Urban Informatics
Recent papers in Urban Informatics
Urban trees play a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, cleaning air, promoting physical activity, and improving mental health. However, it is still largely unknown how the density and species of urban street trees may impact... more
This paper applies urban informatics methods and techniques on big data generated from the concentrated environment of the second largest music festival in the world, Roskilde Festival. First, we explain how to utilize relevant dimensions... more
We describe the Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD), a data platform involving detailed person-level self-reported and sensed information, with additional Internet, remote sensing, crowdsourced and environmental data sources that... more
This chapter considers the relationship between data and the city by critically examining six key issues with respect city dashboards: epistemology, scope and access, veracity and validity, usability and literacy, use and utility, and... more
Urban areas are increasingly playing a bigger role in our societies. “Approximately 359 million people – 72% of the total EU population – live in cities, towns and suburbs. Urban areas face multiple and interconnected challenges related... more
Due to the complex nature of the urban setting as a network of infrastructure operated as a public good, optimization models are often employed in transportation operations, planning, and logistics. Parameters of these models are often... more
Big Data is the term being used to describe a wide spectrum of observational or “naturally-occurring” data generated through transactional, operational, planning and social activities that are not specifically designed for research. Due... more
Social media networks as a structure for virtual-space communication allow every individual to establish, install and even modify the reality of what he or she thinks important. Within the framework of massive data handling as the basis... more
In this paper we explore the notion of mobile users’ similarity as a key enabler of innovative applications hinging on opportunistic mobile encounters. In particular, we analyze the performance of known similarity metrics, applicable to... more
Transformations in wireless connectivity and location-aware technologies hold the promise of bringing a sea-change in the way transportation information is generated and used in the future. Sensors in the transportation system, when... more
Population wellness and quality of life are the results of complex urban biophysical and socioeconomic dynamics. This article explores this novel domain and introduces a broader context of urban data landscape and health indications. It... more
Urban informatics is positioned to offer unique insights into complex urban processes through use of big data and pervasive computing. This paper examines the rise of urban informatics as a field of expert urban knowledge, with a focus on... more
The purpose of this paper is to consider the role of ICT within the formalisation programme put forward by Recife’s City Council to regulate the informal trade that pervades the city’s popular squares and streets. This formalisation takes... more
We describe the Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD), a data platform involving detailed person-level selfreported and sensed information, with additional Internet, remote sensing, crowdsourced and environmental data sources that... more
The model of urban entities to build a temporal indexing system for co-existing services and activities in the city is based on the development of time-features and time-based solutions for data management and retrieval in complex... more
The memory of loss in Asia’s leading global cities has been shaped by recurrent projects of urban renewal, which have sought to deliver economic prosperity and social order at the expense of longstanding spaces and practices. Singapore’s... more
Exploring the spatial coupling relationship between cultural relics and historic sites and their surroundings can provide reasonable suggestions for the layout and development of commercial facilities and hold crucial significance for... more
Pedestrian activity and mobility are key factors for transportation modeling, public health, and city planning. Traditionally, city agencies conduct manual counts by location and time as a proxy of pedestrian volume in surrounding area.... more
INTERCHANGING brings together a collection of design projects and interdisciplinary perspectives on policy, planning, design, and management issues that currently – and are set to – shape and influence our expectations and experiences of... more
This article examines the dreams and wishes of young-adult city residents regarding future ICT development, comparing its findings with two visions of ICT development offered by large-scale urban agendas, namely ‘smart cities’ and... more
This paper examines the role that public transport last mile problems play in mode choice decisions of commuters, while controlling for trip, built environment, and decision maker related variables. Last-mile problems arise due to lack of... more
Mobile and locative media are systems of technologically mediated communication providing the opportunity to relate physical environments with digital information in order to create " hybrid " spatial experiences, which... more
Previous epidemic management research proves the importance of city-level information, but also highlights limited expertise in urban data applications during a pandemic outbreak. In this paper, we provide an overview of city-level... more
As data-driven approaches are introducing and establishing a new set of economic, social and cultural values, we have started to question some of our age old assumptions, conceptions and practices about our built habitat. One of the most... more
Recent increases in the use of and applications for wearable technology has opened up many new avenues of research. In this paper, we consider the use of lifelogging and GPS data to extend fine-grained movement analysis for improving... more
The paper presents a comparison between aims, theories and practices in city planning and in the use of web-based technologies in urban activities to highlight the different instances of the two macro-domains in conceptualizing city... more
As more people tweet, check-in and share pictures and videos of their daily experiences in the city, new opportunities arise to understand urban activity. When aggregated, these data can uncover invaluable local insights for local... more
This report provides a summary of the organization, program, and outcome of the Dagstuhl Seminar titled "Do-it-yourself networking: an interdisciplinary perspective". We first motivate our interest in wireless networks operating outside... more
Developing a civic social network requires to consider users meeting in real life, collaborating on digital entries related to real urban entities. This makes necessary to think about collaboration tools in a new perspective: ensuring the... more
Die Zersiedelung von Landschaft involviert zwei wichtige Faktoren: Erstens, die Erhöhung des Verkehrsaufkommens, sowie zweitens eine Beeinträchtigung (bis hin zur Schädigung) der Natur. Dies sind die Hauptkritikpunkte im Kontext... more
Building alteration and redevelopment play a central role in the revitalization of developed cities, where the scarcity of available land limits the construction of new buildings. The adaptive reuse of existing space reflects the... more
Developing a civic social network requires to consider users meeting in real life, collaborating on digital entries related to real urban entities. This makes necessary to think about collaboration tools in a new perspective: ensuring the... more
This paper assesses non-traditional urban digital infomediaries who are pushing the agenda of urban Big Data and Open Data. Our analysis identified a mix of private, public, non-profit and informal infomediaries, ranging from very large... more
Urban logistics systems consist of networked infrastructure or vehicle fleets serving the flow of travelers, goods, energy, or information in an urban context, e.g. public transit, freight and energy distribution, or road networks. A... more
Sensing spatiotemporal patterns in urban areas: analytics and visualizations using the integrated multimedia city data platform. Built Environment, 42(3), pp. 415-429.
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and interferometric SAR (InSAR) are state-of-the-art radar remote sensing technologies and are very useful for urban remote sensing. The technologies have some very special characteristics compared to... more