Natasha Jankovic
Natasha Jankovic, PhD, architect, currently in the position of research fellow and teaching associate of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture and Associate Research Scholar at University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences. Previous
to this she had twice fellowship for postdoc research at the University of Rijeka – CAS SEE. She is active in different fields of architecture – research: publishes in journals, books and conference proceedings and also actively organizes conferences and workshops; design – participates in exhibitions, but also do some graphic and UI/UX design; practice: together with two colleagues (M&M) run an architectural studio N2M (based in Belgrade) that deals with architectural design and construction; but she also tries to interconnect all of this with the architectural education: actively engaged within the educational process of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, but often acts as a guest critic within different institutions both national and international. So far, her particular research interests is given to the topic of the relationship between architecture and territory, architecture and nature, as well as city territory transformation and its mapping.
She seeks to read some of the terri(s)tories (architectural inscriptions within the territory); but she also wishes to mark the territory: by making an architectural gesture in a natural environment, in order to write some new terri(S)tory.
to this she had twice fellowship for postdoc research at the University of Rijeka – CAS SEE. She is active in different fields of architecture – research: publishes in journals, books and conference proceedings and also actively organizes conferences and workshops; design – participates in exhibitions, but also do some graphic and UI/UX design; practice: together with two colleagues (M&M) run an architectural studio N2M (based in Belgrade) that deals with architectural design and construction; but she also tries to interconnect all of this with the architectural education: actively engaged within the educational process of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, but often acts as a guest critic within different institutions both national and international. So far, her particular research interests is given to the topic of the relationship between architecture and territory, architecture and nature, as well as city territory transformation and its mapping.
She seeks to read some of the terri(s)tories (architectural inscriptions within the territory); but she also wishes to mark the territory: by making an architectural gesture in a natural environment, in order to write some new terri(S)tory.
Papers by Natasha Jankovic
With approach based on semantics and metaphors, the aim is to “read” some of the layers of the city (architectural terri[s]tories), which is considered as a cultural palimpsest, through processes and material layers of its development and transformation.
In order to achieve the continuity of the process of transformation of the city a digital map as an adequate medium for this should be considered. Digital map in the era of digitization and fluidity of the 21st century represents an adequate platform for reading some of the architectural terri[s]tories, which in this way becomes bi-directional – in one direction to understand its structure, but also in another direction to establish a connection between existing elements and programming of the future transformations.
Keywords: architectural terri[s]tories, mapping, city territory, architectural narrative, transformation
The major architectural challenge was the issue of scale of a design (micro) in relation to the scale of the context (macro), proposing micro design as macro concept, the overall significance of concurrent
perception of the whole and its parts.
The proposed design method is based on simultaneous design procedures in opposing scales. In architectural design, scale is commonly perceived as a mere tool for optimizing and communicating the project.
During the course of design process, answers for each architectural question are searched for in the scale of the context (a network - topography), as well as in the scale of a detail (a dot – element).
Within such a framework, students were expected to give a proposal for localized programmatic and spatial intervention that, as an impulse point, has the potential influence on and affects the ground of the overall
context of the War Island.
Savremeni razvoj Beograda, uključujući postojeću izgrađenu strukturu i prirodnu
morfologiju, nalazi se pred sveprisutnim globalnim izazovom održivosti, na
koji u mnogome utiče aktuelni proces klimatskih promena. Beograd sa svojom prostornom dispozicijom, kao grad koji izlazi na dve reke, nije u potpunosti iskoristio potencijal svog položaja, pri čemu značajan udeo u ovom problemu predstavlja činjenica da veliki deo beogradskog priobalja čine industrijska postrojenja, koja su sada najvećim delom napuštena. Upravo u ovim strukturama leži potencijal obnavljanja izgubljenog urbanog pejzaža projektima privremenog karaktera koji bi ujedno odgovorili i na akutne probleme klimatskih promena, pri čemu obale bivaju preoblikovane, kreirajući nov impuls razvoja života grada, sa mogućnošću davanja smernica za proces dalje transformacije.
