Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 2004 Vol. 2(2): 23-31
Illegal and Unsustainable Wildlife Hunting and Trade in Mongolia
Peter Zahler1, Badamjav Lhagvasuren2, Richard P. Reading3, James R. Wingard4, Sukh
Amgalanbaatar2, Sundev Gombobaatar5, Nigel Barton6 and Yondon Onon7
Wildlife Conservation Society, P.O. Box 485, Ulaanbaatar 211238, Mongolia e-mail:
[email protected]
Institute of Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar 51, Mongolia e-mail:
[email protected]
Denver Zoological Foundation, 2900 E. 23rd Ave., Denver, CO, 80205, USA e-mail:
[email protected]
Innovative Concepts International, Inc. 7015 Siesta Dr., Missoula, MO, 59802, USA e-mail:
[email protected]
National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar 210646, Mongolia e-mail:
[email protected]
Steppe Forward Programme, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar 210646, Mongolia e-mail:
[email protected]
WWF-Mongolia, Hydrometeorological Building, Room 309, Khudaldaany Str. 5, Ulaanbaatar-46, Mongolia
[email protected]
Recent reports and studies document dramatic declines in a wide variety of wildlife species in Mongolia.
The prime driver in these declines appears to be illegal and unsustainable hunting, both for local trade and
consumption and for the international market. While data on these declines are sparse, comparisons of
survey reports since the 1980s present evidence that some species may have declined by up to 90% in
recent years. We outline the situation for eight major species of wildlife in Mongolia (saiga antelope,
Mongolian gazelle, red deer, musk deer, argali, brown bear, Siberian marmot, and saker falcon). We then
review the existing legal conditions and government efforts to control this situation, and suggest specific
changes and actions that Mongolia should take to halt these dramatic declines in wildlife populations and
avoid what may soon become an extinction crisis.
Key words: unsustainable hunting, trade, endangered species, mammals, birds
Mongolia’s transition in the early 1990s from a
relatively strong Soviet-dominated economy with
strict controls over hunting and trade to a struggling
free-market economy has resulted in a dramatic
increase in illegal hunting and trade. A faltering
economy, increased reliance on trade with China,
porous borders, and little revenue and will for
enforcement has led to rapid declines in a range of
wildlife. Much of this hunting is for local trade or
consumption, but there are a number of species in
Mongolia threatened by illegal international trade,
and evidence suggests that this threat is growing
and beginning to spread to new species.
Unlike Southeast Asia, where the international
trade focuses primarily on small animals, much of
the illegal hunting and trade in Mongolia is directed
at larger mammals. Red deer (Cervus elaphus),
musk deer (Moschus moschiferus), Mongolian
gazelle (Procapra gutturosa), saiga antelope
(Saiga tatarica), brown bear (Ursus arctos), and
a host of furbearers are the main components of
the illegal trade market. As these species decrease
in number, hunters and traders are already
switching to other species such as moose (Alces
alces), roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) and even
red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) (Pratt et al., 2004).
Eight examples illustrate the currently
unsustainable illegal hunting and trade pressure in
Saiga Antelope: The Mongolian saiga antelope
(S. t. mongolica) is a distinct subspecies long
isolated from the main populations in Kazakhstan
and Russia by the Altai Mountains. Saiga antelope
are herd animals that live on open steppe and desert
steppe communities. In Mongolia, they are found
in the southwestern part of the country, primarily
in Hovd and Govi-Altai Aimags.
P. Zahler et al.
Within the last five years, the population of
Mongolia’s subspecies of saiga antelope has
catastrophically declined from over 5,000 to less
than 800, an 85% drop (WWF 2004). The driver in
this collapse is the lucrative Chinese medicinal
market for saiga horn. The decline in Mongolia
follows shortly after a similar collapse in the major
populations of saiga in Kazakhstan and Russia,
where populations have crashed from over 1 million
in the early 1990s to perhaps as low as 40,000 in
recent years (Millner-Gulland et al. 2001, pers.
comm.). The decline is exacerbated by skewed sex
ratios due to focused hunting on the horned males,
which has negatively affected the populations’
breeding system and its ability to recover (MillnerGulland et al., 2003). The extremely low numbers
of saiga remaining in Mongolia make them
especially susceptible to stochastic events such as
icy winter conditions (zuds) that could cause mass
mortality and potentially drive this endemic
subspecies to extinction.
