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The article investigates the discourse of guidebooks in terms of popularization, that is, in terms of the ways in which specialised and culture-specific concepts are reconceptualised and recontextualised to meet the needs, tastes and... more
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      English for Specific PurposesMultimodalityTranslationScience Popularization
The paper aims at studying the linguostylistic and cultural peculiarities of tourism advertisements representing Armenia on social and commercial tourism websites. On the one hand the texts on tourism sites provide information about... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementStylistics
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      Tourism StudiesLSPESPTourism Discourse Analysis
Ce livre est le deuxième volet de l’ouvrage consacré au guide touristique en tant que lieu de rencontre entre lexique et images du patrimoine culturel, ouvrage issu du colloque qui s’est déroulé le 11 et 12 juin 2015 à Pise et Florence.... more
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    • Tourism Discourse
Ce livre est le premier volume d’un recueil d’articles consacré au guide touristique en tant que lieu de rencontre entre lexique et images du patrimoine culturel, ouvrage issu du colloque qui s’est déroulé le 11 et 12 juin 2015 à Pise et... more
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    • Tourism Discourse
This paper reports the results of a replication of an exploratory study conducted five years earlier that sought to answer the deceptively simple question: 'What is English for Tourism?'. The original study created a corpus of 348 texts... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic Purposes
Ce livre est le deuxième volet de l’ouvrage consacré au guide touristique en tant que lieu de rencontre entre lexique et images du patrimoine culturel, ouvrage issu du colloque qui s’est déroulé le 11 et 12 juin 2015 à Pise et Florence.... more
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    • Tourism Discourse
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      Tourism StudiesLSPESPTourist Guidebooks

Heller, M., Jaworski, A. and Thurlow, C. (2014). Introduction: Sociolinguistics and tourism – mobilities, markets, multilingualism. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 18(4), 425-458.
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      Tourism StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualismSociolinguistics
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      StereotypesThailandTourism Discourse
L'articolo affronta alcune questioni poste dalla traduzione di siti internet, con particolare riferimento alla traduzione del contenuto testuale di siti turistici. Molti sono i problemi aperti in questo settore che ha iniziato a suscitare... more
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      Tourism StudiesTranslation StudiesCorpus LinguisticsLocalization
The present study looks at tourist promotional messages from a textual perspective. It presents a small-scale comparison of commercial tourist websites belonging to two different countries: Great Britain and Romania. These websites... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTourism StudiesSystemic Functional LinguisticsTheme and Rheme in a text
Along with the growth of tourism, tourism brochure has become the main resource for assessing information about the potential tourist destinations. Hence tourism brochure is a highly signifi cant domain in enhancing destination image,... more
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    • Tourism Discourse
Textus English Studies in Italy volume XXV ( ), No. (January-April) Carocci editore Textus: English Studies in Italy. First published in
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      Tourism StudiesSemanticsCognitive LinguisticsLSP
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      Tourism StudiesBlogsPragmaticsLSP
This paper describes work in progress on the design of two comparable multimodal corpora of written tourism discourse about London and Moscow. Multimodality is defined for the purposes of the current project as a combination of several... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodality
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      Corpus LinguisticsContrastive AnalysisCollocationsTourism Discourse
Zur Vorbereitung eines zweisprachigen Fachwörterbuchs zur Tourismusfachsprache werden korpuslinguistische Verfahren eingesetzt, um Auffälligkeiten in der jeweiligen Fachsprache im Vergleich zum allgemeinsprachlichen Gebrauch aufzuspüren.... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsLexicographyTourism DiscourseOnline Dictionaries
This poster presentation introduces two approaches to multimodal corpus analysis aimed at comparing how two travel destinations, Moscow and London, are represented in tourism discourse of a popular travel website In... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodality
Ce livre est le deuxième volet de l’ouvrage consacré au guide touristique en tant que lieu de rencontre entre lexique et images du patrimoine culturel, ouvrage issu du colloque qui s’est déroulé le 11 et 12 juin 2015 à Pise et Florence.... more
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    • Tourism Discourse
Among the cohorts of China's netizens are there travel bloggers that write in Eng-lish? If so, who are they, what do they write about and how? In order to provide a snapshot of this in-between discursive space, a digital ethnographic... more
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      New MediaTourism Discourse
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingSemanticsEvaluation Research
