Koji Mizoguchi
My mission in teaching and conducting research activities at Kyushu University is as follows:1. Educating students as to how to excavate, record, and make sense of the material culture of the past by referring to very latest outcomes of international theoretical and methodological discussions.2. Teaching students the "contextuality" of doing archaeology as a profession in contemporary world in which the past is given increasingly significant social, cultural, and political meanings.3. Training students to enable themselves to deliver academic presentations in international meetings and contribute their articles to international journals in English.4. Internationalising Japanese archaeology through education (see above) and writing and presenting in English as much as possible.I have been elected a fellow of Society of Antiquaries of London on 19 June, 2008I have been elected the 6th president of World Archaeological Congress (WAC), January, 2013, and re-elected at WAC-8 Kyoto 2016
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