Oryx Vol 40 No 1 January 2006
The international wild bird trade: what’s wrong with blanket bans?
Rosie Cooney and Paul Jepson
Abstract In response to a declaration in 2004 from a
coalition of conservation and animal welfare organizations to ban imports of wild birds into the European
Union, we propose that such blanket or indiscriminate
bans are unlikely to be effective as a generic conservation
approach to the wild bird trade. We further argue that
such trade bans, particularly when imposed by Northern
constituencies on Southern countries and communities,
can act counter to broader values of equity and sustainable development. Here we draw attention to a range of
problems and unforeseen consequences of trade bans
and highlight the conservation potential of market-led
mechanisms that seek to reform trade chains to make
them more ethical and sustainable. We contend that it is
time for conservation scientists to critically examine the
evidence concerning the efficacy of these two strategies
as they relate to the trade in wild birds.
time for the bird conservation community to openly
debate the effectiveness and appropriateness of trade
bans, in particular indiscriminate import bans, as a
generic conservation approach. Our argument is guided
by the propositions that, as far as possible, conservation
strategies should be informed by empirical and theoretical evidence, and should seek to align or balance conservation values with other relevant values, including
national sovereignty, poverty alleviation, sustainable
development and sustainable trade (Preamble, Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992; Brundtland, 1987;
Costanza et al., 1995; Adams et al., 2004). We propose
that in the bird trade, as with the sectors named above,
market-based mechanisms linked to the notion of ethical
consumerism and backed up with an enabling legal and
regulatory environment may be better placed to deliver
conservation and these broader values.
A coalition of 240 conservation and animal welfare organizations led by the World Parrot Trust is campaigning
for the European Union to permanently ban imports of
all wild-caught birds, regardless of conservation status
(The European Union Wild Bird Declaration; WPT, 2004).
Currently, the EU applies a range of import controls on
a case-by-case basis that are pursuant to and stricter
than those of the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
Several sectors within conservation and natural
resource management have examined the effectiveness
of trade bans and called into question their use as a
generic approach. In areas such as timber and non-timber
forest products, orchids, medicinal plants, fisheries and,
increasingly, aquarium species, the normative view is
that trade bans are (a) difficult to enforce, (b) can be counterproductive, and (c) may curtail or disrupt cultural
practices that people value and are in themselves worthy
of conservation (sensu Orlean, 2000; Guillen et al., 2002;
Wabnitz et al., 2003).
While we recognise that trade bans are necessary and
effective tools in specific cases, we propose here that it is
Rosie Cooney (Corresponding author) Fauna & Flora International,
Great Eastern House, Tenison Rd, Cambridge, CB1 2TT, UK.
[email protected]
Paul Jepson Biodiversity Research Group, 5 South Parks Road, Oxford,
OX1 3TB, UK.
Received 10 May 2005. Revision requested 19 September 2005.
Accepted 19 October 2005.
Keywords Bird conservation, CITES, livelihoods,
sustainable use, trade bans, wildlife trade.
The argument for banning wild bird trade
The Wild Bird Declaration argues that blanket import
bans represent ‘simple, clear, and implementable’ legislation that ‘can eliminate the threat posed by the EU
market virtually overnight’, and generate ‘positive and
concrete benefits’ for many sectors of society. It argues
that a ‘no birds allowed policy’ (a) is easy for border
personnel to implement, (b) will deter smugglers, and
(c) will change consumer attitudes, leading to reduced
demand; that (d) wild bird trade hampers non-extractive
uses of wildlife (e.g. ecotourism), and there is no evidence that (e) profits from wild bird trade have provided
incentives for habitat protection, or (f) populations of
© 2006 FFI, Oryx, 40(1), 18–23
doi:10.1017/S0030605306000056 Printed in the United Kingdom
The international wild bird trade: what’s wrong with blanket bans?
wild birds can in fact be harvested sustainably. We suggest that the evidence for each of these claims is questionable and that the overall claim concerning the efficiency
of bans assumes a simple causality unlikely to match a
complex reality.
