Werner Heisenberg
Recent papers in Werner Heisenberg
S’il faut une preuve que ce ne sont pas les plus grands génies qui guident la vie du monde, nous pourrons également la trouver dans le fait que, lorsqu’Einstein voulut scruter le dense brouillard du futur social humain, il ne sut parvenir... more
An exploration of Pythagorean-Platonic and Aristotelian-Thomistic Accounts of mathematics and science. This paper argues that mathematics is a specific form of abstraction. It concludes that science remains authentic when it maintains an... more
(M.A.-Abschlussarbeit, Wiener Rupert-Riedl-Preis 2019) Schon Erwin Schrödinger hat sich mit der Frage der Gesetzlichkeit der Natur auseinandergesetzt, wie ein endlicher menschlicher Geist zu einer Formulierung von Gesetzen der Natur... more
A brief abstract about the historical context in which Kuhn worked. Moreover chapters 1- 10/13 and a comparison with Heisenberg about the possibility of a new thought
This book is about scientific understanding. It is widely acknowledged that a central aim of science is to achieve understanding of the world around us, and that possessing such understanding is highly important in our present-day... more
Vogliamo in questo testo presentare la riflessione filosofica fatta da Filippo Selvaggi sulla causalità e indeterminismo 1 . Ci concentreremmo sul modo di capire la causalità dopo le modifiche inserite dalla meccanica quantistica nel modo... more
Heisenberg 1925 (Uber Quantentheoretische Umdeutung Kinematischer Und Mechanischer Beziehungen). En el presente trabajo se intenta encontrar los fundamentos de una Mecánica teórico-cuántica, basado exclusivamente en relaciones entre... more
The article concerns the possible destination of the complex commonly known as RIESE, located in Lower Silesia, Poland. It presents some facts as well as evidence of the validity of the thesis put forward by the author that the RIESE... more
Entre 1808 y 1810, John Dalton había desarrollado la teoría atómica de la química, en su obra Nuevo sistema de filosofía química, en la que estableció la relación entre los conceptos de elemento químico y átomo, fundamento de la moderna... more
Percezione e pesantezza del soggetto L'essere pre-logico L'essere pre-logico e la meccanica quantistica La percezione sinestetica 7.2.2 La forma dell'oggetto-percepito L'illuminazione 7.2.3 Percezione e temporalità 7.3 Il... more
Yeter sebep ilkesi, evrendeki her şeyin birbiriyle bağlantılı olduğunu, birbirini etkilediğini ve bunların sonucunda da var olan her şeyin bir nedeni olduğunu savunur. Leibniz'in ısrarlı savunucusu olduğu bu ilke onun dolaylı olarak... more
Nem is olyan rég volt, hogy az Akadémia levegőtlen épületéből együtt távoztunk Gyurival egy hosszúra nyúlt, agytikkasztó értekezletről. Amint kijutottunk az utcára, idegesen kotorászni kezdett a zsebében. A cigarettáját kereste, végre... more
Due to the 20th century mathematical and scientific developments of Georg Cantor, Max Karl Planck, Albert Einstein, and Werner Heisenberg, concepts once relegated to obscurity, such as irrationality, infinity, insolvability, and chaos,... more
Una investigación sobre los efectos del nazismo en el desarrollo de la bomba atómica y su posterior uso.