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      Tourism StudiesNew MediaDigital MediaAdvertising
1 2 © Catania 2020 A&G -CUECM Proprietà letteraria riservata Finito di stampare nel mese di ottobre 2020 nella tipografia A&G Via Agira, 41 -Catania -Tel. 095 7315352
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      TOURISMEEthosAnalyse du discoursTourism Discourse
This paper offers two contributions to the multimodal discourse analysis of tourism advertising videos. First it shows how Thainess has been resemiotized to be accessible to non-Thai people and second it illustrates how the mediated... more
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      Mediated Discourse AnalysisMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodalityMultimodal Communication
The travel guide and tourism 2.0: The blurred boundaries of a genre The travel guide is one of the most typical genres in tourism discourse. Among its main constitutive features one may find its prescriptive character and an objective... more
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      Genre AnalysisTravel GuidebooksTourism Discourse
Like most multinational or international corporations, marketing for airlines hinges on careful strategies of dierentiation and promotion; an increasingly important part of the way this is achieved is for airlines to position themselves... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTourism StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsGlobalization
This research describes the potentials of the convention or MICE tourism in Makassar City South Sulawesi including the supporting facilities. Makassar City has good potentials on MICE industry. As a metropolitan city, Makassar can play... more
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      TourismTourism Discourse
The distinctive features of most instances of tourism discourse are their predominantly low specialization and their hybrid generic and semantic nature. Tourism discourse draws from a range of genres and specialized domains, including but... more
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      MultimodalityEnglish for Specific Purposes (ESP)Tourism Discourse

Thurlow, C. & Jaworski, A. (2003). Communicating a global reach: Inflight magazines as a globalizing genre in tourism. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 7(4), 581-608.
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      Discourse AnalysisTourism StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsGlobalization
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      Tourism StudiesPolitical ScienceLSPESP
La guida turistica è una figura professionale che adopera un linguaggio specialistico con proprie caratteristiche che lo contraddistinguono dagli altri linguaggi settoriali. Una formazione pluridisciplinare è necessaria per svolgere... more
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      Francais Langue EtrangereTOURISMETourism DiscourseLe Français Sur Objectif Spécifique
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    • Tourism Discourse
This paper describes work in progress on the design of two comparable multimodal corpora of written tourism discourse about London and Moscow. Multimodality is defined for the purposes of the current project as a combination of several... more
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      Computer ScienceCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisMultimodal Discourse Analysis
Ce livre est le deuxième volet de l’ouvrage consacré au guide touristique en tant que lieu de rencontre entre lexique et images du patrimoine culturel, ouvrage issu du colloque qui s’est déroulé le 11 et 12 juin 2015 à Pise et Florence.... more
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    • Tourism Discourse
Ce livre est le deuxième volet de l’ouvrage consacré au guide touristique en tant que lieu de rencontre entre lexique et images du patrimoine culturel, ouvrage issu du colloque qui s’est déroulé le 11 et 12 juin 2015 à Pise et Florence.... more
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    • Tourism Discourse
This paper describes work in progress on the design of two comparable multimodal corpora of written tourism discourse about London and Moscow. Multimodality is defined for the purposes of the current project as a combination of several... more
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      Computer ScienceCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisMultimodal Discourse Analysis
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      GeographyTourism StudiesTourism MarketingSemantics
This poster presentation introduces two approaches to multimodal corpus analysis aimed at comparing how two travel destinations, Moscow and London, are represented in tourism discourse of a popular travel website In... more
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      Computer ScienceCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisMultimodal Discourse Analysis
There is a widely held view that the language of tourism is a type of specialised discourse which boasts a remarkable genre variety. It differs from general language and other specialised discourses in terms of prominent functional and... more
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      ModalityContrastive AnalysisEnglish Modal VerbsPersuasive Communications
В статье рассматривается, как описываются впечатления о посещении «мрачных» дестинаций в текстах интернет-отзывов русскоязычных туристов. Подчеркивается комплексный характер переживаемых путешественниками эмоций, отмечается важность... more
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      Tourism StudiesPsycholinguisticsDark TourismCognitive Linguistics