Mongolian Gazelle: Mongolian gazelles still
number around 1 million animals in Mongolia, and
represent one of the great migratory ungulate
spectacles in the world, the last such event in Asia.
Historically they occurred throughout the eastern
aimags and in a broad band across central Mongolia
and west to the base of the Altai Mountains. Sadly,
this range has dramatically constricted over the past
100 years, with much of the loss occurring in
western Mongolia. Today, only a few western
locations contain gazelles.
Mongolian gazelles are still common in eastern
Mongolia. However, a recent hunting survey found
that local herders in the eastern steppe region alone
(Dornod, Sukhbaatar, and southern Khenti Aimags)
take as many as 150,000 gazelles annually (K.
Olson, pers. comm.). Meanwhile, urban dwellers
in just one city in eastern Mongolia were estimated
to consume approximately 16,000 gazelles a year,
while in 2001 the Chinese customs office approved
permits for 100 tons of gazelle meat (Scharf and
Enkhbold 2002). Given that Mongolian gazelle
harvest models suggest a total sustainable off-take
of 6%, or 60,000 gazelles a year (Millner-Gulland
and Lhagvasuren, 1998), Mongolian gazelles may
be in the process of experiencing a decline similar
to that of the Kazakhstan saiga antelope. This could
be exacerbated if there is a commercial switch from
saiga to gazelle horns, and evidence for this ominous
trend has been found in the recent increase in price
for gazelle horns.
Red Deer: Mongolia’s Red deer (C. elaphus
sibiricus) were once common throughout much of
the country. They occurred in large numbers in the
forested north, and occurred in lesser and more
scattered numbers across much of the steppe,
where they were usually found near or within
wooded or hilly regions. Cover in the form of bushes
or trees are critical, as it provide both protection
from predators such as wolves and important food
in winter in the form of browse (Chen et al., 1998).
Unfortunately, red deer have also declined
catastrophically across Mongolia. According to a
1986 government assessment, the population size
at that time was approximately 130,000 inhabiting
115,000 square km. The most recent population
assessment in 2004 showed that only about 8,00010,000 red deer now inhabit 15 aimags (provinces)
of Mongolia. This is a 92% decline in only 18 years.
While habitat loss may play a small role, illegal
poaching is the primary reason for this dramatic
decline. Much of the poaching and subsequent trade
is directed toward the international medicinal
market, and include harvesting for antlers (1 kg
US$60-100), male genital organs (US$70-80),
fetuses (US$20-50), and female’s tails (US$50-80).
Musk Deer: Musk deer are unusual, primitive
members of the deer family. Musk deer do not
grow antlers – instead, males develop elongated
‘tusks’ that are used as sexual ornamentation and
dominance. These small deer live in forested
regions across much of Asia, including Mongolia.
Male musk deer are hunted for their valuable scent
glands, or musk pods, for which there is a heavy
demand in China and Southeast Asia.
Although no recent surveys have been
performed for musk deer in Mongolia, there is
evidence of an unsustainable increase in hunting
of this species. Over a five-year period (1995-2001),
the number of musk deer traders increased by a
factor of four and the number of musk pods traded
increased six-fold, probably as a direct result of
the six-fold price increase of a musk deer pod.
Mongolian scientists believe that musk deer
populations peaked at 44,000 in the 1980s due to
strict state control of hunting and trade. Over the
last 11 years, market-based estimates of off-take
were as high as 33,000 (Tsenjav and Batbold,
2003), with a minimum estimate of 2,000 males
taken every year (Holmes 2004).
