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      Motion perceptionDominanceGestalt
Soft skills are socio-emotional and transversal skills that are considered essential for managing social change and the labour market of the 21st century. The aim of this research was to collaboratively develop strategies that promote the... more
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      Design educationSoft Skills
Du langage jusqu'à la chair! Pour terminer et avant de faire un modeste retour plénier sur les interventions, j'aimerais attirer votre attention sur une opposition qui a fait tradition, celle entre l'image et la parole. Je la conteste. On... more
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This essay analyzes South Korean film director Gina Kim's two virtual reality (VR) films—Bloodless (2017) and Tearless (2021)—and how the film director aesthetically engages new media technology as an ethical tool to represent the events... more
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      New MediaKorean StudiesVirtual Art & Virtual RealityVirtual Reality
Virtual thought experiments represent an evolution of traditional mental experiments, leveraging digital technologies to create new forms of inquiry. This paper proposes a semiotic typology, arguing that for a mental experiment to be... more
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      SemioticsMassimo Leone
Intervento nell'ambito del convegno internazionale "Lo studio dell'artista. Entrare nella creatività: tradizioni e trasformazioni" a cura di Lucia Corrain e Martina Cataldo (Ravenna, 5-6 dicembre 2024) Alma Mater Studiorum Università di... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Virtual Art & Virtual RealityVirtual RealityAtelier
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      SemioticsMedia StudiesAugmented RealityVirtual Art & Virtual Reality
This essay examines the innovative film and theatrical spaces proposed and designed in the 1920s and 1930s by the Austrian-American architect and stage designer Frederick Kiesler, including the Optophon and the Film Arts Guild Cinema.... more
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      Art HistoryMedia StudiesArtArchitecture
SUMMARY Research in virtual reality (VR) is a relatively young field, which has shown considerable growth in recent years, as the development of new interactive technologies has inevitably impacted the more traditional sciences and arts.... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionInteractionNatural User Interfaces
This world tableau on memory politics is a continuation of the volume of social remembrance, which I have made available on the portal in several world languages, as I do with this one. The knowledge and information for this... more
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      Collective MemoryPolitics of MemoryPolitical Use of MemoryThe Politics of History and Memory
Sanat tarihsel ve teknolojik değişimlerle kendini sürekli yeniler. Antik Yunan'ın mimesis odaklı sanatı, doğayı taklit ederek gerçeklikle sanat arasında sınır çizerken, 20. yüzyılda bu sınırlar belirsizleşmiştir. Andy Warhol'un "Brillo... more
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From the exhibition catalogue of Cao Fei's Australian retrospective "Cao Fei: My City is Yours"
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtVideo ArtVirtual Art & Virtual Reality
The article explores and discusses the doctoral research's creative, digital, and visual representation through the "RADICANT 003" virtual reality experience. Grounded in visual methods and the arts sciences, the article outlines its... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesTransgender StudiesDigital Media & Learning
This paper discusses the Petra Anamnetic acoustic mapping project. Juxtaposing audio recordings made in the World Heritage Site of Petra and the neighbouring tourist town of Wadi Musa, Jordan, the piece interrogates how sound might... more
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      Soundscape StudiesAcoustic EcologyField RecordingAcoustemology
Background: The learning styles and personality traits of millennial nursing students are different from those of previous generations, presenting a challenge in teaching as these differences affect academic motivation, knowledge, and... more
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      NursingVirtual Art & Virtual RealityInfection control (Preventive medicine)Virtual Reality
Like a great many others at the turn of the millennium, questioning the essence of perception, knowledge and our very outlook on the world, we stumble upon so many theories that we can but humbly restate them: everything has been said,... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtArts and Sciences
The author shows the enhancement of abstract and “sterile” VRML-scenes by integration of panoramas, made from stitched photographs or special panorama cameras. The problem of having only one point of view in a photograph taken from a... more
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      Computer ScienceAugmented RealityJavaVirtual Reality
In this doctoral dissertation we aim to contribute to a theoretical framework for cyberformance, live performance taking place in virtual worlds, platforms and environments. This emerging genre is intermedial, multimodal, hybrid, liminal,... more
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      Second LifeRealidade VirtualMundos Virtuais
An earlier paper of FIQIR Road Safety had been published in Journal of Technology whilst in this paper; FIQIR is focusing on technical aspects evaluation from the expert’s view. The experts were one from multimedia industry and three... more
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      Computer ScienceUsabilityMultimediaInteractivity
Virtual reality (VR) storytelling offers immersive experiences that engage viewers in unique and interactive ways. This study investigates the viewer’s role within animated narrative-based VR and explores strategies and techniques... more
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      AnimationVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Animation TheoryVideo Games
Artificial Intelligence and Embodied Authorship: Initial Reflections on Eco-Poetic Authenticity
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      Artificial IntelligenceItalian LiteratureEcologyVirtual Art & Virtual Reality
The Marquis of Benicarlo’s House is a prime example of 18th-century Baroque civil architecture in the Valencian region. Inside, it preserves ceramic panels from this period of great historical and heritage value. However, prior to its... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage TourismHeritage ConservationVirtual Art & Virtual Reality
Deux pistes pour discuter l'article de Chalmers ressortent particulièrement et structurent le déroulement de ce qui suit. La première concerne la perception experte du virtuel : selon Chalmers l’expert percevrait davantage l’objet... more
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      Maurice Merleau-PontyJ. J. GibsonDavid ChalmersPerceptual Illusions
This study explores the potential of metaverse technologies in the field of engineering training, aiming to assess their feasibility and acceptance. The research methodology involved the development and evaluation of the "Design and... more
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    • Computer Science
Estimado lector, usted sostiene en sus manos un libro que quita una auréola de misterio y reticencia profunda de un juego fascinante llamado "Vida". Sí, es precisamente "juego", porque todos nosotros, a pesar de todo el enfoque serio de... more
