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      Economic GrowthDiaspora StudiesTurkish DiasporaCentral Asia
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      Electoral SystemsTurkish DiasporaElectoral Geographyoverseas voting
This popular scientific article in Swedish discusses how Sweden's success with high self-assessed proficiency in Swedish as a second language among second-generation Turks can be explained with reference to policies regarding education,... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionTurkish DiasporaBilingualismIntegration
Gerd Marie Ådna, Assoiciate Professor, VID Vitenskapelige høgskole, Stavanger A Rose for the Prophet. Religion and Transnational Artefacts in Stavanger In Turkish Muslim communities in Turkey and Europe, the celebration of prophet... more
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      Islamic StudiesTurkish DiasporaMuslim identity
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      Islam in EuropeMuslim MinoritiesTurkish Diaspora
Mosque education in Western countries has been a source of anxiety and speculations in the public debates about youth radicalization and the teaching practices of foreign imams. This research aims to contribute to this understudied field... more
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      Islamic EducationTurkish DiasporaMadrasa educationEuropean Islam
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      MulticulturalismTransnationalismDiaspora StudiesTurkish Diaspora
David Drissel's chapter examines the socio-spatial origins of hip-hop graffiti in New York City and its subsequent development in Berlin – two global cities that have undergone dramatic socio-spatial transformations over the past several... more
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      German StudiesArtYouth StudiesSpace and Place
Building on a critical and extensive review of the debate on diaspora, this thesis aims to provide an alternative basis for the conceptualization of the concept of diaspora. In this context, it investigates the boundaries of the Turkish... more
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      African StudiesDiaspora PoliticsTurkish Diaspora
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionQualitative ResearchHermeneutics and Narrative
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Kanada’ya göçmenliğini bekleyenler, işadamları ve öğrenciler ile ülkeye yeni gelenler için bu bir başucu kitabıdır. Kanada’ya göç etmek, hayatınızın en önemli ve radikal kararı. Kendinizle dürüst olmanız gerekiyor. "Ben niye gidiyorum"... more
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      MulticulturalismGlobalizationCanadian HistoryTransnationalism
We’re pleased to welcome you to Harokopio University, Athens in August for the Migration Conference. The 5th conference in our series, the 2017 Conference is probably the largest scholarly gathering on migration with a global scope. Human... more
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      Social MovementsRefugee StudiesDiasporasRomani Studies
1980’lere kadar Kanada’da ciddi bir nüfus oluşturmayan Müslümanlar ve Türkler, 2000’li yıllarla birlikte çoğaldı. Ekonomik krizler ve savaşlar müslümanları Kanada’ya sevketti. İlk Kanadalı Müslümanlar kimlerdi ve Türklerin Kanada macerası... more
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      Sociology of ReligionCanadian HistoryTransnationalismIslamic Studies
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      Asian HistoryTurkish DiasporaTatarsRussian Muslims
Based on my observations and in-depth interviews over a ten-month period, this article explores the efforts of Toronto's Alevi community to maintain a separate identity in their adopted country, while attempting to integrate their... more
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      DiasporasDiasporaTurkish and Middle East StudiesMinority Studies
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      Mobility/MobilitiesMigration mobilitiesMigration StudiesTurkish Diaspora
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      MigrationTurkish DiasporaKurdish QuestionGermany
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      Turkish DiasporaBalkanlarHistory of the BalkansBulgaristanda Komunizm Dönemi
The paper provides an overview of the 2014 presidential elections in Turkey, a seminal moment in Turkish political history. President-elect Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's aspiration for transforming Turkey into a presidential system is expected... more
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      Turkish DiasporaTurkish politicsPresidential Politics
This thesis aims to contribute to a broader understanding of spill-over of homeland conflicts to the host country by diaspora groups and analyses how the repercussions of the Kurdish question in Turkey are reflected in the interactions... more
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      Kurdish StudiesTurkish DiasporaKurdish diaspora
Since the late 19th century, especially after both the world wars and Russian Revolution, Turkestanis and other Turks in Russia emigrated to Turkey, the Middle East, Europe, and the Far East for various reasons. They organized their own... more
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      Central Asian StudiesTurkish DiasporaCentral AsiaOrta Asya
This paper provides a comprehensive framework to explain the policies Turkish think tanks have adopted for the development of Turkey-Turkish diaspora relationship in recent years. The purpose of this research is to identify the... more
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      Public DiplomacyTurkeyTurkish DiasporaThink Tanks
ÖZET Dünyanın birçok yerinde bulunan Türk göçmenler göç edilen yer ve göç süreci gibi sebeplerden dolayı gittikleri yerlerde kendine özgü bir göç tecrübesi oluştururlar. Bu bağlamda, İngiltere'deki Türkler de İngiltere'de bulunan diğer... more
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      GeographyDiasporasMigrationTurkish Diaspora
Mosque education in Western countries has been a source of anxiety and speculations in the public debates about youth radicalization and the teaching practices of foreign imams. This research aims to contribute to this understudied field... more
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      Islamic EducationTurkish DiasporaMadrasa educationEuropean Islam
Öz: Diaspora çağımızın en önemli toplumsal ve siyasi olgularından biridir. Diaspora teorisi kendi içerisinde klasik ve modern olmak üzere iki ayrı yaklaşım altında ele alınmaktadır. Bu noktada çalışmamız her iki yaklaşımı da... more
