Videos by Jaume Gual
Breves reflexiones acerca del diseño, el uso de las tecnologías y la paz para la revista Actio Jo... more Breves reflexiones acerca del diseño, el uso de las tecnologías y la paz para la revista Actio Journal of Technology in Design, Fila Arts and Visual Communication.
ISSN: 2665-1890, nº 3, 2019 3 views
La Jornada realizada en La Torre d’en Doménec se ha articulado en 4 grandes bloques:
• Primer blo... more La Jornada realizada en La Torre d’en Doménec se ha articulado en 4 grandes bloques:
• Primer bloque: Conferencia inaugural a cargo de Ángel Gracia, Alcalde de la localidad Rubielos de Mora (Teruel), presentando la ponencia, “Un compromiso con la ciudadanía: Cittaslow”.
• Segundo bloque: ponencia a cargo de María José Viñals, Catedrática de la UPV y especialista en estudios sobre patrimonio y turismo, con el título, “Herramientas para la puesta en valor turístico del Patrimonio”.
• Tercer bloque: ponencia presentación por el gestor cultural y crítico de arte contemporáneo Miguel Mallol, bajo el título, ”Intervención en el paisaje. Dinamización y revalorización del entorno rural a través del arte contemporáneo”.
• Cuarto y último bloque. Espacio para el debate, el análisis y la reflexión con una Mesa debate compuesta por los ponentes participantes y el público. La Jornada realizada en La Torre d’en Doménec se ha articulado en 4 grandes bloques:
• Primer blo... more La Jornada realizada en La Torre d’en Doménec se ha articulado en 4 grandes bloques:
• Primer bloque: Conferencia inaugural a cargo de Ángel Gracia, Alcalde de la localidad Rubielos de Mora (Teruel), presentando la ponencia, “Un compromiso con la ciudadanía: Cittaslow”.
• Segundo bloque: ponencia a cargo de María José Viñals, Catedrática de la UPV y especialista en estudios sobre patrimonio y turismo, con el título, “Herramientas para la puesta en valor turístico del Patrimonio”.
• Tercer bloque: ponencia presentación por el gestor cultural y crítico de arte contemporáneo Miguel Mallol, bajo el título, ”Intervención en el paisaje. Dinamización y revalorización del entorno rural a través del arte contemporáneo”.
• Cuarto y último bloque. Espacio para el debate, el análisis y la reflexión con una Mesa debate compuesta por los ponentes participantes y el público asistente (presencial y virtual). Books and Chaters book by Jaume Gual
Building Engineering Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 345, 2023
The aim of this work is to present graphic and historic architectural studies of several stately ... more The aim of this work is to present graphic and historic architectural studies of several stately houses. Research took place in a physical space, the Castellón province (Spain), and for a space of time, the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and forms part of the area of conservation, value, and dissemination of architectural heritage. For this purpose, a large number of bibliographic data were collected and specific activities were carried out in the graphic expression field, such as architectural surveys. These consisted of exhaustive fieldwork and cabinet work, conducted to obtain a considerable quantity of precise data to allow modeling, to allow the studied buildings, or part of them, to be visualized in both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), and to spread this unknown architectural heritage on digital social networks.
La Editorial UPV autoriza la reproducción, traducción y difusión parcial de la presente publicaci... more La Editorial UPV autoriza la reproducción, traducción y difusión parcial de la presente publicación con fines científicos, educativos y de investigación que no sean comerciales ni de lucro, siempre que se identifique y se reconozca debidamente a la Editorial UPV, la publicación y los autores. La autorización para reproducir, difundir o traducir el presente estudio, o compilar o crear obras derivadas del mismo en cualquier forma, con fines comerciales/lucrativos o sin ánimo de lucro, deberá solicitarse por escrito al correo
En el diseño de los centros comerciales del siglo xxi, encontramos un elemento que se repite: el ... more En el diseño de los centros comerciales del siglo xxi, encontramos un elemento que se repite: el atrio. Es un espacio interior vacío, al que asoman galerías de paso y tiene varias plantas. También está iluminado cenitalmente. Es un foco de atracción dentro del centro comercial. Los usuarios lo recuerdan positivamente, y lo frecuentan mucho más que otras zonas del centro comercial. Y muy recientemente, se observa una nueva tendencia en todo el mundo, que incrementa el interés de estos espacios: se pueden utilizar para exponer temporalmente obras de arte de gran tamaño suspendidas. Así, el centro comercial se regenera y se redime. No en vano, estos espacios son similares a espacios expositivos como el propio atrio
This article presents a pilot study conducted in Barcelona with blind and visually-impaired peopl... more This article presents a pilot study conducted in Barcelona with blind and visually-impaired people. The aim was to analyze the use and efficacy of tactile maps produced by means of 3D printing. For this purpose, structured interviews were used, along with direct observation, the creation of cognitive maps and tasks with prototypes. The aim has been to examine the instrumental and communicative value of these products in terms of interpreting, memorizing and understanding a certain urban route, comparing this with experience in situ, focusing on the difficulties faced by the visually disabled when visiting new places. Findings show the utility of this type of technique in aiding visually disabled users to memorize routes. As a limitation, this study shows that tactile maps are not wholly efficient since they require verbal support, which makes it hard for them to be used autonomously.
