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International audienceFrom urban project to open-air museum, the city oscillates between a need for modernization and a desire to preserve its heritage. In Strasbourg, the urban ensemble of Neustadt illustrates these two ways of looking... more
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      HeritageAppropriationFranco-German Relations
In this article we examine the role of digital and manual data on protected monuments and heritage structures in ways that can adequately account for: the nuance and individuality of embodied knowledge and non-formulaic approaches to... more
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      IndiaMonumentsHeritage structuresBuilding Crafts Knowledge
Cultural heritage in Africa is viewed as a local phenomenon embedded in the rich and diverse Indigenous Knowledge Systems of local communities. It reflects the pioneering spirit and approaches of local communities in defining the... more
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    • World Heritage
Il contributo si propone di fornire un sintetico aggiornamento sugli studi e le ricerche condotte nell’ultimo quindicennio su Benevento longobarda. Gli studi storici e storico-artistici hanno permesso di mettere in rilievo la dinamicità... more
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      ArcheologiaArcheologia medievalethe LongobardsNecropoli Longobarde
Mount Olympos on the border of Thessaly and Central Macedonia (Greece) is the namesake of many mountains over the Earth and even on Mars. The inspiration of Olympos to humanity dates from the earliest settlements of modern peoples at its... more
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      GeologyHigh-pressure rocks (blueschists and eclogites) associated with ophiolites.GeoheritageFluvial Sedimentology
This essay argues that dance festivals are choreographed spaces that shape cultural heritage. The Konark Dance Festival in Odisha, India, is an annual program situated around the Konark Sun Temple, a UNESCO-recognized World Heritage Site.... more
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      Dance StudiesCultural HeritageNationalismFestival Tourism
Cagliari, Italy. September 17-19.2024
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      Heritage ConservationUnesco World Heritage SiteUNESCO world heritageICOMOS
The study focuses on the factors affecting visitor numbers to archaeological sites in Turkey. The aim is to investigate the geographical, economic, and demographic factors underlying the visits using statistical methods. The study covers... more
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      Heritage TourismArchaeological SitesSpatail Analysis
Located between the continents of Asia and Europe, in South Caucasus, Azerbaijan is a unique place, where East and West meets, historical trade routes intersect, the world`s main religions peacefully coexist, and the values and traditions... more
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      MulticulturalismPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational LawHuman Rights
This article was presented as a country report in Buyeo, the Republic of Korea during the International Course for Cultural Heritage Management held in 2019 by the Korean Government.
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesCultural HeritageKorean StudiesSouth Korea
This an english resume of my Master thesis.

You can watch the interviews in in the website:
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      Angolan HistoryKongo KingdomUnesco World Heritage SiteAfrican Cultural Heritage
We present the first evidence of ingestion of plastic by seabirds from the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. The occurrence of marine debris ingestion in the wedge-tailed shearwater, Ardenna pacifica, on Heron Island was the... more
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      AustraliaBiologyEnvironmental MonitoringMedicine
1993 yılından bu yana Harvard Üniversitesi'nde ders veren Prof. Dr Gülru Necipoğlu, kitabını uzun araştırmalarından sonra ortaya çıkartmış. Türkçe baskı için tekrar gözden geçirdiği kitabında kimisi ilk kez yayımlanan pek çok kaynağa... more
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      UnescoRuth BenedictMimarlıkMimarlik Tarihi
*Phần giới thiệu tổng hợp từ ý kiến phản biện của PGS.TS Phạm Quỳnh Phương (VNU) và PGS.TS Đỗ Thị Thanh Thủy (VICAS) Trong bối cảnh di sản hóa phổ biến ở Việt Nam, nghiên cứu là một đề tài có tính thời sự, khám phá mối quan hệ phức... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesPlace-MakingUnesco World Heritage Site
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      World Cultural HeritageHistory of AssamUnesco World Heritage Site
Представлены результаты исследований и работ, проводившихся в 2003–2005 гг. в долине р. Коксу с целью определения границ археологического ландшафта с петроглифами Ешкиолмес для его сохранения как потенциального объекта всемирного наследия... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Unesco World Heritage SiteBronze age of Siberia and Kazakhstan
The amphitheater was the quintessential Roman building. At Rome, the Flavian amphitheater stood as a singularly impressive Roman monument and both a signifier and a modifier of Roman imperialism and ideology. In the provinces, especially... more
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      Roman AmphitheaterRomanizationPergamonRoman Architecture
From a local perspective, the issues of affordable housing, its administration, and the applicability of the 30-percent-of-income housing cost burden threshold in GTWHS have received inadequate attention. These crucial issues are closely... more
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      Public AdministrationURBAN SUSTAINABILITYParticipatory governanceInclusiveness
Dermatoloji pratiğinde oldukça sık rastlanan allerjik deri hastalıkları, oluşumlarında immünolojik mekanizmaların ön planda rol oynadığı bir grup dermatozdur. Atopik dermatit ve ürtiker, bu gruba giren iki önemli hastalıktır.
