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Portugal in the Sea of Oman - Religion and Politics is an editorial achievement, which is unique in the Arab World. In cooperation with the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Oman, the University of Aachen and the Centro de Estudos... more
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      Asian StudiesPortuguese HistoryThe Persian GulfIndian Ocean History
Karel Staněk, Sen o novém Portugalsku v tropech: Portugalský pokus o osídlení Šrí Lanky (1580-1630)/ / A Dream about a New Portugal in the Tropics: A Portuguese Attempt to Colonize Sri Lanka (1580-1630)/, Praha, Scriptorium 2017, ISBN... more
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      History of the Portuguese EmpireHistory of Sri LankaSri Lanka PortuguesePortuguese Overseas Expansion
de Lisboa (1195-1231), português de nascimento, é um alvo popular deste fervor religioso. O seu culto é um fenómeno popular na Igreja Católica. Para além de celebrações regulares no calendário da igreja, as suas imagens estão em muitos... more
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      Portuguese StudiesCatholic Missionary HistoryHistory of ChristianityChristian Iconography
The article analyzes the reign of the King Manuel I of Portugal (1495–1521), during which the long-standing Portuguese effort to find a sea route to India culminated, Subsequently, the Portuguese power in India was established. Then, the... more
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistory of the Portuguese EmpirePortuguese expansion
This book deals with the Portuguese attempt to settle Sri Lanka in the period between 1580–1630. It analyses, at first, the origin of the colonization project which was a product of the transformation of the character of the Portuguese... more
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistory of the Portuguese EmpireHistory of Sri Lanka
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      Red Sea StudiesPortuguese Overseas Expansion
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      Early Modern HistoryAtlantic WorldEarly Modern Portuguese HistoryShipwrecks
This is a digital offfprint for restricted use only | © 2014 Koninklijke Brill NV CONTENTS
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      Portuguese Overseas ExpansionHistory of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)Early Modern East Asian History
Reading some descriptions about the portuguese in S. Thomé de Meliapor made by Niccolao Mannuci in his Storia do Mogor, reprinted in 1981 from its first publication in 1907, we did a more detailed reading of his work that allowed us to... more
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    • Portuguese Overseas Expansion
For the first time, this book presents to Czech readers the "Portuguese era" (1415–1769) in the territory of today's Morocco, a real bridge between Europe and North Africa. It was in this region that the first Portuguese and therefore... more
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistory of the Portuguese EmpirePortuguese expansion
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      Southeast Asian StudiesEarly Modern HistoryHistory of European Overseas ExpansionPortuguese Overseas Expansion
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      Early Modern EuropeWritten SourcesCeutaPortuguese Overseas Expansion
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      Portuguese Discoveries and ExpansionMoriscosHistória ModernaHistoria medieval de España
Although the so called first Portuguese overseas empire (1415–1668) was mainly maritime empire with the accent on trade exchange and from this point of view contributed to the creation of the world economy, it is not possible to omit the... more
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistory of the Portuguese EmpirePortuguese expansion
Caminhos -de -Ferro em S. Tomé e Príncipe. O Caminho -de -Ferro em S. Tomé e Príncipe e os Caminhos -de -Ferro das Roças" é um livro da autoria de Salomão Vieira editado em 2005 pela União Nacional dos Escritores e Artistas daquele país... more
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      Iberian overseas expansionRailway and Transportation HistoryHistory of European Overseas ExpansionPortuguese Overseas Expansion
The conquest of Moroccan port Ceuta, today Spanish enclave, by a Portuguese army in 1415, is traditionally considered to be the beginning of the Portuguese and also European expansion in the Atlantic Ocean and overseas in general. In... more
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistory of the Portuguese EmpirePortuguese expansion
WORLD CHRISTIANITIES PRIZE ESSAY This article assesses how Lutheran and other Reformation doctrines spread and were countered in the Portuguese seaborne empire. Portugal’s inquisitorial and episcopal repression of ‘Lutherans’ was... more
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      ProtestantismMartin LutherPortuguese InquisitionCounter-Reformation
