We recognize that technology can be useful tools when it comes to fostering learning
and connecting with multiple learning styles. This document is for the clarification of ap-
propriate use of the technology in our classroom. Appropriate use includes but is not
limited to laptop, tablet, and cell phone use as long as it is in conjunction with
exercises or tasks directly related to class activities. Please make yourself aware of
these guidelines as they will be referred to throughout the course and any misuse of the
following guidelines will result in the loss of privileges.
o Students will use school computers/technology as instructed by the teacher.
o Students will treat school computers/technology with respect. Students will not physi-
cally misuse the equipment in any way, shape, or form.
o Students must stay/work with the group and only go the site(s) that they are
instructed to access.
o Researching topics related to a class assignments or projects is the only appropriate
use of the internet. (Students are not permitted to check sports scores, or any enter-
tainment sites)
o Students may not go to chat rooms or use Instant Messenger programs on school
o Students will use cell phones in case of emergency only, any use other than emer-
gency calls will result in confiscation of device.
o Depending on the circumstances, students may lose privilege over device for remain-
der of class or longer. However, students will be required to complete any class projects
using paper, pencil and textbooks.
I agree to the guidelines and procedures outlined on this form and agree to take full re-
sponsibility for actions that may violate these guidelines.