Written Sources
Recent papers in Written Sources
Paper concerns mainly the discussion on the brooch of Idrija type found in a female grave on the cemetery of the Przeworsk Culture at Gołębiewo (former Taubendorf) in NE Poland.
Abstract. All-round research and study of the history of science of Azerbaijan depends on the availability of primary sources and their involvement in research. As we know, most of the sources on the medieval history of Azerbaijan are... more
In my dissertation I describe the building history of the church of the Saviour in Utrecht, Holland. The church was founded in the remains of a Roman castellum that merovingian 'maiordomus' Pippin had transferred to the Anglo-Saxon... more
In this paper we try to point out the meaning of four terms which belong to the '500 and '600's technical-building language in Genova: imboccare, indarbare, indarbusare and infrascare, disappeared in Italian. Each of these terms has a... more
Written Sources on the Churches and Monasteries Built or Restored in the Domains of the Lazarević and Branković Families. V Inscriptions and Marginal Notes. Final Considerations, Saopštenja XLIX, Belgrade 2017, 111-140.
http://pawet.net/library/history/bel_history/_metrica/560/%D0%9A%D0%BD%D1%96%D0%B3%D0%B0_%E2%84%96_560._%D0%9A%D0%BD._%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BF%D1%96%D1%81%D0%B0%D1%9E_3.html ПРАДМОВА ДА ДРУГОГА ВЫДАННЯ ПРАДМОВА (да першага... more
Дзярновіч А. І. "Невядомы Стрыйкоўскі": Гісторыя рукапісу паэмы "Бітва пад Улай" (1564 г.) са збораў Пушкінскага Дому ў Санкт-Пецярбурзе // Studia Historica Europae Orientalis = Исследования по истории Восточной Европы. Вып. 3. Мн.: РИВШ,... more
В текста се разглеждат и анализират "аргументите", извлечени от писмени(те) извори от края на X до началото на XIII в., с помощта на които се правят опити да се придаде "историческа тежест" на съчинената от археолози несъстоятелна теза за... more
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de... more
http://kamunikat.fontel.net/www/knizki/historia/ryzskija_akty/index.htm Віцебска-Рыжскія акты XIII—XVII ст.: Дагаворы і службовая карэспандэнцыя паміж органамі кіравання горада Віцебска і ганзейскага горада Рыгі (з былога комплекса... more
This article is a critical analysis of Heimskringla's source reliability, first and foremost from an archeological point of view, but also within the historical field. The analysis is presented as a case study where the relevance and... more
Dei Taurisci delle Alpi orientali, che popolavano il territorio dell'odierna Slovenia centrale e orientale e della Croazia del nord-ovest, come pure della loro storia trisecolare, dalla fine del IV alla fine del I secolo a.C., troviamo... more
Ragionamento attorno al rapporto che si instaura durante una ricerca nel campo della cultura materiale tra le diverse fonti che vi concorrono, quando ci si accorge che questo rapporto, in alcuni casi, diventa paradossale: ovvero quando... more
Celem niniejszej pracy jest próba zrekonstruowania układu przestrzennego i kształtu zamku joannitów w Łagowie według stanu, jaki przedstawia zapis inwentaryzacji z 1533 r. Zamek Łagowie powstał w połowie XIV w., w znacznej mierze... more
In the highly militarised Late Middle Ages society, arms and military equipment constituted a significant element of everyday life to the then inhabitants of Europe. Combat armour and weapons were like a lens focusing the most important... more
"ENGLISH In 1671, Colbert – ubiquitous Minister of Louis XIV of France – sent officers aboard a small man-of-war to gather intelligence on Dutch forts engaged in the gold trade in WestAfrica. Colbert et la Guinée results from an erudite... more
In the XIXth century, Sultāniyya plain became an important region; this importance is due to favorable climate, rich pasturage, strategical location, including proximity to Tehran and Tabriz and the borders of Ottoman Empire and Russia.... more
A partire da documenti d'archivio genovesi del XVI, XVII e XVIII secolo si analizzano quegli aspetti della esecuzione degli stucchi su cui tali fonti forniscono informazioni. Tramite la ricerca del significati dei termini antichi e... more
Chapitre 1 de la thèse de doctorat de Bruno Restif, soutenue en 2004 à l'Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne sous la direction d'Alain Croix : La Paroisse, cadre d'application de la Réforme catholique en Haute-Bretagne (diocèses de Rennes,... more
Stratigraphy and typology are used co-ordinately by the Archaeology of Architecture in order to study the building productions. Their rules and differences with other methods are analysed to explain their proper use. Some examples are... more
Between the 13th and 15th centuries a new way of portraying the Annunciation was developed in the Iberian Peninsula. This iconographic variant, which depicts the Virgin in an advanced state of pregnancy, enjoyed great acceptance in the... more
The subject of the dissertation is verification of the mythological information that Matthaeus Praetorius (Matthäus Prätorius) (~ 1635–1704, 1707 (?) circa the second half (end) of the 17th century) recorded in his manuscript "Deliciae... more
В статье приведены материалы к истории изучения коми-пермяцкого рукописного наследия протоиерея Антония Попова (1748—1788) в трудах отечественных языковедов с 1962 по 2018 гг. с перечислением неточностей, пропусков и ошибок, отмеченных в... more
This paper presents the results of a research on the material culture of early modern Abruzzo (Italy) conducted from an archival perspective. The use of archival sources can provide a key framework that integrates and expands the... more
Extracts of classical written sources mentioning or describing tribes, places, events and persons with relation to "Barbaric Europe" during the first millenium BC and the first half of the first millenium AD translated into modern German.
The questions of the usage of written souces, or the 13th century architectural practice of the Dominican Order considering the general and provincal laws (constitutiones), regulations ( ordinationes) and recommendation or guidelines... more
Although experimental archaeology turns its attentions especially in prehistoric archaeology, "mute" because without written sources, this short article offers a range of possibilities and fields of application of written sources in the... more
In der antiken Mythologie findet man zahlreiche Schilderungen von Frauenraub: Zu den prominentesten Beispielen gehören zweifellos der Raub der Helena von Troja, jener Vorfall, der von Homer als Auslöser des Trojanischen Krieges betrachtet... more
Resumen: En este artículo se pretende abordar la conflictividad en la Galicia medieval desde la casuística de estudio que ofrece el yacimiento arqueológico de A Rocha Forte. Situado a pocos kilómetros de la ciudad de Santiago, funcionó... more
Essential concepts in written sources of Byzantium and Medieval Serbia, denote a particular attention to passages and portals. The passage “We allow venerable paintings in sanctuaries but (…) we do not regard the latter as being free from... more