Humanistic psychology
Recent papers in Humanistic psychology
In order to accept this Student Recruiter agreement with the College of Mental Health Counselling, you must believe in and agree with the value of learning about counselling through the online course described at, and... more
The paper discusses the major characteristics of modernity and post-modernity presented in Passion of the Western Mind by contemporary depth psychologist and philosopher Richard Tarnas. The essay, created for a course taught by Dominican... more
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
In his later years, Maslow divided self-actualizers into two levels, the ordinary self-actualizers and the self-transcenders. This marks his movement into transpersonal psychology and his interest in LSD, particularly the work of... more
Existential psychological perspectives have long recognized that individuals must be understood in one’s context in the world, including their social and cultural context. For existential psychology to reach its full potential in making a... more
As psychology becomes increasing popular internationally, opportunities for United States psychologists’ involvement in education and training internationally has expanded. It is vital that US psychologists give consideration to doing... more
Sigmund Freud (1856–1939), one of the most influential figures of the 20th century, remains also one of its most controversial. Far from being an outmoded icon of modern psychology’s early historical development, Freud’s doctrines (the... more
Hansen (2012b) responds to the author's critique of his humanistic vision by dividing their arguments as either individual or cultural in design. In this reply, the author contends that the individual cannot be extracted from her or his... more
Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to... more
Esta es la presentación de apoyo que usé para mi exposición sobre el análisis de las necesidades de consumo vistas desde la psicología humanista de Abraham Maslow en contraste con la visión de la "economía descalza" propuesta por el... more
A coaching philosophy is a personal doctrine, or individual set of experiences and values, that guides a coach’s beliefs, actions, and coaching style (Huber, 2013). The humanistic coaching philosophy involves a collaborative coach/athlete... more
An introduction to the blind-spot in medicine: human existence is systematically left out of healthcare. Two stories are told that introduce this blind-spot. The first is that of Kurt Goldstein, the WWI German neuropsychiatrist who... more
Shadows & Light: Theory, Research, and Practice in Transpersonal Psychology is a groundbreaking 2-volume series covering many essential topics in transpersonal psychology. Shadows & Light (Vol 2) builds on the tradition of transpersonal... more
Youth experiencing discomfort in educational settings find it difficult to engage, often finding themselves at risk for academic failure. The current study examined, through consensual qualitative research (CQR; Hill, 2012), the student’s... more
Collective evolution is the nature of the universe. From the Big Bang to Purple Rain, all of existence has emerged in an unceasing, cosmically inspired dance. Strange attractors exert an inexorable pull, as the gravity of destiny shapes... more
Paul Tillichs Infragestellung des überkommenen Zugangs zur Religion und zum Glauben hat eine große Implikation für die Psychologie. Er selbst hatte Erfahrungen mit der Psychoanalyse als einer Form der Selbstexploration gemacht, und er hat... more
Цель настоящей работы заключается в произведении семантического, правового и педагогическо-психологического анализа совокупности и синергийной эффективности объектов нормативно-правового обеспечения образовательного процесса в Российской... more
This presentation focuses on the different concepts of human nature and their impact on education. To carry out this task the researchers selected ideas on man provided by three mainstream psychology of the West and compared them with the... more
Meaning in life is generally not considered to be one of the most central aspects of person-centered and experiential therapies. However, Carl Rogers described how clients found purpose in life by going through a process that helped them... more
Peace on earth is not to be expected. First, at least in its subhuman form, the law of nature is survival of the fittest, not self-deferential cooperation. Second, a philosophical consensus to provide needed epistemological agreement and... more
The divide between counseling research and practice is often wide. Humanistic research methodologies such as heuristic inquiry resonate with clinical practice and may bridge the research‐practice chasm through focus on real‐world... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
Endereço: A Psicologia Humanista norte-americana surgiu há cerca de cinqüenta anos, apresentando-se como uma terceira força capaz de fazer frente ao que julgava ser uma... more
“Paradigm shift” has become a catchphrase in contemporary psychiatric dis- course. Philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn (1962/2012) once wrote that when a paradigm shift occurs, [...] scientists see new and different things when looking... more
This writing appears as Appendix I in my book, Transitions in Consciousness from an African American Perspective: Original Essays in Psycho-Historical Context. The book was published in 2004. Appendix I is a comprehensive Timeline of... more
Conférence à l'Université d'été de l'IFRDP:
L'engagement du psychothérapeute
L'engagement du psychothérapeute
ترجمة متاب العلاجات الوجودية إلى اللغة العربية..حيث تناول تأثير الفلسفة الوجودية على الممارسات والتطبيقات العلاجية..وشرح باختصار التحليل الوجودي (الدازاين)..ثم العلاج بالمعنى..وبعدها المدرسة البريطانية في العلاج النفسي..وكذلك المدرسة... more
This paper elaborates on the Ontological Dimension of Whoness, the Ontological Dimension of Gnosis and the Ontological Dimension of Awareness.
Abstract in English (paper in German): Gestalt psychology, with its concepts of the dynamics of tension systems and the formation of isolated subsystems dating back to Kurt Lewin, offers a dynamic approach to explaining the occurrence of... more
Pioneering creativity researcher Frank Barron developed a complex, systemic, ecological vision of creativity. In this book chapter from Barron's Festschrift, I explore the implications of Barron's vision, and connect it to recent... more
Twenty-three descriptions of phenomenology by various phenomenologists (includes references).
Humanistic psychology has a long tradition of developmental thought. Yet, no place has been reserved for a specifically humanistic perspective in developmental psychology textbooks. This article presents a humanistic perspective to serve... more
Dyslexia and Beginner's Mind
AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book summary in downloadable .pdf] According to the poet Elias Canetti, "All the things one has forgotten / scream for help in dreams." To the ancient Egyptians they were prophecies, and... more
Review of: Pragmatic Existential Counseling and Psychotherapy: Intimacy, Intuition, and the Search for Meaning, by Jerrold Lee Shapiro, Los Angeles, CA: Sage, 2016, 362 pp., $53.00
The efforts of psychologists as well as laypersons to identify causes and motives (and thereby explanations) of behavior is examined from an existential-phenomenological perspective. The claim made by modern psychology that its... more
Humanistic psychology has a complex and often-distorted history. Although the early humanistic psychologists were dissatisfied with directions of behaviorism and psychoanalytic thought, it was not, as often is espoused, merely a reaction... more
In this manuscript, I am arguing for the phenomenological approach. In so doing, it is not my intention to create a straw man out of experimentalism by only offering the binary of experimentalism-orphenomenology, of which I clearly favor... more