Disclosure A

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Andrea Crespo

Dear parents/guardians,

I would like to extend a warm welcome to each family represented in our class. I
am very excited for starting this new school year and having the opportunity of
being your child’s teacher. I will provide a positive, safe and caring environment
for students to learn according to their needs. I hope that each of us (parents,
teacher and student) can work together as a team. I would encourage you to
communicate regularly with me and please do not hesitate to contact me with
any questions or concerns. The best way to get in touch with me is by email at

Class Overview
This class is intended to teach reading skills at a level that is appropriate for the
students. We will use adapted grade level instruction combined with remediated
reading instruction. Students will participate in the Wilson Reading Program and other
district approved reading curriculum. They will also use grade level reading materials
based on their reading level.
Term 1 – Closed and Open Syllables
Term 2 – Suffix Endings, Contractions
Term 3 – Adding suffixes to changing base words
Term 4 - End of Year Review, advanced concepts

Materials Needed
Each day, students should come prepared with the following:
• Composition Notebook
• Ruled index cards (100 count)
• Pen/Pencil
• A Silent Reading Book
**If you have difficulty providing any of these items, please let me know as soon as

Grading Categories Scale Citizenship

Homework, Tests, 93-100 A Citizenship grades are dependent upon classroom
and Quizzes: 85% 90-92 A- behavior.
Study Skills: 15% 87-89 B+ O = Outstanding (0-1 tardy; no lunch detentions;
Grades will be 83-86 B follows class rules; turns assignments in on time)
determined by: 80-82 B- S = Satisfactory (no more than 2 tardies; no
classroom work and 77-79 C+ lunch detentions; generally completes work;
participation, 73-76 C follows class rules)
assessments, 70-72 C- N = Needs Improvement (no more than 3 tardies;
homework 67-69 D+ no more than 1 lunch detention; completes some
assignments and 63-66 D work; needs reminding of class rules continually)
projects. 60-62 D- U = Unsatisfactory (4 or more tardies; 2 or more
0-59 I lunch detentions; does not follow class rules)
Class Rules Hall Pass
It is important we maintain a positive Our class time is precious! Passing
environment in which all children feel safe periods in between classes are to be used
to communicate, collaborate, and learn. for bathroom breaks but sometimes there
These are Centennial Middle School may be emergencies. Middle school
expectations, which will be applied in my students are expected to use no more
classroom: than three passes per term.
1. Participate: Be on task and follow
directions immediately.
2. Punctual: Be in your seat with needed Late Work
materials when the bell rings. Students are allowed up to two weeks to
3. Polite: Use appropriate, positive turn in assignments. They may lose study
language. skills points, depending on the situation.
4. Personal Space: Keep hands, feet, and If an assignment is more than two weeks
objects to yourself. late, it may be entered into the grade book
5. Persevere: Keep trying, even when it’s as 0%, unless parents or the student
hard. contact me to let me know of extenuating
In addition, all school and district policies circumstances.
will be supported and enforced. (Cell
phones, dress code, etc.)
Students are expected to respect each Classroom Apps
other, the teacher, the classroom and the We do use online websites to complete
school. and turn in some assignments. If your
No swearing, bullying, inappropriate or student does not have access to the
disrespectful language or actions. internet and the use of a tablet or
computer at home, please let me know.
Classroom Procedures The sites we use are:
Tardy Policy  Canvas (canvas.instructure.com)
1st Tardy - Warning  Utah Compose (utahcompose.com)
2nd Tardy - Warning  Google docs (through student school
3rd Tardy - Lunch Detention email account)
4th Tardy – 2nd Lunch Detention & parent
5th Tardy - Referral to administration

Computer, Internet, and Video Use

We will use technology in the classroom (computers, chrome books) on a daily basis. The
purpose of this is to train students and prepare them with real life skills. Due to the nature
of the internet, student use will be monitored. Students are expected to use classroom tools
with respect. Any damage done to any classroom technology will be billed to the parents of
the student. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the student to treat classroom materials
with care. Each student and parent/guardian will be required to sign a technology use
contract before any student is allowed to use the technology found within the classroom. It
is important to get these signed and returned as soon as possible to allow students to
complete assignments. We will start right away using technology in our lessons. There will
also be an internet form that you can fill out as well, if you prefer not to use a paper copy.
In addition, we will use short video clips and various social media in our lessons. Know
that all material will be age appropriate. Anything that does not meet the district viewing
policy will require parent/guardian permission slips in order to view this type of material in
class. You may find out more about district policies by going to provo.edu

I reserve the right to make changes to this document. However, all changes will be
communicated to students and parents in advance through my web page or email.
I look forward to working with you and your child this year. Please feel free to contact
me with any questions/concerns. I can be contacted by e-mail at andreacr@provo.edu
most easily, but I can also be reached by phone in my classroom at 801-370-4621 ext.
1343. Thank you!
Please read the information from above and discuss this with your child. Please
sign and return this form to me by _______________ to acknowledge you have
read, understood, and discussed classroom expectations with your child.

_________________________________________ __________________
(Parent Signature) (Date)

Are there any concerns or information about your child you feel I need to be
aware of?

Are there any allergies I should be aware of?

Parent Contact Information

Parent Name: ____________________________________________________

Primary Phone: ____________________________________________

Best Email: ________________________________________________

Best Contact Time(s): _______________________________________

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