8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2015), Sevilla, 2015
The presentation of industrial products from different fields (packaging, web and photography) is... more The presentation of industrial products from different fields (packaging, web and photography) is crucial because it influences the emotional response of the user and differentiates our product from the competition. In the third year of the Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development Bachelor’s Degree at the Universitat Jaume I, the compulsory subject 'Product presentation' deals with the study of several media to publicize the products, offering the students appropriate tools to ensure correct presentations according to the nature and usual target of each product.
Although good results of attendance and performance are obtained in this subject, in recent years low motivation has been perceived in students when addressing the different practical works, since they do not offer a real intellectual challenge and are barely related to real problems that should face an industrial designer.
This article presents the results of an educational improvement project that aims to continue the last three projects implemented in this subject. In order to solve the low motivation of students several measures have been applied with great success, such as changing the focus of practical work and relate it to participation in public contexts on product design, combine classes with lectures by professional designers, and enhance the visibility and dissemination of student’s work through digital platforms and exhibitions on design. The paper concludes by analyzing the positive impact of the application of this new methodology.
Accesibilidad al medio físico e ingeniería industrial., 2010
Dibujar, construir, soñar: Investigaciones en torno a la expresión gráfica aplicada a la edificación, 2016
This publication presents the resu lts of recent research on the current role of graphic expressi... more This publication presents the resu lts of recent research on the current role of graphic expression in the representation of space and the built environment. Experts, researchers, companies and professionals in the field of building and graphic expression, as well as teachers from Universities and Colleges in Spain, Ita ly, Poland, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, come together to offer a broad international spectrum of reflections that go to make up the state of the art in a wide range of fields such as topography, cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), architectural drawing, the design of living spaces, architectural heritage surveying, the graphic analysis of buildings, the role of drawing in Construction History, Building Information Modeling (BIM), the potential of virtual restitution, Augmented Reality, ICT applications, and the increasingly important role of 3D printing for making scale models and mock-ups.
Through direct observation, the development of a survey and the layout of preferred staying place... more Through direct observation, the development of a survey and the layout of preferred staying places, an interesting collection of documents presented in the book has been obtained. It allows this user groups experience within this context to be linked not only with design patterns for these environments but also with potential new products that could prove beneficial for the quality of life in these places.
Doctoral Thesis, May 5, 2013
Objective: The study presented here has as main objective the improvement of the usability of tac... more Objective: The study presented here has as main objective the improvement of the usability of tactile maps oriented to people with visual disabilities. Methodology: On basis of a quantitative experimental methodology seven experiments with users have been conducted, mesuring time on task and errors; survey have been conducted as well. A large number of data indicative of the effectiveness and efficiency of tactile maps and their subjetive rating have been obtained. In addition, cognitive maps have been used as qualitative methodology. Results: The results of these experiments indicate a positive assessment of tactile maps as devices for improving spatial learning by visually impaired users, as well as an improvement of tactile maps, in terms of usability, by the effect of introducing three-dimensional symbology.
Este libro contribuye a esclarecer y reforzar la incorporación de pautas de accesibilidad en el d... more Este libro contribuye a esclarecer y reforzar la incorporación de pautas de accesibilidad en el diseño de elementos de mobiliario urbano, particularmente en aquellos objetos con los que los usuarios tienen contacto directo. El núcleo de esta publicación lo constituye la revisión, desde la perspectiva del diseño de producto, de las características que determinan y definen esta tipología de elementos y una serie de recomendaciones particulares que constituyen una aportación estratégica para los proyectos de diseño y la selección de elementos urbanos de uso colectivo.
Avances en Expresión Gráfica aplicada a la edificación, 2019
The following article aims to expose the techniques of additive manufacturing (commonly known as ... more The following article aims to expose the techniques of additive manufacturing (commonly known as 3D printing) to obtain inclusive tactile models.
