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This article examines Derrida’s insistence on the contretemps that breaks open time, paying particular attention to Politics of Friendship and the way in which this book envisages the ‘untimely’ as both interrupting, and making possible,... more
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      AristotleMourningJacques DerridaIntersubjectivity
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      LanguagesPhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageIdealism
Am I doing good? My purpose in this essay is to explore whether a person may find ethical absolutes without reference to God. My premise is that we ultimately need a transcendent source of values. Keep in mind, I am not saying that... more
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      EthicsVirtue EthicsFriedrich NietzscheChristian Ethics
Material de Apoyo Nro 1. Elemento: Contenido. Pregunta clave. Ejemplo. Tesis Afirmación cuya veracidad se intenta probar. ¿Qué se afirma? María es Chilena… Base Fundamento o dato a partir del cual se generará el argumento. ¿Por qué se... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)ArgumentationTranscendental ArgumentsLegal argumentation
Hans-Hermann Hoppe contends that the fact that a person has the capacity to argue entails that she has the moral right of exclusive control over her own body. Critics of Hoppe’s argument do not appear to have pinpointed its flaws. I... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical PhilosophyRhetoricHuman Rights
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyTranscendental ArgumentsEarly Church Fathers
تتناول هذه الدراسة بالمقارنة فيلسوفين من أهم فلاسفة العصر الحديث، إمانويل كانط مؤسس الفلسفة النقدية، وإدموند هوسرل مؤسس الفينومينولوجيا. وتهدف في المقام الأول توضيح أن فينومينولوجيا هوسرل تدين بأصولها لفلسفة كانط، وهي استمرار لأسلوب... more
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      EpistemologyKantPhenomenological PsychologyPhenomenology
Much contemporary] moral philosophy has tended to focus on what it is right to do rather than on what it is good to be, on defining the content of obligation rather than the nature of the good life; and it has no conceptual place left for... more
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      EthicsCharles TaylorTranscendental ArgumentsIris Murdoch
Recent developments in Continental metaphysics have involved calls to leave behind the transcendental as first forged by Kant. Against such calls, I plead for a gesture of, to paraphrase Marx, extracting the rational kernel of... more
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      German IdealismHegelTranscendental PhilosophyImmanuel Kant
For a number of years now, I have developed and defended a materialist theory of subjectivity under the heading of "transcendental materialism." The present piece gets underway in its first section here with me explaining why I have come... more
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      LacanGerman IdealismHegelGilbert Simondon
This paper critically examines three key works of analytic Kantianism: C. I. Lewis, Mind and the World Order, P. F. Strawson, The Bounds of Sense, and Wilfrid Sellars, Science and Metaphysics, focussing on their respective approaches to... more
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      EpistemologyTranscendental PhilosophyImmanuel KantTranscendental Arguments
Article paru dans la revue de métaphysique et de morale en 2003
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      Johann Gottlieb FichteTranscendental Arguments
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      Moral PsychologyMax SchelerGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche
Re-examining Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason by asking, What (if anything) do Kant’s premises, analyses and arguments in fact justify?, reveals that in several regards, Kant justified other, more important epistemological conclusions than... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophical ScepticismMental Representation and ContentTranscendental Philosophy
Eine breite Mehrheit der gegenwärtigen anglo-amerikanischen Philosophen bekennt sich zur analytischen Philosophie und zu einem Naturalismus. So vage diese Benennungen auch sein mögen, sie bezeichnen zumeist eine bestimmte mehr implizite... more
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      EpistemologyHistory of Analytic PhilosophyGerman IdealismHegel
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      PhilosophyKantGerman IdealismJohann Gottlieb Fichte
In this paper, I aim to account for Kant's position on space and time that he takes in the Critique of Pure Reason: that they are a priori intuitions that we bring to the world exclusively through our minds, and one of the conditions for... more
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyKantTranscendental Philosophy
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      German IdealismHegelFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingTranscendental Philosophy
I distinguish between two phases of Rorty’s naturalism: “nonreductive physicalism” (NRP) and “pragmatic naturalism” (PN). NRP holds that the vocabulary of mental states is irreducible that of physical states, but this irreducibility does... more
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      Donald DavidsonRichard RortyTranscendental ArgumentsNaturalism
Morphé ALESSANDRO BERTINETTO LA FORZA DELL'IMMAGINE Argomentazione trascendentale e ricorsività nella fi losofi a di J.G. Fichte
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      PhilosophyAestheticsGerman IdealismJohann Gottlieb Fichte
La deduzione trascendentale nella Critica della ragion pura è un argomento forte, scettico-resistente, e non soltanto l’analisi di un dato (la scienza matematica della natura), come vuole la tradizione interpretativa che viene da Cohen e... more
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      Transcendental PhilosophyEmmanuel KantTranscendental ArgumentsTranscendental Deduction
ABSTRACT: The free-energy principle states that all systems that minimize their free energy resist a tendency to physical disintegration. Originally proposed to account for perception , learning, and action, the free-energy principle has... more
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      Ergodic TheoryAutopoiesisBiologyTheory Of Mechanisms
In the chapter on conscience and guilt in Being and Time, Heidegger makes transcendental claims to the effect that Dasein's Being-guilty is the condition of possibility of factical guilt—guilt for specific misdeeds. In this article, I... more
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      EthicsMoral PsychologyPhenomenologyMartin Heidegger
If novels can be arguments, that fact should shape logic or argumentation studies as well as literary studies. Two senses the term ‘narrative argument’ might have are (a) a story that offers an argument, or (b) a distinctive argument... more
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      LiteratureNarrativePhilosophy of LiteratureTranscendental Arguments
Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie zagadnienia specyficznej formy myślenia jaką jest myślenie transcendentalne. Zagadnienie to wymaga jednocześnie przedstawienia historycznych warunków w których rodzi się Kantowski projekt... more
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      Political PhilosophyEnlightenmentHegelGilles Deleuze
In this paper I introduce the transcendental argument for Christian theism in the context of Reformed theologian and philosopher Cornelius Van Til’s thought. I then present the critique proffered by Barry Stroud against ambitious... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionReformed EpistemologyTranscendental ArgumentsReformed theology
El tema del libro es la fundamentación ético discursiva propuesta por Karl-Otto Apel en el marco de su pragmática trascendental. El examen crítico de esta propuesta filosófica tiene el objetivo de reforzar los argumentos a favor de una... more
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      HermeneuticsMartin HeideggerHans-Georg GadamerTranscendental Arguments
By first arguing that the apologist's primary role is evangelistic, the thesis of this paper is that the presuppositional method offers the most evangelistically powerful approach to apologetics, and therefore the most biblical.