Argali: Mongolia is home to the world’s largest
mountain sheep, the argali (Ovis ammon). These
animals are greatly sought by foreign hunters
Illegal and Unsustainable Wildlife Hunting and Trade
because of their impressive size and long, spiraling
horns. Yet, argali are declining in Mongolia primarily
due to an increase in poaching for meat and horns
(to trade with China), predation by domestic guard
dogs, and competition with domestic livestock
(Reading et al. In Press).
Government figures estimated 50,000 argali in
Mongolia in 1975 and 60,000 animals in 1985, but
only 13,000 to 15,000 in 2001 (Amgalanbaatar et
al. 2002). This is a 75% decline in just 16 years.
Despite being listed as a threatened species both
in Mongolia and internationally, argali trophy hunting
remains legal in Mongolia and the number of
licenses has been increasing, with 80 licenses
offered in 2004. Trophy hunting is a lucrative
business, with companies offering hunts for
US$25,000-50,000. Controversy surrounds this
program, as manifested by growing local opposition,
accusations of corruption by the media, and a U.S.
lawsuit (Amgalanbaatar et al., 2002).
Siberian Marmot: Until recently Siberian
marmots (Marmota sibirica) were one of the most
common mammals of the steppe region in Mongolia.
Marmots live in fairly large colonies and may be a
‘keystone species’ – e.g., they affect community
structure and function at a greater level than their
numbers alone might suggest (Power et al. 1996),
much like prairie dogs (Cynomys sp.) in North
America (Kotliar, 2000) and pikas (Ochotona sp.)
in Asia (Smith and Foggin, 1999). Marmots affect
vegetation around their colonies, are themselves
food for a number of raptors and mammalian
predators, and provide ready-made burrows for a
wide variety of wildlife, from birds (Oenanthe sp.)
to hedgehogs (Erinaceus sp.), foxes (Vulpes sp.)
and Pallas’ cats (Octolobus manul).
While there are no recent surveys to determine
the decline of marmots, all circumstantial evidence
points to a critical and catastrophic decline across
most of their range in Mongolia. A recent hunting
study found that in eastern Mongolia the observed
trade volume alone was almost three times the
actual hunting quota. Although the government only
issues about 100,000 marmot licenses a year, 88,000
marmot skins were found in the markets of just
three towns in Mongolia in 2001, while in that same
year 200,000 skins were officially imported to China
from Mongolia (Scharf and Enkhbold, 2002). This
is undoubtedly only a fraction of the number of
marmot skins that cross the border – for example,
in 2003 just two seizures of illegal shipments into
China totaled 37,332 marmot skins. In October of
2004, over 117,000 marmot skins were reported
confiscated in a three-day raid by the State
Professional Inspection Agency, and a State
Inspector recommended that marmot hunting be
suspended nation-wide for two to three years to
help control the decline (Anonymous, 2004b).
Brown Bear: The brown bear has a holarctic
distribution, occurring throughout northern Asia,
Europe, and North America. Historically the brown
bear occurred throughout this range north of
approximately 35-40º latitude, occasionally
extending southward along a number of mountain
chains. In Mongolia, the brown bear occurs
primarily in the northern taiga forest zone, with a
small pocket of potentially genetically distinct bears
isolated in the Gobi Desert, numbering between 2040 individuals (Mallon, 1985; McCarthy, 1999).
According to a Mongolian Institute of Biology
report from 1986, there were about 500 brown bears
in Mongolia inhabiting 50,000 square km in 4
aimags. Since then no population surveys have been
performed for brown bear in Mongolia. However,
circumstantial evidence suggests that the number
of brown bear and area of distribution in Mongolia
has declined sharply since the early 1990s. Most
likely, this is primarily due to illegal hunting and
increased demand for bear body parts in the
medicinal trade. A set of four paws can be sold for
US$400-500 on the black market, while a bear gallbladder sells for US$150-200 and the skin for
US$200-300. In an October 2004 UB Post
newspaper article (Anonymous 2004a), it was
reported that three Vietnamese nationals were
captured attempting to smuggle 80 bear gall bladders
out of Mongolia. Even if this were the only smuggling
effort involving brown bear parts, it is still likely a
sizeable fraction of the brown bears left in
Saker Falcon: The saker falcon (Falco
cherrug) is widespread across Mongolia. This
large falcon is unusual in that a large proportion of
its prey consists of mammals – pikas, ground
squirrels, and voles, including the highly cyclic
Brandt’s vole (Lasiopodomys brandtii). Saker
falcons will also take avian prey, ranging from small
larks and wheatears to large gulls and corvids.
