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delivering business capabilities, designing knowledge management systems using concepts from systems design, hypertext design and workflow management, querying complex dynamic systems, hypermedia design and development, and model... more
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      Information SystemsManagement Information SystemsSoftware IndustryBusiness and Management
To revise the Wilson and Cleary model of health-related quality of life (HRQoL), with suggestions for applying each of the components, and to facilitate the use of HRQoL in nursing and health care. Organizing Construct: HRQoL, based on... more
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      NursingHealth CareQuality of lifeCausality
( 2 0 1 0 ) Determinants of hospital nurse intention to remain employed: broadening our understanding.
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      NursingLeadershipFocus GroupsJob Satisfaction
This paper 2 extends a proposed theory on information security using pilot data to further refine and elaborate. We argue that the goal of information security is imperfectly understood and aim to bring about an altered understanding of... more
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      Information SecurityResourcesControlsThreats
The emerging digital transformation in the twenty-first century is rapidly and significantly changing the business landscape. The fast-changing activities, expectations and new modes of collaboration suggest it is time to review the... more
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      Strategic AlliancesResearchFutures ResearchTheory Building
Dahlan, AN 2010, 'The critical success factors for the effective performance of Malaysian government linked companies', DBA thesis,
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      LeadershipPerformance ManagementGovernanceKey Performance Indicators
Rigour and grounded theory research Background. Grounded theory methodology is a suitable qualitative research approach for clinical inquiry into nursing practice, leading to theory development in nursing. Given the variations in, and... more
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      NursingMethodologyQualitative ResearchGrounded Theory
This paper examines environmental research in the supply chain management literature in order to establish a framework for current and future development of environmental purchasing theory. As the purchasing function takes on a more... more
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      MarketingSupply Chain ManagementSupply ChainBusiness and Management
Emerald Article: Critical success factors in projects: Pinto, Slevin, and Prescott -the elucidation of project success Ralf Müller, Kam Jugdev Article information: To cite this document: Ralf Müller, Kam Jugdev, (2012),"Critical success... more
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      Project ManagementCritical Success FactorsTheory development
Both information systems (IS) researchers and practitioners consider data governance as a promising approach for companies to improve and maintain the quality of corporate data, which is seen as critical for being able to meet strategic... more
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      MorphologyData GovernanceTheory development
Using seven constructs and four propositions to describe relationships among the constructs, A theory of quality management underlying the Deming management method. Academy of Management Review 19 , 472-509] articulated a theory... more
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      Quality ManagementAction ResearchOperations ManagementManagement Science
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      MarketingAnalytic PhilosophySociolinguisticsCase Study Research
Emerald Article: Critical success factors in projects: Pinto, Slevin, and Prescott -the elucidation of project success Ralf Müller, Kam Jugdev Article information: To cite this document: Ralf Müller, Kam Jugdev, (2012),"Critical success... more
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      Project ManagementCritical Success FactorsTheory development
Managers struggle to cope with complexity in their product portfolios. However, research into diversification, product platforms, and other issues related to product portfolio complexity has often produced inconsistent guidance. This... more
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      EngineeringOrganizational LearningOperations ManagementLearning
Researchers and practitioners have acknowledged the need to understand causal relationships among various elements of total quality management (TQM). In this paper, we model TQM as an organizational innovation. Using the innovation... more
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      EngineeringManagement Information SystemsQuality ManagementManufacturing
In this article, it is argued that the engagement of hermeneutics is common to both the creation of theory in humanistic psychology and the conduct of qualitative research. The theories of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers serve as examples... more
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      HermeneuticsHumanistic psychologyQualitative ResearchTheory development
To revise the Wilson and Cleary model of health-related quality of life (HRQoL), with suggestions for applying each of the components, and to facilitate the use of HRQoL in nursing and health care. Organizing Construct: HRQoL, based on... more
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      NursingHealth CareQuality of lifeCausality
T his paper discusses the value of context in theory development in information systems (IS) research. We examine how prior research has incorporated context in theorizing and develop a framework to classify existing approaches to... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingBusiness and ManagementTheory development
The purpose of this research is to contribute to the theorizing of ITIL. The paper provides a model that conceptualizes the scope and content of an ITIL implementation project, and it tests and validates measurements based on a literature... more
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      Information ManagementProject ManagementProcess ControlITIL
About a decade ago the fundamental operating principle of the Blockchain was introduced. It took several years before the technology gained widespread recognition in industry and academic communities outside of the computer science... more
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      Computer ScienceCase Study ResearchCase StudyUse Case
Abstract Garment development is an iterative process centred on patternmaking to resolve fit and production problems. Each time a sample garment is revised adds time and expense to garment development. Understanding the relationships... more
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      EducationTechnologyPattern CuttingCase Study
This research investigates how PhD students learn about theory. The paper offers guidance on how theory may be selected and used by students, and the steps that students may take to achieve the goal of making an original contribution with... more
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      Doctoral SupervisionDoctoral educationFormation of Doctoral StudentsTheory development
Mobile information systems (IS) hold great promise to support organizational processes. Clear guidelines, however, of how to design effective mobile IS in support of organizational processes have not been developed. Based on earlier... more
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      Information ScienceInformation TechnologyManagement Information SystemsInformation Management
To justify the effort of developing a theoretical construct, a theoretician needs data that bear out a non-random effect of sufficiently high replication probability. To establish such effects statistically, researchers (rightly) rely on... more
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      ParapsychologyBayesian statistics & modellingStatistical InferenceHypothesis testing
Other things being equal, a theory with fewer constructs is preferable over others. In exploratory factor analysis, a common method used in theory development, the most popular factor retention criterion used in marketing is the... more
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      BusinessMultidisciplinaryFactor analysisConfirmatory factor analysis