We begin with the nature and scale of the threat. The
Declaration does not clarify whether the focus of the proposed ban is primarily legal trade at unsustainable levels
or illegal trade, and provides little information on either.
Much legal trade involves species for which trade does
not raise conservation concerns, and that are not listed
under EU CITES implementing legislation. For listed
birds, import is subject to a finding that the trade will not
prove detrimental to the wild population. Of these listed
species, the majority of reported trade in recent years has
been of finches of the families Fringillidae, Estrildidae
and Ploceidae (T. Inskipp, pers. comm.). International
trade is often overstated as a threat to birds (Du Plessis,
2000); for globally threatened birds trade ranks behind
habitat loss and hunting for food (BirdLife, 2004), and
much trade will be for domestic rather than international
markets. However, unsustainable or illegal international
trade remains an important threat to some species.
In some circumstances trade bans can be effective tools
against such threats (IUCN, 2000). However, whether
they lead to good conservation outcomes in specific cases
depends on a myriad of factors, including enforcement
capacity, the elasticity of demand and supply, the property rights regime in place, the timing of the ban, and
the value of non-consumptive uses such as ecotourism
(IUCN, 2000, Roe et al., 2002; Bulte et al., 2003; Horan &
Bulte, 2004; Missios, 2004).
The NGO Declaration proposes that an across-theboard ban would reduce demand, deter illegal trade and
be easy to enforce. We consider these propositions in
turn. The general proposition that trade bans reduce or
eliminate demand is far from clear, and in many cases
demonstrably false. Consider Prohibition in the USA in
the 1930s, or current efforts to ban illicit drugs. Ongoing
demand for and trade in tiger parts, rare orchids, and
elephant ivory, despite national and international trade
bans, provides abundant testimony. Demand for wild
birds is likely to persist under a ban (Juniper, 2002;
Madelin, 2004) and can even increase in specialist markets. For example, in Indonesia wild birds are kept, in
part, for the social status they bring. Ownership of a rare
and regulated species is ‘a popular way of showing that
one is sufficiently important and powerful to be immune
from prosecution’ (Nash, 1993).
Rather than deterring illegal trade, trade bans may
provide stronger incentives for illegal trade. Whilst tight
limits on trade will often be necessary for threatened
species, cutting the supply of non-threatened and common birds may increase their value, thereby creating a
© 2006 FFI, Oryx, 40(1), 18–23
lucrative business opportunity for illegal operators
(Moyle, 2003). Economic logic and empirical evidence
suggests restricting supply of wildlife or wildlife products will drive prices up. The international ban on rhino
horn, for instance, was followed by a dramatic rise in
prices in all consumer markets (e.g. in Japan from USD 75
to 308 kg−1) fuelling further poaching (‘t Sas Rolfes, 2000).
Similarly, under national and international trade bans
hyacinth macaws Anodorhynchus hyacinthus changed
hands in the 1980s for up to USD 8,000 (Mulliken &
Thomsen, 1995, cited in Broad et al., 2003).
Enforcement is clearly a critical element of the relationship between bans and trade: if enforcement is effective,
bans will generally have more impact on trade (although
they may still have perverse effects; IUCN, 2000; Horan
&Bulte, 2004; Missios, 2004). We are unconvinced, however, by the argument that an across-the-board import
ban will allow easier enforcement and detection of illegal
trade. Firstly, it is not proposed that the ban extends to
captive bred birds. As the EC has pointed out (Madelin,
2004) an obvious way to circumvent the ban is to misdeclare wild birds as captive bred, a strategy that has
been adopted in the past. Secondly, much illegal trade in
birds takes place through smuggling rather than use of
forged documentation, and there is little reason to think
that success of these means would be changed under a
In support of its overall claim that ending legal trade
will effectively combat illegal trade, the Declaration cites
the impact of the USA Wild Bird Conservation Act,
which in 1992 prohibited import of wild birds into the
USA. It specifically relies on the study of Wright et al.