Because of their large size and capable hunting
skill, saker falcons are highly prized among
Today, Mongolia’s saker falcon population is
threatened by illegal trapping, effects from Brandt’s
vole poisoning, and electrocution (Gombobaatar et
P. Zahler et al.
al., 2003). Trapping for the falconry trade,
especially the export trade to the Middle East, is
growing rapidly (Badam, 2001). It is not known
how many falcons are legally and illegally being
trapped in Mongolia each year or to what extent
trapping is affecting the breeding population. 300
licences are supposedly sold each year, but as many
as 250 falcons were taken by licence in 2004 from
Sukhbaatar Aimag alone, and information suggests
that falcons were illegally taken from other aimags
such as Dornod during this time (K. Olson, pers.
In 1999, the saker falcon population was
estimated at 3,000 breeding pairs (Shagdarsuren
et al. 2001). However in 2000, the population
dropped to an estimated 2,200 pairs and in 2003
the number of falcons breeding in 6 study sites was
less than 50% that of previous years, with most
sites being unproductive. Saker numbers are closely
related to vole cycles (Bold and Boldbaatar, 2001)
and fluctuate naturally, and the widespread use of
rodenticides has caused increased falcon mortality.
The extent to which these different factors
contribute to the saker decline in Mongolia requires
urgent analysis. However, it appears that a major
factor in the recent decline has been an
unsustainable trade with the Middle East in
Mongolian saker falcons.
Other Species: While the eight species listed
above may be the most critically endangered
wildlife threatened by unsustainable hunting, other
species in Mongolia are also under extreme
pressure. Moose and wild boar (Sus scrofa) are
considered to be declining in the north (Pratt et al.,
2004), and ibex (Capra sibirica), khulan or wild
ass (Equus hemionus), roe deer, lynx (Lynx lynx),
red fox (Vulpes vulpes), corsac fox (V. corsac),
otter (Lutra lutra), sable (Martes zibellina),
wolverine (Gulo gulo), and Pallas’ cat are all under
threat and likely to be declining. These species are
heavily hunted throughout their range for skins and
for the international trade in body parts, and in most
cases the hunting occurs outside the legal
requirement for permits or quotas (Scharf &
Enkhbold, 2002).
While habitat loss is considered the most crucial
global threat to wildlife and overall biodiversity, this
is not the case in Mongolia. Mongolia has one of
the world’s lowest human densities (NSO-Mongolia,
2004), and while desertification and forest loss are
both an issue in the country, the prime driver of
species loss in Mongolia is illegal and unsustainable
hunting. Illegal hunting has become the major threat
to wildlife in the last decade in Mongolia, and despite
adequate available habitat, a number of wildlife
species are rapidly being driven toward the brink
of extinction.
The recent increase in poaching in Mongolia
stems from a combination of strong demand in
Asian markets for wildlife products, coupled with
large numbers of people who are unemployed or
struggling to make a living. We believe that
successfully addressing the poaching problem will
require a blend of public education programs, social
development to provide alternative livelihoods for
poachers, better regulation of commercial hunting
and improved use of legal disincentives and
incentives, reforming and vastly improving law
enforcement, and creating some form of national
wildlife agency.
Legal Situation: Since 1994, Mongolia has
actively engaged in the development of an
environmental legal regime that comprises most of
the components necessary to control illegal hunting.
A few critical gaps remain, however, exacerbated
by a lack of capacity to implement and enforce
established mandates.