Eksperimentišući sa različitim arenama urbanog akcionog istraživanja, globalnih izazova i mogućnosti lokalne prakse, projekti privremenog karaktera predstavljaju jednu od mogućnosti delovanja u napuštenim prostorima, unapređujući koncept „praznih prostora“, što pokazuje različite mogućnosti delovanja u procesu razvoja grada u svetlu klimatskih promena. Rad ima za cilj da pokaže različite metode privremenog ponovnog korišćenja napuštenih prostora, što bi imalo za cilj otvaranje novih mogućnosti ka empirijskim aspektima delovanja u svetlu klimatskih promena.
Ključne reči: napušteni prostori, privremeno/povremeno, klimatske promene, edukacija.
Polazeći od principa projektovanja Novog Beograda, preko načina življenja Novobeograđana, pa do trenutnog stanja i načina korišćenja ovog prostora, rad teži da ukaže na smernice za dalji razvoj urbanog predela Novog Beograda u procesima savremenog razvoja grada, a u svetlu klimatskih promena. Kao jedna od mogućih strategija, već prethodno tematski razvijena, rad predlaže „eko-matricu“, koja se bazira na korišćenju postojeće izgrađene fizičke strukture, a unapređuje i razvija fragmente prirode u savremenom gradu.
Rad se nastavlja na prethodna istraživanja, u kojima su prilikom analize postojećeg stanja i uticaja klimatskih promena na planiranje i projektovanje ispitivane mogućnosti napuštenih prostora kao impulsa razvoja grada u svetlu klimatskih promena (2011); pri tome su u okviru razvijanja optimalnih modela u ovakvim uslovima predlagane stanice nove prirodnosti u savremenom gradu (2012); a u procesu kreiranja strategija i obrazaca dat je predlog „eko-matrice“ kao strategije formiranja produktivnog urbanog pejzaža na primeru priobalja Novog Beograda (2013). Kao korak dalje, zasnovano na prethodnim istraživanjima, a u okviru smernica i preporuka za razvoj gradova u svetlu klimatskih promena, ovaj rad daje smernice i preporuke za transformaciju savremenog urbanog predela Novog Beograda pomoću „eko-matrice“ kao modela razvoja.
This paper examines the potential resources in the educational process and research methodology in
the field of architectural and urban design, by positioning of the Blog as a formal framework of content and representation of contemporary architecture and as a tool that can contribute to the growing complexity of the knowledge base in the field of architecture.
In this context, this paper examines two theses. The first one suggests that, used properly, a Blog can become a useful tool in the form and content of the research. This is based on the assumption that reflection of the architectural design process may have a significant influence on the development of architectural education, particularly in the area of information exchange and raising of the critical awareness about the problems of the specific topics in spatial, contextual and formal sense. The second theses encourages the development of blogs as a tool that may extend the interpretive potential of the representation in the field of architectural and urban design, by displacing it from the real to the virtual space and by giving it a value of the driver and initiator of possible changes.
The paper also examines the ways in which the blog can establish, enhance, deepen or direct the already known and reliable methodological and conceptual basis of architectural education on the one side and representation of architectural and urban design, on the other side.
Principles of Architectural Design in the Context of Climate Change
LANDSCAPE AS A MENTOR: Defining Landscape_Towards Designed Nature / Between Landscape and Architecture: Towards Sustainable
Architecture / New Architectural Conditions: Towards Architecture in Accordance
with Climate Change
Prošlogodišnje istraživanje bilo je uobličeno kroz tri osnovne tematske celine, odnosno bavilo se ispitivanjem fenomena (de)fragmentisanja prostora grada, zatim procesa (de)notiranja fragmenata i potencijalom (re)komponovanja fragmenata grada. Kao eksperimentalni prostorni poligon preispitivana su ograničenja i mogućnosti napuštenih prostora u gradu kao prostornih okvira u koje bi bile pozicionirane
urbane bašte kao potencijalni model delovanja. Posebna pažnja posvećena je ispitivanju benefita transformacije napuštenih prostora koristeći elemente prirode, odnosno transformacije ovih prostora od odbačenih u komforne, od zaboravljenih u edukativne, i potencijala umrežavanja novonastalih fragmenata u cilju obnavljanja izgubljenog urbanog pejzaža. Kroz ispitivanje distinskcija i sadejstva dva oprečna fenomena, kao što su napuštena izgrađena sredina i elementi prirodnosti, težilo se postavljanju principa delovanja buduće strategije. Cilj ovakve strategije bilo bi formiranje mreže elemenata potencijalno atraktivnih lokalnoj zajednici za dalje korišćenje, bez do kraja definisane programske postavke, tj. proizvodnja prostornog poligona potencijalne društvene interakcije kroz edukaciju o samom mestu, ali i o njegovom značaju i potencijalu.
