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Resumen: Este trabajo analiza el papel de los suidos en la ritualidad protohistórica japonesa, tomando como base la aparición de una serie de restos óseos de estos animales en contextos rituales y/o con indicios de consumo ritual,... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese ReligionsHistory of JapanReligion and ritual in prehistory
La llegada del arroz a Japón en época Yayoi (ca. 900 a.n.e.), junto con la tecnología agrícola que lo acompañaba, no sólo implicó la adopción de un modo de vida plenamente agrícola, sino que supuso el arranque de una serie de procesos... more
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      Kofun Period (Archaeology)Yayoi Period (Archaeology)
Food is one of the most important aspects in humans’ life . Therefore, diet is of paramount importance in cultural researching, since culture, religion, taboos or beliefs are reflected in all cultures’ bread, altogether with some other... more
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      Kofun Period (Archaeology)Yayoi Period (Archaeology)Japanese archaeologyJomon Period Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Yayoi Period (Archaeology)Japanese archaeology
This article quantifies the morphological variations of the Ongagawa pottery of the Early Yayoi period of the Japanese archipelago to clarify its spatiotemporal similarities and differences. We focus on and quantify... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Yayoi Period (Archaeology)Elliptic Fourier AnalysisSpherical Harmonics
The article examines the main types of mound-burials 墳丘墓 of the Yayoi period (ca. 5th c. BC – 3rd c. AD), in particular: round (円形周溝墓) and square moated precinct burials (方形周溝墓) with one or two projections, square mounds with four... more
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      Japanese StudiesPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistory of JapanFunerary Archaeology
This paper anchors itself in the spread of Yayoi culture from Kyushu into eastern Japan during the Early Yayoi period. The transition from Jomon culture to Yayoi culture at the end of Early Yayoi into Middle Yayoi periods in the Kantō... more
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      Yayoi Period (Archaeology)Japanese archaeologyNeolithic revolution,Near east,settlement,beginnings of agriculture, farming,domestication,populationJomon Period Archaeology
Numerous studies on the origins of the Japanese languages have failed to deliver a satisfactory answer. This is in part due to the complex nature of the problem. In this thesis I have applied a multidisciplinary approach to utilize data... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryJapanese StudiesMythology
The origins of the Japanese people is not entirely clear yet. It is common for Japanese people to think that Japan is not part of Asia since it is an island, cut off from the continent. This tells a lot about how they see themselves in... more
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      GeneticsJapanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Linguistics
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      Tang DynastyChina (Archaeology)Song DynastyYuan Dynasty
In this article, I deal with the historical development of the Japanese language by applying a multi-disciplinary approach that uses data from a variety of fields. My research indicates that the home-land of the Japonic language family... more
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      Ancient HistoryJapanese StudiesHistorical LinguisticsJapanese Language And Culture
This text deals in Japanese with the iron production in Protohistoric and Antique Gaul, presenting the results of the most recent studies concerning the iron production from the mining to the forging techniques, reviewing also the... more
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      Japanese StudiesCeltic StudiesJapanese HistoryCeltic History
La transition entre les civilisations Jōmon et Yayoi au Japon: examen des faits archéologiques, Mémoire de Maîtrise : Archéologie, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, URF 03 Archéologie, 2001. Transition between Jomon and Yayoi... more
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      Yayoi Period (Archaeology)Japanese archaeologyJomon Period Archaeology
魏志倭人伝 " Notes about Wa people from the chronicle of Wei " is the main source about cultures existed upon Japanese archipelago in second half of Yayoi epoch (1 – 3 centuries AD). Despite the text is very important source for studies of... more
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      Japanese HistoryYayoi Period (Archaeology)Yamatai
Six episodes—the Jomon, Yayoi, Tohoku Yayoi, Satsumon and Ainu, Okhotsk, and Gusuku—of agricultural development are examined. These events involve both indigenous adaptations as well as migration and diffusion to and within the Japanese... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyJapanese HistoryOrigins of Agriculture
de Boer, E.; Yang, M.; Kawagoe, A. & Barnes, G. (2020) "Japan considered from the hypothesis of farmer/language spread." Evolutionary Human Sciences 2: e13, 20pp. Formally, the Farming/Language Dispersal hypothesis as applied to Japan... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPopulation GeneticsAncient Agriculture & Farming (Archaeology)Yayoi Period (Archaeology)
In E.H. Weeder (ed.) The Rise of a Great Tradition: Japanese archaeological ceramics from the Jomon through Heian periods (10,500 BC-AD 1185), pp. 28-39 (1992). Tokyo/New York: Agency for Cultural Affairs, Govt. of Japan/Japan Society.... more
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      Ceramics (Archaeology)Yayoi Period (Archaeology)Japanese archaeology
Generally it has been thought that personal names found in the text of “Gi-shi Wa-jin den” can be interpreted through Early Old Japanese. However, until Kofun period there was no wide and regular spread of ‘Korean’ technologies so it’s... more
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      HistoryJapanese StudiesHistory of JapanSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Rice, Bronze, and Chieftains -An Archaeology of Yayoi R itu al-Mark J. H udson T he Yayoi 弥生 was the period in w hich agriculture came to form the basis of society in a laree part of the Japanese archipelago. It is often dated from 300 bc... more
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      Shinto StudiesArchaeology of Ritual and MagicYayoi Period (Archaeology)Japanese archaeology
This article analyzes two episodes of the Phoenix series written by Osamu Tezuka (1928-1989), published between 1967 and 1988. The analysis of episodes narrated between Yayoi and Kofun periods allows identifying the documentation chosen... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese AnimeManga and Anime StudiesJapanese History