(2001), which examined rates of nest poaching of Neotropical parrots pre- and post-1992. The Declaration claims
that this shows ‘a strong positive correlation between the
existence of legal markets for parrots and levels of illegal
trade; when the legal trade into the USA was stopped by
the Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992, the illegal trade
all but disappeared’. However, the impact of the USA
ban, the relationship between legal and illegal trade, and
the putative decrease in illegal trade into the USA all
remain open questions. Looking first at the impact of
the ban, Wright et al. (2001) show that for 10 species for
which poaching rates were available in both periods, nest
poaching was significantly lower post-1992. However,
they show there was no significant decrease in poaching
rate in a pooled comparison including all species for
which data were available in either period. More fundamentally, as the paper’s authors point out, this simple
correlation could be confounded by a variety of factors,
including any increase in protection efforts over this
period; a strong finding of the study is the efficacy of
such measures. Another potential confounding factor is
that Mexico, where three of the 10 species were studied,
R. Cooney and P. Jepson
joined CITES (thus assuming obligations to control
wildlife trade) in 1991, and Cuba, where one other was
studied, in 1990. Therefore there appears little reason to
assume one correlated factor, the USA ban, is causative.
Turning to the relationship between legal and illegal
trade, in the pre-1992 period nine of the 10 species examined were either in CITES Appendix I (three species) or
the studies took place in countries whose national law
prohibited export (six of the remaining seven) (UK Joint
Nature Conservation Committee, pers. comm), meaning
legal trade into the USA should have been negligible
even before the import ban. The basis to test for a correlation between legal and illegal trade therefore does not
appear to be present. Finally, if the illegal trade into the
USA has virtually disappeared it is surprising that the
years since the ban have seen a surge of proposals to
uplist CITES Appendix II listed parrots from Central
America (including two of the 10 studied) to Appendix I,
citing illegal export to the USA as a factor driving
declines (CITES Proposals 12.16, 12.17, 13.13). The
impacts of the Act clearly require further assessment
before broad policy recommendations can be drawn.
What’s wrong with trade bans?
In our view the proposition that extending current trade
restrictions to criminalize all wild bird trade will effectively combat illegal trade is unlikely. Rather, it risks
stimulating further illegal activity. From an animal welfare and conservation viewpoint illegal trade has many
drawbacks: it does not conform to any sustainability or
welfare requirements and is impossible to monitor, precluding the possibility of tracking changes in trade levels
that could trigger conservation concern and action in
range states. A further drawback is that none of the revenues from illegal trade can be captured for conservation
(IUCN, 2000).
More generally, trade bans that are imposed on countries or communities without their consultation, support
or involvement have drawbacks and risks in terms of
securing conservation objectives in range states. They
may be based on poor or incomplete knowledge of onthe-ground reality, and contribute nothing to mobilising
or boosting the capacity of the agencies and authorities
from national to local level whose engagement is critical
for effective management and enforcement. For instance,
in 1992 the Tanimbar corella Cacatua goffini was listed in
Appendix 1 of CITES against the wishes of the range state
Indonesia. The species was later found to be abundant
and an agricultural pest, and the ban had several unforeseen and negative conservation impacts (Jepson et al.,
2001). It created a climate of distrust of NGOs within
the provincial forestry department of Maluku and
among influential citizens on the islands of Tanimbar,
and created the local perception that NGOs were politically motivated and involved in the spread of misinformation. A broader impact was that planning for a project
to establish a major ecosystem reserve in the Tanimbar
archipelago was abandoned. Meanwhile trapping continued, but as there was no longer a market for the birds
they were simply exterminated, leaving farmers uncompensated for damage to maize fields (MacKinnon, 1998).
Indiscriminate trade bans further remove the potential
for sustainable trade to provide critically-needed revenue and incentives for conservation. Some conservation
agencies in developing countries derive significant revenue from licences and permits, and removing these
could undermine both capacity and political will to
invest in the required management and enforcement. A
2001 study in Guyana found the entire annual operating
costs of USD 112,000 per year of the Division responsible
for wildlife trade and CITES, including enforcement, was
met by licences and permit fees for wildlife trade, mainly
of parrots (Duplaix, 2001). Blanket import bans further
remove the option for countries to invest in developing
well-managed programmes in which sustainable trade in
wild birds provides economic incentives to counter the
threats of conversion of wild lands to intensive uses such
as agriculture. With habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation being the overwhelming threats to birds
(Birdlife, 2004) such incentives are clearly vital.