Posmatrano kroz prostornu fragmentiranost i vremenski sekvenciran razvoj, priobalje Novog Beograda sagledano kao pejzaž različitosti predstavlja ogledni prostorni poligon formiranja produktivnog urbanog pejzaža koji bi mogao da postane održivi resurs za ponovno stvaranje prirode i društvenih interakcija sa prirodom u gradu. U pokušaju da zadovolji ovaj kompleksan i kontradiktoran izazov, istraživanje preispituje mogućnosti primene „eko-matrice“ kao moguće strategije stvaranja produktivnog urbanog pejzaža, kao donekle „alternativne“ tipologije
javnih prostora. U suštini, strategija „eko-matrice“ može se posmatrati kao alternativna „eko-infrastruktura“ za buduću urbanost savremenog grada. Cilj je proizvesti prostor u kome su spojeni priroda i društvo i koji će štititi urbanu strukturu od ponovnog napuštanja i u isto vreme (re)kreirati izgubljenu vezu između prirode, ljudi i grada.
Predstavljena strategija pokušava da proširi koncept održivosti u društvenu i kulturnu praksu, pozivajući se na vrednosti svakodnevnog iskustva pejzaža. Savremeno
kreiranje urbanog pejzaža ne bi trebalo da postane samo stvaranje prirode radi prirode, već i kulturni proizvod u kom je moguće steći znanje. Ovo podržava koncept
strategije „eko-matrice“, kao proizvodnje produktivnog pejzaža koji može da obezbedi spoj prirodnih procesa sa ljudskim dnevnim rutinama. Ona mora da se distancira
od pružanja isključivo udobnog mesta rekreacije i dokolice sa simboličkom predstavom prema (urbanom) pejzažu koji izaziva ljudsku percepciju i tako pomaže
dovršetak kreiranja mesta imaginacijom.
therefore are committed to framing a discourse that is anthropocentric, because it acts with imagination and alter course.
Revealed through oppositions and time-lapses, the life of the New Belgrade riverfront is seen as a landscape of diversities, a sort of productive landscape which could become a viable resource for (re)creating society and nature. In an attempt to meet this complex and contradictory challenge, we will try to discuss possibilities of implementing the "ecomatrix", a sort of productive landscape as a viable, somewhat "alternative", typology for public spaces. This new "eco-matrix" is essentially seen as alternative "eco-infrastructure" for a new future urbanity. The aim is to create a site where nature and society are fused which will protect an urban structure against the abandonment and in the same time (re)create the lost relationship between city and river.
This research reconsiders the potential of transforming these under-used
and abandoned places through the introduction of socially engaged fragments of nature, ”stations of naturalness”. Seeing them as places different from their surroundings in which a new, inspiring and socially engaged way of living is activated, these places contribute to local community integration (social interaction) and regenerate urban structure in accordance with climate change. By excluding these spaces from the system of built structure (de-fragmentation) and using them as experimental polygons for new practices (denoting earlier meanings) where spontaneous social interaction is pronounced, they receive a better, environmentally aware, socially accessible and publicly transparent position in the city development.
Considering the process of developing the city in the light of climate change, the starting theses is that cultural transformation is implicit to the ecological movement (Castells, 2009: 212). Due to transformation of urban life, new places and processes occur, uniting place-based experiences and activities, and nurturing the character of public space as a place of social interaction. One of possible solutions is the premise of returning the nature to the city, through alternative processes, which includes regenerating abandoned spaces and involving local community. The ”station of the new naturalness” is examined, as a viable model. In this way, new artificial nature, freed from the restraint the product is obtained, and the new architecture in compliance with the society is achieved.
