Sql Injection
Recent papers in Sql Injection
Since 2002, over 10% of total cyber vulnerabilities were SQL injection vulnerabilities. Since most developers are not experienced software security practitioners, a solution for correctly fixing SQL injection vulnerabilities that does not... more
Web applications have become an integral part of the daily life. One of the most serious types of attack against web applications is SQL injection. SQL injection is a type of attack which the attacker adds Structured Query Language code... more
SQL Injection attacks on web applications have become one of the most important information security concerns over the past few years. This paper presents a hybrid approach based on the Adaptive Intelligent Intrusion Detector Agent... more
Today almost all organizations have improved their performance through allowing more information exchange within their organization as well as between their distributers, suppliers, and customers using web support. Databases are central... more
Today, the spread of the use of the Internet has led to the growth of explosive web design. Millions of users worldwide perform many of their important and vital activities through these websites and in the world of the Internet. This has... more
As the Internet users increase, the need to protect web servers from malicious users has become a priority in many organizations and companies. Writing crosscutting functions in complex software should take advantage of the modularity... more
SOQL Reference eBook for the System Administrators in a hurry. A SOQL query is the equivalent of a SELECT SQL statement and searches the org database. SOSL is a programmatic way of performing a text-based search against the search index.... more
Web application brings us convenience but also has some potential security problems. SQL injection attacks topped the list of Top 10 Network Security Problems released by OWASP, and the detection technology of SQL injection attacks has... more
Web Services are the newest mechanism of communication among applications. Web Services are independent of both hardware and software infrastructure, they are very flexible and scalable. Lack of security features provided by the web... more
Abstract-- When an internet user interacts in web environment by surfing the Net, sending electronic mail messages and participating in online forums lot of data is generated which may have user’s private information. If this information... more
Out-of-Band (OOB) Structured Query Language (SQL) Injection is an exploitation to exfiltrate data from database through different outbound channel. Common channel use by OOB SQL Injection for data exfiltration are through Domain Name... more
Cyber-crimes are growing rapidly and to prevent these crimes one should share all the knowledge he/she has to make people aware of these attacks. In the field of Application Security there is a very well-known vulnerability-SQL... more
Web services work over dynamic connections among distributed systems. This technology was specifically designed to easily pass SOAP message through firewalls using open ports. These benefits involve a number of security challenges, such... more
Web applications are a fundamental pillar of today's globalized world. Society depends and relies on them for business and daily life. However, web applications are under constant attack by hackers that exploit their vulnerabilities to... more
Web applications are typically developed with hard time constraints and are often deployed with security vulnerabilities. Automatic web vulnerability scanners can help to locate these vulnerabilities and are popular tools among developers... more
Internet crime is a general term that includes crimes such as phishing, credit card frauds, bank robbery, illegal downloading, industrial espionage, child pornography, kidnapping children via chat rooms, scams, cyber terrorism, creation... more
Vulnerabilities in applications and their widespread exploitation through successful attacks are common these days. Testing applications for preventing vulnerabilities is an important step to address this issue. In recent years, a number... more
SQL injection is one of the top threats to any web application which interacts with a database system. It is also one of the highly dangerous threats because it is easy to generate, difficult to design a defense mechanism and the data... more
The number and the importance of Web applications have increased rapidly over the last years. At the same time, the quantity and impact of security vulnerabilities in such applications have grown as well. Since manual code reviews are... more
The presence of security flaws allows deceitful operators to exploit web application weaknesses. The researcher brings a novel vulnerability assessment technique in this study that can enhance exposure detection rates while also improving... more
Web applications are typically developed with hard time constraints and are often deployed with security vulnerabilities. Automatic web vulnerability scanners can help to locate these vulnerabilities and are popular tools among developers... more
This report proposes a static analysis technique for detecting many recently discovered application vulnerabilities such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and HTTP splitting attacks. These vulnerabilities stem from unchecked input,... more
The Basics of Web Hacking
SQL Injection Attack (SQLIA) is a generic and critical security issue towards to the web application and database security. In general, poorly validated and verified web applications are highly prone and vulnerable by the attackers. Due... more
Advance Praise " Todd's methods of discussing topics are tactfully approached so they are not confusing to the reader, and his explanations are clear and easy to understand. " —Amazon Reader Review " I passed my CCNA on the first try... more
Web-based applications have been hit by multiple attacks over the years. At the start of injection like SQL Injection. Over time, hackers rarely use this technique, because it takes a long time to look for loopholes in the web that will... more
Web Services are the newest mechanism of communication among applications. Web Services are independent of both hardware and software infrastructure, they are very flexible and scalable. Lack of security features provided by the web... more
Web servers which provide customer services are usually connected to highly sensitive information contained backend databases. The incrementing bar of deploying such web applications initiated in ranging the corresponding bar of number... more
Puji Syukur penulis panjatkan atas karunia nikmat yang telah diberikan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Karena berkat rahmat-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang diberikan Dosen Pembimbing mata kuliah Keamanan Sistem... more
Abstract-Web application security is the hottest issue in the present scenario of e-business environment. Web application attacks can play havoc with the system within no time. More than 80% attacks are at application layer and almost 90%... more
From this command we would get the columns "id,accountno,name,balance": https://seclva.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/sqli/sql_level2.php?accountno=1 UNION SELECT 1,group_concat(column_name),3,4 from information_schema.columns where... more
Database driven web application are threaten by SQL Injection Attacks (SQLIAs) because this type of attack can compromise confidentiality and integrity of information in databases. Actually, an attacker intrudes to the web application... more
SQL injection is one of the top threats to any web application which interacts with a database system. It is also one of the highly dangerous threats because it is easy to generate, difficult to design a defense mechanism and the data... more
As technology changes, it becomes increasingly challenging for businesses of all types to keep their personal and customer's information on the web secure. Web security is important to keeping hackers and cyber-thieves from accessing... more
Today is the world of information era, where information is available on just our single click. Web applications are playing a magnificent role in this, every organizations are mapping their business from a room to the world with the help... more
Today is the world of information era, where information is available on just our single click. Web applications are playing a magnificent role in this, every organizations are mapping their business from a room to the world with the help... more
Today is the world of information era, where information is available on just our single click. Web applications are playing a magnificent role in this, every organizations are mapping their business from a room to the world with the help... more
SQL injection vulnerability is one of the most common web-based application vulnerabilities that can be exploited by SQL injection attack. Successful SQL Injection Attacks (SQLIA) result in unauthorized access and unauthorized data... more
Present era is all about data. But with time increases, data limit increases also. In some cases, it become huge. In 90’s and Relational databases are well enough for structure and maintain those limited amount of data. But now it is... more