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The main function of religious art is to embody the abstract idea of God in a form that allows its easiest perception. A central problem of any religious system is God’s presence and its adequate description. Theophanic events are never... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyHesychasmByzantium
This paper traces the seminal notion of khora from the Platonic Timaeus to Derrida's apophatic theology. John Caputo's and Richard Kearney's criticism of the latter are presented and discussed. The essay concludes... more
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      PlatoJacques DerridaApophaticismKhora
An auspicious event for the history of Byzantine studies took place in 1884. It was of lasting importance for shaping scholarly understanding of an iconic monument of Istanbul. The first comprehensive scholarly study and extensive... more
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      PhotographyMedieval StudiesMedievalismByzantine Studies
Th is issue of Minima medievalia hosts fourteen original studies, which, following the tradition of the series, starting from a specifi c point of view converge around the monographic topic chosen for the occasion. In the following... more
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      Byzantine sculptureChora Monastery in Constantinopleking MilutinKralj Milutin
This paper traces the seminal notion of khora from the Platonic Timaeus to Derrida's apophatic theology. John Caputo's and Richard Kearney's criticism of the latter are presented and discussed. The essay concludes with an "excursus" to... more
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      PlatoJacques DerridaApophaticismKhora
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      Byzantine ArchaeologyTheodore MetochitesChora Monastery in Constantinople
According to some sources and scholars, the full name of the katholikon of the Chora monastic complex was “the church of the Holy Savior εν τη χώρα” and it was dedicated to Christ. However, this name is first and foremost a... more
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      IconographyByzantine StudiesChristian IconographyIconology
Обект на изследването е начинът на изобразяване на библейския концепт за Божията слава в късновизантийската иконографска традиция. Предмет на изследването е произходът и семантиката на новия тип мандорла, използвана като основен... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyHesychasm
In medieval Greek manuscripts, scribes often compared their completion of the transcription of a codex to a ship reaching a harbor. Scholars have noted that this nautical imagery shaped how poets conceptualized their work as an author,... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureByzantine MosaicsColophonByzantine Icons
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      Future StudiesQueer StudiesMedieval PhilosophyLate Antique and Byzantine History
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      Byzantine StudiesModern TurkeyArt and PoliticsCultural Heritage and Preservation
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine artChora Monastery in Constantinople
This work retraces observations concerning insufficiently known emblems, represented on some examples of late Byzantine architecture. Also, should an emblem be invested with a role of a codified sign, without being literally visible,... more
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      TaxonomyHeraldryAniconismByzantine Architecture
,,ШТО ЈЕ НА НЕБУ И НА ЗЕМЉИ, ВИДЉИВО И НЕВИДЉИВО“: ТРИЈУМФАЛНИ ЛУК НА ЗАПАДНОЈ ФАСАДИ ЦРКВЕ БОГОРОДИЦЕ ЉЕВИШКЕ У ПРИЗРЕНУ. СТРУКТУРА И ЗНАЧЕЊЕ Артикулација зидне површине као и концептуални елементи фасаде представљају кључне... more
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      Late Byzantine ArchitectureVierge Ljeviška à PrizrenChora Monastery in Constantinopleking Milutin
Based on the complex interrelations between word and image, present paper aims to elucidate penetrating correlation of the theological thought of the time with the art of a specific epoch. Accent is putted on the Hesychasm and its... more
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      HesychasmTransfigurationMandorlaChora Monastery in Constantinople
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      Medieval StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryByzantine Iconography
In Byzantium, rhetorical training, based on authors writing in the Attic dialect, was an important part of the regular curriculum and opened the doors to a career in the high administration (imperial or ecclesiastical). Indeed, ancient... more
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      ClassicsByzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesClassical Reception Studies
Dans le cadre du séminaire doctoral de l’Université de Reims (UFR Lettres classiques, CERHIC EA 2616) : Littérature technique et tradition manuscrite, organisé par M. Marcotte, 31 mai 2011.
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      Ancient GeographyGreek manuscriptsChora Monastery in ConstantinopleNicephoros Gregoras