O objetivo deste artigo é confrontar o conceito da "barbaridade" durante o período da expansão portuguesa ultramarina, no exemplo do Brasil e do Japão seiscentista. Os portugueses chamaram os indígenas americanos dos "bárbaros" enquanto... more
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      Indigenous StudiesEarly Modern HistoryHistory of JapanPortuguese Discoveries and Expansion
The Military Orders and the Portuguese Expansion (15th to 17th Centuries), a new book by Fernanda Olival, deconstructs the hitherto dominant thesis of a major involvement by the Portuguese Military Orders in the unfolding of the... more
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      Military HistoryPortuguese HistoryMilitary and PoliticsHistory of the Portuguese Empire
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      Portuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistória ModernaMoroccan Colonial HistoryHistoria Militar
The present study aims to present new archaeometric data from a wide typological rank of ceramics collected in Ksar Seghir (Morocco) and Ceuta (Spain), two different archaeological sites in the south bank of the Strait of Gibraltar... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCeramicsMedieval Spain and North AfricaNorth African Archaeology
Em finais do século XVI, devido a obras de fortificação, os canais de navegação da barra do rio Tejo começaram a assorear, a estreitar e a apresentar uma profundidade menor, afetando fortemente a navegação, sobretudo dos navios da... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMaritime HistoryAtlantic WorldEarly Modern Portuguese History
This article deals with the Portuguese attempt to settle Sri Lanka in the period between 1580–1630. It analyses, at first, the origin of the colonization project which was a product of the transformation of the character of the Portuguese... more
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistory of the Portuguese EmpireHistory of Sri Lanka
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      Asian StudiesTravel WritingPortuguese Overseas Expansion
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      Center and PeripheryPortuguese Overseas Expansion
O adail Lopo Barriga e a expedição contra o castelo de Amagor Como é de conhecimento geral, Nuno Fernandes de Ataíde, alcaide-mor de Alvor e capitão de Safim, foi dos maiores bellatores da História da Expansão Portuguesa, tendo a sua... more
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      MoroccoHistory of the Portuguese EmpireHistória ModernaHistória
The study proposes a new critical look at Portugal’s unsuccessful attempt, in 1437, to seize the Moroccan port of Tan­gier, on the south shore of the Strait of Gibraltar. The model of the siege and of associated open field military... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical GeographyPortuguese HistoryCrusades
Four hundred years ago, the Dutch humanist and jurisconsult Hugo Grotius was commissioned by the United Netherlands’ East India Company (VOC) to write a defense of Admiral Jakob van Heemskerk’s seizure of a Portuguese merchant carrack in... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryEconomic HistoryDiplomatic History
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      Spice TradePortuguese Overseas Expansion
a cura di Simonetta Cavaciocchi Firenze University Press 2008 La fiscalità nell'economia europea secc. XIII-XVIII = Fiscal systems in the European economy from the 13th to the 18th centuries : atti della "Trentanovesima settimana di... more
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      Portuguese HistoryEarly Modern Portuguese HistoryHistory of the Portuguese EmpireFiscal History
On this study we try to understand in which way was D. Álvaro de Castro involved in the challenges brought up by the Portuguese maritime expansion of the 15th century. Thus, although it is important to understand his involvement in the... more
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      ArtNobilityMedieval NobilityPortuguese Overseas Expansion
On this study we try to understand in which way was D. Álvaro de Castro involved in the challenges brought up by the Portuguese maritime expansion of the 15th century. Thus, although it is important to understand his involvement in the... more
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      NobilityMedieval NobilityCeuta history, Ceuta ArchaeologyPortuguese Overseas Expansion
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      Comparative ReligionComparative LiteraturePolitical PhilosophyHistory of the Mongol Empire
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      North Africa StudiesPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistory of the Portuguese EmpireHistória Moderna
Jorge de Mendonça Pessanha, "cheio de rectidão e disciplina": de adail de Tânger a capitão de Ceuta