More broadly still, international trade in wild species
is not just a conservation issue, but goes to the heart of
the difficult reconciliation between human needs and
environmental protection required for any form of
sustainability. While the overall value of the wild bird
trade may be meagre in comparison to more lucrative
commodities, a decision by a rich region that removes
economic options from communities or countries facing
stark poverty should require a convincing conservation
justification. Data on the contribution wild bird trade
makes to local livelihoods are patchy and difficult to
gather, and strong caveats accompany the following estimates. In Tanzania in the early 1990s income from bird
trapping and trade was an important component of livelihood strategies (Moyer, 1995). Between 4,150 and 8,300
people were estimated to be involved (Edwards & Broad,
1992) and, given average family sizes, economic benefits
could have flowed to 40,000–80,000 people (Roe et al.,
2002). In Senegal in 1992 it was estimated that c. 2,400
trappers were involved in the bird trade and trapping of
1,000 passerines per year yielded more than a farmer’s
average annual income (USD 91 compared to USD 73;
Edwards & Biteye, 1992). For many traditional and indigenous peoples, while bird trade will usually be a peripheral activity to agriculture or other activities, it may be
an important or only source of cash income in times of
hardship or to pay for commodities or needs such as
© 2006 FFI, Oryx, 40(1), 18–23
The international wild bird trade: what’s wrong with blanket bans?
schooling for children. Wild bird exports from Guyana in
1986 had an estimated value of USD 1.4 million (Roe et al.,
2002) and were a key income source for Amerindian men
(Edwards, 1992), and bans in the 1990s caused hardship
(Duplaix, 2001).
While indiscriminate import bans on wild birds are
likely to decrease revenue for range states, they are likely
to boost revenue for captive breeders, largely located in
consumer countries. The net effect is that the economic
value of bird species, including common and pest species, is realized by the North rather than the South. This
not only decreases the value of wild species and habitats
in range states (sensu Swanson, 1992) but sits uncomfortably with emphasis in discussions under the Convention
on Biological Diversity and CITES on national sovereignty over biodiversity and biological resources, the
equitable sharing of their benefits, and links between
in situ and ex situ conservation (CBD Preamble and Dec.
VI/24; CITES Res. Conf. 13.9).
Finally, many argue that the social and conservation
value of the bird trade at the consumer end of the trade
chain is an important consideration, and that keeping
birds enriches many people’s lives (WPT, 1997). As with
zoos, it may be that trade keeps exotic birds in the public
mind and promotes concern for their in situ conservation.
Revisiting thinking on trade bans
An evidence-based policy debate on this issue is difficult,
as empirical evidence is fragmentary. On the basis of
the points above, however, we argue that while contextspecific trade bans can be effective and necessary, an
indiscriminate ban on imports of wild birds into the
EU would constitute poor conservation policy. This is
because it would be unlikely to be effective in ending
illegal trade, would contribute little to management of
species and habitats in situ, and nothing to building
long-term conservation solutions or capacity in range
states. Furthermore, it could erode local livelihood strategies, remove incentives and revenue for good management and habitat conservation, and shift the value of
biodiversity from range states to consumer states.
We suggest that a more effective mechanism may be
found in market-led approaches that seek to reform trade
chains to make them more sustainable and equitable,
rather than outlaw or destroy them. This is achieved
through linking changes in the production of natural
resources to the growth in ethical consumerism. In the
case of birds, and with the appropriate levels of investment, trade chains in many species could be made conservation benign or positive by replacing unregulated
capture of wild birds with managed offtake, in situ breeding (nest boxes) or captive breeding in range states, in
conjunction with education of consumers.
© 2006 FFI, Oryx, 40(1), 18–23
Conservationists working to protect coral reefs and
reef fishes are adopting this approach. They accept that
collecting tropical fish brings pleasure to millions and
fuels an important and mostly legitimate industry. The
Marine Aquarium Council is creating conservationorientated trade chains by empowering consumer choice
with a certification mechanism that tracks an animal
from ocean to aquarium. Sustainability is developed by
bespoke approaches tailored to particular species, trade
chains and socioeconomic contexts. Techniques include
quotas, size limits, licensing, aquaculture (e.g. of corals)
and in situ captive production (e.g. of sea horses).
