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This is a draft section of a chapter in my forthcoming Ph.D., in which I explore the anti-Semitic theories and theological views of 19th-century German preacher and politician Adolf Stoecker. I examine Stoecker's influence on Nazism, and... more
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      ReligionJewish StudiesTheologyAntisemitism (Prejudice)
Dorothee Wein, Volker Mall und Harald Roth dokumentieren 62 Jahre nach Ende der NS-Barbarei erstmals den Bau des Militärflughafens bei Hailfingen/Tailfingen, auf dessen Gelände später das Außenlager des KZ Natzweiler im Elsass errichtet... more
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      German HistoryGenocide StudiesJewish HistoryHolocaust Studies
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      History of ScienceMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)OccultismThe Third Reich
Researchers have long questioned how debunked myths such as the blood libel – the notion that Jews used Christian blood in their ceremonies – were able to persist for so long. This essay explains the social function of such myths in one... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryGerman StudiesMedia Studies
Education in Nazi Germany examines how Nazism took shape both in the schools, in particular through curricular and textbook changes, and in the youth groups, in which German boys and girls were socialized in accordance with the regime's... more
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      German StudiesEducationGerman HistoryThe Third Reich
Norbert Wójtowicz, Erich Ludendorff o tym, że tajemnicą masonerii jest wszędobylski Żyd, "Wolnomularz Polski", nr 55, Lato 2013, s. 42-45.
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      PropagandaFreemasonryHistory Of PropagandaHistory of Freemasonry
This article contains a set of reflections on the impact of the cultural-historical turn on the writing of the history of National Socialism. It first traces the archaeology of the turn in diverse intellectual currents that coalesced in... more
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGerman Studies
• “Traveling as a Culture of Remembrance: Traces of National Socialism in West Germany, 1945-1960,” History and Memory 12/2 (Fall/Winter 2000): 92-121.
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      National IdentityMemory StudiesCultural MemoryNational Socialism
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryGerman NationalismThe Third Reich
Indagando i rapporti tra Terzo Reich e mondo animale, questo libro mostra come i nazisti abbiano sfruttato simbologie animali per ribadire e diffondere il loro sistema di differenze razziali. I nazisti tendevano a risolvere i problemi... more
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      AnthrozoologyAnimals in CultureAnimals in PhilosophyThe Third Reich
1933 yılı itibariyle Almanya’da Yahudilerin nüfusu yüzde 1’den azdı. Bununla birlikte, Nazi propagandası, Almanya’daki Yahudilerin olağanüstü zenginliklerin varlığına inanıyordu ve bunun da, milli servetin yüzde 20’sine kadar yükseldiği... more
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      Economic HistoryFiscal HistoryThe Third ReichNazi Germany
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      Cultural HistoryGerman StudiesGerman HistoryCulture
Partisanas. La mujer en la resistencia armada contra el fascismo y la ocupación alemana (1936-1945) Barcelona, VIRUS Editorial, 2015 pp. 519. Cuando han pasado casi veinte años desde la primera edición en castellano y poco menos de... more
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The volume is in fact the last part of a trilogy that Evans has dedicated to Nazi Germany. As it approaches the most dramatic period in the history of Germany, the Second World War, it is also the most dramatic of them bearing witness of... more
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      The Third ReichNazi GermanyAdolf HitlerWehrmacht
This book introduces the lay reader to the problem of how to read Hitler's notoriously turgid prose by taking key short extracts and undertaking a close reading of them. It seeks to offer a reading of the text that moves discussion of... more
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      German StudiesRace and RacismIdeologyFascism
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      National SocialismThe Third ReichNazismThird Reich
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryDiplomatic HistoryInternational Relations
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistorySociology
Mirosław Sikora, Die Waffenschmiede des »Dritten Reiches«. Die deutsche Rüstungsindustrie in Oberschlesien während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Hrsg. von Helmut Maier, Essen: Klartext 2014, 591 S. (= Bochumer Studien zur Technik-und... more
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      Military HistorySecond World WarWorld War IISecond World War (History)
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      Military HistorySecond World WarWorld War IISecond World War (History)
Every invading army conveys its message first through brutal force, guns, shells, and bullets, and only later occupies itself with explaining to the locals that in fact they come in peace and providing reasons it might be a good thing to... more
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      Military HistoryEastern European StudiesGerman StudiesSecond Language Acquisition
This is the student work (later reviewd and published) of an Seminaire containing the making of an remembrance site in an Hamburg district called "Hammerbrook" (which former structures were destroyed during the WWII bombing and wasn't... more
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      Cultural StudiesHistorical AnthropologyWeimar RepublicThe Third Reich
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      European HistoryGerman HistorySecond World WarHolocaust Studies
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      International RelationsWar StudiesPolitical HistoryDiplomacy
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      Cultural HistoryGerman HistoryIndividuality20th Century German History