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      Portuguese HistoryEarly Modern Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistory Portuguese and Spanish
Portugal in the Sea of Oman - Religion and Politics is an editorial achievement, which is unique in the Arab World. In cooperation with the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Oman, the University of Aachen and the Arquivo Nacional da Torre... more
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      HistoryGeographyAsian StudiesPortuguese History
In the first half of the sixteenth century, the spice trade between Portugal and India spiked the interest of different European realms, leading to overseas expeditions, thus making Portuguese ships from Asia a very desirable target for... more
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      French HistoryEarly Modern Portuguese HistoryHistory of the Portuguese EmpirePrivateering
The study discusses the key phase of the Portuguese‑Dutch conflict for a monopoly on commerce with Asia, which dates back to 1621–1669. Portugal, at that time, formed a personnel union with Spain – an Iberian union, whose resources were... more
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistory of the Portuguese EmpireDutch History
Karel Staněk, Ve službě Bohu a za čest krále: Portugalská expanze v Maroku (1415-1769) In God’s Service and for the Sake of King´s Glory: Portuguese Expansion to Morocco (1415-1769), Praha, Scriptorium 2018, ISBN 978-80-88013-65-5, 473... more
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      History of the Portuguese EmpirePortugalTrans-Saharan tradePortuguese Overseas Expansion
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      History Portuguese and SpanishCeutaHistória da Idade MédiaPortuguese Overseas Expansion
The article deals with the activities of the first Bohemian visitors to Brazil. They travelled there as soldiers in the service of the Dutch West Indies Company (WIC). The company strove to establish commercial bases and colonies in the... more
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      Portuguese Discoveries and ExpansionDutch West India CompanyColonial BrazilHistory of the Portuguese Empire
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      Early Modern Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionAustralian HistoryHistória Moderna
This article looks at the main eating behavior in Portugal, since the 15th to the 16th century. The study focuses on the historical sources for the study of the food diet in the Portuguese Middle Age to the modernity and the importance of... more
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      Portuguese StudiesHistory of Daily LifeHistory of European Overseas ExpansionPortuguese Overseas Expansion
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      History of CartographyEarly modern Ottoman HistoryPortuguese Overseas Expansion
commissioned encyclopedia entry on Portugal (1450-1770) in: The Sea in World History: Exploration, Travel, and Trade (ABC-Clio)
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryMedieval History
This article approches the world of the first Portuguese travelers and sailors and their encounter with the exotic fauna of Africa from the 15th century to the beginning of the 18th century, ie. to the establishment of binomial... more
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistory of the Portuguese EmpireHistory of Animals
The article deals with the activities of the first Bohemian visitors to Brazil. They travelled there as soldiers in the service of the Dutch West Indies Company (WIC). The company strove to establish commercial bases and colonies in the... more
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      Portuguese Discoveries and ExpansionDutch West India CompanyColonial BrazilHistory of the Portuguese Empire
The article deals with the activities of the first Bohemian visitors to Brazil. They travelled there as soldiers in the service of the Dutch West Indies Company (WIC). The company strove to establish commercial bases and colonies in the... more
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      Portuguese Discoveries and ExpansionDutch West India CompanyColonial BrazilHistory of the Portuguese Empire
The PSR has reopened a general call for research papers for the period 2022-2023. Thematic orientation is unrestricted, but we are also open to proposals for special Focus Issues or Edited Volumes, in which the proposing scholar or entity... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureBrazilian StudiesAtlantic WorldPortuguese Contemporary History
Com o apoio do G rupo de T rab alh o do M in istério da E d u cação para as C om em o rações dos D escob rim en to s P o rtu gu eses e da C âm ara M u n icip al de L isb oa Edição e propriedade: Patrimonia, associação de projectos... more
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      Naval HistoryPortuguese Modern HistoryNaval Architecture (History)Portuguese Overseas Expansion