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      Queer StudiesModernism (Literature)Dance StudiesPerformance Studies
Da C. Vicentini, La teoria del teatro politico (Firenze, Sansoni, pp. 83-124) Sommario: 1 La formula del teatro politico. 2 Teatro e trasformazione storica. 3 Epoca storica e modello teatrale. 4 Unicità e molteplicità del modello. 5... more
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      German LiteratureAestheticsTheatre StudiesTheatre History
Atmosphären sind fragile Dinge. Dennoch werden wir kontinuierlich von ihnen beeinflusst. Gelegentlich sind wir in der Lage, eine Atmosphäre zu erzeugen, öfter aber erleben wir sie und lassen uns auf sie ein. In dieser Schrift möchte ich... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtPsychogeographyAtmospheres (Architecture)
An analysis of the metaphysics, language, and theory employed by Antonin Artaud is his description of Lucas van den Leyden's "The Daughters of Lot" in Artaud's work "The Theater and its Double"
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArt TheoryContinental Philosophy
En Antígona podemos ver como el papel de la mujer a través de confrontarse ante la decisión de respetar las leyes divinas o seguir las leyes humanas toma gran fuerza, puesto que la mujer en el siglo V a. C. no tenía gran importancia como... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyWorld LiteraturesGreek Literature
A monologue about acting to be performed by an actor.
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      Creative WritingPerformancePlaywritingActing
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      British LiteratureEnglish LiteratureIntertextualityEuropean literature
Este trabajo se propone analizar la función del espacio en relación con el lenguaje en las obras cuyo motivo central es el mito de Fedra, Hipólito y Teseo. Su objetivo es rastrear cómo, a partir de las didascalias, indicaciones... more
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      British LiteratureEnglish LiteratureClassical TheatreTheater and Performance Studies
A comprehensive overview of Middle Eastern Theater from the most ancient times down to the present. From the Cambridge Guide to World Theatre
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      Cultural StudiesPerforming ArtsTheatre StudiesPersian Literature
Claudio Vicentini, La teoria della recitazione. Il distacco dell’attore dal personaggio The article (in reference to a previous work, Per un’ecologia delle nozioni di lavoro. L’identificazione dell’attore con il personaggio, «Acting... more
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      AestheticsHistory of ActingActingTheater History
‫الدولي‬ ‫المؤتمر‬ ‫أعمال‬ : ‫اليونانية‬ ‫الدراسات‬ ‫قسم‬ ‫نظمه‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫الثقافات،‬ ‫بين‬ ‫والتفاعل‬ ‫الترجمة‬ ‫والالتينية‬ ‫اآلداب،‬ ‫كلية‬ ، ‫والمعهد‬ ‫للترجمة،‬ ‫القومي‬ ‫المركز‬ ‫مع‬ ‫بالتعاون‬ ‫القاهرة،‬ ‫جامعة‬ ‫مارس‬ ‫بالقاهرة،‬... more
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      Arabic LiteratureLiteratureArabicMolière
Four years after the publication of the volume I, the Queen, this second collection of studies focused on Maria Carolina of Habsburg-Lorraine highlights how much there is still much to explore around this controversial figure and her... more
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesMusicology
This paper focuses on the performative perspective of fear in the contemporary theatrical experience, in order to propose a reading that can be framed according to the direction of Euripides’ Bacchae by the Master of the international... more
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      Greek TragedyPerforming ArtsPerformance StudiesEuripides
En este libro, las autoras estudian las carreras artísticas, las formas de organización, el trabajo creativo y las poéticas de seis compañías teatrales chilenas: La Puerta, Equilibrio precario, La Patogallina, Teatro La María, Teatro... more
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      Cultural StudiesSociology of CultureLatin American StudiesSociology of Arts
The blinding of Gloucester in Act 3 of King Lear raises provocative and unsettling questions about the relationship of violence and spectatorship. After looking at different strategies that directors have followed in staging this scene, I... more
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      ShakespeareShakespearean DramaKinesthetic EmpathyShakespeare in Performance
Skidmore College, where his teaching and research focus on dramatic literature, performance studies, aesthetics, and critical theory. His first book, Baroque Modernity: An Aesthetics of Theater, analyzes the modernist fascination with... more
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      Intellectual HistoryComparative LiteratureArtHistoriography
A Cultural History of Theatre: The Middle Ages. Edited with an introduction by Jody Enders.. Vol. 2 of A Cultural History of Theatre (6 vols.). General editors: Tracy C. Davis and Christopher Balme. Forthcoming  with Bloomsbury, 2017.
