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Technology Acceptable Use Policy

2015-2016 School Year

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:
This year your student will be utilizing various technology tools in the classroom, as well as out
of school to communicate with their classmates and teachers. This agreement covers specific
terms of technology use. Please read this document with your student, sign, and return to your
childs teacher.
The school will also take the following steps to protect your student:
Blocking access to inappropriate material on the Internet.
Educate students on how to effectively protect their online identity, as well as
preventing personal information from being disclosed.
Student Technology Agreement Terms
The following are the technology agreements that our students will follow as they use technology
in the school.
1. I agree to use all tech tools in a responsible and careful manner. I will not damage
hardware and software, or change any settings without adult permission.
2. I agree to not use the technology to harass, frighten, or bully anyone.
3. I agree not to share my passwords with anyone.
4. I agree to obey the copyright laws, and not take credit for others work.
5. I agree to use this technology as a resource for my learning not to play online
games or browse the internet
-First Offense: The student will lose computer privileges for one week.
-Second Offense: The student will lose computer privileges for up to two weeks, and the parents
will be notified of broken rule.
-Third Offense: The student will lose computer privileges for the remainder of the quarter, and
the student must meet with the teacher, principal and parents to develop a plan for continued
computer use.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are allowed in the classroom but must stay in the child's backpack on
vibrate. They may check their phones before leaving for lunch.
If a child is using their phone during class they will first be given a
warning and then if it happens again there phone will be taken until the end of the

Students: I have read this agreement and understand all of the above, as well as the
consequences. I also understand that my computer use is not private, and my teacher or any other
adult, may look at my work to make sure that I am following these rules.
Student Name (Print) ____________________________________
Student Signature ____________________________________
Teacher ____________________________________
Grade _______________ Date _____/_____/____
Parents: I have read and discussed this Technology Use Agreement with my child. I understand
that it is a privilege for my student to utilize the technology tools. I agree that my child will
follow the rules, as well as the consequences.

Check the box if you allow photos be taken of your student during class activities to add
to our website or to be posted around the school.
Parent Name (Print) _____________________________________
Parent Signature _____________________________________ Date _____/______/______

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