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    • Medicine
By this significant jubilee, Serbia had inscribed five cultural sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List (the List was started in 1978 – which makes an average of one inscription every nine years). Three sites are serial (Stari Ras with... more
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    • UNESCO world heritage
This paper explores the dual branding of Safranbolu as both a UNESCO World Heritage site and a CittaSlow town. It begins with an overview of the CittaSlow movement, which started in Italy in 1999 and aims to enhance quality of life by... more
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      UnescoUNESCO World Heritage and labellingCittaslowSlow Cities
Since the foundation of their state, Greeks have considered antiquity’s classics their heritage and based their cultural and national identity on them. Nevertheless, modernization, shifting cultural practices in the West, and the... more
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      National IdentityReception of AntiquityCultural Sociology and Sociology of Culture
Ozet Alerjik­hastaliklarin­sikligi­son­yillarda­tum­dunyada­ozellikle­batililasmis­gelismis­ ulkelerde­artmaktadir.­Gida­alerjisi­genellikle­cocukluk­caginda­alerjinin­ilk­ortaya­... more
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    • Medicine
Retrospective Evaluation of Cases with Cow's Milk Allergy Cow's milk allergy (CMA) is described as immunological reaction against to one or more milk proteins. It is the most commonly seen food allergy which affects about 1-3% of general... more
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      Cultural LandscapesIndigenous ecological knowledges and practicesCultural Heritage StudiesUnesco World Heritage Site
The cultural and architectural significance of stone becomes evident as one traces its journey from quarry to monument. Located in southeastern Türkiye, Mardin City presents an urban landscape characterized by stone-built heritage. This... more
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      GeologyCultural HeritageArchitectural HeritageMesopotamia
Safranbolu, tarih boyunca çeşitli uygarlıklara ev sahipliği yapmış, ulusal ve uluslararası alanda öneme sahip bir kültür ilçesidir. Osmanlı medeniyetinin izlerini zengin bir şekilde içinde barındıran ilçemiz, 1994 yılında UNESCO'nun Dünya... more
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Amaç: Astım, çocukluk çağı kronik hastalıkları arasında en sık görülen ve reversibl hava yolu obstrüksiyonu ile karakterize enflamatuvar bir hastalıktır. Çalışmamızda astım tanısı kesinleştirilen çocukların ilk kez astım semptomlarının... more
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    • Asthma
without the consent of the publisher is inadmissible and punishable. This refers especially to reproduction of figures and/or text in print or xerography, translations, microforms and the data storage and processing in electronic systems.... more
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      UnescoCultural World Heritage SitesWorld Cultural HeritageWorld Heritage Site Studies
Ed. Matthias Ripp & Christer Gustaffson
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      Climate ChangeCommunity ResilienceHeritage TourismSustainable Development
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      HistoryGeographySlave TradeMultidisciplinary
Bu calismada Turkiye’nin Bati Karadeniz Bolgesinde yer alan Bartin ili Amasra ilcesindeki geleneksel konut kulturu ele alinmistir. Amasra’nin ilce merkezinde yer alan 19. yuzyil geleneksel konut ornekleri incelenmis, oncelikle plan... more
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      ArtTypologyVernacular Architecture
Le aree carsiche nelle evaporiti dell’Emilia-Romagna, pur coprendo solo lo 0,6% del territorio regionale, hanno un grande impatto sul paesaggio locale e rivestono grande importanza nei campi scientifico, culturale e divulgativo. Dopo una... more
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      GypsumEmilia RomagnaUnesco World Heritage SiteGypsum Karst
This paper focuses on the making of heritage places through the narration of ethnic"s identity at Melaka World Heritage site (WHS). Ethnic identity plays a vital role in identifying the community"s heritage because people identify... more
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      Community engagementEthnic IdentitiesMelakaUnesco World Heritage Site
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      Byzantine ArchitectureByzantine artChora Monastery in ConstantinopleByzantine painting
Hagia Sophia, a monumental structure with a history spanning over a millennium, stands as a symbol of the confluence and tension between cultural heritages and political realms. Originally built as a Christian cathedral in 537 CE, it was... more
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      UnescoConstantinopleUNESCO World Heritage and labellingAyasofya
This article examines the landscape as heritage by exploring key theoretical conceptualizations and highlighting the complexity and critical nodes involved in the recognition and value attribution process carried out by UNESCO. The... more
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      GeographyEducationCultural HeritageUnesco
Глава V из книги: Симбирцева Т.М. Владыки старой Кореи. М.: РГГУ, 2012. С. 294-441 (Orientalia et Classica. Труды Института восточных культур и античности, 35).