Aim: This paper is a report of a study to identify nurse reported determinants of intention to remain employed and to develop a model explaining determinants of hospital nurse intention to remain employed. Background: A worsening shortage... more
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      NursingLeadershipFocus GroupsJob Satisfaction
The concept of the vanishing mediator is basically a theory concentrating on a mediation that ceases when its task is complete. However fundamental its function is, it still has nuances that are, when juxtaposed altogether, quite... more
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      Theoretical Frameworks/MethodologiesTheory development
Other things being equal, a theory with fewer constructs is preferable over others. In exploratory factor analysis, a common method used in theory development, the most popular factor retention criterion used in marketing is the... more
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      BusinessMultidisciplinaryFactor analysisConfirmatory factor analysis
People within and outside the information visualization community are motivated to create new tools to address their own unique problems of understanding data. However, the techniques which visualizations use to enhance cognition of data... more
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      Computer ScienceMethodologyInformation VisualizationCognition
Advances in treatment technology and the importance of obtaining normoglycemia in order to prevent or delay complications associated with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) has shifted much of the emphasis of diabetes self-management (SM)... more
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      NursingTheory development
Research on emerging technologies in accounting has often proven difficult to conduct while maintaining the meaningfulness of a new technology-driven phenomena and the rigor expected for accounting research. Grounded theory is proposed in... more
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      SociologyGrounded TheorySocial Science Research NetworkTheory development
The purpose of this research is to contribute to the theorizing of ITIL. The paper provides a model that conceptualizes the scope and content of an ITIL implementation project, and it tests and validates measurements based on a literature... more
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      Information ManagementProject ManagementProcess ControlITIL
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      BusinessSocial PolicyOrganizational TheoryCorporate Social Responsibility
P ublishing in top journals is difficult. Common challenges undermine authors' attempts to explain and influence their discipline's understanding and practice. We identify and describe these roadblocks to publishing success. We also... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyMethodology
Working across knowledge-based research programmes, rather than institutional structures, should be central to interdisciplinary research. In this paper, a novel framework is proposed to facilitate interdisciplinary research, with the... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceInterdisciplinarity
Organizational downsizing research indicates that downsizing does not always realize its strategic intent and may, in fact, have a detrimental impact on organizational performance. In this paper, we extend the notion that downsizing... more
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      Information SystemsSocial Cognitive TheorySoftware QualityBusiness and Management
This paper provides an assessment of ambient theory for smart cities, based on a review of the research literature focusing on key criteria for “good theory.” The literature review is interdisciplinary in nature and a brief overview of... more
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      Smart CitiesTheory developmenttheory evaluation
Information Systems researchers have embraced a number of qualitative research approaches and methodologies, including interviews, observations, and even action research. One research method gaining visibility in IS research is the focus... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceFocus GroupsQualitative Research
This paper proposes a theory on information security. We argue that information security is imperfectly understood and aim to bring about an altered understanding of why efforts are made to engage in information security. The goal of... more
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      Information SecurityResourcesControlsThreats
This paper 2 extends a proposed theory on information security using pilot data to further refine and elaborate. We argue that the goal of information security is imperfectly understood and aim to bring about an altered understanding of... more
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      Computer ScienceManagement Information SystemsInformation SecurityResources
HoW to traNsForm Qualitative data iNto meaNiNgFul QuaNtitative results ** abstract in proposing a procedure for transforming qualitative data into quantitative results, we address the manifold requests for discovery-oriented research in... more
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      Computer ScienceContent AnalysisQuantitative ResearchQualitative Research
Mental health day treatment (MHDT) programs provide intensive group psychotherapy for patients with psychiatric pathology complicated by personality disorder. Recently, researchers have begun to examine specific components of these... more
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      Integrative PsychotherapyTheory development
Charles RAGIN's work, especially his development of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), offers social scientists a way of bringing together the strengths of the qualitative and quantitative traditions. QCA takes a case-based rather... more
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      CausationTheory developmentQualitative Comparative Analysis
This paper proposes a theory on information security. We argue that information security is imperfectly understood and aim to bring about an altered understanding of why efforts are made to engage in information security. The goal of... more
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      BusinessInformation SecurityResourcesControls
Concerns have been growing about the veracity of psychological findings. Many findings in psychological science are based on studies with insufficient statistical power and non-representative samples, or may otherwise be limited to... more
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      CrowdsourcingGeneralizabilityTheory developmentLarge-scale collaboration
Conceptual Model of Health-Related Quality of Life ... Carol Estwing Ferrans, Julie Johnson Zerwic, Jo Ellen Wilbur, Janet L. Larson ... Purpose: To revise the Wilson and Cleary model of health-related quality of life (HRQoL), with... more
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      NursingHealth CareQuality of lifeCausality
Objective-To illuminate and synthesize what is known about the underlying decision making processes surrounding couples' preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) use or disuse and to formulate an initial conceptual framework that can guide... more
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      Decision MakingDecision TheoryEmotionsPregnancy
Abstract Garment development is an iterative process centred on patternmaking to resolve fit and production problems. Each time a sample garment is revised adds time and expense to garment development. Understanding the relationships... more
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      EducationTechnologyPattern CuttingCase Study
About a decade ago the fundamental operating principle of the Blockchain was introduced. It took several years before the technology gained widespread recognition in industry and academic communities outside of the computer science... more
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      Case Study ResearchCase StudyUse CaseTheory development
• Purpose – This chapter reports on a rapidly growing trend in data analysis – analytic comparisons between baseline models and explanatory models. Baseline models estimate values for the dependent variable in the absence of hypothesized... more
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      Research MethodologyHypothesis testingTheory developmentmodel comparison