Turkish minority
Recent papers in Turkish minority
Beginning in the 1960’s, Denmark recruited Turkish guest workers. Today, the Turkish minority is Denmark’s largest minority group from non-western countries. This article examines the social challenges of the Turkish minority in Denmark... more
Beginning in the 1960’s, Denmark recruited Turkish guest workers. Today, the Turkish minority is Denmark’s largest minority group from non-western countries. This article examines the social challenges of the Turkish minority in Denmark from 1970 to 2021, and their integration during this period. This study uses several methods to obtain insight into the integration process of Turkish immigrants over three generations in Denmark and the challenges they faced and continue to face. In addition to the source criticism and a comprehensive literature review, this study uses qualitative and quantitative methods to understand Turkish immigrants’ immigration processes. Qualitative and quantitative analysis in the field of Danish historical research, specifically the area concerning the Turkish minority are not adequately covered by the existing literature. This study finds that all three generations of the Turkish minority in Denmark experienced social challenges in several areas that are related to each other, and these social challenges have an effect on their integration status. Some social challenges have decreased over generations but specifically discrimination and racism have not.
This paper deals with the image and perceptions that Turkish migrants from Bulgaria had about the Turks in Turkey, the Turkish state, Bulgarians, and the Bulgarian state both before and after 1989. Perceptions of the Turkish minority... more
This paper deals with the image and perceptions that Turkish migrants from Bulgaria had about the Turks in Turkey, the Turkish state, Bulgarians, and the Bulgarian state both before and after 1989. Perceptions of the Turkish minority among the Bulgarian communist elite are analysed according to published reports and statements made by Bulgarian Communist Party members. The perceptions that Turkish migrants had about Bulgaria and Turkey are the main focus of this study which is based on field research and interviews conducted with Turkish migrants from Bulgaria now living in Turkey. This article shows that these migrants held both positive and negative perceptions of Bulgaria and Turkey, largely depending on the context. The Turkish minority in Bulgaria was regarded as a problem for the Communist government and as an in-ternal enemy to the Bulgarian state. Moreover, the locals in Turkey regarded the Turkish migrants from Bulgaria as “Bulgarian migrants” who possessed a non-Muslim or ...
II. Dünya Savaşı’nda Yunanistan’ın işgale uğramasıyla birlikte direnişe yönelik örgütlenmeler başladı. Savaş sonuna doğru sağ ve sol görüşlü örgütler iktidar mücadelesine girerek İç Savaş’ın (1944-1949) başlamasına neden oldu. Türk... more
II. Dünya Savaşı’nda Yunanistan’ın işgale uğramasıyla birlikte direnişe
yönelik örgütlenmeler başladı. Savaş sonuna doğru sağ ve sol görüşlü örgütler iktidar mücadelesine girerek İç Savaş’ın (1944-1949) başlamasına neden oldu. Türk azınlığı, komünist çetelerin faaliyetleri nedeniyle zor zamanlar yaşadı. Komünist çeteler, köylere baskınlar yapıp hükümet kuvvetlerine karşı silahlı çatışmaya girdi. Bu süreçte Türk azınlık Yunan Hükümeti’nin yanında olup Yunan kuvvetleriyle birlikte hareket etmiştir. Yunan Hükümeti çetecilere af ilân etti ve ardından 1947’de “Temizleme Harekâtı” başladı. Bu harekât sonunda komünist
çetelere büyük darbe vuruldu. Bu süreçte olağanüstü Divan-ı Harp kurularak yargılamalar yapıldı. Çetecilerden zarar gören insanlara devlet eliyle yardım yapılıyordu. Ancak Türk azınlık bu yardımlardan yeteri kadar faydalanamadı. İç Savaş’ın getirdiği zorluklarla beraber vergiler ve kötü hava koşulları Batı Trakya Türklerini ekonomik anlamda da zorlamaktaydı. Savaş sonrası yaşanan bu kargaşa ortamında Türk teşkilatlanması da sekteye uğramıştır. Türklerin teşkilatlanmasında müftülük meselesi de bu dönemde gündeme gelmiştir. Her
alanda yaşanan sorunlar, eğitim hayatını da etkilemişti. Çetecilerin verdiği zararlarla Batı Trakya Türk okullarında eğitim işlemez hale geldi. Çete hareketlerinin Türk köylerine verdiği zarar sebebiyle Batı Trakya Türklerinin bir kısmı sınırı geçerek Türkiye’ye göç etmeye başladı. Bu çalışmada Batı Trakya Türklerinin çeteciler tarafından uğradığı saldırılar, ekonomik ve sosyal yaşamları İskeçe’de çıkan Trakya gazetesine yansıdığı şekliyle ele alınmıştır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Trakya, Trakya gazetesi, Yunanistan, iç savaş, Batı Trakya Türkleri, Türk azınlık.
During the Second World War, Greece’s German occupation brought
forth a number of resistance organizations. Towards the war’s end right and leftist organizations engaged in a power struggle that caused the beginning of the Civil War (1944-1949). Turkish minority had a hard time due to communist gangs’ activities. Communist gangs, raiding villages, engaged in armed conflict against government forces. During this period the Turkish minority collaborated with the Greek government. Eventually, the Greek government declared amnesty and after 1947 a Cleansing Operation began. With the Cleansing Operation, communist gangs were hit hard. With the establishment of a supreme war court, trials commenced. The Greek state helped to ameliorate the damage caused by the militants. However, the Turkish minority did not benefit enough from the war reparations. Apart from the difficulties brought about by the Civil War, taxes and bad weather conditions caused the economic deterioration of the Turkish minority. On the other hand, Turkish organizations could not continue their activities. The multiplicity of problems finally had an impact on education in the Western Thrace Turkish schools, interrupted by the militant activities. As a result of the damages, Western Thrace Turks started migrating across the border to Turkey. This paper will utilize the Thrace newspaper published in Xanthi to discuss the impact of the militant activity on the economic and social life of Western Thrace Turks.
