Theory of Argumentation
Recent papers in Theory of Argumentation
Indicates that everything standing on top of naive set theory is also proven.
We can think of Christian philosophers as beginning with the following picture: GOD ⇒ THE WORLD where both ‘THE WORLD’ and ‘⇒’ are items in need of further explanation. In typical cosmological arguments, what Christian philosophers then... more
I am planning a history of the notion of philosophical nonsense and naturally difficult historical and exegetical questions have come up. Charles Pigden has argued that the notion goes back at least as far as Hobbes and that Locke,... more
The work of Robert Alexy is closely associated with the “principle theory”. For Alexy himself, the principle theory represents the heart of his theoretical work, around which most of his publications are organized. In Alexy’s work, and in... more
A relevant problem in political philosophy and political theory is the distinction between political and utopian arguments. The boundary between these two types of argumentation may be blurred, which leads us to the point when we often... more
Título original em italiano: La ricerca qualitativa Publicado por Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna, 2011 Todos os direitos reservados. Nenhuma parte desta obra poderá ser reproduzida ou transmitida por qualquer forma e/ou quaisquer... more
Qualitative methods have much to offer those studying health care and health services. However, because these methods have traditionally been employed in the social sciences, they may be unfamiliar to health care professionals and... more
William Lane Craig’s defence of kalam cosmological arguments has generated a large amount of discussion in the years since the publication of his book on that topic. John Mackie, Quentin Smith, Adolf Grunbaum and I are just some of the... more
Here I bewail the slapdash and confusing way in which philosophers bandy about the word ‘incoherent’ (and ‘incoherence’ and ‘incoherently’). To some it appears to mean: inconsistent; to others: pragmatically self-defeating; and to yet... more
El presente artículo se ha propuesto comprobar que el argumento Ad Hominem no solo puede cumplir funciones diversas en el seno del intercambio polémico, sino que su estudio constituye una herramienta útil para comprender los conflictos y... more
Nel 2001 l'Università di Padova attiva il primo insegnamento in Italia di Teoria dell'argomentazione. Dal 2006 una pionieristica Palestra di botta e risposta, all'insegna della Patavina Libertas, apre le sue sale d'allenamento agli... more
Foot argues that there are certain things that all human beings - perhaps all rational agents - need. This gives a sense in which certain values and disvalues can be called 'objective'. I suggest that, with certain relatively minor... more
It is important, when writing opinion essays, for students to consider and integrate both arguments and counterarguments to develop a final conclusion. In this article, the authors explored the effect of criteria instruction and a... more
If you wish to think/write about many dimensional things like the ‘world’, persons, consciousness, human thinking etc, you should at least think multi-dimensional and many levelled. Questioning the purpose, the... more
I argue here that Sellars' "Myth of the Given" is usually misinterpreted as having less extensive scope than it usually does. On a sufficiently generic construal of the Myth, I argue that there is a distinctively phenomenological version... more
This paper looks at philosophical accusations of talking nonsense from the perspective of argumentation theory. An accusation of this sort, when seriously meant, amounts to the claim that someone believes there is something she means by... more
The problem of restitution of cultural property is by no means a new one. This study’s aim is to reconstruct the philosophical-legal issues connected with restitution of cultural property by using the tools that philosophy of law... more
This book is an introduction in a double sense. It is intended to introduce beginners in philosophy to the idea of philosophical nonsense and the problems it raises. But it is also addressed to professional philosophers, most of whom seem... more
In this paper, we propose a framework for fostering argumentative skills in a systematic way in Philosophy and Ethics classes. We start with a review of curricula and teaching materials from the German-speaking world to show that there is... more
In this paper we focus on argumentation as sequence of idemes that, from a neurophisiological point of view, are neuromental configurations correlated by inherent bonds. Such sequence of idemes, in turn, is encoded in a sequence of... more
Edición revisada y ampliada de Diagramas y estructuras argumentativas (2016)
This article is focused on answering the question to what extent one can be a sceptic. Sextus Empiricus’s Outlines of Scepticism serves as a guide. In section 1, it is investigated whether three logical laws have a certain foundation or... more
This paper starts from Tractatus, 6.53, and ask how one could show someone ‘that he had failed to give a meaning to certain signs in his propositions’. Once one has fully mastered the ‘austere’ conception of nonsense – that nonsense has... more
Dialogue games are a dynamic form of argumentation, with multiple parties pooling their arguments with the intention of settling an issue. Such games can have a variety of structures, and may be collaborative or competitive, depending on... more
I argue that both Sellars and Merleau-Ponty should be read as radicalizing, in quite different ways, Kant's rejection of the sensory-cognitive continuum". In Sellars, this radicalization leads him to posit "sheer receptivity", as distinct... more
Almost sixty years ago Philippa Foot published an article that began: To many people it seems that the most notable advance in moral philosophy during the past fifty years or so has been the refutation of naturalism; and they are a little... more
I originally entitled this paper ‘Why are there no uncontroversial examples of philosophical nonsense?’, but since this seemed apt to provoke rather superficial responses, I decided to re-title it. In it I ponder the fact that, not only... more
.Taking as my starting-point Cora Diamond’s paper ‘What nonsense might be’, I extend her ‘austere’ conception of nonsense to encompass the talking of nonsense. We need to focus on the utterer as well as the utterance. This brings out... more
Robert Brandom‟s expressivism argues that not all semantic content may be made fully explicit. This view connects in interesting ways with recent movements in philosophy of mathematics and logic (e.g. Brown, Shin, Giaquinto) to take... more
The paper proposes a reconstruction of some fragments of Hegel’s Jena manuscripts concerning the natural genesis of recognitive spiritual consciousness. On this basis it will be argued that recognition has a foothold in nature. Such a... more
Edward Witherspoon distinguishes Wittgenstein’s conception of nonsense from Rudolf Carnap’s. The latter does not fully take into account the fact that, if something really is nonsense, it has no more meaning than ‘Ab sur ah’ and... more
I suggest that, although the nonsensicalist challenge (obviously) matters, it has, at least in its Wittgensteinian form, been widely ignored. On the other hand, those who still adhere to nonsensicalism (mainly Wittgensteinians) have been... more
This paper is an attempt to explicate the relationship between Spinozist expressionism and philosophical constructivism in Deleuze's work through the concept of immanent causality. Deleuze finds in Spinoza a philosophy of immanent... more
Eine etwas gekürzte Fassung dieses Aufsatzes ist erschienen in: Christian Denker (Hrsg.), Lebensform Wittgenstein. Bilder und Begriffe, Wien (Passagen Verlag) 2009 Information unter:... more
I am planning a history of the notion of philosophical nonsense and naturally difficult historical and exegetical questions have come up. Charles Pigden has argued that the notion goes back at least as far as Hobbes and that Locke,... more