, and research funding agencies to innovation. The innovation status is in the
boost the innovation culture per standards of initial stage; the university is trying to build
excellence. Similarly, stakeholders believed relations with industries, government, foreign
that less practices are in vogue for research universities, and research funding agencies to
commercialization in the university. According boost the innovation culture per standards of
to Zafar (2015), the actual status of excellence. Similarly, stakeholders believed
commercialization cannot be tackled without that less practices are in vogue for research
tremendous interaction between industries and commercialization in the university. The
higher education institutions. Such interaction commercialization status is weak due to a lack
leads to product production and the act of of funds for research activities, financial crises,
commercializing. Ritu (2007) concludes that lack of relations with industries, and lack of
monetarily incentivizing government innovative work, especially in faculties of
institutions brings positive change in research agriculture, pharmacy, engineering, and natural
innovation and commercialization. Bhutto and sciences. It is recommended that the vice-
Lohana (2018) found poor status of innovation chancellor, faculty deans, and heads of
and commercialization in Sindh universities departments sit down to ponder and review the
due to a lack of University, Industries, and innovation and commercialization process,
Government (UIG) linkages. Power and especially in agriculture and pharmacy faculties
Malmerg (2008) concluded that no clear role involving government personnel, funding
was found in how universities contribute to the agencies, and other universities, so that this
regional innovation system. Caniels and Van meet-up assists these faculties to ponder and
den Bosch (2011) reported that higher prepare patents in order to promote an
education institutions' role in regional innovative culture and commercialize the work
innovation has generally been under to the marketplace.
investigation. Smith and Bgchi-Sen (2012)
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Batool (2019), establishing the Office of A dynamic perspective. Technological
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