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      ChristianityPhilosophyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy Of Religion
Wittgenstein sought to uphold ‘realism without empiricism’. This paper identifies in Wittgestein’s and in Kant’s philosophies a common line of argument that provides a genuinely transcendental argument for (not from) mental content... more
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      EpistemologyKantWittgensteinTranscendental Arguments
According to Ian Hacking’s Entity Realism, unobservable entities that scientists carefully ‎manipulate to study other phenomena are real. Although Hacking presents his case in an intuitive, ‎attractive, and persuasive way, his argument... more
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      ScepticismPhilosophical ScepticismScientific RealismTranscendental Arguments
This paper has three aims. The first and most important is to show that there are at least two independent views in the literature about the nature of a transcendental argument: the first dates back to Strawson (1959), the second to... more
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyTranscendental PhilosophyImmanuel Kant
Tripartite soul apologetics--Cumulative case apologetics and the epithymotic, thymotic and noetic aspects of the soul of man as framework or organizing principle. Pesuppositionalism relates to the noetic function, evidentialism and... more
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      Transcendental ArgumentsChristian ApologeticsCosmological ArgumentsTeleological Arguments
Der Text analysiert Hegels Vergleich zwischen dem edlen Wesen der "alten Skepsis" und dem seichten Wesen der Neuen Skepsis. Hegels Grundidee dabei ist, dass ein Angriff gegen Verstandesdualismen notwendig ist, um überhaupt zur Philosophie... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyGerman IdealismHegel
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      Medieval PhilosophyKantPhilosophy Of ReligionContinental Philosophy
From my correspondence with an African American who intends to study Egyptology and learn Egyptian Hieroglyphics in order to explore issues related to African Originality, Identity, Integrity and Spirituality. Although I am Muslim, I am... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistoryCultural History
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      Transcendental ArgumentsMoral Philosophy
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      Philosophy Of ReligionKarl RahnerTranscendental ArgumentsAnselm of Canterbury
This article describes some of the main arguments for the existence of other minds, and intersubjectivity more generally, that depend upon a transcendental justification. This means that our focus will be largely on ‘continental’... more
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      PhenomenologyMaurice Merleau-PontyEdmund HusserlMartin Heidegger
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemologySelf-Knowledge
En la última etapa de su vida, más precisamente en los Zollikoner Seminaren, Heidegger señala que aquello que ha llamado ontología no es sino otro nombre para lo que Kant llamara lo trascendental. Una indicación semejante no puede sino... more
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      KantPhenomenologyMartin HeideggerTranscendental Philosophy
The aim of this article is to shed some light on the sense – possibilities and limits – of transcendental phenomenological descriptions. Taking my starting point in Husserl’s and Heidegger’s original accounts of the phenomenological... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlMartin HeideggerTranscendental Philosophy
In this paper I present an interpretation of J. G. Fichte’s transcendental argument for the necessity of mutual recognition (Anerkennung) in Foundations of Natural Right. Fichte’s argument purports to show that, as a condition of the... more
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      German IdealismHegelRecognitionPolitics of Recognition
Abstract: In the contemporary literature, transcendental arguments are presented either as ambitious truth-directed arguments with an anti-sceptical agenda (only to be castigated soon afterwards for failing to deliver robust ontological... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophical ScepticismIdealismImmanuel Kant
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      Philosophical TheologyTranscendental ArgumentsPresuppositional Apologetics
ABSTRACT: The couple “philosophy of the concept” and “of the subject” distinguishes contemporary positions regarding philosophical fundamentation. The first understands the subject as an effect, and then implies a radical transformation... more
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      Language and IdeologyIdeologyWittgensteinLater Wittgenstein
Les arguments transcendantaux mettent en évidence ce que nous ne pouvons pas éviter de présupposer lorsque nous avons adopté une stratégie de recherche. Une philosophie des sciences capable d'en faire usage dépasse l’alternative... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPhilosophyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Physics
In this paper, I examine what exactly Kant set out to do in his famous refutation of idealism argument, how he went about it and whether or not he succeeded.
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In this paper, I would like to unravel the metaphysical meaning of the expression “transcendental arguments” that has been overshadowed by the traditional epistemological meaning that emerged in the Sixties. The difference may seem... more
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      Transcendental PhilosophyTranscendental ArgumentsSkepticismFilosofia Transcendental
My aim is to show that there is a crucial ambiguity about the nature of transcendental arguments in the historical Stroud-Strawson debate. Transcendental arguments can be understood either as arguments against (Hume- like) skeptics or as... more
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      MetaphysicsIdealismTranscendental PhilosophyTranscendental Arguments
The major debate in late twentieth-century analytical philosophy turns on the questions of the purpose, uniqueness and results of transcendental arguments. I pursue this debate in reference to Fichte the first thinker after Kant (and... more
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      Johann Gottlieb FichteTranscendental ArgumentsPeter Strawson