Circular - ICT Acceptable Use Agreement: Acknowledge The Agreement Attached Herewith (Page No.4)
Circular - ICT Acceptable Use Agreement: Acknowledge The Agreement Attached Herewith (Page No.4)
Circular - ICT Acceptable Use Agreement: Acknowledge The Agreement Attached Herewith (Page No.4)
April 2022
Anubha Nijhawan
The school cannot accept any responsibility for access to the internet outside of school
even if children are researching a topic related to school.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
ICT including the internet, learning platforms, email and mobile technologies has become an
important part of learning in our school. We expect all students to be safe and responsible
when using any ICT. It is essential that students are aware of e-safety and know how to stay
safe when using any ICT. Students are expected to read and discuss this agreement with their
parent or guardian and then to sign and follow the terms of the agreement. Any concerns or
explanation can be discussed with the School.
Acknowledgement to be filled and returned
Harjeet kaur
We have discussed this document and ………………………………..……………..........
(Student’s name) agrees to follow the E-safety rules and to support the safe and
responsible use of ICT at Indian Public High School.
Name of Student:
Harjeet kaur
Class & Div : Xc