hidden Markov model
Recent papers in hidden Markov model
Online auction, shopping, electronic billing etc. all such types of application involves problems of fraudulent transactions. Online fraud occurrence and its detection is one of the challenging fields for web development and online... more
Ridden .Markov Models (HMMs) are applied t.0 the problems of statistical modeling, database searching and multiple sequence alignment of protein families and protein domains. These methods are demonstrated on the globin family, the... more
An offline cursive handwriting recognition system, based on hybrid of Neural Networks (NN) and Hidden Markov Models (HMM), is described in this paper. Applying SegRec principle, the recognizer does not make hard decision at the character... more
In recent years, there are many great successes in using deep architectures for unsupervised feature learning from data, especially for images and speech. In this paper, we introduce recent advanced deep learning models to classify two... more
In the analysis and prediction of real-world systems, two of the key problems are nonstationarity (often in the form of switching between regimes) and overfitting (particularly serious for noisy processes). This article addresses these... more
This paper presents an application, "LentInfo", which is a system used to provide information about programmes for the Festival Lent in Slovenia. The Festival Lent consists of different open-air theatre and music performances and raws... more
This paper presents a novel approach to recognizing driver activities using a multi-perspective (i.e., four camera views) multi-modal (i.e., thermal infrared and color) video-based system for robust and real-time tracking of important... more
Recognizing human action from image sequences is an active area of research in computer vision. In this paper, we present a novel method for human action recognition from image sequences in different viewing angles that uses the Cartesian... more
Traditionally, musical instrument recognition is mainly based on frequency domain analysis (sinusoidal analysis, cepstral coefficients) and shape analysis to extract a set of various features. Instruments are usually classified using k-NN... more
The reliable extraction of characteristic gait features from image sequences and their recognition are two important issues in gait recognition. In this paper, we propose a novel two-step, model-based approach to gait recognition by... more
We present two real-time hidden Markov model-based systems for recognizing sentence-level continuous American Sign Language (ASL) using a single camera to track the user's unadorned hands. The first system observes the user from a desk... more
Semantic context detection is one of the key techniques to facilitate efficient multimedia retrieval. Semantic context is a scene that completely represents a meaningful information segment to human beings. In this paper, we propose a... more
We address the problem of protein secondary structure prediction with Hidden Markov Models. A 21-state model is built using biological knowledge and statistical analysis of sequence motifs in regular secondary structures. Sequence family... more
Responsible Editor: M. Smirnow a b s t r a c t
In this paper, we contribute to the development of context-aware operating rooms by introducing a novel approach to modeling and monitoring the workflow of surgical interventions. We first propose a new representation of interventions in... more
The main steps of document processing have been reviewed, especially those implemented on Arabic writing. The techniques used in this research, such as Vector Quantization (VQ), Hidden Markov Models (HMM), and Induction of Decision Trees... more
In past years, there were a lot of researches made in order to provide more accurate and comfortable interaction between human and machine. Developing a system which recognizes human gestures, is an important study to improve interaction... more
Cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) perceive the world through small peptides that are eight to ten amino acids long. These peptides (epitopes) are initially generated by the proteasome, a multi-subunit protease that is responsible for the majority... more
This paper presents the design of a FPGA-based hardware co-processor, based on the SPHINX 3 speech recognition engine from CMU; capable of performing Acoustic Modeling (AM) for medium sized vocabularies in real-time. By creating an... more
Diagnosis classifies the present state of operation of the equipment, and prognosis predicts the next state of operation and its remaining useful life. In this paper, a prognosis method for the gear faults in dc machines is presented. The... more
Spoken document retrieval (SDR) has been extensively studied in recent years because of its potential use in navigating large multi-media collections in the near future. Considering the characteristics and monosyllabic structure of the... more
As amounts of publicly available video data grow, the need to automatically infer semantics from raw video data becomes significant. In this paper, we address the use of three different techniques that support that task, namely,... more