In this work a brief explanation of the process of generation of a tactile model by additive manufacturing is exposed. To do this, the most popular existing techniques are introduced, and a brief explanation of the whole process is made; from the acquisition of data of the object to be manufactured, its digitization, processing of the files until, finally, its manufacture through additive processes.
INTBAU 2017: Putting Tradition into Practice: Heritage, Place and Design, 2018
Earls’ Oliva Palace was one of the referents of the early Renaissance and last Gothic in the anci... more Earls’ Oliva Palace was one of the referents of the early Renaissance and last Gothic in the ancient Kingdom of Valencia; victim of speculation and “elginism” practically disappeared during the first half of twentieth century. The dismantling operations carried out by Danish architect Egil Fischer, in order to reconstruct the most unique elements of the Palace in a new building in Denmark, included an extensive photographic report of the most relevant pieces as well as a rigorous graphic surveying, carried out, mainly by the architecture student Vilhelm Lauritzen. With this graphic documentation as a starting point, a 3D graphic restitution work of some of its pieces has been carried out with the aim of being able to visualize and understand these architectural elements of complex shapes. This 3D modelling has allowed manufacturing 3D scale models of the pieces that allow not only a visual perception, but also a tactile perception of the pieces, helping their comprehension and enjoyment by people with absence or difficulties of visual perception.
In the north-western part of the province of Castellón, Spain, there is a region called “El Maest... more In the north-western part of the province of Castellón, Spain, there is a region called “El Maestrazgo”. This territory belonged to the Order of St. Mary of Montesa, created by King Jaime II of Aragon in 1317, and was to remain so for more than five hundred. During this time Renaissance-style architecture reached this territory, substituting and transforming the old Gothic style. The aim of this work is to survey some of the elements of architectural heritage in the Maestrazgo de Montesa from that period and their enhancement and dissemination through tactile models, as a means of providing access to this information for people with visual impairments. In carrying out this work we have used three main sources of information: historical documentation, manual data collection methods and advanced means of data collection, namely 3D scanner and photogrammetry. This data has been processed and studied to obtain virtual models of the architectural elements, thus allowing their subsequent physical modelling so that they can be made available to people with visual impairments.
En este libro se analizan los contextos, las circunstancias, los autores y los productos que conf... more En este libro se analizan los contextos, las circunstancias, los autores y los productos que conforman la historia del diseño industrial en España, al tiempo que se revisan los conceptos sin los cuales no podríamos entender, hoy, la disciplina que nos ocupa. En los primeros capítulos, dedicados a los orígenes de la materia, y hasta llegar a los años noventa del siglo XX, nuestro estudio seguirá un esquema que alternará los hitos cronológicos con los estilos o modos que se gestan en torno al diseño, intentando subrayar aquellos momentos, lugares y personas que contribuyeron a configurar la historia del objeto industrial. A partir de los años noventa, y sin abandonar la historia, vamos también a recorrer a través de los conceptos de emoción, globalización y ecodiseño unos años que, por su proximidad en el tiempo, imponen una perspectiva diferente para su estudio.
Videos by Jaume Gual
ISSN: 2665-1890, nº 3, 2019
• Primer bloque: Conferencia inaugural a cargo de Ángel Gracia, Alcalde de la localidad Rubielos de Mora (Teruel), presentando la ponencia, “Un compromiso con la ciudadanía: Cittaslow”.
• Segundo bloque: ponencia a cargo de María José Viñals, Catedrática de la UPV y especialista en estudios sobre patrimonio y turismo, con el título, “Herramientas para la puesta en valor turístico del Patrimonio”.
• Tercer bloque: ponencia presentación por el gestor cultural y crítico de arte contemporáneo Miguel Mallol, bajo el título, ”Intervención en el paisaje. Dinamización y revalorización del entorno rural a través del arte contemporáneo”.
• Cuarto y último bloque. Espacio para el debate, el análisis y la reflexión con una Mesa debate compuesta por los ponentes participantes y el público.
• Primer bloque: Conferencia inaugural a cargo de Ángel Gracia, Alcalde de la localidad Rubielos de Mora (Teruel), presentando la ponencia, “Un compromiso con la ciudadanía: Cittaslow”.
• Segundo bloque: ponencia a cargo de María José Viñals, Catedrática de la UPV y especialista en estudios sobre patrimonio y turismo, con el título, “Herramientas para la puesta en valor turístico del Patrimonio”.
