Tourism and Politics
Recent papers in Tourism and Politics
nemin temellerinin atıldığı yıllar da esas olmak üzere bu sektörün günümüze kadar geçirdiği evrelerin tarihsel açıdan incelenmesi, turizm özelinde müesseseleşmesinin ve uygulamalarının farkındalığının arttırılması ve bu sayede sektöre... more
Με την παρούσα εργασία θα επιχειρηθεί να δοθεί απάντηση στο κατά πόσο οι Ειδικές Τουριστικές Εγκαταστάσεις και η Ανάπτυξη Εναλλακτικών Μορφών Τουρισμού θα μπορούσε να ωφελήσει τις Ορεινές και Μειονεκτικές Περιοχές του Νομού Φθιώτιδας στο... more
Purpose-Focusing on critical discourse analysis, this paper aims to propose a framework for analysing the way activist anti-tourism groups construct their social action of protest. The authors argue that activist groups use different... more
Tourism development in any region is influenced by political culture and processes. It is inherently linked to the policies, agenda, decisions, outcomes and the type of government responsible for shaping policies related to tourism. The... more
Addressing a dearth of literature in this area, this book provides a comprehensive overview and framework of study of the politics of religious tourism. Existing work shows awareness that politics is present but the approach has been one... more
Bu bölümde sürdürülebilirlik bakış açısıyla yaratıcı turizm hakkında bilgi verilmektedir. Sürdürülebilir turizm hedeflerini amaç edinen yaratıcı turizm, turistlere yaratıcı etkinlikleri deneyimleme şansı sunarken aynı zamanda... more
Resumen: Esta ponencia, forma parte de un proyecto de investigación desarrollado en el marco de la Unidad de Docencia e Investigación en Desarrollo Turístico (UDIDET) de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús. La ponencia aborda la creación del... more
Las críticas a la velocidad, al cambio continuo o al crecimiento han formado parte de muchos debates sobre la deslegitimación del turismo de los últimos tiempos. De manera más o menos explícita, a muchos de ellos les subyace una dimensión... more
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, these days, is offering many useful applications that is attracting greater attention from tourism researchers and professionals. As, AR and VR technologies are evolving, the number of scientific... more
Глобальный экономический кризис, ставший последствием пандемии, требует поиска инновационных решений. В частности, пандемия поставила сферу туризма в целом и малый и средний бизнес во всех странах мира на грань выживания и одновременно... more
Resumen: Esta ponencia, forma parte de un proyecto de investigación desarrollado en el marco de la Unidad de Docencia e Investigación en Desarrollo Turístico (UDIDET) de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús. La ponencia aborda la creación del... more
Bu çalışmanın amacını, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kuruluşundan günümüze kadar kurulmuş olan hükümetlerin programları ile halen TBMM'de temsil edilen siyasi partilerin parti programlarında "turizmde sürdürülebilirlik" konusu oluşturmaktadır.... more
The article is devoted to the Russian system of agricultural insurance as an important tool for maintaining the financial stability of the industry. The historical aspect of the formation mechanism of the insurance agrobusiness in Russia... more
Os locais associados a desastres ou atrocidades naturais ou provocadas pelo homem tornaram-se não apenas locais de memória, mas também atrações turísticas em si. A partir dessa situação, surge o objetivo desta investigação que é... more
The article deals with the analysis of the tourist destination images of Japan and its prefectures and contains the results of the research carried out both based on examination of official Japanese statistics and tourist literature in... more
- by shizuko kato
The article deals with the analysis of the tourist destination images of Japan and its prefectures and contains the results of the research carried out both based on examination of official Japanese statistics and tourist literature in... more
We take our cue from Edensor (2017, p. 599) who points out that “it seems profoundly evident that no single account of landscape can claim to be singularly truthful, since when we are in and with the landscape, the inevitable selectivity... more
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Türkiye'de uygulanan kalkınma planlarından seçtiğim ikisini karşılaştırıp aradaki farklılıkları ve benzerlikleri ortaya koymaktır. I. kalkınma planını seçmemin sebebi ilk oluşundan, nasıl bir politika... more
- by betül esen
This work addresses a critical analysis of the nature of cosmopolitan order encouraged by the World Tourism Organization. Given the growth of tourism activity and the challenges that it poses, this specialized agency of the United Nations... more
Liberal ekonomi modelini benimseyen birçok ülke, gelişmiş G-20, G-10, G-5 vb. ülke sıralamasına girebilmek için kendi coğrafi bölgeleri arasındaki eşitsizliği gidererek bölgeler arası kalkınmayı dengeli bir şekilde sağlayabilme çabası... more
The article describes the experience of numerical score of socio-economic recreation and tourism resources of 30 dependent states and territories in the world. The choice of this specific category of countries as a spatial... more
Al u mn u s I l muHu b u n g a nI n t e r n a s i o n a l Un i v e r s i t a s B r a wi j a y a Awa r d e eB P I L P DPKe me n t r i a nKe u a n g a n Ke n d a r i P o s 2 8Ap r i l 2 0 1 7
Política de Turismo Del Departamento de Cauca - ORDENANZA 050 de 2009 - Asamblea Departamental del Cauca.
Trough a Greek Tragedy structure, the chapter tries to point out the learning assets related with the commoning process of the Park Güell and the cry for the right for the tourist city. In 2011 the local government set a plan for the... more
Resumen: El artículo analiza la controversia en torno a la regulación del acceso al Park Güell de Barcelona a través del dispositivo metodológico de la Teoría del Actor-Red. Esta aproximación facilita el análisis de escenarios inciertos... more
Tourists are one of the most numerous categories of Russian visitors to Japan. However, the number of Russian tourists visiting Japan annually is not very high, amounting just two or three dozens of thousands annually. Visa requirements... more
One Billion Tourist, One Billion Opportunities". Demikianlah tema yang diangkat dalam press release UNWTO pada momen World Tourism Day (WTD) tahun ini. Perhelatan global tahun ini di Burkina Faso berbeda karena memiliki makna bahwa... more
Although tourism is increasingly viewed as an important issue for governments, analysis of the politics of tourism policy is less developed than in other areas of leisure policy. This article attempts to link developments in British... more
Tal como outras motivações para se viajar ou deslocar para fora da sua área habitual de residência, as questões políticas e cívicas, para participação em reuniões ou comícios políticos, embaixadas, protestos ou mesmo revoluções, ou... more
ABSTRACT An under theorized area of Dark and War Tourism studies concerns the appropriation of tours for the perpetuation of political propaganda. Taking the case of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that separates North and South Korea... more
Political tourism: civic awareness and leisure / Turismo político: conciencia cívica y ocio (breves notas) / Tourisme politique: conscience civique et loisir Turismo político: consciência cívica e lazer (breves notas) Resumo Qual é o... more
Resumen: Esta ponencia, forma parte de un proyecto de investigación desarrollado en el marco de la Unidad de Docencia e Investigación en Desarrollo Turístico (UDIDET) de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús. La ponencia aborda la creación del... more
Resumen: El turismo, alcanza su nivel de masividad a partir de la II posguerra jugando un rol clave en el comercio internacional por los movimientos de capitales que representaba. Este fenómeno, fue analizado por las más altas... more
X JORNADAS NACIONALES y IV SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN -ACCIÓN EN TURISMO "Aportes de la investigación-acción al desarrollo turístico sustentable" Lanús; 12 y 13 de Noviembre de 2009 PLANIFICANDO EL DESARROLLO DEL... more