A significant gap, common to many of Mongolia’s
environmental laws, is the lack of adequate
disincentives (fines and penalties). The primary
justification for the application of fines is twofold:
1) to deter the targeted behavior and 2) compensate
for damage caused. The civil penalties fall far short
of achieving these goals. Even though many
targeted species have appreciable value, the hunting
law applies fines as little as 1,000 Mongolian tugrugs
(< US$1) for certain forms of poaching (not
including certain “huntable” rare animals for which
criminal charges apply). In addition, applicable fines
range widely for any given violation. While the
upper end fines might have some effect, the lower
end of the range is so small as to be meaningless.
Even in a cash poor environment, the deterrent
effect of a US$10 fine for poaching a brown bear
(worth as much as US$1,000 on the black market)
is questionable at best. Moreover, none of the laws
provide direction on when to apply a higher fine,
leaving this entirely up to the discretion of the
inspector or ranger. Compounding these problems
is the absence of inflation-indexing or a regulatory
mechanism to adjust fine levels, all of which are
Illegal and Unsustainable Wildlife Hunting and Trade
specified in the organic legislation. The result is a
steady reduction in the already inadequate
disincentive and compensative values. Current
trends make it abundantly clear that the civil
penalties for poaching are simply too small to deter
the market.
Another vital gap is the inadequate definition
and regulation of commercial hunting. The MLH
does not regulate “commercial” hunting per se,
restricting its focus to “industrial hunting” - a narrow
area of commercial use applicable to registered
companies that harvest animals in large quantities
for a given market. All environmental laws assume
a greater level of responsibility for companies and
levy significantly higher fines for violating the law.
Commercial hunting of wildlife, however, occurs
in many forms and is not restricted to organized
companies. Even so, individuals engaged in
commercial exploitation of wildlife are treated more
leniently by the law and typically risk only 10% of
the fines applied to registered companies. This
myopic legal view is mirrored by industrial hunting
quotas that do not yet adequately consider the full
impact on target species of all exports (legal and
illegal) to the Asian market.
Enforcement of industrial hunting has improved
substantially since the institution of certificates of
origin for the sale of wildlife products, including
specialized tags, in 2003. This simple mechanism
enables enforcement personnel to inspect not only
hunting areas, but also market places and
transportation routes. Mongolia’s Professional
Inspection Agency reported positive results almost
immediately upon introducing the system.
The MLH’s subsistence hunting regime
(referred to as “household hunting”) is managed
primarily through a permit system and six standard
management mechanisms - 1) total bans, 2) closed
areas, 3) close seasons, 4) fixed quotas, 5) restricted
techniques, and 6) regulating effort. Notably, the
law does not contain two common regulatory
schemes – sex-based regulation or size limits, both
of which are essential components of an adaptive
hunting management regime. National and
international reports indicate that this system is
widely ignored and that the actual number of
animals taken per year exceeds the recorded
amounts by orders of magnitude. The success
experienced using certificates of origin for industrial
hunting is a strong argument for expanding it to
include non-commercial forms of hunting as well.
Law Enforcement: Law enforcement is the
single most critical factor in controlling the
unsustainable and illegal hunting that is causing
dramatic declines in Mongolia’s wildlife. Presently,
the capacity for Mongolia’s law enforcement staff
to control this situation is well below what is needed.
Local departments are understaffed, underpaid, and
poorly equipped. Many protected areas within
Mongolia have only a single ranger who is
responsible for thousands of square kilometers, and
is required to provide fuel for patrols from his or
her salary (which can be as low as US$37 a
month). Other government agencies involved in
wildlife law enforcement are similarly handicapped
by a lack of funding and equipment. Enforcement
issues also encompass international trade, and
border patrol and airport personnel are similarly
ineffective in controlling cross-border trade in
wildlife species.
Better law enforcement requires adequate
recruiting, training, and provisioning of officers.