• Tercer bloque: ponencia presentación por el gestor cultural y crítico de arte contemporáneo Miguel Mallol, bajo el título, ”Intervención en el paisaje. Dinamización y revalorización del entorno rural a través del arte contemporáneo”.
• Cuarto y último bloque. Espacio para el debate, el análisis y la reflexión con una Mesa debate compuesta por los ponentes participantes y el público asistente (presencial y virtual).
Books and Chaters book by Jaume Gual
Although good results of attendance and performance are obtained in this subject, in recent years low motivation has been perceived in students when addressing the different practical works, since they do not offer a real intellectual challenge and are barely related to real problems that should face an industrial designer.
This article presents the results of an educational improvement project that aims to continue the last three projects implemented in this subject. In order to solve the low motivation of students several measures have been applied with great success, such as changing the focus of practical work and relate it to participation in public contexts on product design, combine classes with lectures by professional designers, and enhance the visibility and dissemination of student’s work through digital platforms and exhibitions on design. The paper concludes by analyzing the positive impact of the application of this new methodology.
In this work a brief explanation of the process of generation of a tactile model by additive manufacturing is exposed. To do this, the most popular existing techniques are introduced, and a brief explanation of the whole process is made; from the acquisition of data of the object to be manufactured, its digitization, processing of the files until, finally, its manufacture through additive processes.
ISSN: 2665-1890, nº 3, 2019
• Primer bloque: Conferencia inaugural a cargo de Ángel Gracia, Alcalde de la localidad Rubielos de Mora (Teruel), presentando la ponencia, “Un compromiso con la ciudadanía: Cittaslow”.
• Segundo bloque: ponencia a cargo de María José Viñals, Catedrática de la UPV y especialista en estudios sobre patrimonio y turismo, con el título, “Herramientas para la puesta en valor turístico del Patrimonio”.
• Tercer bloque: ponencia presentación por el gestor cultural y crítico de arte contemporáneo Miguel Mallol, bajo el título, ”Intervención en el paisaje. Dinamización y revalorización del entorno rural a través del arte contemporáneo”.
• Cuarto y último bloque. Espacio para el debate, el análisis y la reflexión con una Mesa debate compuesta por los ponentes participantes y el público.
• Primer bloque: Conferencia inaugural a cargo de Ángel Gracia, Alcalde de la localidad Rubielos de Mora (Teruel), presentando la ponencia, “Un compromiso con la ciudadanía: Cittaslow”.
• Segundo bloque: ponencia a cargo de María José Viñals, Catedrática de la UPV y especialista en estudios sobre patrimonio y turismo, con el título, “Herramientas para la puesta en valor turístico del Patrimonio”.
• Tercer bloque: ponencia presentación por el gestor cultural y crítico de arte contemporáneo Miguel Mallol, bajo el título, ”Intervención en el paisaje. Dinamización y revalorización del entorno rural a través del arte contemporáneo”.
• Cuarto y último bloque. Espacio para el debate, el análisis y la reflexión con una Mesa debate compuesta por los ponentes participantes y el público asistente (presencial y virtual).
Although good results of attendance and performance are obtained in this subject, in recent years low motivation has been perceived in students when addressing the different practical works, since they do not offer a real intellectual challenge and are barely related to real problems that should face an industrial designer.
This article presents the results of an educational improvement project that aims to continue the last three projects implemented in this subject. In order to solve the low motivation of students several measures have been applied with great success, such as changing the focus of practical work and relate it to participation in public contexts on product design, combine classes with lectures by professional designers, and enhance the visibility and dissemination of student’s work through digital platforms and exhibitions on design. The paper concludes by analyzing the positive impact of the application of this new methodology.
In this work a brief explanation of the process of generation of a tactile model by additive manufacturing is exposed. To do this, the most popular existing techniques are introduced, and a brief explanation of the whole process is made; from the acquisition of data of the object to be manufactured, its digitization, processing of the files until, finally, its manufacture through additive processes.
Accessibility solutions applied to heritage sites must be integrated with their environment, without being aggressive to their preservation or integrity. These solutions seek the goal of bringing the cultural resources to the citizens, especially to those groups with different types of disabilities: blindness, reduced mobility, deafness, etc. Designs seek to make them direct participants in cultural events, changing their role from a passive to a fully active one. This approach turns the heritage site into a fully didactic, interactive area open to all participants.