Despite its disapproval of the modernization of the woman’s role in the society, the NSDAP could not prevent the consolidation of a female leadership within the party. This was until 1945 in charge of leading the Reich´s woman´s... more
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      German StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryGerman History
Članek na podlagi arhivskih virov, ustnih pričevanj, slikovnega gradiva in dokumentacije iz zasebnih zbirk analizira raznarodovalni program nemškega okupatorja v obdobju štiriletne okupacije zdravilišča Rogaška Slatina. Glavni cilj... more
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      Second World WarSlovenian HistorySecond World War (History)The Third Reich
Účelem tohoto příspěvku je podat základní přehled právní úpravy sexuálních trestných činů a jejich stíhání v nacistickém Německu v letech 1933-1945. Nacisté právě v této oblasti provedli několik významných změn a zostřili represi... more
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      Criminal LawLegal HistoryHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWThe Third Reich
ESTICA: Editoriale culturale, politice, recenzii (7 Octombrie 2014) În perioada dintre Primul război mondial şi stabilirea celui de-al Treilea Reich, criza... more
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      Race and EthnicityNationalismConservative Revolution (Revolutions)Conservatism
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      Military HistorySecond World WarWorld War IINational Socialism
Auszug: Die (Lebens-)Geschichte Miron Goldsteins und seines Aegyptologischen Verlages liegt, abgesehen von den hier geworfenen Schlaglichtern auf einzelne Episoden, immer noch weitgehend im Dunkeln. Sie verdeutlicht aber, dass die... more
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      EgyptologyJewish StudiesPublishingRomanian History
This article explores the politics of performing Wagner outdoors, focusing on the Waldoper in Sopot, Poland, and its operations under the Third Reich. Festival literature suggests that the Reich combined climatic deterministic logic with... more
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      Wagner StudiesPolandRichard WagnerThe Third Reich
Review of Robert M. Edsel & Bret Witter: The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves, and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History,
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      Degenerate ArtSecond World WarThe Third Reich
Although it has been claimed that Dietrich Bonhoeffer's controversial 1933 essay on "The Church and the Jewish Question" is riddled with inconsistencies, I argue that the essay is entirely consistent at least on the issue of church action... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyLutheranismJewish - Christian Relations
This book was written by Leslie Blau (Blau László). It is a translation of the English "Bonyhad: A Destroyed Community" printed by Blau in 1994 (New York, New York). This translation into Hebrew was edited by Reuven Chaim Klein in 2010.... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryPsychoanalysisHebrew Literature
Driver drowsiness is a major cause of severe accidents, many of which involve a single vehicle lane departure. The objective of the experiment described in this paper is to determine the relationships between drowsiness, lane departure... more
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      PerformanceThe Third ReichEarly Warning Systems
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      German HistoryConservative RevolutionRadicalizationNobility
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      PropagandaThe Third ReichNazi GermanyNazism
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      First World WarWeimar RepublicThe Third ReichNazism
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      TotalitarianismThe Third Reich
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      Military HistoryCollaborationSecond World WarWorld War II
This review discusses Rousseau's concepts of social contract and general will in his work "The Social Contract" and contrasts those views with the constitutional principles of representation and individual rights found in the United... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial Contract TheoryPolitical ScienceFrench Revolution
Robbing the Jews reveals the mechanisms by which the Nazis and their allies confiscated Jewish property; the book demonstrates the close relationship between robbery and the Holocaust. The spoliation evolved in intensifying steps. The... more
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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryAnthropologyJewish Studies
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryRacial and Ethnic PoliticsHolocaust Studies
Robbing the Jews reveals the mechanisms by which the Nazis and their allies confiscated Jewish property; the book demonstrates the close relationship between robbery and the Holocaust. The spoliation evolved in intensifying steps. The... more
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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryJewish StudiesCollaboration
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      Military HistorySecond World WarWorld War IISecond World War (History)
Окултните науки (и практики) и проекти за космически кораби - тайните оръжия на Третия Райх.
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    • The Third Reich
The book opens with the author's vivid description of her life in a traditional family in Lithuania in the 1920s and 1930s, her studies at the Hebrew Gymnasium in Kovno, and the dramatic turn in Gitta’s life as a result of the Soviet... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesPsychology
System of forced and directed labour was characteristic for protectorate labour law. In order for this system to work effectively, it was necessary to create some required effective managing and controlling mechanisms. Of major importance... more
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      Legal HistoryLabour LawThe Third ReichHistory of Law