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Application-level web security refers to vulnerabilities inher-ent in the code of a web-application itself (irrespective of the technologies in which it is implemented or the security of the web-server/back-end database on which it is... more
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      Computer ScienceTools and TechniquesWeb SecuritySecurity Policy
Abstract—The Internet and web applications are playing very important role in our today‘s modern day life. Several activities of our daily life like browsing, online shopping and booking of travel tickets are becoming easier by the use of... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil Engineering
JavaScript-based applications are very popular on the web today. However, the lack of effective protection makes various kinds of privacy violation attack possible, including cookie stealing, history sniffing and behavior tracking. There... more
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      Computer SciencePrivacyInformation FlowJavascript
Spammers and the spam e-mails are causing huge losses to businesses & individuals on a regular basis in terms of time & money. Spamfiltration is an automated technique to identify SPAM or HAM. Various types of spam filters are designed... more
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      Security in Web ServicesInternet and web securityWeb Security
— Application-level web security refers to obligation inherent in the code of a web-application itself. few months ago application-level vulnerabilities have been exploited with serious consequences: hackers have good knowledge of... more
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      Web SecurityKey wordsDoSCross Site Scripting
In this article, we will discuss keylogger attacks with xss.
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      Information SecuritySecurity in Web ServicesMalwareWeb Application Security
Security is too critical to leave up to individual coders. The Secure Web Applications Project enforces centralized security policies across entire Web sites.
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingWeb DevelopmentInterdisciplinary research
Unsafely coded browser extensions can compromise the security of a browser, making them attractive targets for attackers as a primary vehicle for conducting cyber-attacks. Among others, the three factors making vulnerable extensions a... more
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      VulnerabilityWeb Securityhidden Markov modelComputers Security
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      Security in Web ServicesWeb Application SecurityMobile Applications and Web Applications developmentWeb Security
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      Information SecuritySoftware SecuritySoftware DevelopmentSoftware Architecture
This paper discusses how cryptography is misused in the security design of a large part of the Web. Our focus is on ASP.NET, the web application framework developed by Microsoft that powers 25% of all Internet web sites. We show that... more
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      Computer ScienceCryptographyAuthenticationApplication Security
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityUser Experience (UX)Wearable Computing
The interaction of consumers and marketers within the Web environment, particularly for retailing/purchasing is a growing area of importance. This paper focuses on examining Internet users adoption of the Web for retail usage. It uses the... more
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      MarketingSelf EfficacyWeb SecurityPerceived Usefulness
Remote File Inclusion / Local File Inclusion [Attack and Defense Techniques]
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      Risk and VulnerabilitySecurity in Web ServicesComputer SecurityVulnerability
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are most common vulnerability issues in the digital era for the Web applications. These attacks occur, when an attacker uses a web application to send malicious code in the form of client side script.... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer SecurityWeb SecurityWeb Proxy
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      Data MiningAuthenticationData SecurityWeb Security
Cyber Civilization has become an important source of information sharing and professional activities like business, banking transactions, shopping, services and advertisement. With the exponentially increase in usage of... more
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      Web SecurityCyber SecurityCyber Threats
Cyber Civilization has become an important source of information sharing and professional activities like business, banking transactions, shopping, services and advertisement. With the exponentially increase in usage of cyberspace,... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceOntologiesComputers
The web is absolutely necessary part of our lives. It is wide platform which is used for information sharing and service over internet. They are used for the financial, government, healthcare, education and many critical services.... more
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      Risk and VulnerabilitySecurity in Web ServicesRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsVulnerability
Abstract: The malaise of electronic spam mail that solicit illicit partnership using bogus business proposals (popularly called 419 mails) remained unabated on the internet despite concerted efforts. In addition to these are the emergence... more
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      Social SecurityWeb SecurityQualitative AnalysisCredit Cards
The web is absolutely necessary part of our lives. It is wide platform which is used for information sharing and service over internet. They are used for the financial, government, healthcare, education and many critical services.... more
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      Web Application SecurityComputer and Network Security Information Assurance and Security Cyber Security Access Control in Collaborative, Mobile, Pervasive and Grid Systems Semantic Web and Security OntologiesInternet and web securityWeb Security
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      Information TechnologyWeb SecurityComputer ProgramInformation Analysis
Abstract: The malaise of electronic spam mail that solicit illicit partnership using bogus business proposals (popularly called 419 mails) remained unabated on the internet despite concerted efforts. In addition to these are the emergence... more
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      Social SecurityWeb SecurityQualitative AnalysisCredit Cards
Authentication on the Web is a challenge that can have a negative effect on user experience if it becomes overly complicated and cumbersome. This experience is even more crucial for older and visually impaired users due to their... more
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      Wearable ComputingWeb ApplicationsMobile BankingWeb usability
Web applications are typically developed with hard time constraints and are often deployed with critical software bugs, making them vulnerable to attacks. The classification and knowledge of the typical software bugs that lead to security... more
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      Information SystemsWeb ApplicationData SecurityWeb Security
Most of the recent work on Web security focuses on preventing attacks that directly harm the browser's host machine and user. In this paper we attempt to quantify the threat of browsers being indirectly misused for attack- ing third... more
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      Anomaly DetectionWeb SecuritySecurity PolicyDenial of Service Attack
—In Today's Digital World, the continuous interruption of users has affected Web Servers (WSVRs), through Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks always remain a massive warning to the World Wide Web (WWW). These... more
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      Web SecuritySoftware Defined Networks (SDN)
Although web services are becoming businesscritical components, they are often deployed with critical software bugs that can be maliciously explored. Web vulnerability scanners allow detecting security vulnerabilities in web services by... more
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      Web ServicesSecurity in Web ServicesWeb SecurityExperimental Evaluation
Application-level web security refers to vulnerabilities inherent in the code of a web-application itself (irrespective of the technologies in which it is implemented or the security of the web-server/back-end database on which it is... more
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      Tools and TechniquesWeb SecuritySecurity PolicyCredit Cards
Most web applications contain security vulnerabilities. The simple and natural ways of creating a web application are prone to SQL injection attacks and cross-site scripting attacks (among other less common vulnerabilities). In response,... more
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      Information SecurityInformation FlowSql InjectionWeb Security
With data theft and computer break-ins becoming increasingly common, there is a great need for secondary authentication to reduce automated attacks while posing a minimal hindrance to legitimate users. CAPTCHA is one of the possible ways... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingFace DetectionWeb Security
Browser designers create security mechanisms to help web developers protect web applications, but web developers are usually slow to use these features in web-based applications (web apps). In this paper we introduce Zan 1 , a... more
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      Computer ScienceWeb DevelopmentWeb SecuritySource Code
to the SH to the default gateway without any interference. Intercept SH replies forwarded • by the LAN default gateway. Create a false self-signed certifi-• cate to replace the original. Send the false certificate to the • CH.