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      Comparative LiteratureMedieval LiteratureTheatre HistoryMedieval Studies
Following Charles S. Peirce and Paul Friedrich, this paper attempts to deal with the concept of ‘performative symbols’—symbols that are realized when they are performed. This concept is explored through an investigation of the... more
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      Gender StudiesAnthropological LinguisticsPragmaticsPerformance Studies
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      Performance StudiesQueer TheoryPerformanceQueer Theory (Literature)
Corporeity can be shown as an important study element of the relations between individuals, indicating a singular modus for the development of cognitive-affective processes. The aim of this study was to develop a reflection, starting from... more
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      Musical TheatreTheatre StudiesReception StudiesTheatre History
Atmospheres are fragile things. We are nonetheless constantly influenced by them. Occasionally we find ourselves able to create an atmosphere, but most often we find ourselves experiencing them and allowing ourselves to be immersed in... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtPsychogeographyAtmospheres (Architecture)
Considerando que las investigaciones sobre el Espacio Teatral son relativamente jóvenes, excluyendo las discusiones desde el ámbito de la arquitectura, los nuevos aportes plantean la necesidad de acercamientos más profundos. El Espacio... more
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      Theatrical SpaceTeatroTeatrologíaTheater Studies
A problem seems to undermine the research on history of acting: the scholar cannot get in touch with what he is supposed to study. The actor’s work disappears as soon as the performance ends: according to a famous dictum, the actor «is... more
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      AestheticsTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryHistory of Acting
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      Greek TragedyAncient Greek HistoryTraducciónTragedia griega clásica
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia StudiesNew Media
Το κείμενο αυτό, το οποίο ακούστηκε στο «Διήμερο θεατρολογίας και Σημειολογίας του Θεάτρου» στο Ίδρυμα Γουλανδρή-Χορν στις 26/1/1991, δημοσιεύτηκε για πρώτη φορά στο περιοδικό Διαβάζω, τχ. 300, 9/12/1992 και αναδημοσιεύτηκε στο βιβλίο... more
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      La MamaAugusto BoalIonescoTheater Studies
Θα ήθελα, εισαγωγικά, να διευκρινίσω πως το κείμενο που ακολουθεί δεν έχει στόχο την αξιολόγηση του επί σκηνής γυμνού και της πρόσληψής του αλλά την κατάθεση μιας απόπειρας αναλυτικής προσέγγισης και ίσως κατηγοριοποίησης του φαινομένου.... more
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    • Theater Studies
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassics
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      Postdramatic theatrePerformanceTheatreTheater and Performance Studies
Articoli, codice etico, revisori e guida per gli autori sul sito: Articles, ethical statement, reviewers, authors guidelines: Dall'annata 2009,... more
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      Performance StudiesBody in PerformanceTheatreDigital Life
Da C. Vicentini, La teoria del teatro politico (Firenze, Sansoni), pp. 125-162. Sommario: 1 La nozione del teatro di guerriglia. 2 Teatro sperimentale e teatro politico. 3 La nuova sinistra e il teatro di guerriglia. 4 Teatro di... more
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      American StudiesTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryApplied Theatre
Introducción Este artículo investiga la noción de la hibridación presente en el espacio teatral tradicional (era analógica) y en la performance contemporánea e inmersiva que combina teatro, juego e instalación (era digital). Examinamos a... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectural HistoryTheater Studies
El presente volumen, Estudios teatrales: nuevas perspectivas y visiones comparadas, tiene como objeto devolver la solitaria labor de la investigación al ámbito de lo colectivo donde, al igual que en el teatro, se materializan sus... more
