Wildlife trade
Recent papers in Wildlife trade
The global illegal wildlife trade has been anecdotally linked to other serious crimes, such as fraud, corruption, and money laundering, as well as the cross-border trafficking of drugs, arms, counterfeit goods, and persons. As research on... more
Across the globe, forests are being treated as convertible, rather than renewable resources. The consequences of the bushmeat trade for endangered species, biodiversity and people are no longer in doubt-unless a concerted, multifaceted... more
Silent Steppe is the product of the Environment and Social Development unit in the East Asia and Pacific region of the World Bank in a series of activities by the Bank and our development partners to understand the driving forces of... more
Indonesia adalah negara tropis yang terkenal akan sumber daya alam hayatinya yang sangat unik dan beragam hingga terkenal sebagai negara mega-biodiersiy. Keanekaragaman hayati tersebut baik tumbuhan ataupun hewan merupakan kekayaan alam... more
ลู กด้ วยนม ด้ วยวิ ธี การติ ดตั ้ งกล้ องดั กถ่ ายภาพสั ตว์ ป่ า(camera trap) เป็ นจ านวน 727 กั บดั กคื น(trap night) ผลการศึ กษาพบสั ตว์ เลี ้ ยงลู กด้ วยนมทั ้ งหมด 8 อั น 20 วงศ์ 27 สกุ ล 27 ชนิ ด จากการส ารวจ ด้ วยอุ ปกรณ์ กั บดั... more
Satwa liar merupakan salah satu bagian dari sumber daya alam di Indonesia yang juga menjadikan Indonesia menjadi negara kedua pemilik keanekaragaman hayati terbanyak di dunia. Indonesia memiliki sekiar 17% dari jumlah spesies di dunia,... more
The Sampling of the study area and the data collection was done for only three days, starting from 1st July, 2016 to 5th July, 2016 on flora and fauna in the Nimule National Park (NNP). The main aim was to develop species checklists for... more
International trade in wildlife is a major threat to biodiversity conservation. CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, is the primary mechanism for maintaining sustainability in... more
Os Centros de Triagem de Animais Silvestres (CETAS) são estabelecimentos especialmente preparados e dotados de instalações com a finalidade exclusiva de recepcionar, triar, tratar e destinar os animais silvestres resgatados, apreendidos... more
When so many facets of nonhuman life are commodified daily with little challenge, this paper looks to shed light on what is objectionable about commodifying nonhuman life. As a contribution in this direction, we undertake a comparative... more
Recent reports and studies document dramatic declines in a wide variety of wildlife species in Mongolia. The prime driver in these declines appears to be illegal and unsustainable hunting, both for local trade and consumption and for the... more
Part of a series of four reports, this analysis identifies policy and legal opportunities to enhance the management of wildlife in Ethiopia and increase the effectiveness in combatting illegal trafficking of wildlife in general, with... more
Reporting findings from two recent multi-disciplinary studies of wildlife crime 1 , this paper will explore the patterns and extent of trafficking in wildlife, and locate the different modes of wildlife trafficking within the wider... more
The hunting of small cetaceans (i.e., all toothed whales, except the sperm whale) for food or fishing bait is far more widespread than most people realise. While in recent years public attention has focused on hunts in Japan (specifically... more
The challenges are many, while 335 plant species in the country are classified as threatened on FRLHT's Red Data list (2019), India's Wildlife (Protection) Act provides a layer of protection to only five species and one genus of plants... more
from which it emanates, without the commitment and enthusiasm of a large number of people, and the support of a number of organisations committed to pangolin conservation.
Reptiles are an easy target for smugglers: They are silent goods in suitcases and parcels, they often survive over long periods of confinement, and rare species may fetch thousands of Euros. Although amphibians have higher mortality rates... more
Almost three quarters of reptile species and more than 80 % of amphibian species in the European exotic pet trade are not listed under CITES. Nonetheless, many of these species are threatened in the wild and are consequently afforded a... more
After a short introduction into the aims of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and the definition of the different breeding categories used by CITES („captive bred“, „captive born“... more
Part of a series of four reports, this analysis identifies policy and legal opportunities to enhance the management of wildlife in Somaliland and increase the effectiveness in combatting illegal trafficking of wildlife in general, with... more
Under the backdrop of tense U.S.-China relations, the virus SARS-CoV-2 began in China, was initially concealed by the Chinese Communist Party, took jetliners to the advanced nations, which were usually unprepared to handle it, with the... more
The Corona(covid-19) crisis and conditional lockdown by several countries have generated tendency of " escape for change" among locked people. Lockdown can be seen as an opportunity to see more tourists and tourism in coming days. The... more
The global illegal wildlife trade has been anecdotally linked to other serious crimes, such as fraud, corruption, and money laundering, as well as the cross-border trafficking of drugs, arms, counterfeit goods, and persons. As research on... more
Many issues regarding wildlife trade are fiercely debated; often the various stakeholder groups have entrenched opposing positions which makes building consensus around the best solution/s extremely difficult. This is exacerbated in that... more
This article begins with an assessment of an elderly wildlife-related treaty, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 1973 (CITES), and explains both how the convention was originally designed... more
Illegal wildlife trafficking has negative effects on biodiversity conservation at both global and local scale. Therefore, the establishment of appropriate conservation measures requires local studies that quantify this problem. The aim of... more
Recent elephant poaching levels are a serious concern for conservationists. Opinions differ over how to deal with the upsurge and associated illegal ivory trade. Following the CITES-imposed international trade ban voted in 1989, limited... more
The intensified illegal trade of wildlife has contributed to the unsustainable decline of wildlife populations, the destabilization of ecosystems, and threatens economic development and human security. Though often lacking empirical... more
This article explored the local medicinal and traditional values of tiger parts and associated beliefs, and its link to the commercial trade in the Bangladesh Sundarbans. Using semi-structured qualitative interviews with 139 respondents,... more
problems and unforeseen consequences of trade bans and highlight the conservation potential of market-led mechanisms that seek to reform trade chains to make them more ethical and sustainable. We contend that it is time for conservation... more
The caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) is a flagship species of the Himalayas and is one of the world’s most expensive natural medicinal resources. This study assesses harvesters’ perception on abundance, sustainability, ease of... more