Oleg Afanasiev
это я
Address: Moskow, Russia
Address: Moskow, Russia
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Papers by Oleg Afanasiev
Today Russia in amount of private and corporate museums is among the world leaders. But the potential of such new-type institutions is far from being fully used for tourism purposes. It would be naive to believe that even a small part of the experience of «museum tourism» based on them could be discussed in this, relatively small in volume, issue of the journal.
Russia has a unique experience in the tourism development as a sport. This is the rare case when tourism in the context of a tourist’s personality is not only a sphere of consumption of services, but also the sphere of their provision. Nonetheless, people professionally engaged in sports tourism is a powerful reserve of rescuers in the natural environment. Sports tourism is generally understood to be the cheapest as compared to other types and forms of tourism. This makes different types of sports tourism especially attractive for young people, such as backpacking, volunteering tourism, etc.
But in modern conditions there is a rapid growth of active tourism based on the use of modern means of transportation and equipment. This opens even for ordinary tourists inaccessible regions, where it was absolutely impossible to develop tourism formerly – highlands, arctic, desert, marshy and others.
The growth of the popularity of both active tourism and active recreation, which is mostly youth-friendly, lays a powerful foundation for the further tourism development as an branch and the service industry. After all, the enthusiasm for active tourism in at young ages forms a person who is accustomed to travel and experiences a stable need in this.
With aging, a person often begins to feel the need for more comfortable conditions for rest, he needs better service. This is how homo touristicus is formed – a man of a new type, striving to cognize the world through his own personal feelings experienced in the place of travel. This allows us to make the logical conclusion that active tourism is the foundation without which the industry may not have clear and distinct prospects. Therefore, it is important to support and actively develop active tourism. It should also be recalled that youthful active tourism in the vast majority of cases is carried out on the territory of motherland. In turn, this is the basis for forming a stable “first love” – patriotism, the ability to see the best and beautiful in the home country and to be focused on native land. This discussion statement still awaits its practical confirmation, but something gives grounds to consider it axiomatic.
Naturally, active tourism is not destined only for youth audiences. It is often preferred by men of different ages, and recently it has become popular in the middle and older women’s environment. This phenomenon should be studied in detail and the motivation driving a variety of people to engage in active forms of tourism should be understood. This will make it possible to personify the offers on the tourism market, to identify the demand factors and propose a completely new service, corresponding to the client’s expectations, in the segment of active leisure and tourism.
In 1949, for the first time in the world, the first national list of historic cities appeared. It is noteworthy that this happened in our country. At that time the list of cities having «all-Union significance» was approved. They got special supervision and priority of restoration works. The list included 20 cities of the USSR, among which there were 10 Russian cities: Moscow, Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov, Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Suzdal, Smolensk and Derbent.
Today’s many experts assess the situation of the official list of historical cities in Russia extremely negatively. The number of objects decreased from 478 in 2002 to 41 in 2010. Nevertheless, no matter how «good and complete» this list could be in the future, we figure, it will never be all-encompassing. And in principle, it is not quite correct to qualify a particular city as “historical”, and another one as not «historical». After all, absolutely any settlement has its own history – more or less long, but no less unique. «Historical city» is, probably, a status comparable to the human state of mind. If majority of residents has such awareness available, they care about the historical and cultural heritage, monu
The United Nations (UN) has declared 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. This decision comes fifty years after the celebration of the International Tourist Year on Tourism – Passport to Peace (1967) and fifteen years since the International Year of Ecotourism (2002).
“The declaration by the UN of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development is a unique opportunity to advance the contribution of the tourism sector to the three pillars of sustainability – economic, social and environmental, while raising awareness of the true dimensions of a sector which is often undervalued” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai. The official opening ceremony took place in the International Tourism Fair of Spain FITUR January 18, 2017, in Madrid.
Virtually in every Russian region take place the popular and sought-after events. Many of they have a solid base of fans, their own history and traditions. Before our eyes, a brand new recreation standard is being formed. It replaces the banal tours and all inclusive beach holiday. The personalized approach to both service consumer and resource basis of each particular territory from the side of organizers of tourism space provides such standard.
This is caused the fact that traditions, customs, festivals, elements of folklore, ritual, gastronomic art are increasingly involved as the important objects in tourism. This all composes intangible cultural masterpieces of peoples, is the heritage of ancestors and forms a local flavour of a territory.
Against the background of globalization processes of standardization of living conditions, the usual forms of recreation, modern man sometimes wants to escape from the «stone jungle». He seeks for plunge for awhile in traditional, but which became so rare, «living environment», aspires to touch samples of the national heritage, to become for some period a part of a bygone tradition…
This is a global trend. But, unfortunately, the «areas of dwelling of living heritage» are steadily compressed; they often disappear after the last bearer of a tradition. Therefore it is very important to protect and increase heritage we have got from our ancestors, contribute to its development and promotion. Even in conditional «reserves», which could be visited for the purpose of mental relaxation and entertainment. Places of folk crafts, areas of preservation of the traditional rituals, art, specific forms of nature-use actually became such «reserves».
Many, but not all of them are protected at the international level in the form of «List of World Intangible Cultural Heritage», created by UNESCO. But such a large and multi-ethnic country as Russia still is not fully represented in this list. Therefore, the task of collecting, summarizing, the representation of intangible heritage of the peoples of Russia and its involvement on the basis of the paradigm of sustainable development in the sphere of tourist services, is still keeping its importance.
Today, increasing competition of destinations for the consumer requires the ability to meet the full range of needs of a single tourist, and thiscondition become more and more important. Time of «group services»
targeted at the mass consumer became a thing of the past.
Today the cluster approach is defined as a system in the process of formation of tourist domestic and inbound tourism flows in Russia. Butthe question about representation of areal system of tourism areas by
cluster models remains controversial. For example, the historical center of Moscow is the long-established and real-lifetourism cluster. Butofficially it doesn’t have such status, and maybe doesn’t needit. Thequestion then becomes, is it possible in this case to build a tourismsystem in the country based on the cluster approach, and whether such a system to objectively reflect the real picture? We have a lo tmore of discussion questions, and the answers are not easy.