This, in turn, requires additional financial investment,
which we believe exists if a portion of the income
generated by current, legal wildlife exploitation
were provided for this purpose. For example,
hundreds of thousands of US$ are generated by
argali hunting alone each year, yet almost none of
this money helps pay for wildlife law enforcement,
despite laws written to help ensure this happens
(see Amgalanbaatar et al. 2002 for a more
complete review). Charging small license fees for
Mongolian hunters (e.g., marmot hunters) also has
the potential to generate significant income for
wildlife management in Mongolia. Obviously, some
money generated by wildlife exploitation must also
go to support wildlife monitoring and research, the
results of which would form the foundation for
credible and sustainable wildlife management in the
Judicial Review: Beyond the field,
enforcement by and coordination with the courts
needs strengthening. Fundamentally weakening
Mongolia’s entire legal system is the judicial
prohibition on “interpretation” of statutory language;
i.e., if a question is not unequivocally covered by
the law, the court cannot rule. As a result, looking
for gaps in legislation has become a kind of national
sport with the judge, as referee, absent from the
game. The continuing lack of adequate definitions
and procedures makes it regrettably easy to win.
Further undermining the court’s role (and the
development of the legal system as a whole) is the
lack of written court opinions. Without an
understanding of what laws and facts have formed
P. Zahler et al.
the basis for a court’s decision, there is almost no
way to work within the system or make necessary
changes for its improvement.
A series of events surrounding illegal marmot
skin sales amply demonstrate the problem. In 2002,
the PIA Inspection Agency confiscated
approximately 56,000 marmot skins from a few
individuals, worth approximately US$670,000 in
China. The case was submitted by the Inspection
Agency to the courts for adjudication. Without
explaining its reasoning, the court decided that the
skins were mistakenly confiscated and therefore
must be returned to the traders. In 2003, the
Inspection Agency confiscated another 37,332
marmot skins. To avoid the vagaries of the court
system, these skins were transferred by the
Inspection Agency directly to the state coffers
within the Ministry of Nature and Environment. The
Ministry later sold them for $162,000 to domestic
tanneries as a form of support for the local
economy. Of the two companies that purchased
the skins, one sold the skins back to the original
traders. Bringing the story full circle, the three
traders from whom the skins were originally
confiscated have now sued the inspectors for illegal
confiscation of private property. Indirectly, the suit
challenges the new legal provision that makes it
illegal to possess and trade wildlife without a
certificate of origin, which the PIA claims the
traders did not have. At the writing of this article,
the case was still before the courts.
Trophy Hunting: To be sustainable, hunting
programs must be well managed and have the
support of local communities. Neither currently
occurs in Mongolia. Although legally required, no
management plan for argali presently exists.
Population surveys are too infrequent and
widespread (i.e., nationwide) or localized (i.e., in
areas where hunting does not occur) to inform
managers about specific hunting areas in a timely
manner. Critically undermining management
capacity are legal mandates that rely heavily upon
local governments without providing the necessary
funding, tools, or training. Finally, despite laws for
investment of trophy hunting fees in conservation
of the resource, current practices deny local
communities and conservation efforts the benefit
of revenues (Amgalanbaatar et. al., 2002; Wingard
and Erdene-Ochir, 2004). As a result, some local
officials are working to eliminate trophy hunting
from their territories (Amgalanbaatar et al., 2002).
Still, trophy hunting licenses are increasing even as
poaching also continues to increase. Mongolia must
follow existing laws that return revenues to local
government for conservation initiatives.
Community Rights: Local people directly and
indirectly dependent on Mongolia’s wildlife
resources will be critical to the success of any
wildlife management/conservation program.
Recognizing this need, the Mongolian government
has already started to formulate policies and laws
that simultaneously enable communities to engage
in conservation and allow them a stake in
Mongolia’s resource base. For the moment,
proposals have remained focused on forestry, but
can be expanded to include other resources.
Unfortunately, there are still only a small number
of Mongolian legal specialists involved in efforts to
promote sustainable community-based natural
resource management, and no institution is yet fully
committed to it at the national level.