From the architectural discourse, interventions are of alternative nature,
looking at the planning and building practices in a new and inspiring way. Using different elements and methods, these interventions set a social infrastructure, a network of events for further actions, rather than a defined space. Therefore, the intervention is seen as a process rather than a product, giving a new meaning to the place (denoting). A new emphasis placed on the participation of those who use the space, both the dwellers and all other interested parties of the community, producing it in a way and in the extent which suits their needs, always adding to the already structured network of intervention.
Keywords: abandoned spaces, fragments of nature, urban landscape,
social interaction.
tertiary sector becoming a post-industrial city. This led to the emergence of a large number of abandoned spaces. Consequences of territorial
transformation of former Yugoslavia, internal wars, NATO bombing as well as privatization during the Transition period (end of the 20th century) left even more abandoned spaces with no clear guidelines and defined level of
protection, with low level of maintenance and without any picture of their involvement in the process of future development.
Abandoned areas (the remains of long lasting buildings, like military or industrial places or just lost typologies) should be seen as places
that are empty but not vague, as antistructures of planed and defined city. Their physical structure gives them a certain meaning, talking about history (testifies failures of the past), putting them in a waiting
position, in limbo between what they were and what they could be. Observed in this way, empty and abandoned buildings, their shell,
instead of the usual procedure of demolition should be a potential catalyst for future development of the city.
The main subject of this paper are areas that have been abandoned and have lost their meaning in the transition process, and due to changes in government structure and the territorial scope of the former Yugoslavia.
These examples cover a wide range of former military facilities, cultural centers from the period of socialism, cinemas and others spaces in the region of Belgrade.
The aim of this paper is to examine the potential of abandoned spaces and possibilities for their transformation, through a case study of urban regeneration of Belgrade city center and riverfront. Transformation of the existing abandoned spaces is seen as a platform for applying various actions (temporary or permanent) from which specific strategic guidelines for future city development can be drawn. It contributes to the review of inherited under or non-utilized structures that make up, or even define a portrait of post-socialist postindustrial Belgrade.
Key words: abandoned spaces, Belgrade, temporary use, urban transformation
With approach based on semantics and metaphors, the aim is to “read” some of the layers of the city (architectural terri[s]tories), which is considered as a cultural palimpsest, through processes and material layers of its development and transformation.
In order to achieve the continuity of the process of transformation of the city a digital map as an adequate medium for this should be considered. Digital map in the era of digitization and fluidity of the 21st century represents an adequate platform for reading some of the architectural terri[s]tories, which in this way becomes bi-directional – in one direction to understand its structure, but also in another direction to establish a connection between existing elements and programming of the future transformations.
Keywords: architectural terri[s]tories, mapping, city territory, architectural narrative, transformation
The major architectural challenge was the issue of scale of a design (micro) in relation to the scale of the context (macro), proposing micro design as macro concept, the overall significance of concurrent
perception of the whole and its parts.
The proposed design method is based on simultaneous design procedures in opposing scales. In architectural design, scale is commonly perceived as a mere tool for optimizing and communicating the project.
During the course of design process, answers for each architectural question are searched for in the scale of the context (a network - topography), as well as in the scale of a detail (a dot – element).
Within such a framework, students were expected to give a proposal for localized programmatic and spatial intervention that, as an impulse point, has the potential influence on and affects the ground of the overall
context of the War Island.
Savremeni razvoj Beograda, uključujući postojeću izgrađenu strukturu i prirodnu
morfologiju, nalazi se pred sveprisutnim globalnim izazovom održivosti, na
koji u mnogome utiče aktuelni proces klimatskih promena. Beograd sa svojom prostornom dispozicijom, kao grad koji izlazi na dve reke, nije u potpunosti iskoristio potencijal svog položaja, pri čemu značajan udeo u ovom problemu predstavlja činjenica da veliki deo beogradskog priobalja čine industrijska postrojenja, koja su sada najvećim delom napuštena. Upravo u ovim strukturama leži potencijal obnavljanja izgubljenog urbanog pejzaža projektima privremenog karaktera koji bi ujedno odgovorili i na akutne probleme klimatskih promena, pri čemu obale bivaju preoblikovane, kreirajući nov impuls razvoja života grada, sa mogućnošću davanja smernica za proces dalje transformacije.