With this objective, this paper presents a study of the state-of-the-art adaptations implemented in different areas of heritage. We have observed access from the perspective of product design, analysing which devices have been put in place, such as instruments for signalling, information support, or tactile paving. We focus our research in two areas considered as World Heritage in Spain, taking significant examples of those distinct categories registered by UNESCO: Natural Heritage and Building Cultural Heritage, and analyzing the implemented designs. This analysis will allow us to identify and understand the solutions applied to deal with the idiosyncrasies of each site, and propose specific design guidelines for achieving cultural access in these enclaves.
El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar una serie de buenos ejemplos que sirven de paradigma para mejorar las condiciones de uso y disfrute de las personas con diversidad funcional en el ámbito del arte y del diseño. El alcance de este texto es puramente descriptivo y aborda distintos campos . En primer lugar se trata algunos buenos ejemplos dentro del ámbito de los entornos espaciales, en segundo lugar, se
aborda algunos productos de consumo destacables por su innovación en términos de uso y accesibilidad, en tercer lugar, se describen algunas estrategia y buenas prácticas dentro del área del mundo de la navegación web, y por último se nombran dos bloques relativos al arte inclusivo, el de algunos grandes talentos de nuestro patrimonio creativo y artístico y el de los particulares gráficos tangibles que sirven para acercar éste a personas con discapacidad visual.
However, beyond the two-dimensional domain, there is a fourth group of elements – volumetric elements – which mapmakers do not take sufficiently into account when it comes to designing tactile maps and symbols.
This study analyses the effect of including volumetric, or 3D, symbols within a tactile map. In order to do so, the researchers compared two tactile maps. One of them uses only two-dimensional elements and is produced using thermoforming, one of the most popular systems in this field, while the other includes volumetric symbols, thus highlighting the possibilities opened up by 3D printing, a new area of production.
The results of the study show that including 3D symbols improves the efficiency and autonomous use of these products
On the other hand, the integration of the users from the point of view of the so-called prospective design (Vinyets, 2000) in the latest trends of design projects, can be translated to environmental design in this case, since, although it is an approach seldom explored, it offers a wide potential for application in the improvement of the collective environment.
Interrelating both aspects: collective spaces-prospective design, a study has been developed aimed at learning about a specific group of users, the elderly, through their interaction with one of the public spaces they frequent most, the park. The experiment carried out in different parks and squares of the city of Castellon allowed for the securing of quantitative and qualitative data concerning the use and frequency with which this group makes use of these places, the characteristics that elderly people value most, which therefore, leads to an increase in their satisfaction and enjoyment of this type of environment""
Disciplines amb caràcter de projecció com les que acabem d’esmentar han aprofitat les característiques i els avantatges físics i plàstics que la ceràmica té en comparació a altres materials per configurar els paisatges. D’aquesta manera la ceràmica ha solucionat i continua solucionant problemes relacionats amb l’ús; però, d’altra banda, la seua presència cromàtica i plàstica ha afavorit la seua incursió dins dels espais habitats com a element que singularitza el paisatge.
Aquest article pretén realitzar un recorregut històric, descriptiu i analític de les aplicacions ceràmiques al llarg de la història de l’home, més concretament en l’ús de la ceràmica als espais oberts."
This study sets out from the hypothesis that the user’s psychological profile influences the way in which the work environment affects the designer’s creativity when addressing the conceptual design phase. Thus, the aim of this study will be to determine whether developing a conceptual design proposal in a “relaxing” or an “arousing” work environment will affect all designers equally or, conversely, it will have a greater effect on some of them depending on their psychological profile.
Consequently, the first stage of the study consisted in characterising each member of the control group using the NEO-FFI test. The different users were then distributed into four groups according to the results obtained. In a second phase, each designer developed conceptual proposals for a problem in each of the environments defined for the study. A neutral environment was added as a control element. Subsequently, the CPSS methodology was used to evaluate the creativity of each of the proposals designed in each of the environments.
The conclusions from the study show that there is a relationship between some personality profiles and the level of creativity achieved by the designer according to the work environment in which the conceptual proposals have been developed.
This paper describes the methodology carried out in a subject of Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering at the Jaume I University, in order to encourage students’ motivation and improve their performance. This work describes how some activities have been adapted to change the format of teaching to project-based learning, promoting participation in design contests and inviting renowned professional designers to enrich and strengthen the training of students. Finally, the positive results of the improvement are described and their impact on the overall performance of students is measured.