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      DiasporasMigrationDiasporaTurkish Diaspora
LITTLE TURKEY IN GREAT BRITAIN by Ibrahim Sirkeci, Tuncay Bilecen, Yakup Costu, Saniye Dedeoglu, M. Rauf Kesici, B. Dilara Seker, Fethiye Tilbe, K. Onur Unutulmaz is about Turkish movers in Britain. Turkish migration to British Isles has... more
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      DiasporasCyprus StudiesKurdish StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
"We Called for Manpower, but People Came Instead" (Max Frisch, 1965) This famous line by Max Frisch is quoted frequently in articles dealing with the social and political lives and identities of Gastarbeiter (guestworkers) who later... more
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      Turkish DiasporaGermany
As violent conflicts become increasingly intra-state rather than inter-state, international migration has rendered them increasingly transnational, as protagonists from each side find themselves in new countries of residence. In spite... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesKurdish StudiesDiasporaTurkish and Middle East Studies
Traditional source countries have been rapidly becoming destination countries. However, the fact remains that there are still countries with surplus populations and others who do not want any more migration. Following the collapse of the... more
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      Identity (Culture)TurkeyMigration StudiesTurkish Diaspora
With its aggregate capabilities and position within the European Union, Germany can play a major role in modernizing various dimensions of the bilateral relations between Turkey and the EU. However, before agreeing to play such a role,... more
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesInternational RelationsEuropean integration
"Hangi Kazakla konuşursanız ve Türk olduğunuzu söylerseniz size çok büyük bir yakınlık duyar. Yani halkın Türkiye ile ilgili düşünce yaklaşım ve algıları güzel."
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      Turkish DiasporaKAZAKİSTAN EKONOMİSİ
Beginning in the 1960’s, Denmark recruited Turkish guest workers. Today, the Turkish minority is Denmark’s largest minority group from non-western countries. This article examines the social challenges of the Turkish minority in Denmark... more
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      Turkish DiasporaDenmarkIntegrationTurkish minority
Naiboğlu'nun Birleşme Sonrası Türk-Alman Sineması'nı incelediği çalışması, göç sinemasının temel konularından olan Avrupa'ya işçi göçü ve sonrasında oluşan atmosfere yeni bir bakış açısı getirmektedir. Kitap, birleşme sonrası Türk-Alman... more
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      Film StudiesTurkish DiasporaFilm and Media StudiesTurkish-German Studies
Since the late 1980s, a steady stream of literature has been emerging from circles of the Turkish minority in the Netherlands. The article offers a survey of this literature, characterises its main themes and concerns, and demonstrates... more
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      MulticulturalismMigration StudiesLinguisticsPostcolonial Literature
Based on an offline and online survey of 967 people of Turkish origin living in these countries, we test how legacy and social media have influenced the participation of the members of the Turkish diaspora in Belgium, Germany and the... more
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      Social CapitalSocial MediaDiaspora StudiesTurkish Diaspora
Based on data from the project The Integration of the European Second Generation (TIES), this paper investigates the maintenance of Turkish as a heritage language among second-generation Turks between ages 18 and 35 in Stockholm County,... more
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      Immigration And Integration In EuropeTurkish DiasporaLanguage Maintenance and Shift
This article briefly investigates the evolution of Turkish diaspora over the course of history and pays particular attention to major diaspora formation approaches. Then, the focuses on the Turkish Diaspora within which, before all else,... more
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      African StudiesDiaspora PoliticsTurkish Diaspora
Türkiye’nin 2010 yılından itibaren Avrupa’da yaşayan Türkiyeli göçmenleri bir diaspora olarak tahayyül etmek üzere izlemeye başladığı politikalar, özellikle 15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimi (2016) sonrasında ülkede yaşanan tansiyonun göç alan... more
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      Diaspora StudiesTurkish DiasporaTurkish diaspora in GermanyThe Turkish Diaspora in Europe
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      Australian multiculturalismSocial ProtectionIslamTurkish Diaspora
Bu makale Türkiye' de ulusaşırı yayıncılığın dinamiklerini tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Tartışma iki ana başlık altında düzenlenmiştir. İlk bölümde ulusaşırı kitle iletişim süreçlerinin dünya genelinde sosyal, ekonomik ve tarihsel arka... more
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      Diaspora StudiesTurkish DiasporaTürk Medyası
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      MulticulturalismRacial and Ethnic PoliticsPostcolonial LiteratureTurkish Diaspora
Language choice of individuals has a long-term impact on ensuring language maintenance and preventing language loss in bilingual societies. This study investigates language choices for Turkish, Russian, and Kazakh which exist in the... more
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      Turkish DiasporaLanguage ChoiceKazakhstanLanguage Loyalty
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      Intra-European MigrationJudicial PoliticsEuropean Immigration and Asylum LawTurkish migration
Since the late 1980s, a steady stream of literature has been emerging from circles of the Turkish minority in the Netherlands. The article offers a survey of this literature, characterises its main themes and concerns, and demonstrates... more
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      MulticulturalismMigration StudiesLinguisticsPostcolonial Literature
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      African Diaspora StudiesDiasporaDiaspora StudiesTurkish Diaspora
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      MulticulturalismMigration StudiesPostcolonial LiteratureTurkish Diaspora