Eksperimentišući sa različitim arenama urbanog akcionog istraživanja, globalnih izazova i mogućnosti lokalne prakse, projekti privremenog karaktera predstavljaju jednu od mogućnosti delovanja u napuštenim prostorima, unapređujući koncept „praznih prostora“, što pokazuje različite mogućnosti delovanja u procesu razvoja grada u svetlu klimatskih promena. Rad ima za cilj da pokaže različite metode privremenog ponovnog korišćenja napuštenih prostora, što bi imalo za cilj otvaranje novih mogućnosti ka empirijskim aspektima delovanja u svetlu klimatskih promena.
Ključne reči: napušteni prostori, privremeno/povremeno, klimatske promene, edukacija.
Polazeći od principa projektovanja Novog Beograda, preko načina življenja Novobeograđana, pa do trenutnog stanja i načina korišćenja ovog prostora, rad teži da ukaže na smernice za dalji razvoj urbanog predela Novog Beograda u procesima savremenog razvoja grada, a u svetlu klimatskih promena. Kao jedna od mogućih strategija, već prethodno tematski razvijena, rad predlaže „eko-matricu“, koja se bazira na korišćenju postojeće izgrađene fizičke strukture, a unapređuje i razvija fragmente prirode u savremenom gradu.
Rad se nastavlja na prethodna istraživanja, u kojima su prilikom analize postojećeg stanja i uticaja klimatskih promena na planiranje i projektovanje ispitivane mogućnosti napuštenih prostora kao impulsa razvoja grada u svetlu klimatskih promena (2011); pri tome su u okviru razvijanja optimalnih modela u ovakvim uslovima predlagane stanice nove prirodnosti u savremenom gradu (2012); a u procesu kreiranja strategija i obrazaca dat je predlog „eko-matrice“ kao strategije formiranja produktivnog urbanog pejzaža na primeru priobalja Novog Beograda (2013). Kao korak dalje, zasnovano na prethodnim istraživanjima, a u okviru smernica i preporuka za razvoj gradova u svetlu klimatskih promena, ovaj rad daje smernice i preporuke za transformaciju savremenog urbanog predela Novog Beograda pomoću „eko-matrice“ kao modela razvoja.
This paper examines the potential resources in the educational process and research methodology in
the field of architectural and urban design, by positioning of the Blog as a formal framework of content and representation of contemporary architecture and as a tool that can contribute to the growing complexity of the knowledge base in the field of architecture.
In this context, this paper examines two theses. The first one suggests that, used properly, a Blog can become a useful tool in the form and content of the research. This is based on the assumption that reflection of the architectural design process may have a significant influence on the development of architectural education, particularly in the area of information exchange and raising of the critical awareness about the problems of the specific topics in spatial, contextual and formal sense. The second theses encourages the development of blogs as a tool that may extend the interpretive potential of the representation in the field of architectural and urban design, by displacing it from the real to the virtual space and by giving it a value of the driver and initiator of possible changes.
The paper also examines the ways in which the blog can establish, enhance, deepen or direct the already known and reliable methodological and conceptual basis of architectural education on the one side and representation of architectural and urban design, on the other side.