Internet and webcam technology that enables a hobbyist
to select fishes from the site of production further motivates consumer choice, and promotes well-managed
shipping and husbandry practices that keep mortality
levels to a minimum.
The trade in aquarium fish is a c. USD 300 million
industry moving towards sustainability and with the
potential to help ease poverty, protect coral reefs, and
educate people about their conservation (Wabnitz et al.,
2003). We suggest that the wild bird trade has similar
potential. Aquarium animals are the highest valueadded product that can be harvested from their habitat
and the same may be true for birds. Moreover, for bird
species valued for their vocabulary, song and/or endearing behaviour, significant value could be added at the
beginning of a supply chain, for instance by taming and
training wild-harvested, captive-reared birds (e.g. chicks
from nest boxes).
There is scope for a well-managed international trade
in wild birds. The Argentine government has invested in
a programme of regulated trade of blue-fronted amazons
Amazona aestiva from the Chaco region, replacing a highvolume and poorly regulated trade that yielded only
minor revenues to local people. While trade is now a fraction of its former quantity, revenue from the programme
is financing three strictly protected areas of species
habitat (Secretary of the Environment and Sustainable
Development of Argentina, 2005), and providing almost
20% of annual family income for peasant landowners,
countering pressures for agricultural intensification and
conversion to soybeans (Rabinovich, 2005). The conditions under which well-managed wildlife trade yields
benefits for conservation and livelihoods are complex,
but it is clear it can be done (Roe et al., 2002).
We are unclear why the international bird conservation establishment is so conservative when it comes to
the bird trade, investing much in pursuing trade bans,
including CITES Appendix I listings, but little in promoting sustainable offtake and substitution. This may reflect
politics: a debate on trade in wild birds has a strongly
emotive aspect rare in debates over trade in non-sentient
R. Cooney and P. Jepson
or less charismatic species such as plants or fish. It
engages the animal rights and welfare movement, which
has traditionally adopted pressure tactics (such as bans
and petitions) in pursuit of its cause. Practical factors
may be at play. Bans represent an appealingly simple
solution that resonate in the Northern public mind with
iconic campaign strap-lines. They align with the profile
of those likely to provide NGOs with support, subscriptions, donations and legacies. By contrast, the market-led
approaches we advocate here are complex, not susceptible to easy generalization, require an understanding of
trade chains, markets and economic incentives, and are
built on recognition of human self-interest. Alternatively,
the explanation may lie in the rarity of business skills and
experience among conservationists, or a belief that trade
chains are controlled by criminals and are beyond reform. Finally, the pursuit of bans is comparatively cheap,
and represents an activity where Northern-located staff
can achieve a tangible conservation outcome.
In summary, we suggest that conservation scientists,
NGOs and the wider bird conservation community
should abandon calls for unilateral and indiscriminate
trade bans on wild birds. They should critically examine
the evidence for and against the two basic strategic
options: curtail and/or criminalize trade chains, or
reform them to make them more sustainable, ethical and
We are grateful to Brendan Moyle, Vin Fleming, Richard
Ladle, Susanne Schmitt and two anonymous referees for
helpful comments.
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Biographical sketches
Rosie Cooney coordinates the Precautionary Principle
Project, a joint initiative of FFI, ResourceAfrica, IUCN and
TRAFFIC. She is interested in conservation and natural
resources policy at international and national levels, particularly with respect to sustainable use, wildlife trade,
the Precautionary Principle, and the relationship between
conservation and development.
Paul Jepson is a former chairman of the Oriental Bird Club
and was head of the BirdLife International-Indonesia
Programme 1991–1997. He is active in research on conservation history, public attitudes to conservation, wildlife trade
and governance, and accountability of environmental NGOs.
He is leading an inter-agency project to assess whether
market-led mechanisms can reduce the conservation impacts
of the bird-keeping hobby on Java.