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      Theatre and PerformanceTheatre and Performance StudiesTheater Studies
Sandra Umathum Über seinen Schultern hängt ein langes schwarzes Tuch, sein rechtes Bein steckt bis zum Knie in einer ebenfalls schwarzen Strumpfhose. Keuchend, als imitiere er einen Luftzug, geht er durch das Zimmer; der Rest der... more
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      Postdramatic theatreHamletRehearsalTheater Studies Can the relentless misogyny of medieval French farce still play in the twenty-first century? Check out this brilliant performance of Cooch E. Whippet, as directed by David Beach, which premiered at Lofton... more
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      Theatre StudiesTranslation StudiesMedieval LiteratureTheatre History
Thinking together Samuel Beckett's Quad play and Graph Theory in Mathematics. Finding new alternatives for Quad. It is presented as a workshop in EuroMath&EuroScience 2018 at Krakow/ Poland as MATHEMATICS IN THEATRE: QUAD AND CONSUMING... more
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      MathematicsGraph TheorySamuel BeckettTheatre
Loin d’advenir avec l’électronique et la robotique, l’automatisme se déploie à une grande échelle dès le XIXe siècle, à travers des machines prenant à leur compte les tâches laborieuses de l’humain, mais allant aussi jusqu’à reproduire... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryMedia StudiesMedia Archaeology
ABSTRACT: This article focuses on Gertrude Stein’s 1927 opera Four Saints in Three Acts, which takes a pair of baroque saints for its protagonists and which debuted in a 1934 production replete with deliberate citations of baroque stage... more
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      Queer StudiesTheatre StudiesPerformance StudiesQueer Theory
Este trabajo, primero de una serie, propone y desarrolla el concepto de gracia para caracterizar la comicidad genuina de la comedia cómica calderoniana. De los tres sentidos que el término tiene en castellano, se analiza aquí la relación... more
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      TheologyComedyPedro Calderon De La BarcaSpanish Golden Age
What fun! Blogging the upcoming performance--of the play, that is--right here: **Performance Times have been Updated** And LOL: this is NOT a double... more
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      French LiteratureGender StudiesTheatre HistoryMedieval History
This postgraduate study examines the subject of female self-sacrifice in the ancient Greek tragedy. Specifically, the study examines the cases of four-character self-sacrifice, Alkistis’, Makaria’s, Iphigenia’s and Polyxeni’s, as... more
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      Gender StudiesEuripides (Classics)Women and Gender StudiesTheater Studies
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      Film StudiesTheater Studies
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      PhilologyModern HistoryLiterary CriticismHistory of Literature
This essay discusses the emergence and signification of the unique archival collection, the Uno Collection of Plays by Asian American Women, housed at the W.E.B. DuBois Library at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. This archive... more
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      American StudiesArchival StudiesAsian American StudiesArchives
Seconda edizione corretta e aggiornata del libro "I teatri di Pasolini" (2005). In questo libro l’autore propone un rovesciamento ‘copernicano’ dell’approccio al teatro di Pasolini. Se finora si è sottolineata maggiormente la dimensione... more
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      Italian TheatrePier Paolo PasoliniPasoliniTheater Studies
Δημήτρης ΤΣΑΤΣΟΥΛΗΣ Η Ιουλιέτα, τα τοπία του αυταρχισμού και η ουτοπία των λέξεων Δράττομαι της ευκαιρίας που δίνει η θεματική του Συνεδρίου για να αναφερθώ σε έργο ενός μάλλον παραμελημένου ερευνητικά σύγχρονου συγγραφέα μας ο οποίος,... more
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      ΠολυμέσαTheater Studies