Keywords: Thrace, Thrace newspaper, Greece, civil war, Western Thrace Turks, Turkish minority.
yönelik örgütlenmeler başladı. Savaş sonuna doğru sağ ve sol görüşlü örgütler iktidar mücadelesine girerek İç Savaş’ın (1944-1949) başlamasına neden oldu. Türk azınlığı, komünist çetelerin faaliyetleri nedeniyle zor zamanlar yaşadı. Komünist çeteler, köylere baskınlar yapıp hükümet kuvvetlerine karşı silahlı çatışmaya girdi. Bu süreçte Türk azınlık Yunan Hükümeti’nin yanında olup Yunan kuvvetleriyle birlikte hareket etmiştir. Yunan Hükümeti çetecilere af ilân etti ve ardından 1947’de “Temizleme Harekâtı” başladı. Bu harekât sonunda komünist
çetelere büyük darbe vuruldu. Bu süreçte olağanüstü Divan-ı Harp kurularak yargılamalar yapıldı. Çetecilerden zarar gören insanlara devlet eliyle yardım yapılıyordu. Ancak Türk azınlık bu yardımlardan yeteri kadar faydalanamadı. İç Savaş’ın getirdiği zorluklarla beraber vergiler ve kötü hava koşulları Batı Trakya Türklerini ekonomik anlamda da zorlamaktaydı. Savaş sonrası yaşanan bu kargaşa ortamında Türk teşkilatlanması da sekteye uğramıştır. Türklerin teşkilatlanmasında müftülük meselesi de bu dönemde gündeme gelmiştir. Her
alanda yaşanan sorunlar, eğitim hayatını da etkilemişti. Çetecilerin verdiği zararlarla Batı Trakya Türk okullarında eğitim işlemez hale geldi. Çete hareketlerinin Türk köylerine verdiği zarar sebebiyle Batı Trakya Türklerinin bir kısmı sınırı geçerek Türkiye’ye göç etmeye başladı. Bu çalışmada Batı Trakya Türklerinin çeteciler tarafından uğradığı saldırılar, ekonomik ve sosyal yaşamları İskeçe’de çıkan Trakya gazetesine yansıdığı şekliyle ele alınmıştır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Trakya, Trakya gazetesi, Yunanistan, iç savaş, Batı Trakya Türkleri, Türk azınlık.
During the Second World War, Greece’s German occupation brought
forth a number of resistance organizations. Towards the war’s end right and leftist organizations engaged in a power struggle that caused the beginning of the Civil War (1944-1949). Turkish minority had a hard time due to communist gangs’ activities. Communist gangs, raiding villages, engaged in armed conflict against government forces. During this period the Turkish minority collaborated with the Greek government. Eventually, the Greek government declared amnesty and after 1947 a Cleansing Operation began. With the Cleansing Operation, communist gangs were hit hard. With the establishment of a supreme war court, trials commenced. The Greek state helped to ameliorate the damage caused by the militants. However, the Turkish minority did not benefit enough from the war reparations. Apart from the difficulties brought about by the Civil War, taxes and bad weather conditions caused the economic deterioration of the Turkish minority. On the other hand, Turkish organizations could not continue their activities. The multiplicity of problems finally had an impact on education in the Western Thrace Turkish schools, interrupted by the militant activities. As a result of the damages, Western Thrace Turks started migrating across the border to Turkey. This paper will utilize the Thrace newspaper published in Xanthi to discuss the impact of the militant activity on the economic and social life of Western Thrace Turks.
Keywords: Thrace, Thrace newspaper, Greece, civil war, Western Thrace Turks, Turkish minority.
- by Tuğba Eray Biber and +1
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- Greece, Yunanistan, Batı Trakya, Batı Trakya Türk Azınlığı
This paper deals with the image and perceptions that Turkish migrants from Bulgaria had about the Turks in Turkey, the Turkish state, Bulgarians, and the Bulgarian state both before and after 1989. Perceptions of the Turkish minority... more
This paper deals with the image and perceptions that Turkish migrants from Bulgaria had about the Turks in Turkey, the Turkish state, Bulgarians, and the Bulgarian state both before and after 1989. Perceptions of the Turkish minority among the Bulgarian communist elite are analysed according to published reports and statements made by Bulgarian Communist Party members. The perceptions that Turkish migrants had about Bulgaria and Turkey are the main focus of this study which is based on field research and interviews conducted with Turkish migrants from Bulgaria now living in Turkey. This article shows that these migrants held both positive and negative perceptions of Bulgaria and Turkey, largely depending on the context. The Turkish minority in Bulgaria was regarded as a problem for the Communist government and as an internal enemy to the Bulgarian state. Moreover, the locals in Turkey regarded the Turkish migrants from Bulgaria as “Bulgarian migrants” who possessed a non-Muslim or “liberal” culture. In this way, they experienced exclusionary attitudes from their neighbours both in Bulgaria and in Turkey. The Turks of Bulgaria perceived the Communist regime as oppressive and as a threat to their Turkish identity. Despite their dislike of the regime, prior to the period of forced assimilation that began in 1984, they still possessed a relatively positive perception about the Bulgarian people. Interestingly, while they perceive Turkey as their homeland, they nonetheless held certain prejudices against the local population in Turkey. All of these various interaction helped to strengthen their group identity as migrants from Bulgaria.