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      RitualSymbolism (Art History)ConfucianismSeoul
«Expolios, robos y desastres del patrimonio histórico español» el caso de la ermita de Santiago de Gargantilla de Lozoya (Madrid)
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    • Madrid
Amaç: Astım, çocukluk çağı kronik hastalıkları arasında en sık görülen ve reversibl hava yolu obstrüksiyonu ile karakterize enflamatuvar bir hastalıktır. Çalışmamızda astım tanısı kesinleştirilen çocukların ilk kez astım semptomlarının... more
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    • Asthma
Amaç: Astım, çocukluk çağı kronik hastalıkları arasında en sık görülen ve reversibl hava yolu obstrüksiyonu ile karakterize enflamatuvar bir hastalıktır. Çalışmamızda astım tanısı kesinleştirilen çocukların ilk kez astım semptomlarının... more
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    • Asthma
«Expolios, robos y desastres del patrimonio histórico español» el caso del Seminario de Carvajal (Salamanca)
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      SalamancaUNESCO world heritageUniversidad de Salamanca (Spain)
Among the current Italian UNESCO sites placed in Lombardy, two of them are prehistoric cultural sites: rock art of Valle Camonica and the pile dwellings around the Alps. This paper shows the management of the two sites (one linked to a... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Cultural World Heritage Sites
Bu çalışmada Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi DermatolojiAnabilim Dalı'na Ekim 1992-Nlsan 1993 tarih leri arasında başvuran, dermatolojik muayenesi alerjik kontakt dermatit ile uyumlu olan 43 hastaya yama (patch) testi uygulanmıştır.... more
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Öz Beslenme alanında yapılan son çalışmalarda, günlük tüketilen bazı besinlerin sağlığı bozması ve duyarlılık oluşturmasının yanı sıra yaşam kalitesini belirli açılardan ve değişik açılardan etkilediği saptanmıştır. Bu derleme insan... more
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Il nuovo monitoraggio del Piano di Gestione del Centro Storico di Firenze
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      ManagementUnescoFirenzeWorld Heritage
Öz Ülkemizde ve dünyada son yıllarda besin alerjilerinin yaygınlığında artış gözlenmektedir. Ülkelerin beslenme kültürlerine bağlı olarak alerjen besin maddelerinde değişiklik olsa da, çoğunlukla sekiz besin alerjiye sebebiyet... more
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    • Medicine
The paper is dedicated to the problem of the endangerment of World Cultural Heritage in times of crisis, conflicts and conflict situations. The modern world abounds in areas where social intolerance simmers, and cultural heritage is the... more
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      Modern HistoryPeace and Conflict StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
This presentation includes a summary of the presentations I made and published on the two important problems that I raised under the titles of "Opening of Natural Protected Areas to Development" and "New Construction in the Heritage Area"... more
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      UnescoKentsel KorumaSafranboluSafranbolu as UNESCO World Heritage City
Anafilaksi hızlı ve doğru müdahale edilmediğinde ölümcül olabilen sistemik bir reaksiyondur. Çalışmamızın amacı çocuk alerji polikliniğine anafilaksi nedeni ile başvurmuş olan hastaların demografik özellikleri, klinik seyri ve tetikleyici... more
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      Medicineçocuk dergisi
«La vuelta a España por 50 Patrimonios de la Humanidad» Puente de Vizcaya declarado Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad el 13 de julio de 2006.
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      UnescoUnesco World Heritage SiteUNESCO world heritage