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Cesacceptable Use Policy

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Calico Elementary School Acceptable Use Policy

Updated: 4/27/17


Technology and internet access are provided for students use. Calico Elementary
school takes precautions to maintain students privacy and restrict access to
controversial materials.

At Calico Elementary School, we believe that the positive benefits of access to the
internet and use of technology far outweigh the possibility that students have
access to controversial materials or use for purposes other than for educational

It is however impossible to control all materials that students may have access to or
may unintentionally find on the internet.

When using personal devices or private networks, access to materials relies on

students using technologies properly and that parents monitor students access
according to the age of the student.

The regulations below are provided so that students and parents are aware of the
efficient, ethical and legal responsibility of using District technologies, resources
and Internet access.

Policy and regulations for the use of Technology for Calico Elementary

1. I accept personal responsibility to use devices properly and to report any

misuse to faculty members. I understand that use of technology is a privilege
and this privilege can be removed if I am found to be misuses technology
such as, but not limited to, accessing others files or passwords unauthorized,
spreading viruses, or vandalism.
2. I understand that principals, administrators, and staff may review all stored
materials and communications to determine that technology is being used
3. I will follow copyright laws such as sending or transmitting copywrited
materials, copying other peoples work, accessing other files, or logging on to
others accounts.
4. I will not access or transmit any information or materials that are
inappropriate for use at Calico Elementary School. A good rule of thumb is to
never view or send any materials that you would not want your parents or
teachers to see.
5. I will not use inappropriate language, such as profane or threatening
messages. If students experience others using this type of language, it is
expected they will contact an administrator or teacher to report a violation.
Acceptable Use policy adapted from Cuyahoga Falls City School Acceptable Use
Policy, Laurel Schools Acceptable Use policy, and Education World, Getting Started
on the Internet: Developing an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), 2009.
Consequences for students using inappropriate language will follow the
procedures of students code of conduct in student handbook.
6. I understand that vandalism or disruption of the education process will result
in loss of privileges. Vandalism includes but is not limited to any attempts to
harm hardware, software, or data of another user. This includes uploading or
creating viruses, malware, or spyware. Restitution will be assessed based on
current market value.

I, ____________________________________, have read and understand the acceptable

use policies and agree with any consequences administered for not following these

__________________________________________ _______________________

Student Signature Date

_________________________________________ __________________________

Parent Signature Date

Acceptable Use policy adapted from Cuyahoga Falls City School Acceptable Use
Policy, Laurel Schools Acceptable Use policy, and Education World, Getting Started
on the Internet: Developing an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), 2009.

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