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Conventional and integrated fruit growers, but not organic producers, have the possibility to use thinning agents (e.g. benzyl adenine), which allow crop regulation at a relatively late stage (10-16 mm fruit size). A few surveys have... more
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      PhotosynthesisBiologyAppleOrganic Farming
Reforestation is an important tool for reducing or reversing biodiversity loss and mitigating climate change. However, there are many potential compromises between the structural (biodiversity) and functional (carbon sequestration and... more
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      Water qualityCarbon SequestrationSoil carbon sequestrationSoil Salinity
Reducing risk of loss due to wildfire is enhanced when forest fuels surrounding communities and individual structures are properly managed and are a part of the FireSmart concept. This report describes two test burns where a crown fire... more
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      ForestryConservation BiologyFire BehaviourThinning
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      Ecophysiology of Fruit TreesThinningFruit set and developmentFruit Science
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    • Thinning
Feature selection and extraction plays an important role in different classification based problems such as face recognition, signature verification, optical character recognition (OCR) etc. The performance of OCR highly depends on the... more
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Wood is one of the important natural renewable raw material which is maintained its importance thousands of years and will has similar importance in the future. Wood properties indicate their utilization. Tree features’ determinants can... more
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      ThinningWood properties
Various techniques are implemented and used for the conversion of images into machine encoded format. But according to the expert’s opinion, universally best pattern recognition system has never existed. The reason for this opinion is... more
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      Fuzzy LogicCharacter RecognitionSegmentationThinning
Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data of human body, extracting a feature set from the acquired data, and comparing this set against to the template set in the database. Biometric techniques... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingThinningHistogram Equalization
1. Coarse woody debris (CWD) serves as habitat for diverse and rare taxa in forest systems. Because the abundance of mosses appears to be correlated with log size and stage of decay, many have suggested that CWD serves as a moisture... more
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      BryophytesThinningCoarse Woody DebrisMicroclimate
The thinning algorithm proposed in this paper, is an improved parallel thinning algorithm that aims in both, medial axis based thinning and contour extraction in a same process. In the process of thinning to obtain the medial axis of the... more
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      Digital Image ProcessingThinningAutomatic License Plate Recognition
Research and development efforts are currently underway worldwide to examine the potential use of a wide range of non-destructive technologies (NDT) for evaluating wood and wood-based materials, from the assessment of standing trees to... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementWood ScienceNondestructive Testing, Inspection and Evaluation (NDT/NDE)NDT
In the modern world of technology, Digital signature processing is most popular in the field of image forgery. We are using online signature recognition and verification technique of image forgery detection in which the signature is... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingDigital SignatureEdge Detection
This paper proposes two topics for a high performance fingerprint sensor. A modified capacitive detection circuit of charge sharing scheme is proposed, which shows 40% reduction of power consumption and 90% improvement of difference... more
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      Electrical EngineeringImage ProcessingSensorBiometrics
Recent technology advancements on X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT) offer a nondestructive approach to extract complex three-dimensional geometries with details as small as a few microns in size. This new technology opens the door to... more
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      Image ProcessingComputed TomographyComputational MechanicsGraph Theory
The wide range of shape variations for handwritten digits requires an adequate representation of thediscriminating features for classification. For the recognition of characters or numerals requires pixel valuesof a normalized raster... more
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      Estimation and Filtering TheoryImage Features ExtractionNeural Control of MovementNeural Networks
A B S T R A C T Epixylic (log-dwelling) flora contribute much to forest biodiversity, but have been shown to decline with intensive management, perhaps through the reduced supply of coarse woody debris, their preferred substrate, and the... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementBryophytesPlantationsThinning
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      Antennas & Radio Wave PropagationWireless CommunicationsThinningGenetic Algorithm Optimization
Regalis - Review of use of prohexadione of calcium on apple orchards
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      ThinningPlant Growth Regulators
Carbohydrate availability is a key factor determining fruit growth in apple (Malus ·domestica) and other fruits. However, the molecular mechanisms regulating fleshy fruit growth in response to changes in carbohydrate availability are not... more
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      Carbohydrates MetabolismThinningFruit Trees PhysiologyMalus domestica BORKH
Stylistic text can be found on sign boards, street and organizations boards and logos, bulletin boards, announcements, advertisements, dangerous goods plates, warning notices, etc. In stylistic text images, text-lines within an image may... more
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Design of thinned elliptical antenna array using Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization is presented in this paper. The antennas are assumed to be isotropic and are uniformly excited. Thinned arrays produces narrow directive beam without... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsGenetic AlgorithmThinning
Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) trees need to be thinned in order to guarantee yield of fruits of marketable size and a sufficient return to bloom in the following season. In this fruit crop, however, thinning is often complicated by... more
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      Decision Support SystemsThinningElsevierPeach
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      SemioticsArtificial IntelligenceInternational RelationsPhilosophy
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of 18% thinning on streamflow nutrient flux from a mature oak–beech forest ecosystem by paired watershed approach. Two experimental watersheds including control (W-I) and treatment... more