However, the various pilot projects carried out in recent years within the DIDE suggest that students’ dedication is below teachers’ foreseen ideal planning. This disparity may come about by teachers’ planning and by the way students organise the time they set aside for studying. All in all, this is the first problem to overcome when it comes to designing and planning this new degree. The present article intends to study and analyse this situation with the data obtained from the several European harmonisation pilot projects.
An education based on the acquisition of competences means that students must have a range of tools to work and interact with information in different ways towards acquisition of practical skills. Thus, virtual learning environments (VLEs) provide students with additional resources that perfectly complement the theoretical contents explained by the teacher in classroom, while facilitating the coordination between people when doing group work.
This paper explores the advantages of the VLE "Virtual Classroom" for teaching, developed at Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (Spain). Through analysis of different case studies conducted in the current academic year 2009-10 is possible to evaluate the success of using this platform by students and teachers in the field of design, and thus to define specific guidelines to improve the introduction of new technologies for building a more appropriate blended learning."
It is clear that although both subjects share the same content and require the same skills, will be necessary to adapt the syllabus to the specific particularities of each Degree. It is therefore important to know how the different backgrounds of these students affects their perception of the packaging and its relationship with the product. This knowledge will help us to identify which parts of the syllabus must be strengthened or modified in each case, in order to suit the skills of each Degree.
This paper describes the parallel surveys conducted in the two Degrees mentioned above, on how students perceive different types of products in relation to its packaging. The results of this research show similarities in some aspects and differences in others, by distinguishing different ratings for the importance of the communicative or technical-functional aspects of the packaging. This process allowed us to transfer new knowledge to practice teaching in each Degree, being able to justify several changes and reorient the syllabus of these subjects for implementation in next courses.
To design public spaces that combine the multiple aspects and needs of a satisfactory and respectful way, it constitutes a constant aim for companies and local administrations.
All the professionals and technicians, companies and users, must interact in order to get common criteria that can improve the product design and the conditioning of the environment. In this respect, the design and development of elements street furniture, under criteria of accessibility, constitutes a decisive factor for the social integration of a great number of persons in the use of the public space. It is also an offer necessary for the generation of competitive spaces and of integration places.
The inclusive design of elements of street furniture constitutes a challenge for the companies simultaneously that a commitment of quality and an advance in the achievement of the general well-being.
This article, summarizes a part of the research project led at the Universitat Politècnica de València with the title Determination of guidelines of design for the urban elements under criteria of accessibility [Primeros Proyectos_ Programa de Incentivo a la Investigación de la UPV]. In this one the principal agents who intervene in the design and development of street furniture have been analyzed together (producing companies, local and normative administrations of application). The aim of this investigation has been to contribute in the knowledge about this kind of products, to increase the sensibility and the relation between these agents and finally, to extract conclusions that could be useful for the improvement of his design and accessibility."
In this regard, the tangible graphic expression, through tangible or relief graphics, is exposed to the receptor through the sense of touch, often through a combination of visual and tactile elements which allow everyone access to the graphic information via different perceptual modes, opening its boundaries beyond the visual domain. Thus, people with visual impairment can access to this type of graphical information by haptic and visual exploration, if they also possess the ability to see.
The article presented here aims to show some basics about these sort of graphics that require a double interpretation: the visual and the tactile reading.
Through the characterization of the most important aspects of the tactile perception, of the people with visual impairment and the different methods of producing tactile graphics, researchers will try to show a poor treated area from the orbit of Graphic Expression: the field of inclusive tactile graphics.
La representación gráfica encuentra su dominio natural en el ámbito visual, si bien es cierto que sus límites se extienden más allá de éste, contemplando también aspectos relacionados con la expresión, la emoción y la plástica entre otros.
En este sentido, la expresión gráfica tangible, a través de los gráficos tangibles o en relieve, se expone al público receptor mediante el sentido del tacto, normalmente a través de una combinación de elementos visuales y táctiles que hacen posible acceder a la información gráfica mediante diferentes modos perceptivos, abriendo así sus límites más allá del ámbito visual. De este modo, las personas con discapacidad visual pueden acceder a este tipo de información gráfica mediante la exploración háptica y visual, si, además, poseen la capacidad de ver, aunque sea de manera reducida.
El artículo que aquí se presenta pretende realizar un recorrido por este tipo de gráficos tan particulares que precisan una doble interpretación: la visual y la táctil.
A través de la caracterización de los aspectos más importantes del sistema de percepción táctil, de las personas con discapacidad visual y de los diferentes métodos de realización de gráficos tangibles, se intentará mostrar un área poco tratada desde la órbita de la Expresión Gráfica: la de los gráficos tangibles inclusivos