Recent papers in Toulmin
Analyse af teksten ”Clinical Imagination and Clinical Forethought: Anticipating and Preventing Potential Problems”, som er et kapitel i bogen Clinical Wisdom and Interventions in Acute and Critical Care : A thinking-in-action approach af... more
De methode van de 'hedendaagse' casuïstiek, volgens A.R. Jonsen en S. Toulmin, toegepast op een casus over zelfdoding.
L'anno che segna una vera svolta in questo campo è il 1958, quando, in pieno neopositivismo, contemporaneamente e senza collegamento alcuno, escono due libri: -Trattato dell'argomentazione, La nuova retorica di Chaim Perelman -Gli... more
I argue here that Sellars' "Myth of the Given" is usually misinterpreted as having less extensive scope than it usually does. On a sufficiently generic construal of the Myth, I argue that there is a distinctively phenomenological version... more
I argue that both Sellars and Merleau-Ponty should be read as radicalizing, in quite different ways, Kant's rejection of the sensory-cognitive continuum". In Sellars, this radicalization leads him to posit "sheer receptivity", as distinct... more
Robert Brandom‟s expressivism argues that not all semantic content may be made fully explicit. This view connects in interesting ways with recent movements in philosophy of mathematics and logic (e.g. Brown, Shin, Giaquinto) to take... more
The paper proposes a reconstruction of some fragments of Hegel’s Jena manuscripts concerning the natural genesis of recognitive spiritual consciousness. On this basis it will be argued that recognition has a foothold in nature. Such a... more
“Science and Religion Are Complementary.” World Religions: Belief, Culture, and Controversy. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2013. Invited student-oriented argument essay, demonstrating the present writer’s “CLEAR Argument Paradigm,” a... more
Eine etwas gekürzte Fassung dieses Aufsatzes ist erschienen in: Christian Denker (Hrsg.), Lebensform Wittgenstein. Bilder und Begriffe, Wien (Passagen Verlag) 2009 Information unter:... more
Presentación Conferencia Magistral en el XXII EIDL/SIILA
Universidad Nacional de Nayarit, Tepic (Nayarit, México)
11-15 noviembre, 2019
Universidad Nacional de Nayarit, Tepic (Nayarit, México)
11-15 noviembre, 2019
Die Frage nach der Natur des menschlichen Geistes ist das zentrale Thema sowohl der Philosophie des Geistes, als auch der Neurowissenschaften. Die beiden Disziplinen stellen dabei allerdings verschiedene Aspekte in den Mittelpunkt:... more
Inicialmente se relaciona, en este artículo, el concepto de argumentación jurídica, así como su finalidad. A continuación, se refiere la teoría de Stephen Toulmin y un esquema fundamentado en sus planteamientos, aplicable al análisis de... more
Free access to the book available at
Free access to the book available at
Danmark bryster sig af, at være blandt de første nationer, der gik op i miljøet. Men ser man på de, til tider lumre, energisparekampagner, staten iværksatte fra oliekrisen i 1973 og frem, var miljøet fraværende de første mange år. Derimod... more
Buck, Christopher. “Religions Share Enduring Values.” World Religions: Belief, Culture, and Controversy. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2011. Argument essay, introducing the present writer’s “CLEAR Argument Paradigm,” a generative model... more
I argue here that Huw Price's anti-representationalism should take more seriously the partial rehabilitation of representationalism undertaken by Sellars' distinction between signifying and picturing. Although signifying is not a... more
In this paper recognition is taken to be a question of social ontology, regarding the very constitution of the social space of interaction. I concentrate on the question of whether certain aspects of the theory of recognition can be... more
I argue that both Sellars and Merleau-Ponty should be read as radicalizing, in quite different ways, Kant's rejection of the sensory-cognitive continuum". In Sellars, this radicalization leads him to posit "sheer... more
Cosmopolis Stephena Toulmin a -,rtrzecia droga,, w sporze modernizmu z postmodernizmem TOMASZ ZAREBSKI Uniwersytet Wroclawski' odkad haslo ,,postmodernizm" pojawilo siq we wsp6lczesnej humanistyce, niemal natychmiast staio siq przedmiotem... more
This paper deals with a sensitive and controversial topic – objectivity in ethnographic research. More specifically, I would like to look at how reflexive procedures can increase the objectivity of the knowledge produced by ethnographies.... more
This PowerPoint briefing was given as part of a book tour for "The Most Traveled Man on Earth." It covers the following topics: an overview of the life of Judge Harry Toulmin (1766-1823), including his career as a Unitarian minister... more
Christopher Buck, “Public Schools May ‘Teach About Religion’—Not ’Teach Religion’.” World Religions: Belief, Culture, and Controversy. (Academic Edition.) Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2012. Argument essay, introducing the present... more
Este documento contiene instrucciones y rúbrica de evaluación para una política pública compuesta por argumentos sobre una tesis de hecho (género judicial), una tesis valorativa (género epidíptico o demostrativo) y una tesis de política... more
In this paper I draw on the history of moral philosophy in the twentieth century in order to make the case that Rawls's conception of reflective equilibrium and Wellman's conception of conductive argument share the same fundamental... more
[ES]Propongo un analisis logico-informal del argumento del Tercer Hombre del Parmenides como parte de un todo argumentativo, combinando el modelo de Toulmin con el uso de esquemas argumentativos. El analisis pone de manifiesto la... more
- Explores the role of modal expressions as argumentative indicators by using the Italian modal system as a case study. - Uses predictions/forecasts in the business-financial daily press to investigate the relation between modality and... more
ABSTRACT. Around the Stephen Toulmin’s book, Cosmopolis. The Hidden Agenda of Modernity, I would like to present three topics: (i) The Cosmopolitanism (mainly the Eighteen Century Cosmopolitanism) is the basis for the way our... more