Virtual Art & Virtual Reality
Recent papers in Virtual Art & Virtual Reality
PLACE-Hampi provides a framework for a new approach to the rendering of the cultural experience, whose aesthetic and representational features gives the general public a dramatic new appreciation of the many layered significations of such... more
This book chapter historicizes the notion of telepresence, a term coined in 1986. After defining the different forms of telepresence, it shows that, much before computers and virtual reality, old technologies such as correspondence and... more
Mit diesem Titel liegt eine veröffentlichte Magisterarbeit vor, deren redaktioneller Beschreibungstext auf dem Buchrücken einen „Blick über den Tellerrand hinaus“ verspricht. Dieses Versprechen soll sich durch drei Leitaspekte einlösen,... more
Cette treizième édition du Cahier Louis-Lumière nous invite à interroger les formes audiovisuelles complexes, induites par les technologies dites « immersives » – réalité virtuelle, réalité augmentée, réalité mixte – et les modalités de... more
In immersive virtual environments (IVEs), users may observe negative consequences of a risky health behavior in a personally involving way via digital simulations. In the context of an ongoing health promotion campaign, IVEs coupled with... more
How the aesthetics of virtual reality and the promise of embodied "presence" have been re-articulated from the camera obscura and magic lantern, through the nineteenth-century's panoramic and stereoscopic formats, and in today's emergent... more
In March 2020, the World Health Organization officially announced the COVID-19 outbreak as a global Pandemic (WHO, 2020). During this time, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) introduced national preventative measures to slow the spread of the... more
When entering modern society, we transform traditional social life with technical methods, disenchanting those illusion generated from mythology and religion since the pre-historic period. German sociologist and philosopher, Max Weber... more
This paper will discuss two student projects, which were developed during a hybrid course between art/design and computer sciences at Sabanci University; both of which involve the creation of three dimensionally embodied avatars whose... more
Virtual Reality technologies can play essential role for the success of tourism inventiveness. Hence, this application entitled VR Bukit Puteri is designed and developed as a medium to promote and attract tourists to visit this natural... more
Over a number of decades, studies have revealed compelling relationships between experiences of the natural environment and positive health outcomes in adult communities. These psychosocial health benefits have typically been described... more
Experiences of cultural heritage and tourism have been enhanced by the development of digital technologies. In light of this, this paper focuses on the importance of immersive storytelling experiences to encourage visitors’ engagement... more
Interest in immersive experiences in museums and heritage sites has increased in recent years in response to challenges faced by the sector and the potential of emerging technologies. Arts and heritage institutions hope immersive... more
It is undeniably true that Virtual Reality (VR) has continuously been developed since 1800s and still have been produced till today. However, very few studies have attempted to study on the design of Virtual Reality Graphical User... more
Edited by Valérie Bienvenue and Nicholas Chare
‘Seventh Ray’ is a Mixed Reality (MR) platform inspired by Mystery School initiation techniques of the ancient world. The platform employs the latest in perceptual and sensory augmentation technologies to explore the meaning and modern... more
Chapter 1. The notion and conceptions of virtual reality. Chapter 2. "Platonic" senses of the "virtual": the "virtual" as a produced by the activity of the objectively-mental. Chapter 3. "Platonic" senses of the "virtual":... more
In this article I propose an approach to a new model of audiovisual representation call virtual playful (MRVL). For this, I rely in part on modeling that focuses on Hollywood cinema, proposed by Jesús González Requena. But, because the... more
This is my recent contribution to <Art in Culture>, Korean monthly art magazine, as part of my bigger project of writing an alternative lineage of contemporary Korean art scene, say, for the past 20 years. Limited by time and space, I... more
The speech explores the seminal role of Digital Management of Arts for promoting the ICCR's mission of trans cultural diplomacy. It discusses the enlargement of the scope of ICCR's contribution for harnessing ex situ storage and display... more
¿Nos hará inmortales la realidad virtual? ¿Será la vida un simulacro? ¿Podremos descargarnos en un pen drive? ¿Tendremos relaciones con seres artificiales? ¿Será nuestro futuro poshumano? A todas estas preguntas intenta dar respuesta... more
How are the virtualized spaces of the Holocaust different from the ones we know from traditional survivors’ testimonies? This article tracks the evolution of Holocaust witness testimonies from video and 3-D holograms to virtual reality.... more
O livro parte das teorias e práticas em torno das imagens técnicas, tais como a fotografia, o cinema e o vídeo, para discutir a cultura visual e os regimes de imagem que surgem com a inserção as tecnologias digitais nos aparatos de... more
In this paper, I wish to examine corporeality in the virtual realm, through the usage of the (non)-physical body of the avatar. Two sister art installations created in the virtual world of Second Life®, both of which are meant to be... more
This diploma thesis introduces the production of cylindrical and spherical panoramas and explains how to link individual panoramas to make a virtual tour. The designing process of the virtual tour of the Dresden University of Technology... more
A painting animation experiment exploring neurophenomenology and the problem of consciousness as it relates to the viewer experience of a virtual art space. Lucy Keeler BDA MFA
In this text I wish to delve into the creation of textual content as well as its visualization through typographic design mechanisms inside three dimensional virtual worlds, which are known as the metaverse. I am particularly focused upon... more
Beginning in the 1970s, Linotype, a leading type foundry and manufacturer of phototypesetting equipment, undertook the design of new Latinised types designed by applying Latin type design topology to other non-Latin scripts. In return for... more
Even though Córdoba is one of the most important historical cities in Europe, it has usually limited its heritage offer to the Cathedral-Mosque, and its immediate surroundings. To try to resolve this deficiency we have proposed the... more
Artisti, gallerie, musei, istituzioni stanno scoprendo - con qualche anno di ritardo - l'esistenza (e le potenzialità) del digitale. Complice la riduzione forzata delle presenze dal vivo dovuta alla pandemia, assistiamo al fiorire di... more
As an emerging technology, Virtual Reality (VR) is perceived as a platform with the potential to change the artwork generation methods and consumption paradigms The immersion, presence and interaction features of VR provides for art... more
Wearable technologies are being used to monitor performance real time, big data is helping coaches analyze athletes so that they can be improved further and hypobaric chambers that simulate high altitude environment are being used by... more
This paper examines the potential of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies for architectural applications. There has been a great deal of anticipation for its implications for architecture since Ivan Sutherland's first VR system in the 60's.... more *The conference will be held in Italian and English. Simultaneous translation from Italian to English will be provided.
The apotheosis of the globe, global and globalized seems to grow ungainly with authoritative grandeur at our every breath. With continuous adjustments forced upon this model, under constant tension favored by industrialization,... more
Virtual Reality technologies can play essential role for the success of tourism inventiveness. Hence, this application entitled VR Bukit Puteri is designed and developed as a medium to promote and attract tourists to visit this natural... more
Within education, concepts such as distance learning, and open universities, are now becoming more widely used for teaching and learning. However, due to the nature of the subject domain, the teaching of Science, Technology, and... more
In the recent decades, artists and researchers have shown an increased interest in applying new technologies to traditional arts in Japan, especially in the field of calligraphy art, painting, and the Zen culture. In one hand, modern... more
"Our visual relationships with architectural propositions are highly mediated by representations, and the image-technologies used to construct them. The context in which these propositions are explored and tested is conceptually framed by... more