At present, Mongolia’s communities have the
right to form local organizations (Khorshoo,
Nukhurlul) and gain access to resources, but
additional regulatory work will be required to
complete the process. Among them are the
following: First, Mongolia still needs to develop a
full framework for community participation that
ensures adequate and timely access to information,
admittance to government meetings, and full
participation in policy formulation and decisionmaking. They may have these rights in name only,
but not in practice. Second, the law needs to further
define the term “community.” An extremely difficult
task under any circumstances, existing legislation
places no restriction on membership in community
organizations. Proposed amendments to the Law
on Environmental Protection seek to limit
community membership to registered community
members, but do not go further. Third, even though
community organizations may “possess” land, the
law still does not make them a full partner in
managing resources. Typical within Mongolia’s
legal regime, laws remain more concerned with
protection activities than defining management
functions and roles. Fourth, legal access to
resources needs to be coupled with sufficient
security in the right. Of all land tenure rights
currently available, only mining and petroleum
concessions enjoy real tenure security. Virtually all
other land areas continue to swim in uncertainty
while conflicting uses in the informal sector grow.
To avoid inconsistent practices, the compensation
requirements must be complemented by a
Illegal and Unsustainable Wildlife Hunting and Trade
description of contract appraisal procedures
included in the law, not the contract.
Monitoring: There is a critical need for regular,
replicable, and scientific best-practice monitoring
for all game animals to determine if populations
are declining or otherwise under threat. If monitoring
data suggests that a population is in decline and/or
not sustainable, hunting should be prohibited until
monitoring can prove that the population is again
numerous enough to sustain hunting. As can be seen
from the description of individual species above,
almost no accurate, replicable or regular monitoring
has been attempted on any of the species. It is
essential that the national (preferably) or aimag
governments expend more funding, resources, and
manpower to survey and monitor these species to
determine the true condition and trends.
National Wildlife Agency: We argue that
creating a national wildlife agency is one of the
better ways to improve wildlife conservation and
management in Mongolia. Currently, wildlife
management is almost solely restricted to protected
areas. Soums are responsible for environmental law
enforcement inside and outside Nature Reserves,
but they remain woefully short of resources (staff,
money, equipment, and training) for doing so.
Wildlife agencies at the aimag, rather than the
national, level might also accomplish this task, but
we believe that they too lack sufficient resources.
A National Wildlife Agency would be responsible
for wildlife conservation and management
throughout the nation, except possibly for protected
areas. Activities would include law enforcement
and monitoring of both wildlife populations and
hunting programs. The agency might also conduct
research, although it might work better if necessary
research was contracted out to universities and the
Academy of Sciences.
Public Awareness: Coupled with an
appropriate community-based program, public
education and local development would go far
toward reducing illegal wildlife harvests in
Mongolia. A public relations and education program
should focus on the rich cultural heritage that
Mongolia boasts (UNDP, 2000; World Bank, 2003)
and how poaching negatively reflects on and affects
that tradition. It should work to strengthen the
conservation ethic that already exists in Mongolia
and work to reinforce and increase existing, as well
as develop new, social barriers to engaging in illegal
wildlife practices. But such a program should also
be linked to a social development plan that provides
alternatives to poor people who turn to illegal
practices to survive. Providing jobs in law
enforcement is one example, but this approach
should be even more comprehensive and enlist the
assistance of people trained in these areas.
Mongolia is facing a sudden and severe wildlife
crisis, and illegal and unsustainable hunting is the
primary driving force for these declines. Redressing
the problems involving unsustainable and illegal
hunting in Mongolia requires reforming hunting and
population management to ensure: 1) openness and
transparency, including external review and
oversight, 2) a mix of top-down and bottom-up
authority that enjoys local support, and 3) active
and adaptive conservation and management,
including anti-poaching enforcement, using funds
generated by hunters (Amgalanbaatar et al., 2002).
If Mongolia does not take immediate steps to halt
this crisis and reverse the dramatic decline in
wildlife, the country may soon face a series of
country-wide extinctions that will forever alter the
biodiversity, ecological structure, and economy of
the country.
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Whitten and the World Bank for the genesis of this
manuscript. The Institute of Biology of the
Mongolian Academy of Sciences kindly shared
information and reports. Special thanks must go to
K. Olson and P. Kazensky for providing additional
information. This paper was partly funded by the
Wildlife Conservation Society and USAID.
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Received: 03 December 2004
Accepted: 05 January 2005