Regional Sciences
Recent papers in Regional Sciences
The challenges that official migration statistics face in the 21st century are manifold. In line with intensifying globalisation processes, and new patterns and types of migration, new routes and new migrant identities... more
PLS-SEM technology, awareness of driving support systems, and perceived usefulness of new technologies had a weak but significant direct impact. The results of study will provide essential information for the successful integration of... more
During the 20th century, profound socio-economic changes typified the metropolitan regions of the World. One of the most outstanding alterations was the relative decentralisation of urban space, that’s visible sign is urban sprawl. The... more
This research is concerned with a statistical method that has recently become widespread in the international literature; although, it is still limited in Hungarian research. The method is geographically weighted regression (GWR), which... more
„Fourth Generation” Universities and Regional Development Bence Zuti - Miklós Lukovics Abstract In the XXI. century the role of higher education is in a transition phase, the successful higher education institutions have an... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
Spain is positioned between developed and developing countries within a globalized and unequal world, connecting Europe with Africa and Latin America. This position is attractive for the demographic dynamic of migrations: one of the... more
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
This paper provides an insight into the transformation processes that have affected Upper Silesia, a Polish border region with long traditions of industrialisation, autonomous structures and volatile historical changes. It shows how the... more
attracting new projects, and those attracted by the central agencies have shortcomings from the point of view of handling the negative consequences of the crisis. Therefore, from the point of view of local authorities, a strategy aimed at... more
Nowadays it is more and more important to know that how certain units of regional economy (enterprises, higher education institutions, other units) affect local economy. The economic impact analysis of higher education institutions is... more
Napjaink egyik legmeghatározóbb megatrendje kétségkívül a digitalizáció, melyre a globalizáció következő lépcsőjeként tekinthetünk. Ennek eredményeképp új üzleti modellek és technológiák alakítják markánsan a gazdaság és társadalmi lét... more
The study examines the spatial and economic characteristics of commuting to work in one of the most dynamic areas of Romania, Cluj County. Based on the 2011 census data, the study reveals a strong connection between accessibility and... more
Digitalization is one of the key drivers of accelerated change in our everyday lives, both on an economic and social level. With solutions enabled through ICT technologies, we are more connected than ever on the global scale. In this next... more
The paper aims to examine the changes in the rural waste management sector at regional scale since the Romania adhesion to the EU in 2007. The traditional waste management based on the mixed waste collection and waste disposal often on... more
Nowadays digitalization is one of the key global drivers of change. It acts as a catalyst for transition in all aspects of our lives. With this transition occurring at present, the traditional models of our society and economy are being... more
Le groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur le développement régional, de l’Est du Québec (GRIDEQ) illustre l’une des lignes de transformation des sciences sociales québécoises : initialement proche de la discipline sociologique, il... more
This manuscript acts solely as a brief and concise summary on the research carried out during the ÚNKP-17-3 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities in a clear and transparent manuscript format. During my... more
Előszó A Magyar Regionális Tudományi Társaság Dél-alföldi Tagozata 2013-ban új kezdeményezést indított, „Regionális tudományi tapasztalatcsere a Dél-Alföldön” címmel egy olyan platformot hozott létre a fiatal kutatók számára, amelynek... more
Nowadays several successful examples prove that universities have a quite intense role in the improvement of competitiveness of certain territories and in many cases they have an active role in endeavours regarding economic development.... more
Napjainkban életünk számos aspektusára érvényesíthető a digitalizálódás. Ez a minta a modern felsőoktatási intézmények esetében is igaz. Az is észrevehető, hogy az egyetemek vezetése kapcsán egyfajta eltolódás mutatkozik meg a proaktív... more
Related and supporting industries
Nowadays the digitalization of all aspects of our lives is becoming more and more general. This pattern is also true in case of modern institutions of higher education. In case of the operation of universities, we can identify a shift... more
The most commonly applied types of accessibility models are based on the gravity analogy. In these models, researchers use different types of resistance factors, but they rarely give any elaborate explanation for their choice of a... more
The study evaluates the spatial development of the Slovak-Hungarian ethnic boundary emphasising the role of migration and natural reproduction at the regional and local levels. Using the case study of eastern Slovakia enables assessment... more
A világunkban jelenleg globális szintű átalakulási folyamat zajlik. Digitális technológiák formálják nemcsak a legkülönfélébb iparágakat, hanem az emberi lét szinte minden aspektusát. A digitális eszközök és megoldások olyan területekre... more
Looking at the relationship between the place of birth and current residential locations of foreign citizens arriving in Hungary from the neighbouring countries, in general, we establish that smaller migration distance involves migrants... more
This is an introduction to a debate consisting of three articles and a reply, published in 2012 in The International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (volume 36, issue 1).