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementForest HydrologyWatershed ManagementThinning
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      PhysiologyTree PhysiologyThinningFruticultura
U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja strojne sjece i izradbe harvesterom Timberjack 1270B u 23-godisnjoj vrbovoj kulturi. Obujam srednjeg sjecnog stabla iznosio je 0, 5 m3, a prsni promjer 25 cm. Sjecna gustoca iznosila je 633... more
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      Environmental SciencePhysicsThinningHardwood
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      ThinningTeakStand DensitySpacing
Automatic and reliable extraction of the minutiae from fingerprint images is a critical process in fingerprint matching and a main preprocess for this stage is Thinning. There are a lot of algorithms for fingerprint thinning procedure.... more
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      Image ProcessingThinning
Black pine is very widely distributed in Turkey, with most stands managed by periodic harvesting to meet domestic wood demand. However, scientific knowledge about the spatial structure of stands after thinning is lacking. To correct this... more
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      Conservation BiologyBiodiversityThinningSpatial Point Processes In Ecology
About 200 skeletonization algorithms have been developed since 1950. It shows that there is a large variety of the problem which arises from the combination of the criteria used whether in its accuracy (size and shape) or speed. In this... more
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      Image ProcessingImage AnalysisTopologyMedial axis
Forest thinning to protect the soil and improve hydrologic function is used to alter stand structure and increase residual tree growth. However, little is known about how surface and belowground wood decomposition (i.e., soil process... more
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      Environmental ScienceForest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Challenges to the mid-term timber supply in interior British Columbia resulting from losses to insect outbreaks and wild-fires have prompted interest in silvicultural interventions to hasten growth of regenerating forests, including... more
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      BiologyThinningForestry Sciences
Wideband phased arrays are complex electromagnetic systems. Whether it is electronic warfare, communications, or spectrum sensing, the ability to have ultrawideband (UWB) electronically steerable beams is exceedingly useful [1] . A class... more
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The independent analysis of flow measurements is frequently hampered by incomplete characterisation of the working fluid. This problem is particularly acute in situations which require working fluids with identical properties, such as the... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceRheologyMathematical Sciences
In this work a new method of skeletonization is presented. The results of applying the developed algorithm showed its universality. A detailed comparison with other very good and almost ideal algorithms of thinning [1,2,3,4,5] is given.... more
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      ThinningSkeletonizationKey wordsScripts
Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) trees need to be thinned in order to guarantee yield of fruits of marketable size and a sufficient return to bloom in the following season. In this fruit crop, however, thinning is often complicated by... more
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      Decision Support SystemsThinningPeach
Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forst.) Oerst. stands of northern Patagonia (Argentina) have great potential to provide multiple ecosystem services. Nonetheless, the lack of basic information limits the application of silvicultural treatments... more
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      SilvicultureGrowthThinningNorthern Patagonia
Forest dieback is a worldwide problem that is likely to increase with climate change and increasing human demands for resources. Eucalyptus camaldulensis forests are an acute example of forest dieback, with 70% of the Victorian Murray... more
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      EucalyptsFloodingThinningMurray-Darling Basin
Self-thinning dynamics are often considered when managing stand density in forests and are used to constrain forest growth models. However, self-thinning relationships are often quantified using only data at a conceptualised self-thinning... more
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      Environmental ScienceForest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
A cut-to-length (CTL) harvest system using a harvester and forwarder has been recently introduced in northern California (USA) for thinning young (<25 years old) redwood forests (Sequoia sempervirens (Lamb. ex D. Don) Endl.). However, the... more
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ABSTRACT The effect of thinning on fruit weight, color, biochemical composition, and on leaf insect occurrence was studied in an over 80-year-old orchard on two apple tree (Malus domestica Borkh.) old cultivars: Liivi Sibulõun and Paide... more
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      HorticulturePlant BiologyBiologyThinning
We introduce a novel approach to reconstructing 3D objects from cross sections of point clouds acquired by laser scanning. Cross sections are almost planar clusters of 3D points. We first thin each cluster to obtain an ordered one... more
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      Reverse EngineeringThinningCross sectionsCurve fitting
Feature selection and extraction plays an important role in different classification based problems such as face recognition, signature verification, optical character recognition (OCR) etc. The performance of OCR highly depends on the... more
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      Pattern RecognitionFace RecognitionHindiFeature Selection
Aims Oak decline is a complex phenomenon, characterized by symptoms of canopy transparency, bark cracks and root biomass reduction. Root health status is one of the first stress indicators, and root turnover is a key process in plant... more
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      Plant BiologyEcologyThinningQuercus robur
Automatic and reliable extraction of the minutiae from fingerprint images is a critical process in fingerprint matching and a main preprocess for this stage is Thinning. There are a lot of algorithms for fingerprint thinning procedure.... more
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      Image ProcessingThinning
Signature is considered to be an important behavioral biometric of a person and signature recognition is a relevant research area in the field of personal authentication. Hence signature recognition is a tedious process in the day to day... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingMachine LearningErosion
In 1992, the following treatments were applied to olive trees, cv. Maurino, which had average flowering: removal of 50% and 100% of the flowers in mid-June, leaf treatment with gibberellic acid (GA3) at 60 ppm in mid-July, at the end of... more
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      Flower DevelopmentNutrient CyclingOlea europaeaThinning