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      ProtocolsWeb SecurityDomain Name SystemAddress Resolution Protocol
In today's e-commerce environment, information is an incredibly valuable asset.
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      Software EngineeringWeb EngineeringWeb DevelopmentSoftware Design
Although web services are becoming businesscritical components, they are often deployed with critical software bugs that can be maliciously explored. Web vulnerability scanners allow detecting security vulnerabilities in web services by... more
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      Web ServicesSecurity in Web ServicesWeb SecurityExperimental Evaluation
This paper presents a new algorithm aimed at the vulnerability assessment of web applications following a blackbox approach. The objective is to improve the detection efficiency of existing vulnerability scanners and to move a step... more
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      Dynamic AnalysisSql InjectionClusteringWeb Security
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      Information SecurityNetwork SecurityOpen SourceWeb Application Security
The browser will display SSL Certificate error, during SSL purchase, setup, and installation. Learn about the SSL Certificate errors and its troubleshoot help.
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      InformaticsKnowledge ManagementNetwork SecuritySecurity
The study presents the major factors for Internet banking adoption and compares the levels of adoption across countries, in order to identify more easily what factors to consider most while providing banking services over the Internet.... more
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      Internet BankingFuzzy SystemsInternet Service ProviderWeb Security
Web altyapısına artan sayıda saldırı girişimi yaşanmaktadır, bu nedenle web ve web uygulaması güvenliği her geçen gün daha hayati hale gelmektedir. Nüfuz veya saldırı yaşanmadan saldırıları saptayacak ve saldırıya açıklıkları engelleyecek... more
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      Web Application SecurityWeb Security
Decision support for 24/7 enterprises requires 24/7 available Data Warehouses (DWs). In this context, web-based connections to DWs are used by business management applications demanding continuous availability. Given that DWs store highly... more
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      Intrusion DetectionWeb SecurityData Warehouses
In spite of the use of standard web security measures (SSL/TLS), users enter sensitive information such as passwords into scam web sites. Such scam sites cause substantial damages to individuals and corporations. In this work, we analyze... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingHuman Computer InteractionWeb Security
This study investigates how customers perceive and adopt Internet Banking (IB) in Hong Kong. We developed a theoretical model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with an added construct Perceived Web Security, and empirically... more
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      Decision Support SystemsInternet BankingMarketing StrategyMathematical Sciences
Most of the recent work on Web security focuses on preventing attacks that directly harm the browser’s host machine and user. In this paper we attempt to quantify the threat of browsers being indirectly misused for attacking third... more
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      SecurityMeasurementWeb SecurityMalicious Software
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are most common vulnerability issues in the digital era for the Web applications. These attacks occur, when an attacker uses a web application to send malicious code in the form of client side script.... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer SecurityWeb SecurityWeb Proxy
Security is a major concern for the modern age systems, network, and database administrators. Recently there has been a remarkable interest by both professional and scientific committee about identifying and detecting tacks while also... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness AdministrationInformation TechnologyInformation Security
Research data shows that, about 80% of the web applications are vulnerable to cross site scripting attacks. This is because of the fact that the users are allowed to enter tags in the input control for increasing the flexibility in... more
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureWeb SecurityComputer InformationWeb Pages
An Input validation can be a critical issue. Typically, a little attention is paid to it in a web development project, because overenthusiastic validation can tend to cause failures in the software, and can also break the security upon... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingWeb DevelopmentSql Injection
Risk analysis is the basis of proactive security requirements. To effectively protect security in the web environment, analyzing risks of web sites is an essential and important process for identifying known and potential vulnerabilities,... more
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      Risk assessmentRisk AnalysisSecurity RequirementsCase Study
We live in a period of time where Information Security has gained much attention. The core purpose of the paper is to critically study and analyze the trends in information security as far as the Internet is concerned. To counter the ever... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologySql InjectionWeb Security