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This demonstration presents the development of a virtual reality (VR) research project for the VR interaction and digitization of "Sodeisha Sculptural Ceramics", a transmedia approach showcases photogrammetry scanned Japanese ceramic... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionMuseum StudiesVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)
Technoshamanism combines traditional shamanic technologies with emerging technologies based in silicon (dry), biology (wet) and hybrid (moist), in the service of healing and sustaining life. This paper explores how contemporary artists... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtVideo GamesVideo Art
Current real-time applications feature rivers that are pre-calculated off-line and present static animations and behaviours. These pre-calculated approaches have several limitations when used in real-time applications such as video games... more
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      Computer ScienceWaterRiverReal-time Animation
El universo de Kalki: Prólogo Este trabajo nació como una herramienta para vigilar la coherencia de la acción en mi novela ¿Sueña Kalki con vacas virtuales? pero al acabar vi que era una narración con entidad propia. No lo suficientemente... more
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      CiberpunkAvatarCiencia ficción española y latinoamericanaNeoHinduism
Med Études sur l'animal dans les sociétés, cultures et milieux de la Méditerranée antique réseau interdisciplinaire
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      Animal ScienceBiometryHolocene ecology and environmental change
The advent of technology and the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the higher education landscape by highlighting online education platforms, thus bringing transformation to the teaching and learning process. Drawing from the dynamic... more
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      Learning And Teaching In Higher EducationOnline Teaching and Learning
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      Art HistoryArtJodi
En el 2014, durante la realización de un seguimiento arqueológico ordinario por la reapertura de las zanjas para la nueva estación de bombeo de agua potable de la ciudad de Toledo, en el jardín existente entre la Puerta del Cambrón y San... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyVirtual Art & Virtual RealityJudeo-ArabicArqueología De La Arquitectura
This work compares the metaverse, a new society created with the help of technology, with one of the most recognized allegories of the classical philosophy "El Mito de la Caverna'' made by Platón, Socrates's disciple, where a debate about... more
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Collaboration between partners in universities and museums is increasingly viewed as an important means of demonstrating the societal relevance of both research and practice in the GLAM sector (galleries, libraries, archives and museums).... more
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      SociologyArchitectureParticipatory ResearchMuseum Studies
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    • Engineering
La société tribale péninsulaire est communément envisagée comme ayant transmis, oralement, les récits de son passé antéislamique, tous ancrés comme des grelots à chaque maillon d’une mémoire généalogique dont les Arabes, forcément... more
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With the advancement of technology, digital gadgets have progressively become tools for educational pedagogy, enabling the widespread application of virtual reality(VR) and augmented reality (AR) in healthcare education. Neurological... more
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      Medical EducationNurse EducationHealth Care ManagementImmersive Virtual Learning Environment
Resumen: Del mismo modo en que el ser humano ha sentido la necesidad de inventar mundos ficticios y virtuales, también siempre experimentó una atracción por las ideas amenazadoras y fascinantes del doble (doppelgänger), de los autómatas,... more
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Human body has limitations in its organs in order to perceive the world; technology has been a resource to permit a sensorial expansion, solving some issues and creating new ones. The State, as a guard for collective aims, tends to... more
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Human body has limitations in its organs in order to perceive the world; technology has been a resource to permit a sensorial expansion, solving some issues and creating new ones. The State, as a guard for collective aims, tends to... more
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There has been done little research to validate the utility and usability of virtual and augmented reality environments. The evaluation of usability of these new technologies is very important to design systems that are more intuitive... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsComputational Physics
From the 1960s to the present day, the foundations of digital art have existed in many different forms, such as Computer Art, ASCII art, Robotic Art, Electronic Art, Cyber Art, and Software Art. The abstract electronic images of waveforms... more
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      Virtual Art & Virtual RealityDigital ArtsVirtual RealityComputer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Indigenous communities are grounded in the connections among people and between people and the natural world. Especially important is the wisdom of elders and the knowledge that comes from culturally embedded teachings. Such connection is... more
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      EducationNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesEducational Technology
This paper interrogates the notion of “scopic regimes” as it has been employed by various scholars seeking to make sense of the visual practices prevalent in the conduct of war, most notably in the prominent employment of drone aircraft... more
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      AestheticsWarfare and TechnologyCritical War StudiesScience and Technology Studies
Film festivals are a reflection of trends, and they directly or indirectly opt for innovation in all areas, techniques and formats, including virtual reality, augmented reality, immersive reality, 360˚, and, ultimately and most novel, the... more
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This research presents the results of experiments of techniques on heritage preservation using lighting computation in virtual environment. In this research, three traditional houses built in the early 1900s were reconstructed based on... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceCultural HeritageRendering (Computer Graphics)
Aiming to cultivate consciousness in our perception of art in today's world, where it is increasingly challenging for us to interpret or perceive art in a deeper, more intimate way. The distinction between digital and reality has become... more
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      Virtual Art & Virtual RealityDigital ArtsArt and technologyPractice-led art research
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The purpose of this paper is to describe insights gained from a collaboration project between RISE, an experimental research institute, and Borås Museum, a local cultural heritage institution, around the topic of how technology can be... more
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    • Computer Science