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Purpose-This paper aims to look into the significance of architectural design in psychiatric care facilities. There is a strong correlation between perceptual dysfunction and psychiatric illness, and also between the patient and his... more
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Öz: Okunabilirlik tek başına anlaşılabilirliği garanti etmese de bir mesajın iletişiminde önemli bir faktördür. Mesajın hedef kitlenin okuma düzeyine uygun olup olmadığı iletişimde dikkate alınması gereken bir unsurdur. Özellikle... more
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      New MediaWeb usabilityLegibilityReadability
"Purpose: Perhaps nowhere is the significance of architectural design greater than for psychiatric care facilities. There’s a strong correlation between perceptual dysfunction and psychiatric illness, and also between the patient and his... more
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The term ‘salutogenic’ is widely used in healthcare architecture, even though very few healthcare architects have much of a handle on what the term means. Here, we clarify the key concepts of salutogenesis, demonstrate how they work and... more
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      NeuroscienceEmotionHealth SciencesAesthetics
This study presents a cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of how 108 high school students in English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) classrooms enhanced the comprehensibility of their second language (L2) speech according to different... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionEmotions (Social Psychology)Motivation
The flourishing movement for plain language in the international scene pushes for a pressing global ideological pursuit that legal documents directed at ordinary citizens, particularly known as consumer contracts, must be in a form that... more
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      Forensic LinguisticsComprehensibilityLegal documents
"The prevailing model of psychiatric design (the world over) does not fulfil its potential in supporting the healing process. In order to design for future usability, design teams must have a vision beyond current paradigms and understand... more
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      PsychiatryEthicsArchitectureMental Health
For the data mining domain, the lack of explanation facilities seems to be a serious drawback for techniques based on Artificial Neural Networks, or, for that matter, any technique producing opaque models In particular, the ability to... more
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Purpose -This paper aims to look into the significance of architectural design in psychiatric care facilities. There is a strong correlation between perceptual dysfunction and psychiatric illness, and also between the patient and his... more
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The idea of God is one from which contemporary philosophy, to say nothing of Western society at large, seems to have turned away from or replaced by other quests. There is however no greater and more vital subject than the idea of God. It... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionUnderstandingAugustine
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      Online InstructionInternational Teaching AssistantsSpeech IntelligibilityComprehensibility
City centers become hard to live and comprehend because of the increase in complexity of their structure. One of the most important reasons for this is the inadequacy in establishing social and environmental relations. This is caused by... more
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      Urban InformaticsInfographicsUrban SpaceComprehensibility
In today’s business scenario, we percept major changes in how managers use computerized support in making decisions. As more number of decision-makers use computerized support in decision making, decision support systems (DSS) is... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceData MiningGenetic AlgorithmDecision support system
Although the development of second language (L2) oral fluency has been widely investigated over the past several decades, there remains a paucity of research examining language instruction specifically aimed at improving this cognitive... more
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      Drama In EducationTESOLFluencyPronunciation
In this work, the TREPAN algorithm is enhanced and extended for extracting decision trees from neural networks. We empirically evaluated the performance of the algorithm on a set of databases from real world events. This benchmark... more
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      Neural NetworkClassificationDecision TreeComprehensibility
The prevailing model of psychiatric facility design does not fulfil its potential in supporting the healing process. A salutogenic approach can improve coherence and foster meaning, will actually improve mental health outcomes, not only... more
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      PsychiatryEthicsArchitectureMental Health
¿Cómo se puede alcanzar un conocimiento del pasado de los pueblos que vivían en América del Sur antes de la llegada de los europeos? ¿Existen nociones de conciencia histórica pese a la ausencia de escritura o se trata de una mitificación... more
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      South AmericaComprehensibilityInterdisciplinary ApproachesComparative Perspectives
The current study examines how second language (L2) users differentially assess the comprehensibility (i.e., ease of understanding) of foreign-accented speech according to a range of background variables, including first language (L1)... more
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      Foreign AccentednessPronunciationComprehensibilityEnglish Pronunciation
Bu çalışmanın amacı, okunabilirliğin anlaşılabilirlik üzerindeki etkisini farklı metin türlerine göre incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda okunabilirlikleri hesaplanan iki bilgi verici, iki de hikâye edici metin, cümle uzunlukları yönünden... more
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      ReadabilityComprehensibilityReadability Formulas