Kamil Zeidler
Professor of law, Chair of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of the State and Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdansk, Poland
Address: Department of Theory and Philosophy of State and Law
Faculty of Law and Administration
University of Gdansk
ul. Bazynskiego 6
80-309 Gdansk, POLAND
Address: Department of Theory and Philosophy of State and Law
Faculty of Law and Administration
University of Gdansk
ul. Bazynskiego 6
80-309 Gdansk, POLAND
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Books by Kamil Zeidler
Podręcznik jest nowym, znacznie zmienionym i rozszerzonym w stosunku do wydań poprzednich (2002, 2016), wprowadzeniem do retoryki, negocjacji i teorii komunikacji dla prawników. Wcześniejsze wydania weszły do kanonu literatury z zakresu pragmatyki prawa, uzyskując status podstawowego podręcznika retoryki prawniczej, który wielokrotnie był dodrukowywany i sprzedawał się w wielkiej liczbie egzemplarzy, a zapotrzebowanie na to opracowanie nigdy nie słabło. Niemniej jednak rewolucyjne wręcz zmiany w komunikacji prawniczej, jakie przyniosły ostatnie lata, skłoniły autorów do przygotowania nowej edycji, zaktualizowanej i rozszerzonej o blisko sto stron. W zasadniczej więc części jest to cały czas ta sama publikacja; jednak ci, którzy chcą aktualizować swą wiedzę w zakresie retoryki, negocjacji i teorii argumentacji w zastosowaniach prawniczych, muszą sięgnąć po nowe wydanie podręcznika.
Książka została napisana z myślą o studentach wydziałów prawa i administracji, a także o aplikantach, jako podręcznik retoryki i negocjacji, przygotowujący ich do pracy w zawodach prawniczych. Została równocześnie doceniona przez prawników praktyków, którzy w codziennej pracy muszą sięgać do narzędzi dostarczanych przez retorykę, erystykę, naukę o negocjacjach i teorię komunikacji.
"Kamil Zeidler's book, many years in preparation, will soon become a scholarly event on an interdisciplinary level – not just in Poland. Its outstanding value is a result of the author's broad scholarly horizons, and his vast erudition in the philosophy of law, aesthetics and the history of European art. I was amazed by the wealth and quality of illustrations that most effectively suppplement the author's discussion." Professor Juliusz A. Chróścicki
"The study not only makes it possible for the reader to learn a great deal about the relations of law to a variety of dimensions of culture and art, but, above all, it offers a rare opportunity to accompany an author in cutting fascinating new paths in the philosophy of law." Professor Tomasz Pietrzykowski
Sea-see perspective on law (2020), ed. Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, Gdańsk: Gdańsk University Press, ss.84, ISBN 978-83-8206-117-8. https://en.prawo.ug.edu.pl/internationalisation/study-in-gdansk-sea-see_perspective_law/e-book
Today the aesthetics of law constitutes a fifth branch of legal philosophy – alongside the ontology of law, the epistemology of law, legal logic, and legal ethics. The aesthetics of law is not only exceptionally interesting in itself, but also important in legal practice; further, the scope of its effects in jurisprudence is broader than might appear at first to be the case. There is an extraordinary number of traces of the aesthetics of law – something that becomes apparent as soon as we read successive books and articles with our eyes open for such elements in order to make note of them, and subsequently interpret and develop them. The aim of this study is, on one hand, clearly to set out what has been written on the aesthetics of law, and, on the other hand, to propose a program for further research. This principle makes it possible to create a “foundation,” upon which further aesthetic-legal discussion can arise, a discussion that other researchers – I hope – may join. The results of further study of the aesthetics of law may be of practical use in creating and applying the law, although not only here, since such research relates to a very important issue, which is the formation of the legal consciousness of those whom the law addresses and of their attitudes toward the law.
We have proceeded from a position that the subject of philosophy of law may be dealt with in five sections. These are: (I) methodology; (II) people; (III) approaches; (IV) concepts; and (V) hard cases. The contents of our book reflects this division into parts. At the outset, however, we must mention some reservations.
First, this handbook considers problems of contemporary philosophy of law, but it is by no means a handbook of the history of philosophy of law. Second, this handbook has a module-based organization. In the future, it will be possible to change these modules as required. Thus, it is an open-ended offering, which will certainly - and this was part of the project from the start - be subject to further changes, supplements, and modifications in subsequent editions.
Papers by Kamil Zeidler
Podręcznik jest nowym, znacznie zmienionym i rozszerzonym w stosunku do wydań poprzednich (2002, 2016), wprowadzeniem do retoryki, negocjacji i teorii komunikacji dla prawników. Wcześniejsze wydania weszły do kanonu literatury z zakresu pragmatyki prawa, uzyskując status podstawowego podręcznika retoryki prawniczej, który wielokrotnie był dodrukowywany i sprzedawał się w wielkiej liczbie egzemplarzy, a zapotrzebowanie na to opracowanie nigdy nie słabło. Niemniej jednak rewolucyjne wręcz zmiany w komunikacji prawniczej, jakie przyniosły ostatnie lata, skłoniły autorów do przygotowania nowej edycji, zaktualizowanej i rozszerzonej o blisko sto stron. W zasadniczej więc części jest to cały czas ta sama publikacja; jednak ci, którzy chcą aktualizować swą wiedzę w zakresie retoryki, negocjacji i teorii argumentacji w zastosowaniach prawniczych, muszą sięgnąć po nowe wydanie podręcznika.