Principles of Architectural Design in the Context of Climate Change
LANDSCAPE AS A MENTOR: Defining Landscape_Towards Designed Nature / Between Landscape and Architecture: Towards Sustainable
Architecture / New Architectural Conditions: Towards Architecture in Accordance
with Climate Change
Prošlogodišnje istraživanje bilo je uobličeno kroz tri osnovne tematske celine, odnosno bavilo se ispitivanjem fenomena (de)fragmentisanja prostora grada, zatim procesa (de)notiranja fragmenata i potencijalom (re)komponovanja fragmenata grada. Kao eksperimentalni prostorni poligon preispitivana su ograničenja i mogućnosti napuštenih prostora u gradu kao prostornih okvira u koje bi bile pozicionirane
urbane bašte kao potencijalni model delovanja. Posebna pažnja posvećena je ispitivanju benefita transformacije napuštenih prostora koristeći elemente prirode, odnosno transformacije ovih prostora od odbačenih u komforne, od zaboravljenih u edukativne, i potencijala umrežavanja novonastalih fragmenata u cilju obnavljanja izgubljenog urbanog pejzaža. Kroz ispitivanje distinskcija i sadejstva dva oprečna fenomena, kao što su napuštena izgrađena sredina i elementi prirodnosti, težilo se postavljanju principa delovanja buduće strategije. Cilj ovakve strategije bilo bi formiranje mreže elemenata potencijalno atraktivnih lokalnoj zajednici za dalje korišćenje, bez do kraja definisane programske postavke, tj. proizvodnja prostornog poligona potencijalne društvene interakcije kroz edukaciju o samom mestu, ali i o njegovom značaju i potencijalu.
Posmatrano kroz prostornu fragmentiranost i vremenski sekvenciran razvoj, priobalje Novog Beograda sagledano kao pejzaž različitosti predstavlja ogledni prostorni poligon formiranja produktivnog urbanog pejzaža koji bi mogao da postane održivi resurs za ponovno stvaranje prirode i društvenih interakcija sa prirodom u gradu. U pokušaju da zadovolji ovaj kompleksan i kontradiktoran izazov, istraživanje preispituje mogućnosti primene „eko-matrice“ kao moguće strategije stvaranja produktivnog urbanog pejzaža, kao donekle „alternativne“ tipologije
javnih prostora. U suštini, strategija „eko-matrice“ može se posmatrati kao alternativna „eko-infrastruktura“ za buduću urbanost savremenog grada. Cilj je proizvesti prostor u kome su spojeni priroda i društvo i koji će štititi urbanu strukturu od ponovnog napuštanja i u isto vreme (re)kreirati izgubljenu vezu između prirode, ljudi i grada.
Predstavljena strategija pokušava da proširi koncept održivosti u društvenu i kulturnu praksu, pozivajući se na vrednosti svakodnevnog iskustva pejzaža. Savremeno
kreiranje urbanog pejzaža ne bi trebalo da postane samo stvaranje prirode radi prirode, već i kulturni proizvod u kom je moguće steći znanje. Ovo podržava koncept
strategije „eko-matrice“, kao proizvodnje produktivnog pejzaža koji može da obezbedi spoj prirodnih procesa sa ljudskim dnevnim rutinama. Ona mora da se distancira
od pružanja isključivo udobnog mesta rekreacije i dokolice sa simboličkom predstavom prema (urbanom) pejzažu koji izaziva ljudsku percepciju i tako pomaže
dovršetak kreiranja mesta imaginacijom.
therefore are committed to framing a discourse that is anthropocentric, because it acts with imagination and alter course.
Revealed through oppositions and time-lapses, the life of the New Belgrade riverfront is seen as a landscape of diversities, a sort of productive landscape which could become a viable resource for (re)creating society and nature. In an attempt to meet this complex and contradictory challenge, we will try to discuss possibilities of implementing the "ecomatrix", a sort of productive landscape as a viable, somewhat "alternative", typology for public spaces. This new "eco-matrix" is essentially seen as alternative "eco-infrastructure" for a new future urbanity. The aim is to create a site where nature and society are fused which will protect an urban structure against the abandonment and in the same time (re)create the lost relationship between city and river.
This research reconsiders the potential of transforming these under-used
and abandoned places through the introduction of socially engaged fragments of nature, ”stations of naturalness”. Seeing them as places different from their surroundings in which a new, inspiring and socially engaged way of living is activated, these places contribute to local community integration (social interaction) and regenerate urban structure in accordance with climate change. By excluding these spaces from the system of built structure (de-fragmentation) and using them as experimental polygons for new practices (denoting earlier meanings) where spontaneous social interaction is pronounced, they receive a better, environmentally aware, socially accessible and publicly transparent position in the city development.
