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Classroom Acceptable Use Policy:

Our Technology Contract Between Students, Teacher,

and Parent/Guardians
We are very lucky to have the opportunity to learn and explore through
the use of various forms of technology in our classroom. This
technology will be used to enhance our learning experiences and
expand our thinking through collaboration, discovery, and creation of
new content.
This opportunity is a privilege and requires responsibility. It is our
responsibility as a teacher, student, or parent/guardian respectively to
use technology safely and respectfully by following the guidelines in
our Acceptable Use Policy, or AUP.
Please take the time to read through these guidelines with your
student so they will know how I will help them to use technology in an
acceptable way, what is expected of them in regards to technology,
and you can familiarize yourself with parent/guardian expectations. We
will also review expectations and responsibilities in our class.
Additionally they will be posted in our room.
Upon reviewing our classroom AUP please have both you and
your student sign the contract and return it to me. If you have
any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to reach
out to me! I am happy to answer all questions and talk with
Thank you,
Miss Knotts

***PLEASE NOTE: Students who break this contract will lose technology
privileges, and after three strikes will no longer be able to use any of
our technology resources for the remainder of the year.***

As a student I will
review our Acceptable Use Policy and ask questions about anything
that I am not completely sure of so I can follow our rules as best I can.
respect our technology by handling devices carefully with two hands,
making sure hands are clean before use, and being gentle with our
use technology politely by using headphones so I do not disturb other
be courteous and respectful in my comments, posts, and feedback to
use proper Internet etiquette as was discussed in class, including using
proper language and behaving responsibly online.
ask before entering any website, app, or resource not already
approved by my teacher.
tell my parents or my teacher right away if I read, see, or hear
anything that makes me feel uncomfortable.
As a student I will not
give out my personal information without my parent or guardians full
give out anyone elses personal information.
bully, harass, or insult someone else in any way.
give out my password or use a classmates password for any resources
use someone elses words, thoughts, or work as my own.
go on websites, apps, or resources not approved by my teacher.
As a student I know
breaking a rule on this contract will result in a strike and loss of
technology privileges for one week.
a strike is written up, sent home for parent signature and kept on
after my second strike I will have the same consequence (written
record and extended loss of technology for two weeks) and will also
have a meeting with my teacher and my parent/guardian to discuss
the incidents.
after three strikes I will not be allowed to use any technology resources
for the rest of the year.
As a technology user in Miss Knottss classroom, I will fully follow our
technology rules listed above. I understand that breaking this contract will
result in the loss of Internet privileges, technology resources, and that

disciplinary action will be taken. I understand that after three strikes I will no
longer be able to use any technology in the classroom for the remainder of
the year.
Student Signature: ___________________________________
School/Grade: __________________________________
Date: ________________
As the teacher
I will review our Acceptable Use Policy and ensure students and
parents know the expectations and responsibilities.
I will monitor and check in with students while they are working online.
I will not post student work, personal information or pictures of
students without written consent from both the student and parent.
I will ensure students know how to use technology safely and ethically
before allowing students access
I will facilitate appropriate learning, discovery, and development of
online content
As your childs teacher, I fully agree to uphold these responsibilities and rules
in our classroom and ensure that your child uses technology safely, ethically,
and effectively.
Teacher Signature: ___________________________________
School/Grade Level: __________________________________
Date: _______________

As the parent/guardian of a student

I agree to review and discuss these guidelines and rules with my
I give permission for my student to use online services, resources, and
technology deemed appropriate by the teacher and school
I understand that my students classwork may be posted (with their
consent) to the class blog or other social media site, also
understanding that no personal information will be included.
I agree to keep an open line of communication with my student and
their teacher about Internet usage, online safety, and acceptable
online behavior.
I take responsibility for my students acceptable use of technology
when at home.
As the parent or guardian, I fully understand, agree, and will uphold these
responsibilities and rules for acceptable use of technology. I hereby give

permission for my child, __________________________________(please print

childs name), to use technology resources discussed above.
Parent/Guardian Name (please print): _______________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________
Date: ________________

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