Książka została napisana z myślą o studentach wydziałów prawa i administracji, a także o aplikantach, jako podręcznik retoryki i negocjacji, przygotowujący ich do pracy w zawodach prawniczych. Została równocześnie doceniona przez prawników praktyków, którzy w codziennej pracy muszą sięgać do narzędzi dostarczanych przez retorykę, erystykę, naukę o negocjacjach i teorię komunikacji.
"Kamil Zeidler's book, many years in preparation, will soon become a scholarly event on an interdisciplinary level – not just in Poland. Its outstanding value is a result of the author's broad scholarly horizons, and his vast erudition in the philosophy of law, aesthetics and the history of European art. I was amazed by the wealth and quality of illustrations that most effectively suppplement the author's discussion." Professor Juliusz A. Chróścicki
"The study not only makes it possible for the reader to learn a great deal about the relations of law to a variety of dimensions of culture and art, but, above all, it offers a rare opportunity to accompany an author in cutting fascinating new paths in the philosophy of law." Professor Tomasz Pietrzykowski
Sea-see perspective on law (2020), ed. Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, Gdańsk: Gdańsk University Press, ss.84, ISBN 978-83-8206-117-8. https://en.prawo.ug.edu.pl/internationalisation/study-in-gdansk-sea-see_perspective_law/e-book
Today the aesthetics of law constitutes a fifth branch of legal philosophy – alongside the ontology of law, the epistemology of law, legal logic, and legal ethics. The aesthetics of law is not only exceptionally interesting in itself, but also important in legal practice; further, the scope of its effects in jurisprudence is broader than might appear at first to be the case. There is an extraordinary number of traces of the aesthetics of law – something that becomes apparent as soon as we read successive books and articles with our eyes open for such elements in order to make note of them, and subsequently interpret and develop them. The aim of this study is, on one hand, clearly to set out what has been written on the aesthetics of law, and, on the other hand, to propose a program for further research. This principle makes it possible to create a “foundation,” upon which further aesthetic-legal discussion can arise, a discussion that other researchers – I hope – may join. The results of further study of the aesthetics of law may be of practical use in creating and applying the law, although not only here, since such research relates to a very important issue, which is the formation of the legal consciousness of those whom the law addresses and of their attitudes toward the law.
We have proceeded from a position that the subject of philosophy of law may be dealt with in five sections. These are: (I) methodology; (II) people; (III) approaches; (IV) concepts; and (V) hard cases. The contents of our book reflects this division into parts. At the outset, however, we must mention some reservations.
First, this handbook considers problems of contemporary philosophy of law, but it is by no means a handbook of the history of philosophy of law. Second, this handbook has a module-based organization. In the future, it will be possible to change these modules as required. Thus, it is an open-ended offering, which will certainly - and this was part of the project from the start - be subject to further changes, supplements, and modifications in subsequent editions.
However the book will be focused only on the external dimension of aesthetics of law, as a very broad and interdisciplinary field. The main aim of this book is to show various combinations of law with broadly understood art. A fresh and innovative look is important and highly desirable here – both methodological and empirical, focused on manifestations and examples of the aesthetics of law in external frames.
Moreover, this conference covers a very broad and comprehensive range of international law domains. The first panel is dedicated to the remedies/sanctions against IDCHM available within the UN family, in particular UNESCO and the UN itself. The second panel delves into the field of international human rights protection, with the aim of examining redress for IDCHM in the Jurisprudence of the Human Rights Courts. The third panel looks at international investment law, with a particular focus on the pathways for reparation for IDCHM committed by investors and on the accountability of multinational companies/corporations. Finally, the fourth panel addresses the domain of international criminal law, identifying the grounds for punishing individuals who have committed IDCHM.
International Conference on the 550th anniversary of the seizure of the Last Judgment by Paul Beneke. Artists, Bankers, and Sailors. Contexts of the times of Hans Memling.
20-22 IV 2023, Gdańsk , Poland, University of Gdańsk, National Museum in Gdańsk
On 27 April 2023, 650 years will have passed since the victorious action of the Gdańsk privateer Paul Beneke. He captured a Burgundian galley with rich cargo on board, including The Last Judgment triptych. He donated this altar to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdańsk. After centuries, researchers recognised the altar as the work of Hans Memling.
To commemorate 650 years since the appearance of Hans Memling's work in Gdańsk, we are organising a conference devoted to the broad context of this artist's work.