Considering the process of developing the city in the light of climate change, the starting theses is that cultural transformation is implicit to the ecological movement (Castells, 2009: 212). Due to transformation of urban life, new places and processes occur, uniting place-based experiences and activities, and nurturing the character of public space as a place of social interaction. One of possible solutions is the premise of returning the nature to the city, through alternative processes, which includes regenerating abandoned spaces and involving local community. The ”station of the new naturalness” is examined, as a viable model. In this way, new artificial nature, freed from the restraint the product is obtained, and the new architecture in compliance with the society is achieved.
From the architectural discourse, interventions are of alternative nature,
looking at the planning and building practices in a new and inspiring way. Using different elements and methods, these interventions set a social infrastructure, a network of events for further actions, rather than a defined space. Therefore, the intervention is seen as a process rather than a product, giving a new meaning to the place (denoting). A new emphasis placed on the participation of those who use the space, both the dwellers and all other interested parties of the community, producing it in a way and in the extent which suits their needs, always adding to the already structured network of intervention.
Keywords: abandoned spaces, fragments of nature, urban landscape,
social interaction.
tertiary sector becoming a post-industrial city. This led to the emergence of a large number of abandoned spaces. Consequences of territorial
transformation of former Yugoslavia, internal wars, NATO bombing as well as privatization during the Transition period (end of the 20th century) left even more abandoned spaces with no clear guidelines and defined level of
protection, with low level of maintenance and without any picture of their involvement in the process of future development.
Abandoned areas (the remains of long lasting buildings, like military or industrial places or just lost typologies) should be seen as places
that are empty but not vague, as antistructures of planed and defined city. Their physical structure gives them a certain meaning, talking about history (testifies failures of the past), putting them in a waiting
position, in limbo between what they were and what they could be. Observed in this way, empty and abandoned buildings, their shell,
instead of the usual procedure of demolition should be a potential catalyst for future development of the city.
The main subject of this paper are areas that have been abandoned and have lost their meaning in the transition process, and due to changes in government structure and the territorial scope of the former Yugoslavia.
These examples cover a wide range of former military facilities, cultural centers from the period of socialism, cinemas and others spaces in the region of Belgrade.
The aim of this paper is to examine the potential of abandoned spaces and possibilities for their transformation, through a case study of urban regeneration of Belgrade city center and riverfront. Transformation of the existing abandoned spaces is seen as a platform for applying various actions (temporary or permanent) from which specific strategic guidelines for future city development can be drawn. It contributes to the review of inherited under or non-utilized structures that make up, or even define a portrait of post-socialist postindustrial Belgrade.
Key words: abandoned spaces, Belgrade, temporary use, urban transformation
Aesthetics is nowadays recognized as an important philosophical, scientific and theoretical discipline in terms of interpreting the complexity of phenomena of the contemporary world. Today it’s rather talked about possible worlds or possible aesthetic regimes rather than of an unique and consistent philosophical, scientific or theoretical discipline. Confrontation of aesthetics with the complexities of the sensory, sentimental, affective, conceptual and discursive phenomena of contemporary world – society, culture, art, technology and politics – is revealed in relation to the history of aesthetics, geographically diverse aesthetic systems and, of course, hybrid technologies of media display, representation and communication of contemporary forms of life.
The Belgrade Congress – 21st ICA : BELGRADE – aims to map out contemporary aesthetics practices in a vivid dialogue of aestheticians, philosophers, art theorists, theorists of architecture, theorists of culture, media theorists, artists, media entrepreneurs, architects, cultural activists and researchers in the fields of humanities and social sciences. More precisely, the goal is to map possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and Australia. The idea is to show, interpret and map the unity and diverseness in aesthetic’ thought, expression, research, and teachings on our shared planet. Our goal is to promote dialogue concerning aesthetic in those parts of the world that have not been involved in the work of International Association for Aesthetics to this day. Global dialogue, understanding and cooperation are what we aim to achieve… Miodrag Šuvaković
Aesthetics is nowadays recognized as an important philosophical, scientific and theoretical discipline in terms of interpreting the complexity of phenomena of the contemporary world. Today it’s rather talked about possible worlds or possible aesthetic regimes rather than of an unique and consistent philosophical, scientific or theoretical discipline. Confrontation of aesthetics with the complexities of the sensory, sentimental, affective, conceptual and discursive phenomena of contemporary world – society, culture, art, technology and politics – is revealed in relation to the history of aesthetics, geographically diverse aesthetic systems and, of course, hybrid technologies of media display, representation and communication of contemporary forms of life.
