Ww1 War Graves
Recent papers in Ww1 War Graves
Статья посвящена обзору основных групп источников по истории воинских захоронений Первой мировой войны (на примере Петрограда). Обосновывается тезис об актуальности изучения проблемы организации воинских захоронений в годы тотальной... more
In the Slovak military historiography focusing on the years from 1914 to 1918, we can only find a few papers dealing with the specifically oriented research focusing on the participation of men of the Austro-Hungarian Army from a... more
Engramma ISSN 1826 901X 95 • dicembre 2011 11 DANIELE PISANI La massa come fondamento. I sacrari fascisti della Grande Guerra Non temete, spiriti gloriosi, vi difenderemo. Difenderemo i morti, tutti i morti della guerra, anche a costo di... more
Located on the southern side of Cologne (Köln), Germany there is a small but beautiful graveyard maintained by the CWGC. There is two Gurkhas from World War 1 commemorated here. They are found outside the main CWGC area along with some... more
Une opération de sondages géo-archéologiques et de fouille archéologique a été menée sur un petit secteur de la ligne de front en Argonne (Marne) afin de déterminer les modalités d'implantation, d'enfouissement et de conservation des... more
Tokom Prvog svetskog rata oko stopedeset hiljada srpskih vojnika je palo u Austrougarsko zarobljeništvo, dok je oko pedeset hiljada civila srpske nacionalnosti bilo internirano. Od toga, njih preko dvadeset hiljada je umrlo u logorima na... more
English version: Beyond the Memorial. Museography for the Heritage of Conflicts Michela Bassanelli 5 7 24 31 55 59 66 71 81 93 La Rivista di Engramma • 113 | 31 | gennaio-febbraio 2014 • issn 1826 901x "Il primo e il più grande monumento... more
Gelibolu Yarımadası'nda 1915'te yaşananları anımsamak için her yıl milyonları bulan insanlar yarımadayı ziyaret ediyor. Bu ziyaretlerin ne kadarının nitelikli ve kimlik kazanmış bir anma ritüeline dönüştüğü şöyle dursun-ki bu yazının buna... more
Un projet de fouille programmée a été initié cette année par le biais d'une première campagne de sondages géoarchéologiques sur des vestiges d’un réseau de tranchées en premières lignes. Les objectifs initiaux de cette première phase sont... more
Assistance in research about some soldiers/refugees´fates and graves from the today´s Province of Belluno.
Assistenza nella ricerca sulle sorti e sulle tombe di alcuni soldati/sfollati dell´odierna Provincia di Belluno.
Assistenza nella ricerca sulle sorti e sulle tombe di alcuni soldati/sfollati dell´odierna Provincia di Belluno.
[w:] I wojna światowa nad Sanem, red. A. Garanty, Stalowa Wola 2014, s. 95–107. Artykuł prezentuje aktualny stan badań nad historią leżajskiej kwatery wojskowej z okresu I wojny światowej i przeniesionych na jej teren cmentarzy i mogił... more
Why Sikhs were not awarded any Victoria Cross in First World war despite being highest number in Infantry and Cavalry... more
The First World War resulted in an unprecedented number of casualties on both sides of the divide. Soldiers were buried on the battlefields in their thousands in individual and mass graves, often where they fell. If they were lucky a... more
In memoriam -żołnierze polegli i zmarli w Leżajsku oraz najbliższej okolicy (1914)(1915) opracował Sławomir Kułacz (wersja z 29.12.2019) Niniejszy dokument stanowi załącznik do artykułu "Groby żołnierskie z okresu I wojny światowej w... more
Iako dolina Neretve nije bila poprište ratnih razaranja tijekom Prvog svjetskog rata, bila je tranzitna vojnička postaja prema Balkanskom bojištu. Neretvanski mladići u dobi od 21 do 36 godine regrutirani su u tri vojne jedinice. Najviše... more
After retreat through Albania during the winter 1915/16 Serbian army was transferred to North Africa for recovery and healing. From twenty-four Serbian military cemeteries that existed in Tunisia and Algeria, today there are only three of... more
Canavèis Primavera/estate 2017. Editrice Baima & Ronchetti. Castellamonte (Torino). Alice Superiore is a mountain village near Ivrea. Giacomo Cravetto was born here in 1895, during WW1 he was enlisted as a sailor in the royal submarine... more
Der Beitrag stellt die Arbeit der Kriegsgräberfürsorge kurz vor. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei am Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge und dem Österreichischen Schwarzen Kreuz. Zwar in Zusammenarbeit mit staatlichen Stellen tragen diese... more
Kriegsgräber sind ein zentraler Bestandteil des Erbes der Weltkriege. In fast allen Ländern werden sie bis heute gepflegt und erhalten. Allein während des Zweiten Weltkrieges starben auf deutscher Seite etwa 3,8 Millionen Soldaten, der... more
The Western Front has become, once again, and after 100 years, an important and increasingly popular tourist destination. The Centenary is already encouraging large numbers of visitors to engage with this highly poignant landscape of war... more
La historia detrás de un memorial en un cementerio de una pequeña ciudad de Argentina - The story behind a memorial in a cemetery in a small town of Argentina.
The article is devoted to an insufficiently explored aspect of the history of World War I - the transportation (repatriation) of Russian combatants’ bodies. The author briefly reviews the tradition of the transportation of dead bodies in... more
We will learn in this article about a man who´s grandfather came to India in the late 18th century, who´s son and later grandchild, who´s descendants would serve in the military till Indian Independence in 1947. Alexander Bertram Lindsay... more
The Jewish military necropolis of Petrograd is analyzed in the article: the Judaic participants of the First World War buried in the capital of the Russian Empire. The following parameters were set in the course of the done work: the... more
This article discusses symbolic forms and the association of folklore and politics in the Riga Brethren Cemetery (Brāļu Kapi). The iconographic and formal analysis of this memorial sheds light on its function as a place of worship for... more
Seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg ist es ein völkerrechtlich anerkannter Grundsatz Kriegsgräber dauerhaft zu erhalten. Er ist verwurzelt im humanitären Geist des entstehenden Völkerrechts, aber auch in den Traditionen militärischer Totenehrung.... more
Three World War I Military Cemeteries in Jaslo. Summary. Jaslo have three cemeteries in which dead soldiers are buried from the era of WW1 (1914 – 1918). Unfortunately, all of these soldiers are neglected. The three cemeteries are... more
Bartosz Kruszyński, Kaczmarek-regiments. German 10th Infantry Division on the Woëvre Plain and Meuse Hills during World War I in 1914, Oświęcim: Napoleon V, 2019. Monografia ta pod względem merytorycznym i chronologicznym stanowi... more
The Great War was epitomised by architectural and geographical spaces; the idiosyncratic naming of these spaces serving as a narrative framework for personal experience. The temporary but distinctive nomenclature of trenches and... more
As WW1 centenary commemorations end, here’s the second and last part about the unique insight this war provided into colonial duplicity and local suffering, and the Punjabi folk lore it generated
Almost immediately after the hostilities ceased on the old Western Front, tours were being taken to visit the so-called ‘devastated regions’. To accompany these tours a spate of literature emerged to support the would-be visitor. As time... more
Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über Lienz in den Weltkriegen, Kriegsgräber in der Dolomitenstadt und die Erinnerungskultur an Ereignisse in Stadt und Region ("Lienzer Kosakenträgodie" vom 1.6.1945).
Публикация представляет собой выборку из учетной документации о погребениях воинских чинов на Смоленском православном кладбище Петрограда в 1917-1918 гг. Выборка разделена на две таблицы: 1) погребенные в 1917 году и 2) погребенные в 1918... more