The following paper would concern with the problem of technology in Heidegger's and Heisenberg's thought. It will show the difference between the two point of views as much the very same approach in arguing and answering to the question... more
This paper examines the deeper philosophical core of Heisenbergs thought. This core is regarded as a part of the reflection on the ontological problem raised by the modern physics, and, in particular, by the quantum mechanics. Two main... more
The interpretation of Niels Bohr (1885-1962) and Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) of the Quantum Theory in the first half of the twentieth century, later know as “the Copenhagen interpretation”, was situated as epicenter of dissent... more
Sense Perception and Reality examines the remarkable similarities between philosophical idealism and the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics. The book looks at perceptual relativity involving animal senses, neurology and... more
The Twin Earth scenario assumes reference to natural kinds is unique and never changes (rigid designation), and that we can give justice to the intuition of reference-permanence and things having a deep structure only by pushing meaning... more
El contenido de este informe habla de forma clara y concisa acerca del principio de Incertidumbre, postulado por Heisenberg, de quien se incluye una breve biografía; se enuncian algunas ecuaciones, relaciones matemáticas y ejemplos que... more
I claim that Heisenberg’s notion of a closed theory and its analysis by Erhard Scheibe fit well with the philosophy of later Wittgenstein or its generalization. The notion of a closed theory corresponds to the notions of a form of life... more
When Werner Heisenberg presented his views of the fundamental indeterminism to which his uncertainty principle pointed in the basic levels of reality described by quantum mechanics, he used the Aristotelian technical terms of act and... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN This brief, illustrated exposition characterizes the historical and conceptual foundations of a fundamental thesis on the microphysical origin of consciousness. The essay... more
Questo capitolo tratta un fondamentale in Levi, i limiti del linguaggio, da una prospettiva completamente originale e proponendo una tesi nuova. Per comprendere il problema leviano che riguarda i problemi di raccontare una esperienza... more
This is a critical reading of the Heisenberg's book "Physics and Philosophy".
(Understanding Heisenberg's Paper 1925, A New Look At the Calculational Details). En julio de 1925, Heisenberg publicó un artículo que marcó el comienzo de la nueva era de la mecánica cuántica. En general, se considera que este artículo... more
Despite renewed interest in the development of Heisenberg’s scientific work, and in his complex relation to the dramatic unfolding of German cultural history, there has yet to be executed a sustained and philosophically critical... more
In this foreword to Patrick Heelan’s book The Observable : Heisenberg’s Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, the influence of transcendental epistemologies on both Heisenberg and Heelan is documented. This influence can be seen in the fact... more
Dopo i preliminari filosofici sulla dialettica da usare nella trattazione della relatività, la si analizza considerandone gli aspetti concettuali, formali, linguistici, fisici e matematici, con accenni di speciazione biologica, sino... more
L'uso (o l'abuso) del "nome di Heisenberg" nella teoria sociale si può inserire in una fascinazione culturale di più ampio respiro, ovvero all'interno di un tentativo di vera e propria popolarizzazione del principio di indeterminazione,... more
The riddle behind the magnetic field solved, a new physical constant " #h " the elementary quantum of action of empty space, the impossibility of the Planck square, the ether a three dimensional entity, the zero point field energy... more
storia del pensiero occidentale, generando una cesura, una separazione tra scienza e filosofia, per cui «il mulino della filosofia»-come scrive Edgar Morin-ha smesso «di trarre alimento dalle scienze», ovvero «di riflettere sui saperi... more
The Observable was finished in 1970, half a decade after the 1965 publication of Patrick Aidan Heelan's study of Werner Heisenberg's phenomenological and (as Heelan would later would reflect as inseparably) hermeneutic philosophy of... more
Lyotard raccomanda, obtorto collo, non di affidarsi al relativismo, ovviamente, ma di imparare a convivere con esso e dunque a ripensare realtà e supposizioni, in quanto l’essere è tramontato e il divenire ha mostrato le sue carte. La... more
The aim of this work is to illustrate how, following the revolutions of thermodynamics and quantum physics and the evolution of cybernetics, a notable contribution was made to the advent of a new idea of temporality, that has become... more
[Version 20211210] Le Qbism (bayésianisme quantique) est une interprétation philosophique de la mécanique quantique (MQ) qui place l'agent et ses attentes au cœur de la théorie. Les QBists prônent une interprétation « subjectiviste » des... more
Nous interprétons les vues philosophiques de Werner Heisenberg comme un pragmatisme et un réalisme non-métaphysique de type Wittgensteinien. La « théorie close » est une règle (concept) Wittgensteinienne. À la différence d’Alisa Bokulich... more
Versão completa da comunicação realizada no XVIII Simpósio de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea da Unioeste (Toledo, 2013).
English sessions / секции на английском языке. Room / Аудитория: 108 (3rd floor / 3 этаж) Moderator / модератор: To be determined / уточняется. Russian sessions / секции на русском языке. Room / Аудитория: 8 (1st floor, hall / 1 этаж,... more