Recent papers in eGovernance
LONG before the national broadband network (NBN) project that uncovered the ZTE scandal in 2007, there was the TOPWeb (The Office of the President Web) controversy in 1996. It resulted in a clamor from the information technology (IT)... more
Blum-Blum-Shub (BBS) is a less complex pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) that requires very large modulus and a squaring operation for the generation of each bit, which makes it computationally heavy and slow. On the other hand, the... more
This paper identifies limitations of existing two eGovernance services viz. railway ticket booking and passport service in India. The comparison has been made as to how in the past these two citizen services were operating manually and... more
There is scarcely any aspect of government activity that does not involve the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The EU has supported the building of digital infrastructures and the sharing of best practices on... more
This paper evaluates the impact of major e-Government (e-Gov) projects implemented in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. These projects involves investment of millions of dollars and huge amount of effort and time; yet little is known... more
This theoretical research paper makes use of past research on the topic of e-governance in an attempt to investigate the critical components of an e-governance system. This research began in an effort to add to the current model of... more
A mögöttünk lévő mintegy negyed évszázadban a közigazgatással foglalkozó szakemberek, kutatók jelentős részére valamilyen mértékben hatással volt az a jelenség, amelyet sokféleképpen, de talán leggyakrabban eKormányzatnak nevezünk. Vitán... more
ICT has revolutionized the world and has brought profound impact on the social and development of global economy. It looks into the innovation and any application of technology to improve governance for better service delivery.... more
This work aims to examine, -with statistics and information- the versatility and overall need of management and businesses through eGovernment.... more
En los últimos años hemos visto la expansión de políticas de transparencia y datos abiertos en diversos gobiernos de la región, bajo la corriente de Gobierno Abierto. Gobiernos de todo el mundo han elevado sus niveles de transparencia, en... more
Проведено аналіз останніх законодавчих ініціатив Президента України як одного із суб’єктів законодавчої ініціативи у сфері інформатизації та впровадження електронного урядування. Розглянуто особливості правового регулювання... more
A Project of Public Administration in Pakistan
Electronic voting or e-voting is defined as ‘an election system that allows a voter to record his or her secure and secret ballot electronically’ (TechTarget, 2011). This paper seeks to examine the advantages and disadvantages of e-voting... more
This study shed light on the relationship between organizational size and e-Government maturity, through the scrutiny of Greek local governments' effort to deliver public value via IT innovation. Having taken into consideration the urgent... more
Corruption prevailed throughout the ages so also the strategies to contain. However, late last century marked the beginning of a new era in which actors have started to discuss the impact of corruption, thanks to efforts by some global... more
The book traces the origin and evolution of Digital Technology: Semiconductors, Microelectronics, Fibre Optics, Laser & Optical Networking, Telecom, Computing and the Internet. It was the first to chronicle seminal Indian contributions in... more
Uno de los principales desafíos de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible consiste en configurar un nuevo marco de gobernanza pública y una renovada arquitectura estatal que permitan promover sociedades pacíficas e inclusivas para... more
Ciertas teorías sobre el papel de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en el gobierno expresan la creencia de que éstas abren una nueva época que permitirá a las administraciones, a través de sucesivas fases, no sólo... more
Informe de Conclusiones y Recomendaciones Coloquio Iberoamericano sobre Gobierno Abierto: Lecciones y Desafíos para la Región (04 y 05 de septiembre 2014, Asunción, Paraguay), preparado para el CLAD
Recientemente, distintos gobiernos en todo el mundo han iniciado un proceso progresivo para impulsar y llevar a cabo estrategias ligadas al concepto de “Gobierno Abierto” (Open Government), cuyos principios son: a) la transparencia y... more
The growth of e-commerce-based services coupled with improvements in ICT have revolutionized the way private and public companies have been delivering goods and services to consumers and citizens in advanced and highly developed... more
El estudio se centró en el nivel de importancia y el tipo de tratamiento que le dieron los gobiernos departamentales y nacionales al desarrollo de las políticas del gobierno electrónico en el Uruguay (2005 al 2015). Estuvo basado en una... more
Business and civil society have rapidly adopted information and communication technologies (ICTs) into their lives. Information technologies have become part of China‘s economic development through a rapid and evolving market for the... more
eGovernance can be defined as “a government structure which is efficient and effective and is duly controlled by citizens” (Bedi et al, 2001). Perri 6 (2004) states e-governance tools can “be used to sustain…the important elements of... more
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of the public administration (PA) development in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) from an ex post perspective covering the past three decades. There were many common... more
So much research that has been done concerning eGovernment (eGov) frameworks. However, little focus has been put towards the use of Digital Forensics (DF) to conduct a proper Digital Forensic Investigation (DFI) in eGovernment frameworks.... more
Publicación colaborativa para definir los 42 estándares que aparecen en el vídeo de la XIP (Red de Innovación Pública de Cataluña). La idea era profundizar en su conocimiento y facilitar su difusión. Por este motivo el proyecto Apadrina... more
En los últimos años, el concepto de gobierno abierto se ha extendido con fuerza y se ha instalado en la agenda política mundial de manera sorprendente. Sin embargo, se trata de una idea y un modelo en fase de construcción cuya ambigüedad... more
The term “Smart City” is to-date widely used, but little clarity appears in the definition behind it. Several approaches led to a growing emphasis on the combined use of geographic information and communication technology to build... more
El Índice de Experiencia Pública Digital mide la experiencia que tiene un ciudadano cuando interactúa con una institución pública por medios digitales. Las dimensiones que determinan el nivel de la experiencia son: la calidad de la... more
ABSTRACT Aquest estudi té com a objectiu principal analitzar les transformacions que s'esdevenen al voltant de la incorporació d'innovacions tecnològiques de l'entorn de les TIC en els processos d'atenció... more
El presente documento contiene un compilado de notas sobre los principales temas debatidos en las sesiones de la conferencia internacional Estado Futuro: Innovación para las personas, un encuentro global del sector público, el cual se... more
Models of public governance are changing profoundly due to global and digital transformations and various context-specific societal pressures. One direction of development is the increased utilisation of ICTs (Information and... more
Capítulo sobre la mirada desde la sociedad civil La Agenda de Probidad y Transparencia impulsada por la Presidenta de la República Michelle Bachelet Jeria, marca un hito en la historia del sistema político de nuestro país y, sin duda –al... more
El presente documento tiene como fin exponer los principales puntos de encuentro y recomendaciones resultantes del Conversatorio sobre Gobierno Abierto, realizado en el marco del XIX Congreso del CLAD, celebrado en Quito, Ecuador, del 11... more
The focus of e governance is on developing countries where Information and Communication Technology. Major emphasis is on building accountable and democratic governance institutions. Development of WWW has proved as a means to publish... more
Globally “Pro-active disaster management or disaster risk management” is relatively a new. World over - Governments at National, State and local level have been working constantly to improve safety of life and property by reducing risks... more