The Belgrade Congress – 21st ICA : BELGRADE – aims to map out contemporary aesthetics practices in a vivid dialogue of aestheticians, philosophers, art theorists, theorists of architecture, theorists of culture, media theorists, artists, media entrepreneurs, architects, cultural activists and researchers in the fields of humanities and social sciences. More precisely, the goal is to map possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and Australia. The idea is to show, interpret and map the unity and diverseness in aesthetic’ thought, expression, research, and teachings on our shared planet. Our goal is to promote dialogue concerning aesthetic in those parts of the world that have not been involved in the work of International Association for Aesthetics to this day. Global dialogue, understanding and cooperation are what we aim to achieve… Miodrag Šuvaković
Since the end of the First World War, cities and regions in Europe, particularly in the eastern half of the continent, witnessed frequent changes in borders. Previous research on border change and territorial transfers has focused on the actions of nationalizing regimes after the 1919 Paris conference, as well as the post-1945 transfer of territories in East-Central Europe and ensuing flight, expulsions and repopulation programs (Rieber 2000, Ther and Siljak 2001, Ballinger 2003, Crainz Pupo and Salvatici 2008, Snyder 2010, Ferrara 2011, Thum 2011, Reinisch, and White 2011, Ferrara and Pianciola 2012, Service 2013, Sezneva 2013). Recent research has analysed how states appropriated cities and regions they gained from neighbours (Karch 2018), and, in the case of socialist states, used urban remodelling as an opportunity to showcase socialist modernization projects, as occurred in Lviv, Ukraine (Amar 2015) and in Yugoslavia (Kulić and Mrduljaš 2012, Le Normand 2014). While research on transferred cities and territories has tended to see border changes primarily as ruptures tearing people from their old lives and cutting cities off from their previous national frameworks, this emphasis is called into question by scholarship by geographers and sociologists who comprehend cities not as discrete entities but as nodes within regional, national and global networks. From this perspective, cities are spaces in which flows of different types (goods, labour, capital, information) enter, converge, and exit, connecting these cities with other circuits and points across the globe (Massey 1991, Castells 2002, Harvey 2003).
This conference seeks contributions that showcase research on history, memory, and mapping tools in the context of European border changes in the twentieth century. We are interested in highlighting research on the experience of cities and regions that have undergone border changes in the twentieth century in order to showcase histories of transition, to examine the reshaping of local and regional memory practices, and to explore the variety of research methods that might be used to conceptualize and visualize change.
Keynote speakers:
Dominique Kirchner Reill, Associate Professor, University of Miami, author of Nationalists Who Feared the Nation: Adriatic Multi-Nationalism in Habsburg Dalmatia, Trieste, and Venice (Stanford University Press, 2012.) presenting her new book The Fiume Crisis: Life in the Wake of the Habsburg Empire.
Anne Kelly Knowles, McBride Professor of History at the University of Maine, editor of Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship (2008) and Geographies of the Holocaust (2014), Guggenheim fellow (2015).
Brendan Karch, Assistant Professor of History at Louisiana State University, author of Nation and Loyalty in a German-Polish Borderland: Upper Silesia, 1848–1960 (Cambridge University Press, 2018)
Olga Sezneva, Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam, whose work has examined the connection between the urban built environment and social memory (particularly in the case of Kaliningrad/Königsberg), human mobility, and digital technologies; part of the artistic collective Moving Matters Traveling Workshop.
Organisers: The conference is organized by the Univeristy of Rijeka, Centre for Advanced Studies – South East Europe, with the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada-funded project Rijeka in Flux: Borders and Urban Change after World War II, the Memoryscapes project’s Seasons of Power flagship programme for Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture, and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity Research Group, “Empires of Memory: The Cultural Politics of Historicity in Former Habsburg and Ottoman Cities”.