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      Japanese HistoryArchaeology of ViolenceYayoi Period (Archaeology)Japanese archaeology
Word ama seems to be of not Japanese origin due to the following reason: kanji by which word ama is written (海人・ 海女・海士) are read according to irregular way of reading; in Okinawa such divers are named umi-n-chu, in Izu peninsula they are... more
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      Japanese HistoryAinuYayoi Period (Archaeology)Jomon
3-dimensional data have recently attracted many archaeologists’ attention because of their various kinds of merits. The present study compared 3-dimensional data and traditional 2-dimensional data, especially measured drawings, and... more
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      Yayoi Period (Archaeology)Ancient Pottery Analysis3D Laser Scanning (Archaeology)Elliptic Fourier Analysis
Il documento raccoglie le ampie evidenze archeologiche e iconografiche sulle differenti imbarcazioni e relative tecniche di costruzione relative all'orizzonte cultarale Yayoi. L'obiettivo prefissato è quello di fornire al lettore, tramite... more
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      East Asian ArchaeologyArcheologiaYayoi Period (Archaeology)Anthropology of Shipwrights & Shipbuilding Practices
As one of the preliminary surveys prior to excavation, a series of geological corings was taken mainly from the lower terrace in August 1988 at the time of the first magnetometer survey. A lightweight Dutch hand auger was used with... more
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      GeomorphologyHistorical ArchaeologyYayoi Period (Archaeology)Japanese archaeology
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      Kofun Period (Archaeology)Yayoi Period (Archaeology)Japanese archaeologyAncient Weapons and Warfare
The Society for East Asian Archaeology (SEAA) is pleased to announce that the Seventh SEAA Worldwide Conference will be held in Cambridge and Boston, Massachusetts, USA, on June 8- 12, 2016. The conference offers an opportunity for... more
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      East Asian StudiesEast Asian ArchaeologyChina (Archaeology)Southeast Asian Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyJapanDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Kofun Period (Archaeology)
Among historians are spread the following stereotypes: roots of Japanese culture were formed in the period of Yayoi, and Jōmon culture didn’t influence on forming Japanese culture. However, Yayoi pottery and architecture are just... more
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      ArchaeologyJapanese HistoryAinuYayoi Period (Archaeology)
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      Japanese StudiesChiefdoms (Archaeology)Yayoi Period (Archaeology)Mortuary Practices
This special issue of the Journal of Anthropological Research brings together papers highlighting archaeological research on households from East Asia. Contributing authors examine this ubiquitous social unit as a " topic of " central... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyEast AsiaEurasian Nomads
Dear Colleagues, I still haven't made it to getting the Digest out once every two weeks, but hopefully I will hit the mark soon. Thanks for your patience. First, I want to thank Ian Fraser for supplying me with the citations for the last... more
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      Archaeology Of ChinaTang DynastyChina (Archaeology)Song Dynasty
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      Collective BehaviorArchaeologyHistory of JapanSelf-Organization
Древнейшие истоки погребального обряда могари по археологическим данным периодов Дзёмон и Яёй (The Most Ancient Roots of Mogari Funerary Ritual according to the Archeological Data of Jomon and Yayoi Periods) // В.М.Алпатов (отв.ред.).... more
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      HistoryJapanese StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
10 Dampak Positif dan Negatif Globalisasi | Arus globalisasi yang melanda seluruh dunia mempunyai dampak bagi bidang sosial budaya suatu bangsa. Pada awalnya, globalisasi hanya dirasakan di kota-kota besar di Indonesia. Namun dengan... more
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    • Yayoi Period (Archaeology)
Si assiste, sporadicamente, al comparire, su riviste specializzate come su quotidiani di attualità, di servizi su ritrovamenti spettacolari di imbarcazioni giacenti sui fondali del Mediterraneo (Relitto di Ulu Burun) o emerse durante gli... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNaval Architecture (History)Kofun Period (Archaeology)
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      Japanese ArtJapanese Art HistoryYayoi Period (Archaeology)Ancient Japan
Social analysis of cemeteries has traditionally viewed them as static images of social organisation. In this study of the Middle Yayoi jar-burial cemetery of Tateiwa-Hotta, however, the dynamic interrelationship between competing groups... more
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      Social ArchaeologyMortuary archaeologyYayoi Period (Archaeology)Mortuary Practices
The text is an attempt to draw a preliminary outline of grammar of reconstructed Ainu language of Yamatai epoch (about 2 – 3 centuries AD). Evidences of archaeology, physical anthropology and toponymy tell us that in this and previous... more
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      Historical LinguisticsYayoi Period (Archaeology)Constructed LanguagesAinu language
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      Anthropology of JapanNeolithic ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)Jomon Culture
Japan is a nation of many indigenous people and faiths, but principle amongst these is the religion of Shinto. In this religion, those that are divergent from specific cultural rules can be labeled kegare, or "unclean", a term that... more
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      Japanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureJapanese HistoryShinto
 人類史においていわゆる社会進化の過程は非常に顕著で重要である。日本列島の場合,その画期の一つ,すなわち地域ヒエラルキーと中央集権を持つ首長制社会の出現は弥生時代に生起したと考えられる。  この過程を検証するため,人々の生活の総体的な場である集落は有意義な資料となる。その分析を通じて,当時の格差の存在や成層性等の社会構造を読み取ることができる。... more
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      Chiefdoms (Archaeology)Settlement archaeologyYayoi Period (Archaeology)考古学
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      ChinaJapanYayoi Period (Archaeology)Korea
ABSTRACT: Researchers facing the study of Protohistory of Japan for the first time should take into account some existing difficulties, ranging from a methodological approach to an anthropological perspective. It is important to recognise... more
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      Japanese HistoryKofun Period (Archaeology)Yayoi Period (Archaeology)Japanese archaeology
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Japanese StudiesSiberiaChinaPhysical Anthropology