The ability to predict episodes of acute hypotension (abnormal drop in arterial blood pressure) would be of immense benefit to the healthcare community, and is therefore a focus of research in both medical and engineering domains. This... more
Current methods of coding recall, summarization, talk-aloud, and question-answering data are inherently unreliable and not effectively documented. If the process of coding protocol data could even be partially automated, this would be an... more
This paper describes the lemmatisation and tagging guidelines developed for the "Spoken Dutch Corpus", and lays out the philosophy behind the high granularity tagset that was designed for the project. To bootstrap the annotation of large... more
The basic theory of Markov chains has been known to mathematicians and engineers for close to 80 years, but it is only in the past decade that it has been applied explicitly to problems in speech processing. One of the major reasons why... more
This paper describes a novel hand gesture recognition system that utilizes both multi-channel surface electromyogram (EMG) sensors and 3D accelerometer (ACC) to realize user-friendly interaction between human and computers. Signal... more
Recent efforts in audio indexing and retrieval in music databases mostly focus on melody. If this is appropriate for polyphonic music signals, specific approaches are needed for systems dealing with percussive audio signals such as those... more
Online auction, shopping, electronic billing etc. all such types of application involves problems of fraudulent transactions. Online fraud occurrence and its detection is one of the challenging fields for web development and online... more
Bioacoustics is the study of sound in animals and includes, but is not limited to, animal communication with associated behavior, sound production anatomy and neurophysiology, auditory capacities and auditory mechanisms, and animal... more
One of the research goals in the human-computer interaction community is to build believable Embodied Conversational Agents, that is, agents able to communicate complex information with human-like expressiveness and naturalness. Since... more
Pergamon Pattern Recognition, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 161 170, 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd Copyright ) 1995 Pattern Recognition Society Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0031 3203 95 9.50+.00 00313203(94)000921 APPLICATION OF HIDDEN... more
In today’s age the major problem is related to the predicting user’s web page request. In the past few years the markov model is used for this problem. The effective web mining techniques like Clustering, Association rule mining and... more
Using social science methods to induce a state of frustration in users, we collected physiological, video and behavioral data, and developed a strategy for coupling these data with real-world events. The e ectiveness of the proposed... more
In this paper, we propose an image-based system for Arabic Sign Language (ArSL) recognition. The algorithm starts by detecting the face of the signer using a Gaussian skin color model. The centroid of the detected face is then used as a... more
This paper describes a new identity authentication technique by a synergetic use of lip-motion and speech. The lip-motion is defined as the distribution of apparent velocities in the movement of brightness patterns in an image and is... more
Motivation: A problem in predicting the topography of transmembrane proteins is the optimal localization of the transmembrane segments along the protein sequences, provided that each residue is associated with a propensity of being or not... more
This paper presents a preliminary study of an optical flow-based parameterization of visual information in a sign language recognition system using Hidden Markov Models (HMM). Current feature extraction processes need initialization,... more
Sign language recognition is a very challenging research area. In this proposed system, a well trained computer system is used to recognize static hand gestures representing linguistic words. The main aim of the paper is conversion of... more
The battery management system (BMS) is an integral part of an automobile. It protects the battery from damage, predicts battery life, and maintains the battery in an operational condition. The BMS performs these tasks by integrating one... more
This paper investigates the use of facial gestures for identity recogni- tion. This is the first time that such a quantitative evaluation is conducted, comparing the analyses of 2D versus 3D dynamic data of verbal and non- verbal facial... more
The Adaptive Safety Analysis and Monitoring (ASAM) system is a hybrid model-based software tool for assisting intelligence analysts to identify terrorist threats, to predict possible evolution of the terrorist activities, and to suggest... more
7.2 Phoneme Recognition Using Time-Delay Neural Networks 395 Fig. 1. A Time-Delay Neural Network (TDNN) unit. BOG Output layer integration Hidden Layer 2 Hidden layer 1 I Input layer 15 frames 10 msec frame rate Fig. 2. The architecture... more
Understanding and predicting protein structures depends on the complexity and the accuracy of the models used to represent them. We have setup a Hidden Markov Model to optimally compress three dimensional (3D) conformation of protein into... more