Cesacceptable Use Policy
Cesacceptable Use Policy
Cesacceptable Use Policy
Updated: 4/27/17
Technology and internet access are provided for students use. Calico Elementary
school takes precautions to maintain students privacy and restrict access to
controversial materials.
At Calico Elementary School, we believe that the positive benefits of access to the
internet and use of technology far outweigh the possibility that students have
access to controversial materials or use for purposes other than for educational
It is however impossible to control all materials that students may have access to or
may unintentionally find on the internet.
The regulations below are provided so that students and parents are aware of the
efficient, ethical and legal responsibility of using District technologies, resources
and Internet access.
Policy and regulations for the use of Technology for Calico Elementary
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Acceptable Use policy adapted from Cuyahoga Falls City School Acceptable Use
Policy, Laurel Schools Acceptable Use policy, and Education World, Getting Started
on the Internet: Developing an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), 2009.